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In here, we pour whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey. You're that creature in the ginger beard. Sturdy and ginger. Like vampires, the ginger gene is a curse. Gingers are huge as well. You owe me $5 for the whiskey and $75 for a horse.


Gingers? Oh, hell no. This whiskey is excellent. Ginger.


I like gingers.


Ladies and gentlemen, it's Neil Brennan. Hi. Back on the podcast. Hey, everybody.


Back- Third time.


Back talking about his phenomenal Netflix special that's out right now on Netflix.


I'm handling it pretty well.


A beautiful Kinematic journey through a comedy, probably the prettiest special you've ever shot. I think visually- That's nice of you to say. I think visually, it looks awesome. When you showed me the idea of what you were going to do before you shot, you showed me what those backgrounds were going to look like. I thought that's really cool because most of the specials look the same. I mean, whatever.


People don't like... They think it's too busy, but I don't think... It's like, why not? I don't know. Just give people something to look at.


It's so funny. All the years, they always… When you have these great ideas, then the production companies and whoever always steps in and goes, Listen, it costs so much to do this, and we just want them to focus on you. And then you start to get suckered into being like, Fine.


I guess I'll-Well, you hear me?


Yeah, it's about me? You want to focus-Oh, yeah, the background's too-It's about you, baby.


Don't even mic the crowd. I'll record myself laughing at my own jokes. Who did a special what?


To Nobody, with no crowd. A few people. Oh, yeah. Special to Nobody. I want to do a special. I think my next special is going to be to people who hate comedy.


Just loathe comedy. There's a coasters for, what, $40 barrel?




56 dollars. But there's coasters because I don't want to ruin it. I don't want to bring the value down.


The coaster is more of a... It's also to cover up these holes.


This is me listening.


Yeah, it's to cover up these holes.


This is like a cop going, No, speak. Yeah. And I'm getting ready.


No, it's two drinks. I only had two. No, it's to cover up these little holes. Look at these holes.


Oh, all right. Yeah, no. Like I said, most male decorating is defensive. Yeah. I just don't want to get made fun of. These are just holes on the wall.


That's why all these things are up.


Well, you have a horrible anger issue.


Come on. I didn't do it. Let's get deep.


Go. It's my stock and trade. Let's go. You must say you're familiar with my work.


Since I've last put you on the show-Put me on.


Thank you.


Yeah, well, you're welcome. Our friendship has continued to blossom. You're in love. You don't have to talk about it, I know you want to.


It's all I care about. You are in love. I am in love, and she's great. There's funny things. Some things are like women's factory settings that you just can't get rid of. So even the best woman is still like, Oh, fuck.


Okay. Yeah, they're all programmed a little bit. Yeah, a little bit.


I don't even know why I'm bringing that up. But the thing with us is we'll tell you up front what the issues are.


Yeah, well, you can see them on us.


We wear them pretty- You and I do, because we're brave. Because we're brave men. All broken, brave. Yeah. No. I don't even know. She's great, and she's a kid, which I was not interested in, and I never wanted to have kids. Have you ever dated somebody with a kid? I have to, and I like it because I like it if a woman has a kid because they have a primary emotional relationship.


They care more about something else than you.


They don't to you as a conduit for another person. They have that person already, and you can be, as the guy, you can be what we're meant to be, I believe. Ready for what I believe we're meant to be? An entertaining penis person. I think that's what we are.


You down with EPP?


Yeah, you know me. Yeah. I believe that we are entertaining penis people. We're just funny and we'll take them to eat. We're entertaining, and then we'd like to have sex. Would you like to have sex with us? We'd like to have sex with you. Almost no question to ask.


We'd like to have sex when you'd like to have sex.


We have to be ready.


Yeah, we are.


We're always ready. We're the Marines. We have to be ready.


We always have our warmup- Semperify.


Is that the Marines? It's one of them.


That's the Marine Corps. Yeah. We're always ready with our tear-aways. We're ready to get in the game.


Yes. We don't need to warm up. We're ready to go. Ready to go.


Did you wear rip-aways when you were in high school?


I was never that level where I needed rip-aways.


No, but I'm saying we would also wear them in our daily- Just on the streets? Yeah. I just would wear them because they were Adidas pants, the Adidas track pants. Oh, yeah. I would have the Ripp-a-ways to let people know I hoop. This is like- At any point. You do know I hoop. I do have shorts on under this, and I am going to hoop at any point. Sometimes I'd wear shorts under my jeans. I like to hoop so much.


That's some clumping, I would think.


It was a little clumpy.


Yeah. A little clumpy. But it didn't matter.


Not back then. Also, Jinko jeans, man. You could put two pairs of shorts in there.


Oh, you could throw a couple. No one even suspect a thing.


Now, But the reason I go back to since we've been friends, I've never known you, and am I going to harp on it? But I've never known you to be in love. I've known you to be in relationships. But I think your life dramatically changed in the last maybe three or four years, spiritually and relationship-wise. And it's tremendously changed who you are as a person.


I was, of course, talking about ayahuasca endlessly, DMT, endlessly. Google But the unsung hero the last year, MDMA.


Oh, a new beast.


Yeah, that's the unsung hero.


Do you feel like you've conquered the others a little bit?


Well, they did whatever they needed to do for my brain because MDMA used to not work for me. Literally, I take it and nothing would happen because I don't think I had any serotonin.


Everything was gone.


The Iowascan DMT, reset the Reset it. Reset my brain. If you get a chance, reset your brain. It's pretty cool as it's happening. I've done MDMA probably four or five times in the last year, and that's been the thing that got me pitching to you, Here's what happened. I did it. There was one in particular in August. Because I've done ayahuasca, everything I've done since then is also ayahuasca. It becomes a God connection. Mushrooms, God connection. I can microdose and be so... If I meditate on a microdose, I'm not on Earth. Mdma has taken... It's the same God connection thing. There was one in August where I did it and was able to forgive all of my many enemies.


All of them from MDMA?


Yeah, in that moment.


Mdma brought a sack of forgiveness for you.


In the five hours of MDMA, I was able to forgive my many enemies. Many, many, many enemies. Two hands ain't going to do it. Then the next day, I was I was like, Why was I able to forgive? Because what I realized is I never have serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin in my brain, the shit that MDMA just gives you. I never have it. Then I realized, Well, what do I have? I have cortisol and adrenaline constantly. I think you probably have the same thing. Yeah. That was a little quick.


When I crash, it's bad.


Yeah. I realized that that's what my brain is making and what I call a personality, sarcastic caustic personality It's just a bunch of bad chemicals. It's like, Oh, I make lead sandwiches at this restaurant, and I act like they're good. They're not. I was serving them to everyone. Here's a lead sandwich. I'm like, Hey, thanks. I started thinking about how to handle my brain, and I started ignoring the negative thoughts. You are not your thoughts. That and Eckart Tolle. I did the hackiest shit. Is just like, Observe your brain. You're not your thoughts. You're the thing that observes your thoughts. I've been doing that, and I've just gotten on some… Then that led me to gratitude and writing. I do a gratitude checklist, and I was doing it once a day, and then Rain Wilson on my podcast, pitched, Why don't you do it four or five times a day? I was like, Fine. It takes about 40 seconds, and I just write down the facts of my life. The facts of my life.


Did you write today? Yeah. Can you give them or no?


The good ones are... It's should I yell at you all the time? Basically, how much better could this be going? This is a dream come true. It's not only it's your dream come true, it's most people's dream come true. 8 billion people, you get most people's dream. You have a beautiful wife, you have a beautiful house, you have two thriving podcasts, you can sell out shows on the road whenever you want. You have a job that you know how to do. That's incredibly lucrative. What?


One more.


Here's the thing. All right. One more. What's this story? Yeah, then I'll buy it. What street did... Oh, it's the... So Santino used to work on the Queen Mary, right? That's right. He was a bartender or waiters?


No, I was like the halftime relief. It was the most embarrassing I would like emce.


I had to go out and emce on a boat.


On a boat, yeah.


On the docked ship. In Long Beach, like an hour away from LA. On a boat. His MCAP. So what I yell at Santino all the time. Free salami, though. Free salami. So right there. I would get free salami and cheese. And if I'm... Santino, as we all know, likes complaining. He likes feeling sorry for himself. You think he's being fucked constantly. Constantly. The world is constantly fucking up. Out to get me. If the world isn't fucking Santino, it's because it's waiting for the Viagra to kick in so it can fuck him some more. That's exactly right. God, a thing I now believe in, if God hears Santino complaining, God's got to be like, Wait a minute. Is that the kid from the Queen Mary? Didn't we give him the everything package and he's still fucking complaining? Yeah. All right. Cancer it is.


But you know, I get the complainy bug and the down on myself bug. That's just a symptom of my depression overwhelming my thoughts and drowning me That's all it really is. I'm so blessed and so appreciative and so happy, but it just I get scared because you're afraid of everything.


But what happens is, if you let your brain will do... I read it. There was a book called The Shallows about what the internet does to your brain, and there's a line, You are what you do repeatedly. I've noticed in myself, if I don't write down the shit I'm grateful for, I'll slip into fucking negativity. Yeah. So it's getting in the way of your own process. And your brain wants to do that.


You know it wants to. It's science fiction.


Anything negative you say-Science science fiction. You don't have problems. I mean, you have a problem, which we won't talk about, but you sound off in the comments.


No, we all have problems. It's just our The scale of the problems is relative.


Like, actual problems we talked about. It's like you saw that Netflix World War II thing where the Russians were eating their own horses for food. That's a problem.


Depends on how you marinate it. But yes, it is. No, you're right. But I do think at every level, you're going to encounter pain and suffering. It's all subjective.


But you're way better off remembering the scale.


No, I I agree. Look, I'm getting better at it. When we talk, I get better at it as time has gone on. I say all the time, my mother used to make us... If she saw somebody who was handicapped in public, she would always grab my arm real aggressively.


It doesn't sound like a Midwest or mom. Go ahead.


And she would say, Do you see that woman over there or that person over there across the street? And I'd say, Yeah. And she said, You have to count your blessings. Whatever it is. If it was someone who was in a wheelchair or disabled. And she'd always say, I don't to complain and think, remember that you're blessed, that you don't have to deal with life with that handicap, where everything you do, you take for granted. She can't get into... It takes her twice as long to get in a car. And she would point that out all the time when we were kids.


You were like, Yeah, but she gets the good parking space.


Yeah, she gets the first parking spot. And also, they treat her better.


You don't think I want handles on my steering wheel?


That I can do with my foot? Yeah. No, but I am more grateful I have been.


If you're not... The thing I write is like, If I'm not grateful for this, I'm the asshole. It's not the thing. No. It's me.


No, I am grateful. The biggest fear or the negativity that I have is always the idea that I will never be able to do this again. That's just all it is.


I just need to get over it. How many episodes of this podcast, Vita?


I think we're on 20, 26. How many episodes? Right.


Yeah. How many of you and Bobby done? What are you afraid you're not going to be able to do?


No, I don't know. It's definitely not a legitimate fear, but I do have a fear that one day they won't want you around or one day it's-They won't. Yeah. Yeah, I know.


And then what are you just going to like...


No, I'm just going to go, knew it.


That's my problem. I told you. I told myself. Self, look in the mirror. You wouldn't listen. I'm getting over it. Try to make us optimistic. Yeah, and even then- But it's a symptom of this business, right?


This business is like, you're lucky to be here.


I don't think it's the business's fault. You're lucky to be here. I think we'd be like this forever. You're lucky to be here.


We get denied. No, I know. But I mean, you're lucky to be here is the phrase for so long. Then you get denied a lot, and that's fine. Then you learn to deal with it. Then when it does come to fruition, it is sometimes overwhelming. You do get a little scared. You're like, wow, is this... A, do I deserve this? Because I have a guilt complex. I was like, oh, do I even deserve this? And then also, fuck, how long- But the other half is like, How long are they going to love me?


I deserve that.


No, I don't feel... I wish I felt that way.


I always feel like- But why are you mad all the time? Why are you If you're mad- I'm not mad all the time. Right. But I'm saying a lot of it was, why are they getting that? And I'm not.


And then- Not in the more recent years. When I was younger, yeah, I felt more bad about that stuff, about being like, Man, how come I can't? How come I don't? Now my fear or whatever you want to say, anger, whatever comes from my lack of self-confidence, where I get in a hole where I'm like, You're not doing good enough. It's not good enough. And they're definitely not going to want you around because this isn't good enough. And when it goes away, it's all going to be your fault anyway, because you didn't work hard enough or this wasn't good enough, or you didn't put in the extra XYZ. I don't know. I feel like it's a blame game thing.


Okay, then the question is- I need to do Molly. What's the right ending for this shit? Because you golf with a lot of people that are probably on the back nine of their career, as it were. Good joke. I like that. Not even a joke. It's more of a metaphor.


Pick it up. Pick that up. That's what we say. Which one? It's close. Pick it up.


Great. Yeah. Great. Take it away. I was a catty for six years.


We say take it away if it's really close. Take it away. By the way, to transition, I golf with Ray Allen the other day. What a phenomenal dude. What a interesting- I watched his JJ Reddick interview. He's like such a deep... I don't know. He was just... Not that I didn't think he would be. It's early in the morning. I just assumed we would just be not talking to each I assumed he wouldn't talk to me. He doesn't know me. But man, he fucking read off the jump, he was ready to just chat about everything under the sun. I was like, Man, he has athlete mind. He talks to you like, He has a wealth of experiences. So he speaks to you like, Do you know this stuff? And you're like, Absolutely not.


What stuff? Like sports stuff?


A lot of it was about the military. He's an Air Force kid. So a lot of it was about doing those USO tours, the relative thing of comedy, USO tour thing. That's how this whole thing started. That's how you got in. And then he got deep into just the respect for military. And he was talking about scenarios that he ran into. But he was just full bore going into it, and it was fascinating. Although also there was a piece of me. I'm like, It is 7:30. Yeah.


Look, maybe on the 11th or 12th hole, we'll start talking about this shit. Let me just Can we just chat about you like my shoes or something?


Can we do that?


I can ask you a Michael Jordan story.


Yeah. He did say that. He go, You grew up in Chicago? I said, Yeah. He's like, It was crazy for you as a kid growing up. He's like, What do you think that felt like for me playing with him? I was like, I can't even. He's like, Who would that be for you to perform with? Neil Brennan.


And he was like, Who?


I said Neil Brennan. I said Neil Brennan.


And he said... And he goes... And he was like, You know what? Let's talk on the back. Let's warm up a little bit.


He goes, Those are good shoes. And then He walked away.


Great. He was on Jordan.


No, but the guys I golf with are on the back nine of their career.


Yeah, and what's the best-Case scenario?




Because we've talked about this offline about who's Who does it right over 50, over 55, over 60?


Romano. Romano.


He doesn't do the road.


No, he doesn't have to. But if he wants to, he can. He's spoken me about stand up. He still loves it. He's one of the best ever. Yeah, but I'm saying that's what I'm saying. That's best case scenario.




I'm never going to be that.


But the only difference is-$250 million.




But Without getting too specific, he has an amount of money that he'll probably never spend. You might have an amount of money that you'll never spend.


No, dude. He's my money manager, and it's getting bad. In here, we pour whiskey. Hey, Whisky Ginger fans, here to tell you about Viator. Viator is a tool you can use to plan and book travel experiences all around the world. The Viator app and website makes it easy to explore 300,000 plus travel experiences so you can discover what's out there, no matter where you're traveling or what you're interested in. Very nice gift from my old friend Bobby Lee. Gave me a Viator experience. Bought that for me when I was on vacation with some loved ones, and man, that was so sweet and so nice. They have so many different things that you can get into, so many different travel adventures. While you're gone and overseas, it is tough sometimes to figure out what are we doing instead of just taking a pamphlet from the airport. Viator is legit. A real traveler reviews on their site. You can see exactly what people did. There's free cancelation. Helps you plan for the unexpected, which happens all the time. Plus, Viator offers 24/7 customer service, so you know you'll get support any hour if things aren't going as planned.


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Ginger. I like ginger.


I don't know what the... You know what my dream, though, I'm happy where we are, and I'm happy with life right now. I'm super blessed, and I know that my ultimate down the road goal would just be to do this until I genuinely want to quit. That's all. I just want to be able to to do it until I reach an age where I'm like, I think I'm okay. I think I'm going to say good night.


Does Ray want to quit?


No, but he hasn't really said. He doesn't really say that. You know what I mean? I've also never pried. I'm not that close to say, You're going to quit? But no, I just want to be able to do it until I go, Okay, I think I can go away.


What do you think the achievements are?


See, that's interesting. That I don't give a fuck about. I don't want anything.


So it's just a feeling in you.


Accolates me literally nothing to me.


Or achievements. I didn't say accolates. I didn't say awards.


There is nothing. I just want to be able to keep doing it until I can die, until I'm ready to die. I want to reach an age when I'm like, This no longer is servicing me or those around me or the community is not interested in me anymore. And I can tip the hat and walk away. And that's it. That's all I really want. Which you're like, that's achievable. You're like, yeah, maybe. I hope so.


Well, it's an emotional thing. It's a lot of them.


Yeah, they I get to decide.


Yeah, which don't. Don't do it like that. No, I mean- Maybe put it up to you.


I guess- I will a little bit, but also you're going to put out as much art or whatever you're going to create.


Art is the right word. Well, no. Go ahead. It's not always art.


No, but you're going to put out as much of that as you can until people don't need it anymore. That's a natural evolution of the world.


Yeah, but I don't think it's contingent on people.


You don't think it's contingent on the fans and the audience?


It's less so, and maybe it's the MDMA talking, but I'm not so bent on them, and I'm more concerned about, do I like it? Do I like doing it? Am I getting something out of it? You probably have more money than me. It's just a matter of- You definitely do not. I think you do, based on conversation we had.


I don't. That's insane.


I think you do. No. Right of time. That's nuts. It's less about, I can't keep leaving it up to other people. It makes you feel powerless. It makes you feel like you're living in an alcoholic home. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah, it does. Yeah, but also- But you're winning this time. This time, yeah. This time around, no one's in Yeah. No one gets to not show up. I get to show up. You know why I'm never late to a meeting? Because my father was never there.


Yeah, that's right.


By the way, I would love to do that in the middle of a meeting of say to people, I'm going to be there, but then call continuously as the hours go by of why I have excuses of why I can't be there.


And they put you on speaker? Yeah.


Guys, you're not going to believe this. I ran out of gas on the highway. The excuses I used to get as a kid were very funny. That A typical when a parent says they're going to show up and they don't show up and the kid sitting on the steps waiting for their dad or whatever.


That would be a funny acting award show, The Alcoholic Excusies.


The Excusies. And the best excuse he goes to.


Why he missed his flight. Terrorism. Why wasn't on the news? Because they're keeping it top secret, buddy.


Sometimes it was so big that it was almost like... You know how Trump will say things and you go, I know that's not true, but I don't even know how I can disprove that. That's the alcoholics excuses or the drug addicts excuses where they're like, Oh, dude, my car got stolen. You're like, That's such a huge event. Are you lying about that?


That's not like- Where's the police report? I couldn't The cops are in on it. I couldn't do it.


I bet you they did it.




And you're like, Wait, a car stolen is so big? Yeah. And your brain goes, I guess this can't be a lie. It's insanely big.


It's so crazy. I don't want to think half of me lie like this. Yeah, right. That is capable of writing this level of lie. It's so big.


The excuses are very good.


Yeah. By the way, hold on.


I got a comment.


Go ahead.


You're going no laces anymore? Yeah. You just said, Fuck laces? I got...


Have you ever been on Amazon? The website. Yeah. You get... They got... Yeah.


But is this all your shoes now?


I only got one pair. One, whatever, one tie. One, two ties. One, two ties. I need to get more. I just wear the same shoe every day.


But this will be a standard for you now.


It looks like it's heading that way.


Because this is like some old man shit that I do like. I do like the comfort. I haven't tied my shoes, and I tie my shoes once when I buy them, and then I never tie them again.


These slip on and off. You just see what... Yeah.


I've never tied. I don't tie.


Although I don't like pushing the back down. I think it's sloppy. I think it's sloppy.


Oh, you're talking about folding it into a shoe?


Yeah. It's like some little kid shit. I get it. I don't like it. I don't like shoes that are built for that. No. What are we doing?


Like the Skechers that do that or whatever. They fold in the back. Yeah.


Are we wearing shoes or are we wearing like- Slides, covered slides. Middle Eastern fucking- Oh, yeah. What are those called? Flippy things. I don't know. Slippers, probably.


Slippers, yeah. You're wearing shoes, not slippers. I understand. Yes. But this is some old man shit that I've started. There's little old man that I'm doing that I see myself doing for convenience and/or comfort, where I know it's an old man move, but you start to get it as you get older. You go, Right, I understand why my dad was a creature of habit of things. My dad loves Olive Garden. To a degree, that's comical. We buy him $100 gift card to Olive Garden for any event, like Father's Day.


My girlfriend said she knew I wasn't an asshole because I met her in Thailand, and when I I was staying in a very nice hotel and wouldn't let them do my laundry. I went on Google, found a laundermat. It was like someone's back house. I was like, Yeah, I'm not paying $4 to get a shirt cleaned. I'm going. I'm going to hit the streets. I'm getting a bag like fucking white Santa Claus.


From a really nice hotel.


Yeah, the most expensive hotel in the city. I'm like, But I'm not spending- You're not going to put your laundry down?


No. That seems a little silly.


No. But what is it?


Is it the money thing or just like- It's pride.


It's such a blatant ripoff. It's an insult that you think, I think anything you're going to do to this shirt is worth $4. Per shirt. Per shirt. That's the thing. You have to itemize it like you're fucking going to prison. You have to itemize each- You'll get these when you get out. Yeah, like each under two underwears.


Do you ever eat the snack bar food?




Me neither.


I'm not drinking the water. I've called down and said, This water that's on the counter. Is it free? What are we talking about?


I know.


I'm remembering another story. It's a name drop. Sorry, everybody. Now, % of the comments. Brought up Dave Schiappa. Yes, I get it. There was a clothing line. Paul Smith had having a dinner honoring John Legend. It's just like he'd spent a bunch of money there.


Rich guy shit.


Rich guy shit. The thing was, you get invited. I was invited, and you get outfitted with a suit. I literally email the lady, I go, Am I going to have to pay for this suit? Because I'm not coming to the party.


I don't want the suit.


If I have to pay for the suit. And she was like, No, I assure you that This suit is free. But I still am a little suspicious four years later.


You are still paying for it somehow.


They're going to come. They're going to come. I'll get a charge. It was a long table. It was at a long table, a long table, probably 20 people on each side. And John, legend, and Chrissy Tegan were at the center of the table. And I was as far away from them as they could possibly be to the point where I said to Kevin Hart was there and I said, Kev, I got these tickets on StubHub. Because they were abstractive view.


Third-party resale. Yeah, there's a poll in front of you.


There was an abstracted view. I brought my own beers.


I'm good.


No, thank you guys. Yeah, we're very close friends.


That is a weird get invited to something, have to pay for something because you're like, I don't-I mean, it's a destination wedding, basically. Yeah, why? I don't need to do this. You don't want me.


Do you want me Well, it's also like, how important do you think you are to me?


Right. That I have to pay for a suit.


That I have to fly to get into your emotional life? You're so confident in your fucking faulty ass emotions that you think I'm going to fly to the Dominican Republic.


That's why we didn't invite anybody. I didn't invite anybody to our wedding.


It was family. And also they weren't going to show up. Dad jokes. I just knew I thought, why invite everyone to this thing? Why get someone? Why?


We'll throw a party.


I'm barely going to keep this. I don't know if I can keep this emotional promise. Statistically, most people can't.


Yeah. But come.


But come. Come.


Please. Yeah. We threw a party. Just throwing a party seems like the move. I just think in the same way that people look at college as such a waste of money these days where some people are like, It's daunting. Why would I even do it? I'm like, I agree. I feel the same way about big weddings. I'm always like, Save that fucking money. That's a waste. Don't do that.


What What would you do instead of college?


What would I have done instead of going to college?


Yeah, if you were... I mean, we got into stupid jobs.


Well, in a personal thing, I would have started this earlier. But I mean, for young people, if I was communicating to his generation, I would say...


Chemo The Chemo Theo?


The Chemo Theo, yeah.


Chemo Vawn.


That's so good.


Chemo Vawn is the best one.


He has treatment today, don't you, buddy?


Yeah. Don't you? Right?


I would encourage them- We're going to cut our hair, too. So stupid he is. Actually, he's filling in.


As a show of support.


I would tell him, My buddy's son is 20 years old, 21. I said, What have you started to feel like you really enjoy? That you're like, I really like this thing. Beyond your hobbies, something that you're in the workforce world, and either go learn that from the bottom level up or go to school for that. Just that, whatever that is. That's what I would do. Instead of going to college in this broad, lost out at sea, hoping that something comes by, that's what I did, stupidly, when I should have just fast-tracted it and started to do the thing I already knew I liked.


What did you major in?




At what school?


Harvard of the West, Arizona State University.


I always forget. Then it comes crashing down on me.


God bless America. It was just a stepping stone to get to California. I really wanted to get to Southern California. I They have no idea how to do it.


Yeah, but I think some jobs, they probably won't hire you without some verification.


Yeah, but I think that's getting less and less. Also, how can they verify that? Oh, I mean, now. Unless it's at a high level, like an attorney or a doctor, which is clear they need to know where you went. There's no fucking way anybody knows that he did or did not go to college to get a degree in something.


They would- Yeah, they're not going to. I mean, if it's a good enough job, they'll probably call.




I mean, I'm with you. It's That's the roll of the dice, though.


I know, but it's a good roll. But I feel like it works out. The irony is you end up getting a job that's probably not directly related to your degree anyway, and they just shoehorn that of being like, Yeah, I guess you can use some of that skillset for this anyway. Yeah. So it's just like a comfort blanket that you had. It's fucking bullshit.


People like knowing that you're engaged in the same bullshit they are.


It makes them feel better about it. It's like, Oh, you got ripped off? Yeah. We both got fucked over.


So we're both fucked in the same way? Fantastic. Can you start on Monday?


That is a very comforting thing knowing that everyone... But that is what... I think that's a cultural thing for places like... The reason New Yorkers get on so well, better than LA people, is because they have to share in the same bullshit. The guy who makes 50 million a year and the guy that makes 50,000 a year, they still have to live amongst one another.


They're both on the train. I mean, they used to be.


Now they got pushed in the tracks. Now they got stabbed. Yeah.


But they used to- But they have to live amongst each other when they're waiting in line for restaurants for food.


They still have to.


That's the value of New York.


Here, you never have to see anybody. If you don't want to, I've talked about him because I always liked him. I don't know Tosh, but I know he lives here. He never performs here, and he lives probably the most free, alone life doing his own thing. It's heaven for him. You never have to- He likes...


Yeah, he lives in Malibu.


Yeah, it's amazing.


Surfs. Perfect.


And then I'll see- You could never do that in New They're going to see you.


In the city? No. Yeah, no, it's impossible. But it's like you have to be a part of it. Yes. He's never doing podcasts. He's not doing any of it.


He does his own podcast now. Yes. Have you reached out?


To do it or him online? No, for him to do yours. No, because he specifically says why he's doing it this way.


Because he's getting on friends.


He's just getting people he wants to talk to. He's like, I don't want to talk about the road. He doesn't want to do a podcast, classically done podcast in any form. The thing with Tasha is that guy's a fucking incredible comedian. You forget about him because he's not around, but that guy It was really good.


When he was pumping out specials, he was top-tier shit. It was almost like he was better than the machine. So he was like, I'll just walk away for a little while, and then when I feel like coming back, I can come back.


It's funny because you bring up Romano, you bring them. I think there are certain people that reach some goal, and then they go like, Oh, all right. I thought this was going to be something else. This party is not that fun. Have you seen Drew Carey recently?


Yeah. Nope.


This guy used to do spots every night. I know. Then from what I've heard, well, I won't say what, but now he just does the That's right. That's probably four days a month or something. Five, six days a month. And then the rest of the time, he's enjoying his life. And he's not in the race. He's got That guy, why aren't I getting that? No, it's over. The stupid Santino shit. As it's known, he doesn't do the Santino voiceover. But I'm interested in that. I'm interested in that. And then what? And you just No, I'll just do it. Tosh is like, No, I just like surfing. And then like, Yeah, I'll think of jokes. Then I'll go and I'll sell out 4,000 seaters and I'll quietly... Do we have to be engaged?


I do. Yeah.


In what?


I have to be engaged with the audience because I've created my audience came from this.


No, I'm not saying yes, but I'm saying, do we have to be engaged in the industry hobnobbing, so to speak? Not even hobnobbing, just I'm here. To a degree. I'm in the same bullshit you're in.


Well, you don't have to. I mean, you're gone. You're good.


Where am I going?


Well, I'm saying you're already done. You're good. I don't think you have to at all if you don't want to.


I don't?


I don't think so, no. I think I still have to go to a couple of dinners.


For what?


Just to remind them that you're here a little bit, that you're like, I'm available if you do.


I don't have to remind them because they don't care. They don't care. They don't want me for a sitcom. They don't want me. Is that why you're doing it?


I do it just because I I think that I still want to work in television and film. So I'm like, still want to be a little bit around where I'm like, Hey, I do want to do that, and I am trying to make up my own stuff. But in 10 years, if that doesn't yield anything- I'm a young person.


What is a film? I've never heard of this. What is this? Dune 2.


Did you see Dune 2, young person?


No, I just watch the Zendaya. I just watch her Instagram.


Oh, that's a What is? Zendaya's Instagram. That's a film.


Right. Why would I pay Dune? I have to sit there for three hours and people are wearing those nose IVs. We're going to cut it up and we're going to put it on TikTok.


What do I have to do? We're going to put the movie on TikTok.


Right. But what You're like, I want to be a movie. This is another thing I argue with Santino about, which is he wants to be... He has dreams from the '90s, and he wants to be in TV shows and movies, to which I say, Here's what I was thinking yesterday about you. Just Nothing is more impressive than this and Bad Friends. You guys just set up a channel with no... No one watched it. Then you just put content on and everything gets a million hits from nothing. It's so much more impressive than a writer wrote a thing and then they turned it in, the studio said how it should be, and then Then I came in and then I said, I'll play this. It's like, that's fucking nonsense.


But I still like the antiquated dream. I still like it for some reason. I'm holding on to the idea that it would be cool to continue to make film and television. I don't know why. I just like it. I like the idea of it because when I was a kid, I loved it so much. In here, we pour whiskey. This episode of Whisky Jinder is brought to you by Betterhelp. I've spoken about Betterhelp for so long, and I'm so proud to still be linked up with a company like Betterhelp, who helps people get through whatever it is they're getting through. We all got stuff going on. And as busy as we are, there is always a little bit of time in the day that we should be focusing on ourselves. If you have an extra hour during the day, you go for a run or take a nap, read a book, do something constructive. And I got to tell you, if you have a little bit of time during the day, why not spend it on your heart and your head? Investigate yourself. Find out how you can help yourself be a little bit healthier internally.


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Ginger. I like ginger. We just sold a show.


I want to do it. I want to make things, and hopefully, they catch a little bit of social fire. I think there's some validity to it.


You're the guy from Bad Friends?


I am, yeah.


What are you going to be on that could get 4,000 people to come? Tell me about this TV show.


No, it's not scale, but it's not scale to me. I always had a crush on- But culturally energetics, you're on Bad Friends. No, I know. But look, What Zack made- I get that Bobby's a nightmare. Yeah, it's a fucking worst. I get that. What Zack made with Baskets is what I want. I want to do a fun, quirky, weird, off-kilted show.




I love Baskets.


But what?


It doesn't matter the number of people that watch it, the success rate. I just want to be able to make something cool like that. That's the lame art part of it where it's like, I want to make a fucking fun, weird, off-kiltered thing.




I like that. Okay.


Here's my question for that because it's a thing I've been I'm not even talking about it. What does that mean about you? That's not true now.


That I'm just trying to continue to expand making stuff.


Okay, you make a show like Baskets. Yeah. I said it with a straight face. What does that say about you? That you're as artistic as Zack Alvinack?


No, I don't need any. I just want to have the ability to try to make fun stuff that I love like that because I love that shit. So I want to make that shit.


You can make bad friends. You don't have to think about it. Yeah, but it's two different things. If you're hearing this, my eyes are literally rolling into the back of my head. You can make bad friends. It's effortless. It's hilarious. It's so much fun for the viewer. Why call 80 people to get one thing-to get to then go, I'm as good as baskets?


That's your stop.


But I mean that.


Because I want to make something that's uniquely mine as well, another version of it. I'll I'll give you the best example. I'm a professional golfer on the PGA tour. I win tournaments. I win lots of them. I still want to play in the Ryder Cup because every couple of years, you get to play USA versus Europe, and they fist fight for these positions.


So you can see, so guys can wear earplugs and go…


But it's so broadly important because you're like, Yeah, it's a cool moment that separates myself from the thing I usually do.


I guess I'm saying Bad Friends is Ryder Cup. No, Bad Bad Friends is the US Open.


Bad Friends is the Masters. Okay, fine. And I want to compete in the Ryder Cup. Let me have my Ryder Cup.


No, I know. I'm just saying why?


Well, then I guess I wrote you a roll. I guess we're going to take that out. Yeah, now he back Look at the backpattern.


Wait, fifth lead. Wait, I can ask you follow-up questions about your plot. If you mean this, that would mean the world to me.


I just want you to walk in the room eating chips and go, The keys have been there the whole time. And then walk in the other room.


That's what I want. Yeah, and then I'll feel... And again, the old dream would say, That's something. Yeah, it is cool. That's really cool. I know. Are you the chips guy? Chips, people trying to buy chips. Chips.


What up, Chips?


Yeah. And maybe... I always say when it comes to me, I'm like a guy who had kids in high school where I'm like, You want to... Buddy, I did it.


You already did it.




That's my point. You already waited in the water. You know what it feels like.


And people really respect me for it.


There you go. See?


People really give me credit. That's the thing is they'll figure out a way to... People will come up with a loophole about why.


You really didn't.


Yeah. People will just go like, Did you? Even with Zack, they just go The Hangover.


Yeah, but that's okay. If they say bad friends to me my whole life, I'm okay with that. But I still want to make things for me. I think Zack made baskets just for him. I think Louis made Louis just for him. I think Louis is bigger than Louis. But I think you make those things because that's really what's for me. I want to make this thing because I believe it's going to be funny.


Yeah, I guess it's just I get into what does that then mean about you?


What does it say about Mia?


Are you a Are you a better person? No. If you're a more successful artist, you figured out a way to do a television show or 40 episodes or whatever, what does that then mean about Santino as a person?


That you want to continue to grow and expand your creations. I want to not have any limits, so I want to keep trying stuff. And if they work, great. If they fail, fuck it. That's fine. So much has failed. Whatever. I mean, I'm better at failure than success. So fine. But the small successes are great. I'll take all of those. All of them. Also, I need to do MDMA.


All right. That's all.


I mean, isn't that really what this is all?


Dead silence. It's like 30 minutes of that. Until he just acknowledged it. Well, no, but I will say it does put things in perspective in terms of like... Because I'm like, did I break myself? No.


A couple of years ago, I did think you might have.


I had. You were right. But it came back together. But I'm not depressed. I'm like, Am I depressed? I'm like, I'm not depressed. I just am less interested interested in getting into a food fight about who's the best. And then everyone dies and is immediately forgotten or even not even dies, moves.


Moves, leaves, goes to Nashville.


Yeah, and then you're good. And then you just are like, well, they're just tending to their audience where it's like, no, we're all just tending to our audience. Totally.


They're doing it wherever they want to do it. But that's why it's hard when people are like, why don't you leave LA? It's like, I do like it here.


Oh, I know. That's the hard thing. It's one of the best climates on Earth.


You're like, How can I... It's really nice. There's something that happens when you drive, when it's sunny in February, and you're like, I don't know, man, this is fucking hard to beat. It's really hard to beat. That's the sunshine tax inherently.


You want to hear an interesting thing about LA weather. The last two years, we've gotten more than 20 inches of rain, which is the first time that's ever happened in recorded history of LA.


Seriously? Yeah.


Yes. Wow. And it's like- And it's still nice every day. I know. But when it's bad, I'm like, This is the worst. I went to Mexico last year because I was so mad at the rain. I was like, I'm not doing this for a fucking another. This is bullshit. It's still great.


It's still fine? Yeah. Do you know what state has the most days of consecutive sunshine in the United States? They call Florida the Sunshine State, but it's not.


But it's wrong. Arizona?


You're close, though.


New Mexico.


Still close. Texas? They're further away.


From us?


Further away from Texas. Think, Neil. Think.


Don't be an idiot. I don't know.


Colorado. Damn it. Most consecutive days of sun. Yes, it's true. What does it say? Arizona. No. No way. Colorado has the sun Most consecutive days, even if it's cloud in the morning, it's sunny in the afternoon.


Here come the caveats. I'm telling you. He wasn't giving times a day the first time.


I'm telling you, it's most day. I'm telling you, it's most day. Consecutive days of sunshine, it says. I'm saying the stats I'm reading. What does it say? Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, California, Colorado. No way.


No, this can't be right. It's a lot of snow and precipitation there, buddy.


Yeah, but the sun is always out. Even when it's snowing, the sun is out. I'm telling you.


This is where we find out you.


I'm telling you, I read this shit somewhere and I was like, This is incredible. I don't know what you're saying. You know what it was? It was fake news. Yeah.


Impossible not to verify.


We'll cut all those stats.




We'll cut every single one of those stats. By the way, are you proud? Are you proud of this Netflix special?


Yeah, I am proud of it. Now, having said that, I've heard people say that... When people on show would I'm really proud of it. It's like, you're a fucking narcist. You're proud. No, but you should be proud. I'm proud of it in that it's the...


That special you've done.


Is that what you're saying? Most potent jokes. There's no emotions. You're welcome. It's just the best I've ever been at stand-up with probably the best jokes I've ever had, I think. But I also have heard people talk about their specials, and they say it's their best work. I'm like, it's I'm not even close to your best work.


Yeah, but you know your best. If you like it the most, then it's true to you. If you say this is better than the other stuff that I put out before, I know that.


I was doing something to the crowd that I'd never been able to do before, which was a level of... It wasn't for the whole show, but there was a point in the show where I would be killing so hard. It seemed dangerous. Like a little dangerous. It seemed like this is- Somebody died? No, but it's a little like the energy. Certain birds does it almost his whole act. There are certain people that can do it. When certain people do crowd work, it's like the pitch of the laugh is so high that it seems like the room is on fire. There were a couple moments that were outstanding like that.


Do you have a new hour already?


No, I have 25 minutes. If you want to know when I'm going on tour, go on neilbrennan. Com and put your name down, and I'll let you know because I'm not going to rush Are you going to go do clubs again or theaters only? They always want you to do clubs up front.


I'm working on clubs right now. Yeah.


And do you like it?


Yeah. I mean, it takes you back.


I mean, it's like- To three years ago?


No. I mean, it takes you back to doing multiple sets a night. That is tough.


Well, you just feel like Crust of the Clown or something? The second show where you're like, Did I do that already?


The second set always feels like you wish you could tell them you're just trying to improve on what you did before they got there. You're like, I already did this. I'm letting you know.


I'm just trying to-We're going to try some new lines here.


I'm just trying to put a sheen on the turd. It's fun. It's good. It's just difficult. It's wild doing-Well, that's why...


The great thing about comedy is it's so hard. Yeah, it's so fucking hard. It does not care that the last one, you had a swirling energy. It doesn't care. It doesn't even care that the last time you did the Jokey crush. It doesn't matter. You fuck up a word, it's over.


Yeah. Meanwhile, if a musician misses an entire-They love it. Yeah.


Jazz, baby. They think that's so fun. It's so cool.


And you'll hear musicians go, Yeah, I fucked up that whole piece. Yeah. Whoo. Nobody knew.


Yeah, or they woo it.


Or they woo it, yeah. Or they cheer it on. Yeah.


So I'll go out when I have enough material. I don't want to... I'm not good enough to charismash it through.


Yeah, you are.


No, I'm not. They jokes either work or they don't.


That's how you approach it whenever you do stand up at the store. It is funny. You'll look down on your notes and go, that one's going to go. That one is definitely going to go. Yep, sorry.


If it doesn't do good. She didn't make it, buddy. I was just saying it's like a war movie where they got to look to your right, look to your left, some of you ain't going home. That's how the jokes are. That's how the jokes are. Yeah, it's like, some of you ain't going to... You're not going to be able to kiss your man a good night ever again. It's over.


You still physically pen, by the way.


Pen? Yeah.


You're still like one of a very small amount of people that physically still pen it down. Well, I type, then once- You'll pen it, then you'll type it, right?


No. Or you'll only type? No. Type in an app, type it, and then if I'm doing the story, I'll just put it on an index card. That I'll pen.


That you'll pen down after. Yeah.


One of my classic pens.


Do you keep all your books like a lunatic?


I keep my gratitude journal.


Is that it right there?


This is the last week.


Let me see. Go ahead. Can I keep this?




Yeah, chat. Concert. Liberal. Mm-hmm. Draftkings in Israel. Yeah. That's got to be good.


It's just, who do you guys got? I went on DraftKings. Yeah. It won't last.


What's the over-under on Hamas?


Well, I got Israel straight up, and I got Ukraine plus the aid.


World War II, very clear.


Hitler. Very clear that he was a maniac.


Is it what? Really, though? Yeah.


What was so clear? Half a mustache. Left side or right side? Middle.


Middle fuck. Did you see the video of him bobbing his knee at the Olympics? Just juiced up on coke? Mm-hmm.


That's awesome. He was on Math the whole time.


Texting, tap back.


I don't like tap. It's not a good enough joke for stand-up. It will work on panel. Tap back when you're texting with somebody, then they'll do a tap back, the Ha-Ha, and then it'll say, Andrew wanted you to know that he Ha-Ha that joke.Oh.It's a bit like-That's what a tap-back is, that thing where you put an emotion behind it? Yeah, it's called a tap-back. I don't like it. It's arrogant. If we're talking I'm not going to say, Hey, let Andrew know I thought that was funny. I'll just say, Ha ha ha ha ha ha.


Well, what about Harding? Is Harding okay? Or Thumbs is okay? Harding is okay. Because Thumbs up, when someone goes, Hey, can you do this set on the... Thumbs up.


Yes. Don't ha ha me. Give me the Ha ha and put a G or an S in there so I know it's real.


Ha, ha, ha, ha.


I'm flipping out.


By the way, the truth of that is it's only when it's Ha, ha, up, down. Kids openly want attention.


Yeah. Yeah.


The murder. I like that.Murder, yeah.Murder, great. Porn, which you rarely talk about.


I don't like talking about.


I'm one of the few comics-What's the porn thing?


You haven't seen that? Uh-uh.


Well, don't do it then.


Yeah, it's fucking... It just kills so hard. At one point, I was like, I feel bad doing it in a club for the person to follow me. It was just so like... It's like an hour closer. You don't even have an hour closer.


So you already have a closer on that?


For the hour, yeah. I mean, yeah, probably.


Jesus Christ. Do you do the work backwards thing ever where you put the closer up front?


You know when guys do that? No, because it's porn. So I don't want to be opening with fucking dicks. Yeah, you can't do that. I like the idea of it, though.


Somebody told me Louis did that. Yeah. Of flipping his end to the beginning and trying to work backwards. Yeah.


Again, I've heard people talk about their process, and I know they're lying.


What do you mean?


I've heard people go, I I'll never repeat myself on stage. I'm like, Stop it.


That's fucking bullshit.


Stop it. So like, Louis moved. Okay. Okay. Cool. You're great.


What do you think the average process is for most comics to write?


Struggle. It should be struggle. And then whatever. The whole thing is how that there's one way is just incorrect. That's the thing of like, Louis said, I don't know, Richard prior still made the best. You know what I mean? So and so still made the best special.


Do you think Richard ever wrote shit down, ever?


He had hunks. Did I ever tell you George Wallace said he would come to the store and do an hour, and it was the worst hour you've ever seen. Like, he should quit. And then he'd come again the next week to do the hour, and it would be worse. And he's like, And it was for months. It was unbearable. And then? And then it would just turn a corner.


That's amazing.


But he just would bomb all the time.


But I mean, we see guys of high status do that a lot.


Not really. There's a couple of guys. That just go on and bomb?


Yeah, there's a couple of guys. There's a couple of guys that I know that'll just go iron out a bunch of bullshit.


I mean, yeah. I don't know.


I see that.


Yeah, but not for an hour and really eat shit. I'm not saying it's bad comedy that's doing well. I'm saying it was told to me it was bad and it- And it popped. And it sucked, and the crowd didn't like it.


Take that note, Young comics. You can be bad and suck for an hour.


Well, if you're Richard Pryer.


If you're out there and you're Richard Pryer.


But this idea of so and so does it this way, that's good for them. Yeah.


No, I'm not saying they should repeat it. It's just interesting the way that people have their process. Yeah. I have bad hand running, so I write stuff down.




It's actually embarrassing.


It'd be you spin out about how bad your handwriting is. You can't reduce the-Well, I'm just like-I should leave.


Because I'm trying to get the note out, so I'm like, God, this is a waste of our time. I have such bad handwriting that I can't get it out fast enough that I'm thinking it and saying it. So I'm like, I'll just voice dictate.


I don't understand why more people don't write more. I still don't understand that.


You mean physically write?


No, just the job is-Writing.Writing..


It's complacency, and it's complacency, and It's fear of new shit. New shit is fucking such fear-based. It's like, what a scary thing to have to fucking try new shit because you think it maybe devalues all the good stuff that works, which, of course, it doesn't.


But your fear is like a new joke. They won't remember. I did 40 minutes last night in Santa Monica on my show that I do every week, and I have for 13 years.


The new jokes, the new material.


In the alley at the West Side Comedy Theater. The first 15 are good, and then there's a dip of 10, and the last 15 are good. I have 25, probably.


And they won't know or care.


No. I said, Yeah, we're in the dip now.We're.


In the middle passage. Kids, we're in the dip. We're in the check drop.


Yeah, exactly. These are premises. I put them in the middle because I'll get you back.


I'll earn it to you at the end. Yeah, I'll get you back.


What did you pay? 20 bucks? That's fine.


Yeah, shut up.


Would you pay 20 bucks? Last week, I joke worked so good. I go, Give me $5. Give me an extra $5. That joke was so good.


Give me $5.


Yeah, $5. What's your goal?


We're here. We're here.


You're alive?


No, I'm just doing it. We're doing it.


How's it going? Oh, you're living your goal. You're living your dream.


Yeah, I'm here. I'm in it. It's great. I hope I get to keep doing it. If I don't, I do know you have an extra bedroom.


That is the thing where I think when people say, Is Ellen nice? Or when they want... It's because they're so clearly doing... They're living people's dreams. So they want to believe that, A, it works. They want to believe that you can get so successful that you're nice all the time. But it's no one... Gandhi was a racist. Martin Luther King, 2, and his wife. Can't be done, guys.


Gandhi was a racist? Yeah.


Look at- I like him so much more now. Even more relatable. Right.


He's like, he's fucking... It's so funny to hear Gandhi go off. Who is he racist against?


Yes. South Africans.


Got it.


Black South Africans, most notably. But yeah, so people want you to be... They also just raised the standard of It's like DiCaprio. I remember DiCaprio, Titanic comes out. He's getting all the girls, and I heard he's gay. You just start a new thing. I have a category he lost in, heterosexuality. I was like, No, he's doing great. Things are good. He's very talented. Seems like a decent person. Sorry.




I wanted him to lose somehow. I want whoever to be-well, it's easier.


Well, it's more interesting.


No, easier, I think is correct. It's easier to deal with. It's easier to deal with if you think that... Whatever. If there's Ellen's not nice, it's like, What? Okay. It's the joke I've been doing is holding Dave to a standard and Joe to a standard and Ellen to a standard. It's just going like, This Snickers bar isn't nutritious. No shit. It's a Snickers bar, you fucking idiot.


But you like it, don't you?


Yeah, but I want it to also be nutritious because I don't want to eat vegetables. The problem is you don't want to eat vegetables. You don't want to watch the news. You don't want to watch the fucking NIH. So you'll watch Joe say whatever he says and go, Oh, this is better. This is easier. I don't want to watch the news. So I'll watch fucking Seth talk about Trump or whatever. Okay, I'm at fault here. If the information is bad, I'm the problem. The problem is not the information. The problem is I don't harsh, bitter information. I want it to be fun. Put some graphics on it. And that's everybody. You can get... Yeah, whatever.


Well, let me give you some love.




The kid once again put out a banger special. It's on Netflix. We go closer every day. He has NBA socks on, and he's never played in the league. You, too, can achieve these dreams if you work hard enough.


And appreciate it.


And appreciate him. Very humble and grateful.


Well, no, be appreciative. If you appreciate it, I believe you appreciate it, you'll get more because it's like, why would I give Santino the everything package?


That's what I believe in the given to get, though. I am being more generous with time and helping out people, and that, I think, rewards you more than that. Well, that I want to. That's true.


That's actually not true.


Look in that camera, Mr. Brennan, and say one word or one phrase to end the episode.


Nonsense. In here, we pour whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey.