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Hey, mom. Let me talk to her. What's her name? Maureen. Hi, Maureen. Oh, you look young. Your son looks beat up. No, wait a minute. You look like his sister. No, I look good. Are you in Chicago? Yes. I played at Ravingia all the time with the Beach Boys. At the river with the Beach Boys. Would you like... Yes. I think we're playing. I think we're doing it pretty right after the... Yes, I'm coming up there. Would you come to the show if I got your tickets? Come back stage and say hi? Yeah. Okay, I'd love it. Hey, mom. I'm talking. You're still married to dad. You know what I mean? I'm talking to her. Just hitting on my mom. What are you saying? Sorry, I'm not hitting on her. John Stamos, hitting on my mom, live on my show. But she's pretty. Yeah. Very pretty. I don't know- That's why I look like this. You should have looked at me. You should have looked at me. You're a real dad. You're a real dad.