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For the presidential election here, where voters are split on the impact of the Trump guilty verdict. The former President received an enthusiastic welcome and a handshake from one of the participants at a UFC fight in New Jersey this weekend. Trump's appearance comes as a new ABC news. Ipso's poll shows nearly half of Americans say he should end his campaign following his conviction. More now from the ABC's White House Correspondent, Mary Alice Parks.


A newly convicted felon, former President Donald Trump, cheered attending an ultimate fighting Championship event in New Jersey Saturday night, posting his appearance on TikTok. Trump again on the attack since a New York jury found him guilty on 34 counts related to falsifying business records, promising revenge and railing against the judicial system.


My revenge will be success, and I mean that. But it's awfully hard when you see what they've done. These people are so evil.


When asked about the possibility of facing house arrest or even jail time, Trump said this.


I think it would be tough for the public to take. At a certain point, there's a breaking point.


Democrats responding.


This is another dangerous appeal to violence, and it is yet another reason why Americans are going to decide they don't want a convicted felon in the oval office.


The legal experts say it's highly unlikely Trump will receive jail time at his sentencing in July. Trump's attorneys saying they plan to appeal by arguing the judge overseeing the case was biased.


Judge Mershon, essentially, I wouldn't say rig the deliberations, but certainly certainly steered the jury towards the verdict that he clearly wanted.


A new ABC news, Ipso's poll showing Americans are divided over Trump's conviction, 50% saying they think the verdict was correct. But almost as many, 49% say they think Trump should end his 2024 presidential campaign over the result.


He had every right that every other criminal defendant has in that courtroom. He got the same due process as any other person, and that's exactly the way it should be.


Mary Alice joins us now from the White House. Mary Alice, you mentioned those polling numbers House. Another striking figure in that data was the number of Republicans who said that they think Trump should now end his campaign.


Yeah, that's right, Lindsay. In our new poll, one and six, 16% of Republicans say they think that Trump should end his campaign because of this conviction. Of those voters who say they don't like Trump or Biden, 67% think he should. This is a tight race, but we are seeing early indications that this conviction could make a big impact in November.


Lindsay? Many pundits believe this election will be won on the margins. Mary Mary Alice, thank.