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Hey, Whisky Ginger fans, your boy is back on tour. I'm touring this fall. Come see about me. I'm in Indianapolis, then I'm in Charlotte. I'm in Waukey, Iowa, which is Iowa City, Omaha, Nebraska, Kansas City, Cleveland, St. Louis, Grand Rapids, Detroit, New Orleans, San Antonio, Chicago, my home, Durham, North Carolina, Atlanta, Charleston, Philly, New York, Phoenix, San Francisco, back again, San Diego, Boston, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Go to AndrewSantino. Com for those tickets. Andrewsantino. Com Go grab them tickets now.


In here, we pour a whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk This is a puja.


You owe me $5 for the whiskey and $75 for the horse.


Ginger's all hell no. This whiskey is excellent. Ginger. I like ginger.


Ladies, gentlemen, welcome back to Whisky Junior. My guest today is one of my favorite people on Earth. I say that from, I guess, but I mean it once again today. It's Kaitlyn. No vows. Plane Jane, Alter Ego. She's here.


Cheers. Cheers. Thank you for having me.


Thank you. Take a little sip. Take a little sip.


Take the edge off. I'm a little nervous. Can't lie.


Delicious. Really good for the soul. The juice.


The glass is even better, though.


I know. See, you could have one if you want. You could take it home.


I would love that. I love a good souvenir.


All right, so let me start by saying this. For people that don't know you, fans might not know who you are from my show. I saw you online. I found you. Who am I? Scooter Braun? I found her, and I put her in the malls. I found you on TikTok. I loved your shit on TikTok. I was like, Oh, she's so good. And then I was on my way home from the airport sitting in the Uber, and I was just scrolling through all your stuff. And I was like, Man, you're really, really talented. I hate to say this because it sounds condescending. But I don't find a lot of great female rappers. I just don't see a lot. There are a lot that are out there, but not a lot that I'm like, Oh, I really like this style. So I liked your style. And I didn't mean that. What a compliment. It's a good compliment. I don't mean it in a back end. It's just like, there's not a lot of female rappers that I can go, Oh, I really like I connect with it or I like it.


I'll take it. I appreciate I really appreciate it.


When did you start?


Give it all to us. Yeah, I know. Started very young. It's been an obsession of mine. I've been a fan of the genre since I can remember. I actually was raised on more blues, classic rock. Oh, yeah. I'm the only person in my family that listens to hip hop.


Where are you from here?


I'm from San Diego, originally. Okay.


Can I guess? Yeah. Rancho.


Rancho Bernardo.


Is that I guess you're right? Yes.


Is that where you're really from? Yes. North County Rancho Bernardo. Shout out, R-B. He shoots, he scores. No way.


No, I swear to God, I didn't do any research. I didn't find it. Shut. I'm I promise you. I shot in the sky. Wow.


Do I exude?


Yeah. I figured- North County? North County. I figured North County.


Okay. Yeah. What about me is North County? I'm interested.


Blonde, tall.




Very nice. Thank you. Yeah, You're sweet and affable. Thank you. You don't have this... I might have grown up. What's that little town east of downtown? What's that little... Oh. God, why can't I think? Oh, Coronado? No, no, no, no, no, I moved to Southern California with a bunch of San Diego guys.


Oh, really?


Oh, yeah. Like La Mesa. You're not from La Mesa. You're definitely not from La Mesa. I moved to Southern California with San Diego and Bay Area kids, and we all moved to Long Beach together.


I was born in Long Beach.


Come on. What are we talking? Belmont Shore?


This is getting weird. No. No. Honestly, I only lived there for five months. I was born, stayed there for five months. My dad was in the Navy. So we actually, I lived till I was two years old in Jacksonville, Florida, I guess. Came back to San Diego because my mom hated it. And the bugs, the weather, she didn't fuck with it. And then I was in San I go ever since. But born in Long Beach. My mom's from Torrance. Hell, yeah, dude. And lived in Torrance. Bunch of my family lived there for many years. I was just towards the tail end of it.


And then San Diego is where you- Yeah. Because my My best buddy and partner in crime, Bobby Lee, is a San Diego kid. He's from Poway. You know Poway? Yeah. He came from Poway High. Yeah. He can't get in the... What is the Hall of Fame? Are you in your high school's Hall of Fame yet?




A notable celebrity?


Not even an honorable mention.




Nothing. They haven't reached out for a fucking thing. What's the name of the high school? Rancho Bernardo High.


Rancho Bernardo High. Do the right thing. Stop playing around. Google who's in the Rancho Bernardo High Hall of Fame. Do Do you know any of the celebrities that went to your school?


I'm sure there were some. I honestly only know Blink 182 went to Poway.


Yeah, Tom DeLong went to Poway, right?


Didn't he go there? From R. B, no. I probably sound so dumb right No, what are you talking about? I'm not tapped in on any famous people from R. B. A lot of athletes. Yeah, athletes.


Give me some of the athletes that were there.


Matt Arrezeia, Hunter.


Got to get a punter out of there.


We have a defensive lineman, Eugene Amano, Hank Balak, MLB third basement, Parker Bug, a pitcher.


Baseball's big. Baseball's big. Big. They pull from the R. B. Team.


I guess Tom DeLong went there, too, but he didn't graduate. Right from there.


He just wanted to touch all the bases in San Diego. He was like, I'm going to go to as many high schools as possible. Also the former drummer for Blink, what are you two?


Scott Reynor. Oh, did not know that.


Okay, see? Now you're informed and you're going to get in there. Interesting. Do the right thing. Okay, do the right thing, Rancho. Put her in. I don't know why you wouldn't. She's on the rise. Yeah, come on. Get it in now before she blows up and doesn't want to come back and do it.


Yeah, then it's too late.


Would you go back and do a show at your high school? Would you ever do that? They asked me one time to do a 20-year, my 20 year high school reunion, I think.


Honestly, I love that shit. You do? I feel like, yeah, why not?


I can tell you why I didn't do it. I don't want to do comedy in front of a bunch of people I graduated 20 years ago. I do that already when I go play the show.


So I was like, in the high school would be so weird. Yeah, I definitely see what you're saying there now that you- It would weird me out. That's a little weird. Yeah, I couldn't do it. But it could be fun for just reminiscing.


Well, you're making music, so it's a little bit different, too. I mean, it's a little harder for me to stand on one of those high school stages on an auditorium stage.


Yeah, so weird. I guess I'm up there by myself, but still, you have shit going on on stage. It's like you and a mic. I respect that heavily. I've always I'm like, that's got to be crazy. Just you, microphone, silence. Until they laugh.


That's why we feel, musicians and comedians always have this mutual respect because the balls it takes to start the thing, it sucks. It's hard. Totally. And then to keep going and then to weave your way through the business, because I don't know the music business. I'm imagining it's as complex and bureaucratic as our business. It's got to be a nightmare. It is. So it takes a lot of balls. So I always give credit to anybody somebody who's live performance. It's a tough, shitty thing to... I don't know your history well. We can find out. But having a job while you're trying to do this other thing and you're working to pay so you can continue in those days where you're like, I don't fucking even know if I want to do this shit anymore.


Yeah, it's a very tough space. The music doesn't pay a lot.


In general- No. But you're making money now, though.


Yes. But even as a massive artist, sure, If you're Taylor Swift, if you're Drake, if you're- That's a different story. Right. You're making money off your music. But I mean, royalties pay 0.003 cents or something like that. It's bullshit. It's crazy. What the music pays. But in this new landscape, at least how I came up, or I mean, I'm still coming up, but how I entered the space is from social media. And you can make a lot of money on the brand side of things. Sure. Brand partnerships.


That helps you fund all the other stuff.


That helps fund the music. Yeah, see, that's the move. When people see me doing a corny ad or something like that, it's how I'm creating the music. You're paying rent. I'm paying rent with it. The music, it's really, really hard to not have another job and make music when you're first starting out, for sure.


I mean, that's how we've... How long have you been doing it now?


I dropped my first single in 2020, but I've been making relationships and trying to get my sound together because I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I did not want to put anything out until I really had some time behind a microphone and really honing in on the sound I want to present to the world. So I did that for quite a while before I got the courage to drop my first single. But I've been circling back to when I started. When I was 10 years old, I wrote my first rap. So No. Yes. Do you still have it. Do you still remember it? No, I don't. But I think I have it written on a computer paper somewhere.


You have to remember a piece of it. What was going on in a 10-year-old mind?


I think I remember the beat. It might have been a Mims beat, low key.


A Mims? Yeah, you stole a Mims beat?


Yeah, I think.


What would you think you'd be rapping about at 10 years old?


Oh my gosh. Boys.


Yeah, it's all about boys.




But it can't be explicit. Things I probably shouldn't be rapping Well, maybe, yeah.


Honestly. But yeah, just kids stuff is obviously trash.


No, I bet it was pretty fire. Maybe. What was the girl? Remember the girl, the Friday girl? No?


Oh, my God. Rebecca Black? Yeah.


I remember listening to that, and then people got like, shitted on that young girl, and you're like, She's a kid. That's what a kid would make. Exactly. I can't believe people got so mad at that. Remember how mad people got? They were like, This is a child.


They were like, This sucks.


Friday was great, by the way.


It went massive.


Remember when you got off the bus on Friday? Yeah. Holy shit. And the neighborhood was out.


Hating on children was at an all-time high on the Internet.


All-time high back then. Yeah.


It was like, if you were a kid, you were bound to catch some fucking shit.


You're right.


So you're- Thank God I didn't drop that.


I say you put it out now. Yeah. Put it out now.


Might go crazy.


Yeah, might go off. Yeah, might go crazy. Well, Drake might love it. We'll be right back. I want to get back into your history, but because we're here, even though by the time this comes out, this will all have been, I bet, dissipated. But who do you have? You have Kendrick or Drake.


Who do you got? You want it real time.


Yeah. Well, I mean, do you want me to give you a second to think about it? Because I'll tell you for me. Yeah, go ahead.


Let's see where the rooms are.


Well, I mean, him and I, this is all we talk about. Because I'm a big hip hop head. I grew up loving hip hop, and I didn't really... He started to get me into commercial rap a little bit more, too. He's a hip hop for how young he is, which is surprising. But he has introduced me to more commercialized rap, which I like current rap. Do you know what I mean? But I grew up with TRIBE and De La Soul, and I'm 40, so it's a different era. But I love a lot of new shit. Kendrick represented to me stuff that I remember from when I was young. So the nostalgia also helps. Kendrick feels like hip hop that I remember loving when I was young. Definitely. So I already was always on his side. So it was harder for me to get on a Drake side because I I thought, Drake, great rapper, great commercial rapper, great pop artist. He was never the thing that I... You know what I mean? Culturally. So I'm a sucker because I already bid into the Kendrick camp. And then When this last shit came out, I was like, Well, that's that.


That's the beginning and the end of it. You're going to tell me you're on Drake side?


No. No. Look, I'm from the West Coast.


Yeah, you're already biased to Kendrick, for sure.


I personally have always I thought Kendrick's pen is just unmatched. He is such a leers.


He's one of the best, if not the best.


And similar thoughts. Look, I grew up listening to Drake. I actually went to Drake's concert where ASAP and Kendrick opened for him. And that's where I found Kendrick and ASAP at that time. Look, love Drake for the hits. I actually, personally, I definitely love Top 40. I love it. Yeah, pop music is great. I do. But one, with the beef, I got to go Kendrick. He just lit him up. Also That beat was so fucking good. Oh, my God.


All of them were great. They were so good. He had an alchemist beat. He had a mustard beat.


It was so creative. The mustard is fucking so good. The mustard beat sent me back. Mark my words.


It hurt my feelings. It was so good. No, totally. I was like, Jesus Christ.


Mark my words. I'm using that beat. If I ever go on LA Leakers or Sway or something, I'm freestyling over that beat. That was so nuts. I'm a big Kendrick fan. I'm also a Drake fan. But with the beef, I think Kendrick just did his thing. It's just that simple.


Use that beat on L. I. Leakers. That's really good, actually. Just stay away. Don't go on Adam 22. He'll bait you into beefing with someone or something like that.


Yeah, that...


They're so good at that shit, man. That's a little messy for me. They're so good at that shit, man, about making people fight. It's amazing. But this was the greatest- I can't do beef. No. Well, this was the greatest beef if there was going to be current day beef, because it's just two prominent artists that are nothing alike, which I've said. It's incredible. Before bummed me out at the beginning because Biggie- Yeah, they're so different. Biggie and Pop were great because it was almost equal. This is apples and oranges.


It's not the same shit. I agree. That's why it's hard for me. I think I know who won in the beef. I think we all know who won. Yeah, we all know.


The streets know.




Except for Toronto, bro.


But it also just shows how different hip hop is now than it was when Big and Park were happening, how much more commercial, how hip hop is ruling the top 40 now. And we have a bit of a sub-genre problem because someone like Kendrick is not like a Playboy Cartier, these guys, and where that killed the rock genre when it split into a million different genres. Hip hop is almost so big of a catch all that it might cause problems down the line because shit like this.


Yeah, but I think it's healthy for the art in general, because it's only getting it more attention from people that, quite frankly, probably don't give a shit about it. So it's just getting more ears and eyes on shit that people might not listen to. There's an old white dude on TikTok I follow, and he really loves modern rap, and it's so fucking funny. You couldn't believe he would like it, but he tries to rhyme along, and it's really, really bad. But it's genius because you're like, I would have a... You've seen this guy, I'm sure.


I know who you're talking about.


But I was like, I'm sure he doesn't... I'm sure for years, he probably didn't like hip hop. Something just clicked with him in the current day. Okay, let's spin backwards. Now that we know that you voted for Drake.


Oh, come on.


No, no. So San Diego, mom and dad, still together? No. Okay. Yeah. That's why you got into hip hop.


Something happened. Yeah.


Dad walked away. Dad went to the beach and never came back. No, no, no. I'm going to go surf, Kate.


Dad's great. How old were you when they separated? Like seven.


Yeah. That's good. Yeah. That hurt. Yeah, that did. That's where that rap came from.


Fucking dad. I had to turn somewhere. I don't know. Something about it just captivated me. It's just been since I found it, I was like, just one of those things. I'm like, I have to do this. And the minute I tried to do an M&M song, word for word, make sure I had every lyric, a Jay-Z song, I was like, I'm I sound pretty good. I had a swag. I knew that it's something that I just had a knack for, a talent. And ever since then, I've just been obsessed with it.


Did you hide it from your friends?


No. You were out loud about it from the beginning. My friends were... I played basketball growing up. Shooting guard?


Yeah. I got it all pinned down. I could feel it all.


What? What are you looking I'm not going to, bro.


Nothing. But I'm just saying I'm just throwing easy darts. For me, it's almost like when someone's like, I can guess your number. You're like, well, there's only so many numbers. Two or three. Yeah. You're not going to be a five.


No. I actually had to play a small forward at my junior college.


Where'd you go to Juco?


Palomar. Shout out Palomar. Shout out Comets.


Shout out them Comets.


They really came up after I fucking left.


Did you finish school or no?


Yeah, I did. You did? Mm-hmm.


What was the degree in?




Dissect me. Go ahead. Peace me apart. Did you ever want to use it or no? Good guy.


Great guy. I did. I did want to use it, but I always knew where my heart was. It was in music. And it was in music. So I was never going to let myself just, I guess, not have a plan B, but I only saw plan A. Every time I tried to picture myself using my degree or being a therapist or something like that, I just couldn't see it. I always had, from a young age, just this vision of me being a famous artist. That's great. It's just something that I had this, I I saw it, and when I put myself in something else, it didn't make any sense in my head. I just couldn't let it go. So I just didn't.


I'm going to be honest with you. It's a hard place to get to, but it's cool if you have that. When I shot that show, a little Dickey show, Dave, Dickey always talked like that. Big fan of the show. Oh, you are? Yeah. Well, you took a shot at him on one of your songs, which I really like.


I did. I did. Loved it. Hey, it's all love.


I shoot him all the time. I tell him all the time. I say, My favorite rappers are black. I say that he bothers him so much.


I figured if I could shoot at anybody, it's Dave. You could shoot at anybody.


You could shoot at that guy.


Yeah, you could shoot at him. So I figured he was- No, he doesn't care at all.


He was the perfect- But he had that same thing about himself. You could call it confidence. Some people think cocky, but he believed in himself so much. He knew that he manifested his own reality.


It takes a delusional vision to do this. And you are delusional. I am. No, I am Delulu. Straight up. Delulu? I'm Delulu, straight up. But it's good. But you need it. I don't know that you can keep going.


Well, in the rap world, comedians are faced with heavy bouts of imposter syndrome and anxiety, and we overthink. Same. But I think for you guys, is you have to mask that with something because the performance has to just... You have to emote as a rapper that you're the shit pretty much all the time.


I'm glad you brought that up.


We don't have to do that. We don't have to be like, I'm the shit. In fact, a lot of us are like, I'm shit. That's why you like me.


And you can put it into your bit. I feel like that's the lure to the comedians is just this self-awareness. Loveable losers. Yeah, but that's what I'm I was so nervous to come on, and I don't do interviews or podcasts because I'm not that fucking cool. You're pretty fucking cool.


The crew you brought in was great.


Thank you.


No, everyone's been...


You have that cool factor. I can be cool. Don't get me wrong, it's not a facade. I have swag, but I'm also goofy, and I'm not like... I don't exude just like, Wow, she's so fucking cool. I'm a little I'm a little, you know, nerd.


You spit on my cone when you walked in, which I thought was a little weird. Did I? What? She, you go, Get my bag, bitch. And then you spit right on. Shut the fuck off. Isn't that crazy? She did that to you? It was awesome. But it was very cool. In here, we pour whiskey. This episode of Whisky Junior is brought to you by Squarespace. I've talked about Squarespace so much on this show, and that's because I use them and I love them. They're incredible. When I was first building websites back in the day, it was impossible to find one that was efficient, that looked good, that was user friendly. Squarespace makes all that stuff so simple now. Their blueprint AI and SEO tools are incredible. A completely personalized website cater to whatever you got going on, whether you're selling stuff, promoting yourself, you just want to write a good blog, or you're an influencer of some kind. You can easily launch your website and get discovered fast with integrated, optimized SEO tools. So you show up much more often to the audiences that need to see you. We sell content all the time. They help you facilitate that.


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Ginger. I like ginger. It was very cool. I wish I sometimes had that energy, though. No, you don't want to be that person. No, no. Because then you walk in, Everyone takes you seriously. A little bit.


A little bit. But then they also rag on you behind your back.


Yeah, true.


Sometimes if you try to play that thing too much, most people can see through it, particularly if they're artists, right? If they're peers of yours, they know what's phony and what's legit.


Right, totally. But Russ actually gave me some great advice.


He was like- Love Russ, by the way. And for those that don't know, you guys made a banger together. Oh, yeah. It's incredible. And that dude, so talented. How did you guys link?


That record. Yeah. Yeah. Off TikTok.


Look at it. God bless TikTok.


And people actually had asked me if it was premeditated or planned, and it truly was organic fan love. They ran it up organically. And he reached out. We dropped the song, Platinum Record Top 40. All organic. That's how I linked up with him. Cheers. Cheers to that. Appreciate it.


That's a great moment.


What a cool moment in the world. It was a moment of my life. It's the moment I had been working for.


You're going to have a lot of those moments.


I really hope so.


This seems like just the beginning. Because truly, when I found you, I thought, I connected with it. I liked it. It was so fresh and different. And I was like, I really... I don't know. Something about it was... I just feel like you're on the precipice of a big swing. And if I'm wrong, you can't blame me. No.


That's the good thing. No. It means a lot because I truly just stay in my house, and I really don't really go anywhere. You just make music all day? I make music, and I'm cool with my cats, home, making music in my studio. I don't do much. So I do have some imposter syndrome. When I do these things, it's nice to hear just people like, Wow, I really think you're dope. And the Russ cosign was huge. It validated me because I get in my head. I'm just like, Am I that good? Can I do this? I think we all think those things. Don't listen to those guys. But I try not to listen to those guys. But Russ gave me some good advice. And he was like... Because during that time, there were some opportunities for maybe going on LA Leakers and doing a freestyle or whatever. I couldn't because actually I went on tour. He had invited me to open for him. I had two weeks to figure everything out. To prep? And prep and figure it out. That's quick. So I couldn't make it to LA Leakers to do a freestyle or whatever or do an interview.


And I linked up with Russ and he's Yeah, why haven't you gone on anything? And I'm like, I'm scared to be myself. I'm really nervous just to be me because the Internet is terrifying. It's the worst place on Earth. Perception is just like, it's all terrifying. But he was just like, That's real. Just say that. Be you. Just say you're nervous. Say you're afraid to be yourself and fucking just be yourself. I think people will fuck with it. So I was like, You know what? Take that advice. And I took that advice on tour. I was really nervous for my first show. I had done The Peppermint Club. I had headlined my own show at The Peppermint Club for my first show. It was 250 people. I sold it out, which I was very excited about, and I didn't even know at the time that that's important. Yes. They take note of that shit. Absolutely, they do. I didn't really realize how big of a deal that was to make sure it sold out, but luckily, it did. My next show was on Russ's tour for people. The night before we did rehearsal, and I was like, I'm fucking nervous, dude.


I don't know. He's like, Well, what are you nervous about? I'm like, I'm going to forget the words. No. Because I don't do... I leave my track open. I keep the main vocal in for the hook, maybe, but I leave my verses open, and it's just like, if I'm not rapping it, you're not hearing shit. I was like, I'm going to forget the words. He's like, Okay, cool. Forget the words. Tell him you forgot the words. Start the song over. They They really like humility and being a regular person. Well, yeah. That's good advice.


They like flaws. They like flaws. It shows that you're- Trying to be too perfect. No. Well, you're not a robot. You're not a fucking robot. You strive for perfection, which is such a good quality to have as an artist. But also, what the fuck? I've told jokes twice on the same set because I didn't remember what show I was doing. And it fucks with your head because you're like, God, I'm running this new hour. It happens. It's funny you say that. For my birthday, I was in Vegas and I got to go see Nas, and this was, oh, God, I want to say six or seven years ago now. And it broke my heart because I was a Nas fan girl. I grew up thinking, still to this day, I think Illmatic is one of the greatest albums front to back that's ever been made. Probably, in my opinion, might be the greatest. That's also because big Primo fan. Who's a buddy? Fired. Huh? A little name drop. Friend of the show. We love Primo. He's the best. But also, I don't know. It was like, that was everything to me. Then I saw Nas in Vegas, and he had all his lyrics on a teleprompter, and it made my heart hurt too much.


Oh, really? I was like, No, Nas. But I don't know if he was fucked up. I don't know the circumstances. Maybe. It was old songs. It wasn't like new shit that was like, Oh, maybe he'd scramble. But it bummed me out. Then I thought, Man, how human. Who gives a fuck? How human. It was the most human shit. I don't think he was really using it at all. It was there just in case.


Yeah, a little safety net.


But it did make me feel like- Honestly, it sounds amazing. Nas is like us. I was like, he's one of us. He's one of us. When they do the People magazine, when they carry their garbage, they're like, Celebrities carry their own trash outside. They're really one of us. Nas uses his own lyrics. Yeah. It just made me, I don't know. A part of me thought how it was weird to see into that window because I was side stage, but also beautiful to be like, yeah, human, human, human. Genius, still. It was human, so it didn't change anything. You know what? You forget your fucking lyrics, Kaylyn. You do whatever you need to do.


You know what? I did on tour. Wait, you did? Yeah.


Did it happen multiple times?


You know what? It feels like it's 10 minutes that it's happening, and I After every show, I would look at all my mentions and watch the performance, and I see the exact part where I like... It's like maybe one time, Big Mad is one of my more popular records. And before I dropped it, I toured it and got the reaction from the crowd. And it was always the best song in my set every night. And I did the second verse first and then did it again. But no one knows. Why would they care? One, the song wasn't out. Two, who gives a fuck? I was still rapping. I just fucked up the verses. And I looked back in it like, it looks like nothing ever happened. The way I handle it. But in my head, on stage, I'm like, oh, my God. What do I do in that split second? And then you just figure it out.


It worked.


I had in-ears, so I was able to hear I leave my adlibs in. Oh, you do. And doubles. So I was able to hear what word was doubling in my ear. And I was like, Oh, I'm on the wrong fucking part of the song. But honestly, no one... I did that a couple of times. For I forgot a word here, there, but no, it was really nothing.


Do you have a little bit of this when you're on stage? Do you have a little drink with you?


Yeah, I did. But I had... So on my writer, I had a tequila Patron. Uh-oh. And it was... I just didn't... My writer is like, nothing. I'm like, what do you mean? Yeah, ours is hilarious. Well, I'm just like, I didn't even know what a writer was. I'm like, water? I guess, what the fuck else? They're like, Do you like any snacks or drink? And I'm like, I mean, not really. I'll get it myself.


Right. We're the same. We're the same way. I don't want all that bullshit.


I'll bring my own goldfish. It's all good. But yeah, I did ask for some alcohol and beers. I love a Mexican beer.


What are we talking? Corona?


Corona or Pacifico. Pacifico.


No Modelo, huh?


Sometimes. Modelo is definitely on there. But for my writer, I think it was Pacifico. And so I had Patron every night, and not to an extent of like, I'm getting drunk, just a shot before I go on. I just needed it, warm me up a little bit, just loosen me up, and I cannot go near it anymore. Really?


No. So tequila in general or Patron?


Just Patron. Fuck Patron. Just Patron. I really learned just the taste of Patron. Now, it's just so salty, and it is flavorful to me. It's just something that's just distinct, the smell. I can smell it- Are we talking Blanco? Yeah. Blanco. I can smell it a mile away, so I can't do Patron anymore. But 1942 all day, every day.


Okay, yeah. She goes to the top shop. That's so funny. She's like, I can't drive a Honda anymore. But there's something about these Benz's that are so nice. Yeah. You went from fucking whatever to 42 is the top.


I would have loved 42, but that was on Russ's writer.


Might as well.


So I got a little bit on tour here and there.


Yeah. We try to keep it pretty even when I tour with the guys. When I tour solo, it's a totally different thing because for me, I don't have anything on the ride or I don't really give a shit. I also, I don't know what mood I'm going to be in that day. So sometimes I eat before the show. Sometimes I eat after the show. I don't want anything back there besides water because I know my fat ass, I'll just snack on bullshit. I'll snack on whatever the bullshit. We have bags of popcorn. Sometimes they give us, sometimes they, a local restaurant will want to come and be like, Hey, can we bring you food? And every fucking time, even if we've just eaten, I'll eat again like a little pig. And it's the most embarrassing shit because I can feel myself judging. And there's always mirrors in the dressing rooms. So you're watching your little fat ass eat in front of the mirror.


I fucking hate it. They're fucking everywhere.


So I'm seeing myself being like, You fucking fatty.


Don't do that. A hundred %. I hate it. It's best I probably didn't have much on it because I'm that way, too. When I'm nervous, too. Goldfish is the ultimate nervous snack. You're just nonstop.


You said that twice. You love goldfish. I do. I fucking love. You want to name your next I'll bring the goldfish. Honestly? Because I think that's fucking fly. Honestly, on brand. I'll bring the goldfish.


On brand. On brand. Flavor blasted.


Flavor blasted. So good. Come on. So good. What's up with the rainbow goldfish? What are we selling here?


I think it's baked.


Is this a marketing ploy?


You know what? They taste the same as the other ones. They're pretty close.


They're pretty close.


They taste a little healthier to me, but I don't know. Is any of it healthy? They do, but are they healthier?


There's no way, right?


I don't think any of it's healthy. It's got to be the same shit. Yeah, but it's good.


They're not that bad. You don't have to feel that bad about it.


No, it's my go-to. I'll bring the goldfish, Kaitlyn. That's fire.


Tell me where Plane Jane came from. Because when I saw that video of you talking about Call me Kaitlyn or Plane Jane. I love the name Plane Jane so much.


Thank you. Yeah, so I obviously went with my government name, Kaitlyn. Partially because my brand and just vibe is very authentic. It's just been me. This is what you're getting always, all the time. I'm relatively no different. Unless I'm a little nervous, I might talk a little bit more, be a little more bubbly. When I'm home alone, I'm a little bit more chill and just relax. But yeah, I just needed a little different of an outlet, alter ego, to tap into. I felt like being too connected to my name and who I am, just I didn't feel like I could ever step outside of that box. It had to be very authentic to me, my own experience, my own life lessons and things. Anything I was writing about felt like it had to be me, which is great, and I still keep it that way. But I also just wanted potentially an alter ego. Maybe I could venture genre-wise and maybe have an artist Plane Jane Spotify artist page where I drop under there and it might be something a little bit different. But I came up with it based on the fact that a lot of people looking at me face value, call me a basic white girl, very plain.


Blonde White girl, California girl.


California girl, just plain and just basic. And I'm like, Let me just lean into it. That's good. And just be like, okay, yeah, that's my vibe. And Plane Jane It felt cool. It has a little sauce to it because it's the plain Jane. That's who I am. If I'm getting a watch, sure, maybe a bus down here and there. But I like a classic, just no diamonds, just plain. Also, it just felt cool and just a little bit playing into the thing people like to jab at me.


So you'll take and throw it right back at him?


Yeah. I don't really care.


I think you do a whole album about a plain Jane and have every song be like shit, like doing the dishes, cleaning my cats, a fucking litter box.


It's real. Yeah. Put it right back at them. I did that today, right before I came here. How many cats do you have?


You said cats. Two. Okay, two is the limit. You know that, right? No, I know.


Three, and then I'm crazy.


Don't we all know two is the ceiling? Yeah. Two is pushing it. Well, let them play together. That's fine.


I get that. One gets lonely. Give them a friend.


But three- Three enters a world of We're worried about her. Four is, oh, she must be running a small organization out of her apartment. Five and above is like, you might be making bombs. You're planning on killing somebody.


100 %. I cannot venture.


They're going to be in your freezer. They find them in these women's free. You know what? Remember on that show? On Hoarders? Hoarders, yeah. She had them in the fucking freezer. Did you ever see that?


Oh, I've seen Hoarders.


This woman kept dead cats in the freezer. That I can't. She's like, I couldn't let them go.


I can't.


When we moved into our place, our old place, My dog would always dig under one of these bushes in the backyard, always. She digs all the time, so I didn't think anything of it. Then she kept like, she would really get aggressive, and then she'd be territorial. I'd go buy it, and she would get all weird about it. I was like, What the fuck is she doing? Then one day, I went underneath there because I sneaked underneath there and I saw all the bones. The people that lived in our house before, they had cats, a lot of fucking cats, because when we moved in, I wanted to torch the place. It was fucking... I mean, they must have had 10 cats in that fucking house. And there were bones. They had buried all their cats in the backyard. Oh, my God. Yeah. So we made a nice bones, marrow stew for a couple of weeks. It got dark. It was so nasty. It was nasty. Yeah, there were so many bones. The dog kept bringing up bones. I was like, they must have buried a dozen cats in the backyard of my house.


That's crazy. Yeah. So they were lunatics. I can't cross over. I'm not going to lie. I would love 20 cats. No. No, I would. Caitlin, we can't. I would, but I can't. I can't. You cannot. Just for, optically- Two is the ceiling. It's just not going to work.


But I'd be worried about you at that point. Yeah, I'd be worried about myself as well. And the music would suffer.


Oh, 100%. I'd be cleaning a litter box all day.


Well, isn't there something about- Or I'd hire somebody, I guess. Look that up. Isn't there something about what cat's pheromones do? Isn't there like a fucking- Does it do something? Yeah, fucks with your brain. Oh my God. There's something in cat saliva that is- Maybe that's why I'm a little off. Yeah, no, 100 %. I was going to say that when you walked in.


Then I'll be... Kylie Jenner, I think she has a A whole dog pound of those, I don't know the breed, the skinny long muzzle. They're like racing dogs. Like wiener dogs?


Oh, you mean like a greyhound? Yeah.


She's a bunch of those. She does? At least from what it looks like, there's At least 6 to 10, maybe.


We'll see, look, too many cats, crazy. Too many dogs.


She has somebody probably taking care of them. A hundred %, yeah. She doesn't know where they are. Exactly. And it's like, I really would just be scooping He's doing 20 cats shit.


Scooping cat shit all day? Yeah. What is that cat thing? There's something about their saliva that affects people's brains.


Yeah. Could you put me on? Because...


There's something called toxoplasmosis. Yes, toxoplasmosis. Yes, correct. This is a real thing. Is it in their spit? Tell her what it is.


It says, well, this says fatal attraction phenomenon on humans. Cat odor attractiveness increases for toxoplasm-infected men while decreases for infected women.


So maybe you're in the clear. You might be in the clear. Yeah. Okay.


I don't Then I'm just weird for no reason. Yeah.


You're like people that live up in the mountains. If you ever go up to Aspen or Brecken Ridge and all that stuff, you ever go to the mountains and you see people in the offseason, in the summertime, and you talk to the locals. And shout out because we had family up there. But man, those motherfuckers are strange birds. Mountain people are... Because the elevation, the blood, the blood's way thinner, dude, you talk to people up there and you're like...


Elevation fucks me up. It does. It does.


Yeah. You get performance fuck up from it? Yeah.


I just want to... You get drunk so quickly. So fast. Incredibly fast. Which I love. Which is great, right? It's cheaper, it's more effective. And you get way more fucked up. But you get a little fucked up up here. You get dumb. Dumb as a rock. Yeah, you get a little dumb. But that's okay.


It's fine. I'm a little dumb. He's very dumb, and he's made a career out of it, which is incredible.


Incredible. I mean, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, for sure.


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Ginger. I like ginger.


Now, I think you must be very smart to do what you do, but we're dumb in other areas. Yeah. In our regular life, execution sometimes can be dumb because you're focused on art or something more important to you. Are you a single girl? Are you married, engaged, dating? What are you doing? Who are you?


I keep that a mystery. Good. You should. You know? You do what you need to do. I like to keep... I have to show up a lot online to try to promo my music. Yeah. So I try to keep some a lourd in mystery. That's good. Maybe, maybe not. Well, that's what keeps you comfortable. I'm having fun. I like to have fun. Okay. That's my answer.


I get it. I get it. I get it. You do whatever you need to do. And you're on the road. So you're not married. I'm not married. You're not married. No. Right. But the blogs have it all. They do say that every city, you fuck about five guys. That's what they say online.


I wish the blogs would write about me. They literally refuse. We could start it.


Start it up.


They refuse.


No, no. You're on the come up now. And I think that everyone's going to start paying more and more attention. I mean, you have to be able to feel it. When I saw you online and I reached out to you, I thought, I feel like you're on the precipice of something. I feel like the growth is there. And I could be totally fucking wrong. Who knows what the road leads, but it feels like you're- I hope you're not wrong. I feel like it's coming for you, right?


I think so. I mean, I'm biased to myself, but I do think I'm a fresh talent. I mean, I feel like- You don't look like anybody in the game right now. Yeah, I'm different. That's a good thing. I'm different and personally think I'm dope. So I think people just need to find out. I think meeting with Russ and being under his wing, he got to know me and see my music and and how involved I am in the music making process. And he was like, You just need the right song and you're out of here. It just comes down to the right song, the right one. And I had that moment with him, with Handsomer. I had a great follow-up record with my song Big Mad. But I'm here. I clearly got to prove myself, keep going, keep being consistent. And I think the right song will all make the right song, and hopefully, it'll take me to that next level.


I mean, you will. Also because look, as long as you keep working at it, it'll find itself, probably in the way you least expect, to be honest with you. Yeah.


That's how it always goes. It's how it always goes. Handsomer was super unexpected, honestly. The fans loved it, and I didn't even really put that much thought into it.


Don't tell them that. She worked diligently on it for months and months and months.


But that's how some of the best records are made.


Sure. When it just comes out.


Yes. It's just like, boom.


Do you make the music as well, or do you have a producer that you usually use?


I usually use a producer, but I'm heavily involved in production as well. I think a lot of people think the making of a record or being a producer is you have to know how to press all the buttons, right? And that's just one aspect of building an entire record. It's structure, it's ear candy. It's moments to keep the movement going and what instruments to add, picking a specific 808, a specific horn, a specific instrument that is the exact sound you're looking for. There's thousands of 808. You got to know which one is the right one that's going to make the track smack. I'm super involved in that way. And obviously, writing. Well, you do all that. For those of you who think I have a ghostwriter.


Oh, dude, do you get called out for that? Do people say that you do? Oh, yeah. Really? Oh, yeah. Why? They're like, this white check isn't fucking writing this shit.


They're like, no way. I write my own music. I literally am alone in my bedroom. I write my own music. I collaborate with people, too. Sure. We'll run sessions where I'm with two producers and a bunch of people, mainly friends. I'm just with friends.


Friends that are also in the game? In the game.


We'll make music together. But yeah, I write all my own stuff. That's how I got here. Otherwise, I'd be waiting on somebody to send me a hit. I don't have time to wait on anybody.


You don't feel like the industry has got you. Are you on a label?


No. Good. No, I'm independent.


Stay free, baby.


Yeah, I'm independent. I've done this all independently.


Good for you. And even if you do get on a label, whatever works for you, whatever works. I think just doing it independent at the beginning is so much better because I don't know. There's something about it There's more organic shit coming out of people when they're doing it on their own.


100%. I think artists who sign right off the bat to a label get signed, and then There's everybody that's a part of that label taking care of all the aspects of the business for them. It's not just creative. I run a business as well. There's a lot to learn, and And if you're dumped from that label or they drop you and they're uninterested, now you're at square one. You have no idea where to go. You have no idea how to market yourself. You have no idea how splits work, how deals should look, How there's so much back-end to the music industry, just how to collect your royalties. Publishing is a whole 'nother world. Nobody teaches anybody that shit. They don't want to. It's such a dark world. They don't want to teach anybody that.


I don't know why music is so dark like that.


It's very dark. They don't want artists to know anything. They're never going to do a bad deal. They're a business themselves. They're never going to do a bad deal. So no artist is... Unless you've built leverage for yourself, where you can partner with a label, where it's like, okay, maybe we 50/50 partner, but you don't want to get yourself borrowing a bunch of money, and you're in the hole, and you can never make money off your music. So I think being independent, I I am so happy that I've had to work my way to this point independently because I know and I've learned so much that if I do partner with the label down the line, one, I'll know who's supposed to do what and what it's supposed to look like. You know what I mean? They could say a bunch of things they're going to do, but I need to see it. Show me.


Show me the money, Gerri. Yeah. And it's like...


And two, if it weren't to work out, I'd be You're doing your own thing. I could go back to doing what I know and know how to push my own music and grow my fan base. And honestly, that's all you need.


Yeah, you need the fans.


You need fans. You need to know how to push your music and garner a fan base. And if you can do that, at the end of the day, labels are a bank. Big time. And they are- And they're taking interest on that ass. Yeah, exactly.


They're taking interest on that. They are Those advances, they look nice, but man, oh, man, are they getting that money back?


It's crazy. At the end of the day, it's like, they can help you. I'm not trying to shoot myself in the foot here. Do it. Put those feet up and- But they can help you become famous. Yeah, of course. Famous. Put you in blogs, get you a rolling stone.


Tons of press and all sorts of like, put in front of the camera.


Events. But if that's what you're then you're probably not suited to be an independent artist because there's a threshold. They're not going to let you on the red carpet. They might if they like you and they're a fan of you, but you're not in the system. You're not getting pitched for a bunch of shit. Look, I can hire my own PR. I can do all that myself and not have to borrow from a marketing budget and pay interest on it. But at the end of the day, it's like a lot of it is just for looks and fame. That's not necessarily what I'm here for. I'm here to get people to listen to my music. That probably sounds cheesy, but it's like, that really is what it's about. I don't need all of that. I'm not saying I can't do it. I'm not saying I can't do a red carpet or can't do the glitz and the glam. I'm not going to just freak out and hide in a corner, which, hey, that's cool, too. But I don't feed off of that. That's not what I'm I'm not in it for the right reasons. No, you're in it for the right reasons.


So independent works for me.


Yeah, you're doing it for you and it works, and it's going to continue to work if you have that mentality and it goes through.


Exactly. It's like, if it happens, great. But I'm not after being the most talked about, the most well known. If that happens, amazing.


Yeah, then you won't text me back. Yeah. Then I'm like, Hey, you want to come back on the show?


That's one thing about me. Block, delete. Anybody who has tapped in early, and I hope you all are listening to I'm going to say this. If you tap in early, you're good with me for life. Oh, really?


Locked for life.


Locked for life. I can't forget it. I'll trust you on that. Because it's been hard to get people to believe in me. Yeah.


I mean, it's the hardest thing at the beginning is that. And also then Because you want to reach for these things. Who to you would be... Okay, I want to... Who's your dream person to collab with? And then who is the most unlikely either influence or person you would want to collab Who do you think we couldn't imagine that you'd... I hate to say that. What do they call that when it's like your guilty watch? Which I fucking hate because it's like, that's partly who you are anyway. Who is somebody that we would never predict, but you're like, secretly, I would love to work with so and so.


Okay. Well, let me start with Dream Collab. There's a lot of them, okay, obviously. But I'm going to go with Doja Cat.


No, she's great.


Doja Cat is just- Listen up, Doja.


She's just- She's watching the show every week, so she'll be watching the show.


She's just the best to do it, and is so unique. Her sound is so versatile. I mean, her writing is crazy. Her tone, delivery- She's so talented. Her look. I mean, that is the ultimate goal of what I'd love to be as an artist. But she has more of a cool factor than me, for sure. She's a little bit more unique in that sense of style and things like that.


That's branded and built over time.




You will probably be the same.


Maybe I'll come into that. I would imagine so. But that's a dream collab, one of them. But I'd say right now, that's for sure I can't... That's who I'd love to collab with. But an off-tilter? Let me think.


Who would be somebody that you'd be?


That would be like, Oh, that's so It doesn't have to be a hip hop artist either.


It can be... You know what I mean? It can be... I mean, Kendrick did Taylor Swift, right? You're right. I still can't get over that. That is the wildest shit to me. It's like such opposite. I would have never been able to... Other than the fact that she's the most famous fucking person on Earth, obviously. But I would have never thought that that would be a thing that they would meet. You know what I mean? It just doesn't.


Also, we forget about even with Drake, and obviously, I said with Kendrick on the whole thing. But hip hop was commercial before. I mean, obviously, it started in '73. But the first couple of tracks that came out before the message, that's the joint, Funky 4+1, the original Sugar Hill stuff. It's all just fun party escapism.


It's party music.


It's still just about that.


It's still like, celebration of culture. You're saying hip hop is Taylor Swift? Is that what you're trying to say? I'm just saying- You're trying to say that hip hop- I'm saying Taylor Swift is the greatest hip hop artist of all time.


That's what I'm saying. She won the Drake-Kedrick B.


Taylor Swift's greatest hip hop artist of all time. Period.


Incredible. Period.


And Beyoncé is the best country music of all time. Period. Fuck all you country fans that don't like it. It's the best country music album I've ever fucking heard.


And Drake is the best babysitter Canada has ever seen. I have to agree. That's right.


That's right. So who's the-Okay, here's the thing. Give me Left Field.


I don't know how Left Field... I think if you look at me and you would put us in the same room on the same track, you'd be like, What the fuck? But it's also the genre I'm in. So it's not really That's not that weird. That's not that weird. But imagine me and Lil Wayne in a music video.


No, I could imagine that. I see that.


But that feels like, wow. With my tall, white girl. For me, that'd feel crazy to me.


Wayne would be When we be king.


But genre, that feels like we could do something. It feels like it could happen. I'm trying to think of someone left. I don't know. I feel like if I say a pop star, they'd picture me on a pop song.


Well, maybe. What about, like you said at the beginning of the show, you grew up liking blues a lot.


Oh, okay.


Soul music. You like soul music?


No one's... Shout out to my mom for this. She's going to love this. But I love Johnny Lange. Are you familiar with Johnny Lange at all? Really? Yes. Okay.


Is this your mom's favorite artist, too?


One of them. Yeah. But I just... Something about that man's voice. Sure. I think that's left. That feels left.


That feels very different. Yeah.


That'd be cool. Or like...


Your mom's so proud right now.


She's fucking loving that.


Caitlin, that's exactly what I want from you. You and Paul Anca. You know what I mean? She's throwing out these.


Yeah, I don't know. Something in that genre of classic rock or like, I don't know. My dad would... Who would he throw out?


Who did your dad listen to when you were young?


Fucking Rage Against the Machine. Oh, really? Or some shit like that. Yeah. Wow. Your dad? Yeah, my dad's a rock guy.


How old is your dad now?




Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, that does sound right.


So, yeah, big- It's so funny, the gap of how old my parents are.


And I think my dad and Rage Against the Machine. It's like my dad would be like, what the fuck is this shit? He would hate it. Something like that. I grew up on Sam Cooke and all that stuff. My dad like Carolina Beach music and soul. Yeah, it's so funny. Rock was near my parents' generation in terms of the in the '70s, but my dad was an old soul. He loved old school shit. He didn't like any newer... He does now, but that's the gap jump my father made. He knows my dad well. My dad likes old soul music, and then he likes fucking Miley Cyrus.


That's my mom.


Like, he loves old soul, and then he's like, This is fun.


Exactly. She has such a range of who she likes. Now, she's super up on both. She's so into Teddy Swims right now. I showed her Teddy Swims.


I was going to say, You influence or this is you.


I was like, If you like Johnny Lange or like, Bluesy, he has like a bluesy sound to him. Yeah, there's a bluesy vibe.


Yeah, like a rock vibe.


Sound you're going to love. And now she just nonstop, like won't stop playing it. That's great. But maybe something like that. That's a little left. But honestly, nothing in my head. I love a wide range of music. Hip hop's my first love. That's everything to you. That's everything to me. But I can I'm pretty musically talented, so I feel like I can do other things if it called for it.


Can you play a lot of instruments?


I play the drums. Wow. Random.


Drums is pretty rare.


I played guitar as a kid, but it never stuck. I just wasn't that good at it.


Yeah. You didn't want to sing Dave Matthews at a frat house or anything like that? No. That didn't want to be your future?


Yeah. My family would love that, honestly.


I said that because I ran into a couple of college buddies last week, and I remember this one dude we went to school with, he used to fucking... He was a pretty good... He was really good at guitar, but he would get just coked out of his mind at a house party in college, and he would be like... Oh, just... He had fucking strumming his bleeding it from his fingers playing like Dave Matthews' band. I was like, dude, what How old are we living in?


No, not my thing. No. But yeah, I can mess around the drums. I'm not really that instrumentally talented. But as for... I'm a good writer. I write well. That is your music? My music is writing. I'm Lyric-driven. Don't ever ask me to freestyle. I get stressed.


I sweat. That's such a weird thing to put on people. It's a weird strength. Well, this is my thing about freestyles online now. When I was a kid, freestyle was genuinely a freestyle, right? And now that's long gone.


I grew up freestyling. And it's a muscle, right? I was good then because that's all I did was freestyling with friends or whatever. But once I put my pen to the test, I totally abandoned freestyling because it just wasn't near as good.


Well, a lot of guys now are doing written shit anyway. That's what's a little weird for me because it's like, I loved hearing freestyles when I was younger. And then when you find out a lot of guys in the newer world, they write, and that's part of this whole freestyle, but it's a verse that you already wrote. I don't know. It's a weird thing for me. It feels like to me in stand-up, we have We have guys that are only joke writers, and some guys are only crowdwork guys.


Maybe there's a freestyle element to comedy.


Crowdwork is all freestyle. But a lot of guys that do a lot of crowdwork, they use the same bits over and over again. So that's another... It's a very similar field. It's the same thing. Totally. But I don't like doing crowd work anymore because I'm too old. When I was 25, I fucking talk to everybody. I don't want to talk to these fucking guys anymore. I just want to have fun with you and give you the jokes that I wrote. I want to interact sometimes, but I don't want to be A little someone that came to the fucking show. I don't fucking give a shit. I'd rather just tell you the joke I wrote. 100 %. Let me fucking spit you the song.


It's the same thing. Trust me, it'll be better. Yeah, I worked hard at it. You'll want to hear that over my basic ass bars that are coming up off the top of my head. Most freestallers you hear people can respect it because it's off the top, right? But they're not great. They're usually trash. Some of them are pretty impressive. And then some are like, Harry Mac.


Harry Mac is unfucking real. That is- He is untouchable. He's so good.


An actual talent that is incredible. He freestyles how I write and think for that long. He's so witty. That's just not most people.


No, he's a rarity.


But it just depends. But that's not me. I like to write. It's therapeutic for me. I like to sit down, think of the direction I'm going and things like that. It's just It's more artistic, I guess. Sure.


Do you have a dream venue?


Yeah, I do. Definitely. I mean, I would love to do the Hollywood... Well, I technically did the Hollywood Bowl, but I'd love to headline the Hollywood Bowl. Right.


That's a different lead.


I came out with Russ for the Hollywood Bowl on tour, and I opened. But obviously, it's different when it's your own show. So I would love to do the Hollywood Bowl.


Was the sun still up when you were there? Yeah. I hate that shit. It's tough. I've talked about that on this show. I've seen bands that I... I've gone to see a band open, and the sun was still setting, and we didn't even want to see the fucking headliner. And I was bummed because it's like sun in your eyes, the sound of shit. It's not there yet. It's tough. The night needs to settle before that show.


The vibe is not there. People aren't in their vibe yet.


No, they're going to get a hot dog, going to get a glizzie outside.


Exactly. They're walking around. I hate that. It's distracting a little bit. There is one show on tour that I remember at Sunset, and it was in Toronto. And it was a beautiful... I hope it was Toronto. I'm pretty sure it was Toronto. It's Amphitheater? Outside? Outside. And it was, I think, Budweiser, something, some Budweiser theater.


Hell, yeah, buddy.


But the view of the water with the sun hitting, and that was my view as I'm performing, I was like, This is great. I loved that. But not every show was still light out because my time varied based on how late the curfew was or how late you could go. So if we could go later, we essentially pushed it back as late as we could. And if we had an earlier time that we had to be finished by, I would go on in the broad day life.


I fucking hate that shit. Budweiser stage. Budweiser stage.


It was really cool.


In the sixth, she's back in the sixth. She's talking about Drake again. Guys. See, she keeps going back to Drake. She's back in the sixth. It's crazy. No, I'm We've got you pinned, Kaitlyn.


I'm West Coast. Come on, I'm West Coast.


I know. We're giving you shit. We're giving you shit.


I love it.


Okay, corny question, but real one. Yeah, please. Who's your top five? Or give me top I agree. Just give me a few. It doesn't have to be in order, and everyone gets asked this, but I do want to know. No, I appreciate it. Because I want to know if you have a sneaky name or something in there.


Okay. Are we talking all-time artist?


Yeah, dead alive, it doesn't matter. Any genre. Yeah, dead alive, it doesn't matter. Whoever you loved. I'll give you time to think in this regard where we talk about this all the time. In the comedy space, there's always guys that I named that… There's a guy named Greg Gralda who passed away. I don't think you know who that is, but he was one of my favorite of all time. But he's in my top Dead or Alive. People might be like, Well, I didn't even get to live long enough to legend out the top five. I don't give a fuck. He's one of my top five. With that in mind, Dead or Alive, doesn't matter how long they were in the game, how famous they got. Who is it?


Okay, one of them, I just have to go off top.




Beyoncé, sure.


Done. Easy. Lock it in. Final answer.


I've been to every tour.


Every tour?


Every tour. Wow. Since she went solo.


You could have bought a condo with all that money that you spent on those things. From what I know, she's like Taylor Swift tickets, the same shit. Yeah. Like a cheap tickets, 300, 400 bucks. Yes.


It's fucking bananas. And you want, but the way she- No, I get it. It's worth it. I get it. It's worth She's one of the greatest artists of all time. So Beyoncé has always been at the top for me. The big B. Okay, if we're going longevity- Sure.


Any way you want to go.


Longevity and just icon, Nicki Minaj.


She's incredible.


Been a fan since I was younger and still a fan, and she's one of the greatest to ever do it. It's a fact. Beyoncé, Nicki. That's Beyoncé, Nicki. Let's throw a guy in here. You don't have to. No. You stick to the women. Let's do it.


Because the guys need help.


I am personally going to go with Wayne. Lil Wayne. Yeah, Lil Wayne. Greatest rapper alive, in my opinion, doesn't get better than Lil Wayne. I like that. I'd say those are my top three- That's your top three, for sure. Icons. Now, the list gets longer. Of course. There's more. But I'd say those are solid.


A lot of Drake collaborators, Will said.


Yeah, she does like people with the lab with Drake.


A lot of Drake, Nikki and Wayne. Do you notice this?


Yeah. We go right back to that. She loves Drake. It started as a bit, but I think it might not be a bit. Yeah, we were right. I guess the high school, I guess the position of basketball, and I guess that she's Drake. Let's go, Kendrick.


This has never been a got you show, but it is now. I know.


What's going on?


Oh my God. The subliminal influence that he's done to me. The fans know that we're just kidding. No, it's all good. Honestly, it's all love. I love Drake's music.


I know. We know.


His music is great.


I know. We're not trying to catch you in anything. It is very funny, though. Those are big collars. No, they are. But Wayne, undoubtedly.


Kendrick, Kendrick, Kendrick, Kendrick, Kendrick. He's the king.


Wayne, undoubtedly, is so fucking good. And to make the transition from when he was young, the music he was putting out when he was young, which was a little bit of a- No, those Hoppeways records were great. Get out of here. Cut it out. They were fun, but it wasn't the same. The lyrics were terrible. The beats were fucking fine. It was just... They're of the time. It was like amp up It was like amp music. It was like hype shit. But anyway, that's your top three. Yeah.


We'll take it. Yeah, I'd say that. We'll take it. What about you?


My top three hip hop artist of all time? Yeah. I'm an old fart, weirdo.


So I think- Who Who cares?


Well, I think Gangstar. I think Guru and Prima. I think Gangstar is one of the best hip hop groups in the history of hip hop. I just think it was... I don't even know. Every time I put on a Gangstar album, I was like, Well, this is fucking... This is top That's what matters.




I would say Gangstar. I would say...


It's a tough question.


I know it is really tough, but I just keep going back to youthful stuff that I could listen to over and over again. Big L didn't live long enough, but if he did live long enough, he would have easily been in there. If he lived longer, that would have been one of my favorite ones.


He's like a Graldo, though.


He's just like Graldo. He is like a Graldo to me. He died way too fucking young, and he was on the precipice of being so I hate that shit. It's just like you hear a guy like that at that age, and you're like, holy shit.


His first album was so good that it's a bummer that more people didn't have him on to feature, but they were scared.


I think they were scared of how much he would beat the track.


Jay was on his first album, and he was still alive for Jay's first, too, but he never brought him on.


I think people were afraid of his... His ability was... He was so fresh. He was so good. Yeah, he was so new. I'll just say Big L for fun, just to spice up. And then my third favorite, another three would be Trump. Trump's album is so good. He should put out a hip hop album. How fire would it be? Come at me, bitches. Imagine if anybody had been. That was impressive. But he basically did have a fucking rap beef live in front of us with Hillary Clinton, and he smoked her. It was crazy. The same thing just happened that we're seeing now with Drake and Kendrick was what they did. And Trump is that guy that's so careless that it's like he just wins because he's careless.


God, between Drake and Trump. You would have me sitting right here. No, it's all good.


No, people know. Who would be a third? Probably... Mccone knows me well enough. Who would be my third, Coney? Who Who do you think? That's really hard. It's really hard. Maybe- I don't know. Maybe. Someone tribe, maybe? No, not tribe. Nas? Not Nas anymore. I mean, I love Nas so, so, so much.


But not a top three.


It didn't last forever for me.


He's in a renaissance right now, though. He's in a second renaissance. I know.


The new shit he put out is fucking phenomenal. I think maybe... Jay-z? Maybe Ditty. No, I'm kidding. Maybe... Come on. Come on.


We're really getting into it. Maybe R.


Kelly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, no. Maybe... Come on, I'm better than this. Come on, Connie. You know me well enough to know.


I mean, I'm just thinking about my own.


Yeah. I don't know. Honestly, it's hard because I would have to have somebody modern, I guess. I'll tell you I'm on right now, but isn't one of the greatest of all time. But I've talked about him so much. I think Roddy Rich is the most fun motherfucker alive.Oh.


He's great.I.


Fucking love that, dude.He's great.He's fun. He is. He is. He is. He is my turn up in the car and go fucking ape shit. Yeah. I love it so fucking... I don't know why. I was telling him it just gets me in such a good fucking mood.


Yeah, he's a great artist in general.


But everyone in that circle I like. Like Jid. I just think that whole circle is just something's happening.


It's next level.


But then the And then the other things, then I love fucking Staples. I think he's fucking incredible. I love Schoolboy Q. It's too hard to get through the... It's too hard these days. Because these things were back when I was young. It was like you were Tupac or Biggie. There was nobody Just existed. Right. Now, it's like, Everybody exists.


That's why it's a tough question for me.


No, it's really hard.


For you, it's harder. There's so many dope people, especially now. I have new female rappers I love. And I'm like...


You want to plug anybody that we don't know about? Is there somebody that you should be looking out for?


Oh, that's a good question.


It could be Kaitlyn Plane Jane, maybe.


Yeah. Plane Jane, baby. Let's go.


Keep putting out shit to the universe. That's the only way it's going to work.


That's how I've gotten Here is straight manifesting. You said you wanted to be on the show. No, I did. You know what, though? I'm a big fan of Dave, so I think I manifested this. You did. You probably put something together. You were incredible in it. I think me just seeing your face for so long I'm going, this is great.


I need to be- I love this. I need this to get me somewhere with, this will work. And then you said that and one of the cats was like, and you were like, yes, yes, yes.


And then boom, all of a sudden.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. As you're scooping cat shit, the hole in the ceiling opens up.


It was working. It's magic cat shit.


Are you on tour right now?




No. When are you going to go back out? Who knows?


Who knows? I did my first show since tour, which was in I think. I got off that tour in 2022. Got on stage for the first time, literally last weekend. And? For Connor Price. I don't know if you're familiar with Connor Price. Do we know Connor Price? Do you know Connor Price? He's a hip hop artist. And he does other genres of music. But we have a song together called New Phone.


Oh, yeah, I like that. New Phone.


I love that song. Thank you. And I came out for that and I- Connor Price. I got it all back.


Connor Price, Canadian actor and rapper.


A Canadian?


Canadian actor and rapper.


Kaylyn, another Canadian rep.


What are you doing today? I have to go. No, no, no, no, no. I have to fucking go, bro. Dude, this has turned into something so funny. Now it's like such a good bit.


No, this is great. It's a good bit. Keep it going.


It is a good bit.


And Canada is a top-Top performing place for you?


Yes. Oh, Kaylyn, no.


Shout out Canada.


Shout out Canada hard, though. We fuck with Canada big time. We played Massey Hall in Toronto, and it was one of the most fun shows.


Canada supports Kaylyn.


Massey was incredible. How beautiful was that shit? Calgary, class. It sounded Calgary fucking-It's stunning. And we love the West Coast a lot, too, though. I thought Vancouver can fucking. I love all that shit. We fuck with Canada, but LA is king. And that's how we feel because you're an LA girl now.


I'm basically a native.


Yeah, you're close enough. Well, look, I appreciate you being on the show. I could talk to you for hours. I hope people indulge in your catalog. I hope people follow you, find you, see you live when you decide to go back out on the road. Where can they find you on the Internet?


Tell them. On the Internet, you can find me on all the social platforms. Tiktok, Instagram.


Hit them with your handle.


It's Kaitlyn, we dropped the vowels, you all. It's K-T-L-Y-N.


But sometimes why?


R-a-p-s. Kaitlyn Raps. Hey, Metta, if you're listening, I'm trying to drop the raps. Yeah. And I have- Have you had them reach out? I have the username. I have just K-T-L-Y-N. I have the girl ready to give it to me. It's so sweet. Let's go. It's five letters. Anything under six letters is impossible to get. Why? I don't have the right connections, I guess. I've reached out to some people. I don't know.


You know Zuck. Don't you know the Zuck Dog? I'll hit up the Zuck.


Hit up the Zuck, dog. Whoever can get me that username, I will... There's a reward.


If you're a real fan and you know how to get this done, we know. Some of these people that listen to the show are internet geniuses.


No, for real. They can get it done. I need that done. But anyways, it's Kaitlyn wraps on TikTok, Instagram, on Spotify, and all streaming platforms. It's just Kaitlyn, K-T-L-Y-N. But all three of you go plain Jane. You already know. Let's go.


You already know. Let's go. We end the show the same way. You almost already did it. But you look at that camera right there and you say one word or one phrase to end the episode. It used to be a word, then some people wanted a whole phrase, but you can pick in that camera whenever you're ready. This one, end the episode.


A word or a phrase?


A word or A phrase, a sign off. A good night, goodbye.


One word. Gas. In here, we pour whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey. You are that creature in the ginger beard.


Sturdy and we pour whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey whiskey.