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There's guys that make this joke that's like, Oh, you get laid so much. You have so many chicks, and then you just switch to guys.


Well, let's ask the next part.


Come on, man. Did you ever want to switch?


No. See, I don't buy it. I understand it. You do. I understand it. I understand it. Because you just get bored, right? At a certain point, you'd be like... No.


No. I mean, never in a million. I would never get bored of it.


But I know somebody, I'm not going to say who, I think is who you're talking about. We have to guess. It has that characteristic.


We have to say it, and we'll say it on three. I'm not good. One, two, Santino.


Oh, me? Oh, my God.


This went awry. I had no idea.