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Last cruise, I actually got to get in the ring and give a Stone Cold Stunner to that son of a bitch Hornswaggle.


You gave a Stone Cold Stunner to who? Hornswaggle?


Hornswaggle. He's a dwarf wrestler. Oh, shit. I don't know if you know this.


Definitely don't.


Whatever it is, I don't. You could find the video, I give Swaggle the Stone Cold Stunner. Just like when Sonic gets hit, all the rings pop out. That's what happened.


All his gold just flew out. Now, do you get to collect his gold? That's the rules. Right. Once one dwarf drops. If a dwarf drops a piece of gold, he's not allowed to pick it up. Somebody else has to get it.


No. Then you have to wait for another dwarf to get.