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Received a groundswell of support, record-breaking donations in favorable poll numbers. All this enthusiasm seems to put her opponent back on his heels in former President Trump's response as Democrats momentum shift has him trying a different strategy. Mary Alex Park says this report on where we find ourselves now and where the campaign can turn into the future.


With overwhelming support from her party. Good evening, Philadelphia, Wisconsin, Detroit, and Nevada. Vice President Kamala Harris is heading into her party's convention with political wins at her back. And with her new running mate by her side, the Harris Wall's ticket is hoping to energize younger and female voters who have in the past been put off by former President Donald Trump. Hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump's type. From day one of her new candidacy, the vice President facing personal attacks from her opponent, Donald Trump, based on her race and gender. The former President going so far as to say she did not deserve her job and questioning her abilities on the world stage.


Look at her. I think they'll walk all over. She'll be so easy for them. She'll be like a play toy. We lose all The whole thing in our country goes to hell. We can't have her be President of the United States. She's grossly incompetent. She doesn't know how to do a news conference. She's not smart enough to do a news conference.


Some Republicans on Capitol Hill calling Harris a quote DEI DEI pick, using the term in a derogatory way to say she did not earn her place in the White House. Trump shrugged in agreement. Do you believe that Vice President Kamala Harris is a DEI hire, as some Republicans have said?


I really don't know. Could be.


At the same event, even bringing up Harris's biracial identity.


I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black, and now she wants to be known as black. I don't know, is she Indian or is she black? She has always identified as a black of which sheHistorically Black College. I respect either one.


Harris is only the second woman in US history to be a major party presidential nominee. The question now, will that change how Trump campaigns against her and prove to be a unique challenge for him?


I think I'm entitled to personal attacks. I don't have a lot of respect for her. I don't have a lot of respect for her intelligence, and I think she'll be a terrible president. She certainly attacks me personally. She actually called me weird. He's weird.


Donald Trump, JD Vance, and their allies guys are out there resorting to sexist, racist tropes. This is their playbook, and they do it because they're desperate. They are terrified.


This swing state poll shows Harris with a double-digit lead over Trump when asked about candidate temperament. If those attacks are seen as over the top, he could play into those voters' worst fears about him.


Trump's political MO has always been the fact that he's not a politician, that in some ways, he's more of a P. T. Barnum. He's an entertainer than he is a political figure. When he goes off script, I think many of his core fans love that.


Trump's first campaign in 2016 was plagued with accusations of sexism and sexual misconduct. This access Hollywood video where the former President bragged about using his celebrity to improperly touch women, shocking the race, just a month before voters went to the polls.


I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab them by the I can do anything.


Trump later dismissing those misconduct claims saying, This was locker room talk.


I'm not proud of it.


As a candidate that cycle, Trump continued to make incendiary comments.


You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.


There was this infamous moment, crossing the debate stage, towering over Clinton, and mobbing insults.


What we want to do is to replenish the Social Security.


Such a nastyA Trust Fund. Clinton firing back.


He sure has spent a lot of time demeaning, degrading, insulting, and assaulting women.


Fast forward to this year, Trump's running made Ohio Senator J. D. Vance taking heat for how he has talked about women, too.


We're effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.


Senator Vance recently defending his comments, saying, What I said is very simple.


I think American families are good, and government policy should be more pro-family.


It's important that Trump won't win the election unless he is able to fix some of the problems he's had with women voters, primarily college-educated women living in the suburbs. That's why JD Vance's comments about the childless cat ladies, I think, put a dent in the Trump campaign.


At the Republican Convention, former staff and family members working over time to show a different side of Trump, a family man.


I know what you hear out there about Donald Trump, but when I look at Donald Trump, I see a wonderful father, father-in-law, and of course, grandfather to my two young children.


Our president pulled me aside, looked me in the eye, and said, Sarah, you're smart, you're beautiful, you're tough, and they attack you because you're good at your job.


Now it's Democrats' turn to showcase their candidate.


She's a fighter for the people. She is an incredible litigator. We have a prosecutor running against a convicted felon. That is not a good setup for Donald Trump.


They tell us they are confident Trump's attacks will backfire, and Harris's record will help her ride this wave of momentum.