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Got new details from that tragic boat collision that claimed the life of a 15-year-old girl in Florida. An attorney for the man accused of operating the boat, releasing surveillance video claiming it shows that her client was unaware that his boat had hit anyone. Abc's Aika Jachi with more on that video.


Tonight, new surveillance videos showing the operator of the boat that authorities say hit and killed a Florida teen. 78-year-old Carlos Bill Alonso, seen docking his boat after the alleged incident. His attorney releasing the images, stating as the video shows, Bill was alone. He was not drinking, and he had no clue that he may have hit someone. Authorities say 15-year-old Ella Adler was wakeboarding with friends off the Coast of Key Biscayne last weekend. She was in the water with the board attached to her feet when she was fatally struck, the boater not stopping to help. Florida Fish and Wildlife locating the suspected boat in Coral Gables. Investigators seen seizing the vessel and hauling it away. Alonso's attorney saying her client had no knowledge of the accident until law enforcement came knocking at his door. If Bill hit anything, let alone a person, he absolutely would have stopped. Adler, a high school freshman and talented ballerina. Her family sharing this video saying Ella was beautiful and shined brightly. In her 15 years, she gave us more light than we could have ever dreamed. Alonso is fully cooperating with law enforcement. It's unclear at the moment if any charges will be filed.




Aika Jachi with us. New details tonight. Thank you.