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Hey, Whisky Ginger fans, your boy is back on tour. I'm touring this fall. Come see about me. I'm in Indianapolis, then I'm in Charlotte, I'm in Waukey, Iowa, which is Iowa City, Omaha, Nebraska, Kansas City, Cleveland, St. Louis, Grand Rapids, Detroit, New Orleans, San Antonio, Chicago, my home, Durham, North Carolina, Atlanta, Charleston, Philly, New York, Phoenix, San Francisco, back again, San Diego, Boston, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Go to AndrewSantino. Com for those tickets. Andrewsantino. Com. Go grab them tickets now. In here, we pour whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey. You are that creature in the ginger beard. Sturdy and ginger. Like vampires, the ginger gene is a curse. Ginger's a fugace.


You owe me $5 for the whiskey and $75 I'm not honest with a whore.


Ginger's, I'll hell no.


This whiskey is excellent.


Ginger. I like ginger.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Whisky Ginger. What if I'm wasted and I did that read like that?


You just were the MicroMachines guy. Do you remember MicroMachines?


I love that guy so much. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Whisky Ginger. My guest today is one of my favorite people on Earth.


I say that for all my guests, but I mean it once again today.


It is the return of a man who is terrified. Special out now, Sal Volcana.


Hello, Whisky Ginger.


I'm used to seeing you on a cruise ship. People think I'm talking about the impractical Joker's Cruise. I'm not. I'm talking about that all boys' cruise that you and I go on all the time.


Oh, yeah, that's a whole nother thing.


Why don't you tell everyone that you do that, that you go on a boys' cruise with me?


I I do a lot of my gay activity close to the vest. Why? Close to the sequins vest.


Yeah, why? It's me, you, Mateo, Justin Martindale, Fortune Feebster.


Adrian Adonis. Yeah. I think that was the first gay that came to mind. A wrestler who's been dead for 40 years.


Yeah, why?


I don't know.


Jessica Kirsten drives the boat. Everyone, sit down. That's what it would be like the whole time.


Like, we're on a boat. I will not be silenced.


I love this. How was that cruise, by the way? You're never doing it again? You're done?


I didn't think I'd do the last one. Then it came to us and they offered it again because it's hard. But it is unique.


You're at sea with... How many people?


I mean, who many people are in there? 3,000 people. We curate the whole thing. The reason I love it is I basically turned a comedy festival. I get to book 20 friends, give comics work. My family comes, friends come, all my worlds collide. But I do 20 shows. I do programming from waking up to going to sleep. Every time I lose my voice, I get sick. But it's like, when will I ever get to do that? It's wild. I did it this last time, and I was pleasantly surprised. I had a blast. I was like, I left. Before that, I was like, I don't think I'll do it again. Then I bit the bullet, and then I left that one going, I think I would do it even again. Something about this The last one was like, it was right in the pocket. We did it with Eric Andre. It was just a lot of fucking fun. I think they might ask us to do it again, in which case I'd love to. But you know what? It's go crazy. All of my friends who I usually would book on it have blown up so big that I can't even afford them anymore.


Yeah. Matt Reif will not return your phone calls. He will not, no. He's doing his own cruise.


Is he?


No. He should. No, but he could. If you're listening, you could do it. Can you imagine not one man on that? It would be a cruisehip filled with beautiful young women and Matt Reif on a boat.


Yeah, he's the only act. It's all he needs to do. It's all he needs to do. Yeah. He just walks around with a wireless mic on the ship. That's all it is.


But he's also the deckhand and he's the captain. Yeah. He's the only person.


It's an autopilot. I mean, he would make a good margin.


What cruise line did you use? That's my fear. When you asked me to do it and I was out on the road, I said, there's no way I can fit it in the date. I was heartbroken. Eric Andre, he texted me 6:00 in the morning this morning, by the way. Weirdo. He does this all the time. He'll text me at 5:00 and be like, we need to finish that thing we were talking about. Because him and I and I'm like, okay.


No, that's what he does all the time.


It's like, okay, let's do it then.


He's like, when are we going? He wants to go on a tour of Staten Island, like a pizza tour.


It's fun. He He just wants to do fun stuff. But he texted me and he said, why don't you come in on that thing? I said, I don't know if I can. It's never going to work out date-wise. I'd have to go back to the... It was just never going to work. And then as I was thinking about it, I thought, what line was it? Because right as you asked me, like a week later, somebody got in trouble. One of the lines. I don't remember which one, but someone got like- Yeah, for something. I don't remember, but I remember reading. I was like, Man, I hope it's not a whatever. No, it's your people.


It's Norwegian. That's where you are, right? You're Norwegian. Are you Norwegian?


Come on, dude, cut it out. After all these years, I'm Irish and Italian. Scum and scum. I know, but you- Trash and trash.


You can play Norwegian.


No, I could.


I can get a Norwegian vibe.


You just have to believe it. That's too Nordic. I went out for I went out for Curb with Larry, and they initially wanted me to play the guy whose dog is named Adolf. Have you ever seen that clip? Yeah. I ripped the audition, and then he was like, you don't look.


You ended up doing the Mocha Joe ones?


Yeah, I did the other Mocha Joe's. Yeah.


What a fucking dream come true. It's crazy how many friends I have that were on that show. And that's something that was like the golden. It would be like a make a wish for me. You know what I mean?


That was to me like, if I was like, can I please just get on this? There was only one other show that I wanted to be on, and I said, I'll pay to be on it. I would physically pay. Which one? It was Baskets with Galifanackis. Oh, for sure. I used to have, I mean, not the same caliber. Obviously, Kerb is just... But Baskets, I used to call my agent every week, and I'd be like, will you tell them I'll drive up there and I'll pay for myself? And I'll... Wow.


Do you know Zack?


No. I mean, no. I met Louie. We met once. I met Louis.


Is that a Louie?


It was Louis. Louis produced it. Yeah.


Louie Anderson.


Yeah, he's gone.


He's gone. But you did. He was on that.


Yeah, but didn't Louis CK produce Baskets? Yeah, he wrote the pilot. Yeah, he wrote the pilot. Oh, I didn't know that. That's what I thought you were saying. But Louis Anderson, yeah, Louis played his mother.


I met Louis once when I did the This is not happening, and I was surprised to see that he knew my show, and he was very generous, very nice guy.


Nice when I met him. I only met him one time, and he was super nice and sweet. He was so good on that show. I reference this clip all the time, but there's a clip where he's chugging a gatorade. He played like the mom, right? Yeah. It's obvious that this was a bit, and Zack breaks, and they leave it in, which I think is fascinating because you watch Zack is drinking and he goes, and you see him drink laugh because Louis chugs for way too long, and then he coughs. He goes, That hit the spot. And he's choked up and it's so good. And you know that they were like, leave it in. We cracked. You can hear it. If you're a nerd and you're listening, like I was intimately watching and I looped it like five times, you can hear the people laughing. So they thought it was going to break. They thought they were like, we'll have to cut. No, they put it in. They left it in. But I beg to be on that show, too. For some reason, I was like, man. I don't know. I thought it was so subversive and weird and so specific.


It was. Curb, did you just get the call or did you like, will it? Did you push it out? They'd be like, I want to get- Allison Jones, who cast it She had cast me in a bunch.


She's been a... She did a lot for me.


She knows your caliber.


She did a lot for me. She's better than I am.


You've done for her.




She cast you, but then you deliver.


Yeah, but I mean, she's got- She wouldn't keep casting you if you didn't benefit- I keep paying her. I'm paying her. I'm paying her. I'm paying her. I pay her very well. But she called and said, I think they want to see you for this thing. Nerves? I feel like you don't get nerves. Honestly, pure excitement, like a child. Remember what it felt like? And this is funny because I was driving to the West Side, and the only reason I reference this is because there's a bunch of baseball fields on the way to their office West Side. And I was thinking this feels just like when I was going to a baseball game as a kid. When you're in the car with all your friends and you're like... I was nervous. No, but I was like, I can't wait to get out there, dude.


I was going to get beaned.


I was always the kid that was a lunatic that was like, wait till they see us get out of the car. Because with your friends, you're like, we're undefeated. We're not. We lost almost every game we played. But you're like, we're the best, we're the coolest. He has big league chew. My confidence was like... So it's not nervous as much as the anxiety of like, I want to get in there so bad. Sure. And then when I got in there, he's the most playful dude. Dude, he's like the most like... Yeah.


You got into the buzzer, man.


He's just given you right off the window. He's maybe the most generous dude on Earth. That's awesome. He just has given you alley-ups. He's like, he'll say it a bunch of times.


How much leeway do you actually have?


When I did the first character, we did like five minutes of improv, and then he was like, you just don't look like a Nazi, dude. And I was like, come on, I look like a Nazi. I'm a Nazi.


I'm a Nazi. Let me show you something. No.


And then he said, go out in the hallway.


This was auditioning? Yeah.


Okay. It was just with him. It wasn't really like- So you went straight to doing it with him? With him and the casting director. And then she came out and she was like, Larry says no to that. And I was like, fuck. And then he was like, no, no, no. She's like, no, no. We're finding something else. There's this other thing he likes. It was like a blue collar, a blue collar plumber. And I'm building this toilet for him from his dream. And the thing that I think broke him the most was I said, we'll have like a shield. And when it detects your penis, it'll go, boop, boop, boop, penis detected. And then what? That was him. Yeah, but I did it in the audition. That was him, right? Yeah, I think so. And I did that when we were playing and he laughed.


And he laughed. Oh, that's so cool. It felt good.




Did he know you?


He had known of me, but we had never met formally. Okay. No. But I kept doing that in the room. I did, what? What? I be like, and then the bigger there you dig, the. I think he was just so enamored by how dumb it was that he was like, All right, get out of here.


I had my only encounter with him. It was recently. It was maybe a week before the end of this NBA season, I went to a Knicks game. Have you been to a Knicks?


Yeah, one time. I need to go back because it's one of the most... I know this sounds annoying to you. You're going to hate it. It feels like a Laker game when Lakers are... It's the most fun. Yeah. It's the most fun.


Yeah. Whoever the guests are, they have that room up there for them. Where you sit and you eat and they usher you back and forth and whatever. You go in little groups when they have to go up and down. You go in the elevator, they have an escort. We're in the elevator, we're about to go down to go to the court. It's pretty full. There's a few other notable people in there. He's with Susie Essman, and they're each with their partner, what have you. The elevator guy, he holds it open. He's like, Oh, and Larry gets in like dead last. We were already settled in. And everyone's like, Oh, my God, Larry David. So it already is quiet because it's like, It's fucking Larry David. But it also is like, We were already about to close, and then he shoehorned himself in a bit. It was already tight.


So it was tight. He Larry Davided a Larry He did.


Yeah. And so when he got in and the door was closed, that was the elephant in the room. And so he goes, I appreciate you guys. Let me squeeze in, holding it for me. And his back was pushed up against my chest. So his ear was right here. And I just leaned into his ear and I was like, we really didn't have a choice.


Did he respond?


He laughed, man. That's great. He turned and he turned and goes, well, I assure you if it was the other way around, I wouldn't have waited for you. And I was like, I had my curve moment. I had it.


I had it in real life. That's better than TV. Yeah. I wouldn't have waited for you. Yeah. Fantastic. I was like, yes, man. I love when you hear those stories that validate exactly what should have happened. And that's exactly how we wanted it to go.


And I said, I hope he's playful. I mean, how can he... I mean, he maybe gets a lot of time, but I was like, I couldn't. It was right there.


But in that instance, he was almost waiting. You know when you're waiting, when you know someone's going to say something and you almost want to go, go ahead. Yeah, exactly. Say to God, you're going to do it. So go ahead and do the thing. I like to be playful, but sometimes as comics, we forget that not everybody is. So I was due this morning. I went and got my wife's oil changed in the truck.


Is that what you guys are calling it now?


Honestly, dude, this is a family show. So, yeah, we're not going to say, I plugged her. Right. Okay? That's disgusting. So I'm pumping her and I go to get an oil change and the woman says, she looked young and fun and light and airy. And she's like, hey, how are you doing? Here for an oil change. I go, this is not a bowling? I wanted to go, Is this not a bowling alley? And then she goes, A bowling alley? And I go, Oh, I was just looking to roll a couple of rocks in the morning. And I'm still I'm waiting for her to be like, Shut up. And then she goes, No. And I go, Yes, I'm here for an oil change. She goes, okay, it should be a minute. And then she walked away a little uncomfortable and I was like, Fuck. And then I have to pull up and see her again. She's like, Have you been here before? I'm like, no.


Yeah, right. You never know.


Will you come back?


Yeah. It's such a let down when people are. Yeah.


I was like, just play. It's so stupid. Of course, I'm kidding. But too much play.




Then when it doesn't stop. It's kid Play. Now- That's been a minute.


Where are they? I always wanted that. Where are they? To try that haircut.


Kids or plays?




Yeah, kids. Kids was tall.


Yeah, kids was tall.


Mark Simpson.


Yeah, that's something else, though, isn't it? And why isn't that coming back?


Well, dude, I did House Party, the remake of House Party. Do you know that? You did? I did it. I was in it for like five-tenths of a second. No way.


That came out a couple of years, a few years back.


I don't know. It bombed pretty hard. Yeah. The dorky white neighbor.


Oh, you were?


Why would you say that?


You nailed that audition, though, right?


Thank you. Thank you. Didn't audition. Okay. That one, they're like, who's the biggest dork white? Who can juxtapose? That's dope.


So you're getting calls like you got the role?


Yeah, but this is not That's not a super common thing. It's not like, I'm not fielding a million. I can give it. No, it was like, hey, they want you for this thing. It's one little piece. They show up to the house and you're the neighbor at the front Who is Kid in Play?


Who is the...


They made an appearance in it. Oh, they did. But the two young guys that did it right. There were two young actors that duped as. It's not the same story, but it's the same. You know what I mean?


I see Kid every now and again.


I'll see him pop up somewhere I thought you meant you see him around New York.


Say some stuff. No, no, like in media or whatever.


So bad. But I haven't seen him. He lives in Washington Square Park. Kid. He does? Yeah, he lives there now. Yeah, he lives there now. All right.


So he's doing well. Play, I haven't heard of since the party.


No, His play is not playing anymore. He stopped. Yeah, kid didn't stop. He's over. What about this?


What about Chris Cross? You know one of them died?


I did hear about that. What did he die of? Was it something tragic? Please don't say it.


No, I don't hope he lied.


Did Chris die or Chris died?


I hope I'm not saying that. I don't know if it was Chris or Chris, but what happened to them? They came in and- They were formed by a Dupri manager. I thought it was like Jermaine Duprey or somebody.


Yeah, but I'm saying, but they were formed as a boy group.


But they had two or three hits. When that song came out, it was just- He's wiggity, wiggity, wiggity, whack. Stop the presses. That was it.


Did you wear pants backwards for a little while?


I didn't wear pants backwards.


I tried it twice. Did you really?


Yeah. I think I tried to wear my watch backwards or something. I tried to dip a toe. I tried to dip a toe.


I tried it a few times. And my mom was like, Cut it out. It was also impossible to pee. You'd have to reach your arms backwards to unbutton.


You don't think about that when you're trying to get into. Like a Halloween costume. I want my hat backwards and everyone was like, You're trying to be I'm in a cross-cross. You are. I just stopped it.


You know what's so funny? I never wear a backwards hat because in my mind, I look like a dumb. I just look like an idiot with a backwards hat. Some guys can pull it off.


I understand. You can pull it off. I luckily can pull off a backwards hat. Why? But I can't pull off a lot of things, and I'm glad I could pull that off. What do you mean?


You pull off a lot of stuff. This is hard.


You think this is hard?


I can't do that.


I think this is the most versatile shoe in existence. I think anybody can do this.


I can't wear a laceless van. That's nuts for me. If I wore those, people go, What's up with Santino?


No way. That's in your head. I'm looking at your feet right now. I'm doing a little thing in my mind where I'm picturing them on your feet. It's something I can do. It's worth it. They look... I wouldn't blink. I wouldn't bat an eyelash.


But let's be real about Vans. Can you please give me for a second? Please. They aren't comfortable. They are convenient, but they're not comfortable.


Well, you got to dig a little deeper. They have a line called Comfort Kush.


This is Comfort Kush?


It is not. I will tell you something. I have I have many pairs of Comfort Kush. You do. They do this level called the vault, which is like an elevated level of leather and comfort. I have those, but I have many comfort kush ones. This was a gift my friend gave me. He custom made him.


Oh, I see. That's cute in the back.


For the special. Oh, that's nice. The dick and the date on it for my special.


Yeah, the vic in Chicago, Illinois.


Yes, your hometown.


You can watch your special right now available on YouTube. Shot and produced with the 800 pound gorilla. Correct. Good boy. Great crew. Yeah. Great people over there.


They've been wonderful to work with. No, seriously.


Really good people. That's serious. Terrified. Go watch it right now, please. We'll put the link in the description. I know I'm plugging a little bit. I know people find that annoying, but I don't care because it's my friend and I want to do it. But let's get back to it. Honestly, so what, though? So this is the way to go.


Believe it, and I have flat feet. I have such flat... Let me tell you how flat are they.


How flat are they?


I went to the doctor because I was in such pain like 20 years ago. You know how doctors, they don't like when you self-diagnose? You know what I'm saying? You're going to be like, Let me do... You know what I'm saying? I went to this guy and I'm like, Listen, my feet are really bad. It's like, I have really flat feet and I need to do something about it. He's like, All right, take off your shoes, whatever. He had that attitude like, I'll let you know what you have. It was coming off of him. I took off and I was standing and he was writing on a clipboard and he turned. I swear to God, he turned, he went, A doctor. He went, Oh, shit. Oh, shit. You could see the... My foot almost goes this way. I walk on two like I'm a rocking horse for a child. You know how He was like, Oh, shit, you have bad feet. I was like, No, I told you. How? Why? You would think that these aren't the comfort, but they're not bad. I just wanted to say this. I just want you to give them another chance on the whole as a brand.


I have one pair of Vans, and I do not wear them, and I won't. They're so flat, and they hurt my stupid little feet.


I understand because Converse, I used to wear the Chuck Taylor's, and I had to stop doing that. Because I don't know who they think they're. How did basketball players run up and down the court in those things?


Yeah, Larry Bird and Magic Johnson both signed a massive deal with Converse, and those were unbelievably uncomfortable shoes. Not just for basketball, just for life.


How about Ceto support as well?


What are we talking about? There's nothing there. It's cloth.


It's a thin sheet of canvas.


Yeah, it's just someone didn't paint with it, so they put it on shoes. I don't understand. I never got that. Also, I was a kid. I don't know about you, but as a basketball player, my whole life, I saw guys in low tops. It blew my mind. I was like, no chance. Always got to go high tops. Then the new generation, nobody really wears high tops. All the kids like the low tops, and you I got a pair. My buddy runs this company. He sent me a pair. Unbelievable. The support is so good on the low tops. It feels like a high top.


Oh, yeah. They get the thick around the thing. I noticed you have a custom.


How old are we, by the way? It feels like it should.




The low feels like the high.


Oh, yeah, absolutely. They finally found a way to bring them both worlds together.


What is this?


How come I have a what? I see that you have a custom made. It looks like a Travis Scott 1 up there, but that's been repainted.


This is a custom job. A young man, that's from Shoe Generous, isn't that from him? That did the cheeseburger? Yeah.


That's already an expensive shoe.


And he customed it. And he customed it. Yeah, he peels apart other ones and then Puts them back together.


And they just sent that to you as a gesture?


Yeah, as a homie. He did that for my special because it's... Cheeseburger? Yeah. And then we have the other one is out there and it has the burger on the tongue and everything. That's really nice. It's incredible.


That's nice. It's nice that you put it up there.


Well, shout out. You know what I mean? He also made me Travis Scott golf shoes.


All right. I mean, let's not overdo it.


You got friends. I like you. You got to make more friends. You got to get more friends. First of all, let's not talk about it because you and the sneaks, I know you have... Let's guess how many pairs of sneakers you have for real. Do you Can you give me the number?


I know a ballpark.


Okay, let me guess. I'm going to go. Muconi, you can guess, too. How many sneaks do you think he has in his closet? In here, we pour whiskey. I'm a traveling man. Made a lot of stops Pretty good.


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I think God, that's good. I'm going to one doll of you right now. I'm going to go 106.


Wait, what are you saying? I have 106? Yeah, 106 pairs. You're saying I have 325?


No, he said 125.


Oh, so 326, and you said that's low.


I was kidding.


Okay, you were kidding about it being low, and he knew that, and then he came down to 125.


And I said 106. 105, 106. How much?


My ballpark estimation about 260. Holy fuck. Yeah.


You're sick.


I could You're sick. I've slowed down, too. I've slowed down a lot.


At that point, you're buying a pair of shoes every week?


When I was really into it, probably. Probably a multiple a week.


Now, what do you do with them now? Now that you're a grown up, you're a big boy, you have your family. Then at some point, what do you do? You sell them? What do you do?


I've sold and traded, but right now I just have them. Some are in storage and they're dispersed in two different closets in my house. I like to I really like... You know what I'm... I'm a simple guy as far as the baseline clothing. I wear like, solid. Same. Then I use the shoe for the flip.


That's the pop.


You know what I'm saying? I like to wear different shoes.


Yeah, I know.


It feels like a refresh, like when you get a haircut or something. Since I have so many, they all stay in pretty good condition. When I put them on, they always feel fresh and it gives me a little pep. I like it. Yeah, it does.


No, I think it's a nice... Look, I was in it for a while, and then I got out and I...


I'm I'll be on my way out.


I got out, and I gave away a lot, which I think people were a little shocked by.


Yeah, I give away a lot. Not any ones that are really expensive.


I gave away a couple that I shouldn't have given away. I don't care. What am I going to do? I'm going to die.


I understand this.


Who gives a shot?


My whole thing is that I feel like the things is just going to fall out, like the whole market is going to fall out. A hundred %. And then it's going to be worth nothing. And some of them I buy, I'll still spend some money on some of them, but I know they're still going to go up after that. But I like to wear them, too.


See, I'm the opposite. The price, if it's too high, I get weirded out. And then because I know me, I'm going to wear them to death anyway. I don't not wear anything. If I have it, I got to wear it, got to use it. I just feel like I've never been a guy who's like, saves it and looks at it. I'm just like, I'm going to wear that, and I'm probably going to ruin it. One of the first days I got a nice pair. I got Travis Scott, Black on Blacks, and it rained in New York. Black on Blacks? Yeah, the Black on Blacks.


What do you mean the Black on Black?


What do you mean Travis Scott, Black on Black? It's got black on black. It's black and black.


Which shoe is it? Which shoe?


The Jordan 1 low Black on Black.


Was that a Friends and Family? No. Or is that a- No. Or was that a later on release that wasn't as- I need to look it up for you.


I'm sure it wasn't as popular as it was. Well, the early shit.


Yeah. This. That didn't come across my desk. Really?


Yeah. Oh, I love these.


Because I did have a drought. I felt like there was a year that I just didn't look at it. Look at that.


I love black shoes. Yeah. Love black shoes, and it's All black. Oh, yeah.


The white stitching. Yeah, it's great. Catch these.


So I got those the first day in New York. I slap them on. I'm walking out of the restaurant pouring rain. And I was like, yeah, honey. So now the suede is totally ruined. It's fun, though.


Yeah, I could see that.


You're there.


Now, just embrace it.


It doesn't matter. Yeah, you got to suck it in. You know what I mean? Yeah. So you got two more seasons of your show coming. You just told me that off camera, which congratulations. Thanks. Yeah. So huge.


That's wild, right? I don't know. Thirteen years now we're doing this thing.


Almost 300. It's going to be you guys and Always Sunny.


Yeah. I love those guys. They're the longest running- You're pals with those guys, right? Yeah, a couple of them. I've never met them. I admire them so much. We're the exact same age. We started at the same time. They're way more talented and successful.


There's a lot of untalented people who work on that show. Yeah, by far.


I went and saw their live podcast in Philly. Oh, really? I was invited to go backstage a little bit, but then I was like, I just thought better of it. I just didn't want to bother them after it. I didn't want to also... I I don't want to meet them and the circumstances weren't great. And then I had a bad experience with them.


You didn't want that to happen? No, I didn't want that to happen. I get that. That's smart.


Because I really do like them a lot.


You got a celebrity experience like that where it gives you heat because you're like, oh, I remember when I did that thing? Yeah.


Come on. And I'm not that guy. I never really approach anybody. I'm never really in awe. There's only a short, short list of people where I'd be like, oh, my God.


Who's that? Who's the oh, my God? Who's your oh, my God? Taylor Swift. Taylor. Willy Nelson.


Both of these go without saying. No, I Probably like a, who the fuck knows? A Martin Short or a Steve Martin, something like that.


Both so cool.


Yeah, like something like that. But I really don't even know. But I know that is a short list. I don't know if this person should be named.


Give it to me. You could do it, baby. Hey, if they did it, you can do it.


Because you know what it is? I'm on the other end of this and I understand. I know. I always think of it like if someone comes up to me, may believe it's like if they're older, like if my mom or dad went up to a celebrity, how would I want them to treat that person? Well, first of all, I don't treat anyone bad, but I just don't want to bother anyone. Sometimes people come up to us right in the middle of eating or right in the middle of an intimate moment. It's like you try to oblige them, but it is a little bit weird. I never really want to bother anybody. But I was It was in Nashville, and I was at this hip motel. They made this motel into... They redid it and made it into a retro motel.


Kind of an oxymoron hip motel.


Yeah, right? Yeah. But it was still divy, but it was chic divy.


Was it expensive?


I wasn't staying at the motel, but they have a bar, and then they have this pool area, and it's all fancy. It looks like old... I don't know. It's a scene. It was a scene. I was brought to it. I don't know the scenes anymore. I was brought to it.


I'm not in the scene anymore. They bring me to the scene. I get in the scene, then I go.


I happen to be brought to the scene.


The Dive Motel? Yeah, that's it.


I guess appropriately named them. I think that's it. Is it still a thing?


The Dive Motel?


Yeah, I wasn't staying there. I was going to the They have a pool party. You said that twice. I wouldn't stay in there for everybody. I just don't want my stock to drop.


I left the Four Seasons to go to the motel. I've said that three times now.


Yeah, I think the rooms are cool. I think they redid each one in their own way.


Anyway, point being- How would you know you didn't stay there? Because it was a bus. Liar. He stayed there. Dive motel. This is the guy who stays at your establishment and doesn't respect you enough to say he stayed there. I'll stay there when I go to Nashville.


You ever go to a veterans post, like a VW post?


Like a VFW A VFW?


A VFW, yeah. Oh, yeah. Love. A VFW. You know how that is? It's like a fucking paneling with paneling. It's like it smells.


The ceiling is stained with cigarette smoke.


Stained with water dripping. That thing. They kept their bar like that. Oh, I love that. It's literally like they didn't touch the thing. It's a dive. But then the rooms were nice in the pool. Do you know this guy, Leon Bridges?


The musician, yes. Very talented. Love the guy. Very, very talented. Go on.


Huge fan. There was a minute and there was a good six months in there or more where he was my number one, what I was into.


I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man. Is that Leon Bridges?


No, that's- Allo Black.


Allo Black. That was racist. I do need to find out. I'm so sorry, but I do know Leon Bridges. Do I not? I just can't remember the song.


You're like, I know him. Georgia.


Leon Bridges. Let's see his Fizz Fizz. Oh, yeah. Texas, son. We know that one. Sure. With Krunben. Krunben. Krunben.


Who I'm a huge fan of. I love him. Seeing them five times as well.


I love him, too. But let's be honest, sometimes if I... Krungben on the Spotify at the house. It sounds a lot of like, a lot of like. A lot of songs, a lot of like.


I get that. I totally get that.


It hits the ceiling.


But they have their own unique sound. And some of their stuff is upbeat, and some of them know you get into space. And you got to be in the mood.


You got to be in the mood. But they're good. But they are very, very talented.


Found them through him because they opened for him on the tour.


Texas son. Yeah. What did Leon do?


Leon- He was staying there, by the way. So this is what happened. His first album came out. It was amazing. It was a throwback soul album. Yeah. All sorts of accolades. Then he follows up with a second album, completely different sound, just as good. I think he's on his fifth album, and he's done it five times. He's done five now. But he lost me after the second album only just because of I just had this thing associated with it and I just felt bad after that. I blame myself. No. He came to this thing and he's... It's a party, he's at this party. He's a DJ, and everyone Everyone's hip there. I mentioned the hipness. He comes in and he's in like, this is a guy that can dress like... I mean, an icon of fashion. He comes in with these bell-bottom like bell-bottom leisure suit pants, platform shoes. He's got silk shirt open to here, tons of chains, got a big hat, tilted this way. You know what I mean? Pulling it off. He looks like he invented the whole style. It's hard to miss him. The place only holds 150 people. You know it's him.


He walks in. I'm a fan. I walk in, I go, oh, my God, it's Leon Bridges. I say to my girl, and I was with Chrissy, actually, Stefano. That's your girl? I was with Chrissy. I was with my girl, and Chrisie. No one there even blinks an eye. Now, I don't know if it's because he's in Nashville, it's a music town, or they don't know him, or everyone's playing it cool as well. Nobody's bothering. He walks in with some people, and he's having a good time. He's at his little area and he's dancing, and he's dancing like nobody's watching. He really is dancing like no one's watching. I'm saying to myself, I'm not going to bother him at all, but I'm saying to myself, he doesn't even mind. All eyes could be on him. He doesn't care. He's not trying to... Eventually, he moves to the DJ which is at the top end of it at the front of the pool. Everyone else is in the pool and all the other chairs are over there. He's actually segregated, not in a way that... What's a bad choice of words?


It's a bad word. Separated is right there, too. Separated is what he did. Separated is what he did.


He went to the back of the pool. No, wait. He's up there and now he's dancing. He's practically doing the electric slide. We're there a few hours and the place is thinned out. I would say there's maybe 40 people there. He's at the front of the pool, literally doing moves like he's in a music video. I'm about to leave. I've recently spoke about how I'm married.


For that moment, you thought, if Leon Bridges is interested.


Yeah, I was like, I would leave.


These rooms are only $176 on my speedier.


Yeah, let's dive into this. My lady was there, and it was before we were Married. We had two choices for our wedding song.




One of them was an old song, and I keep that one. I know what it is.


I'll tell you what it is. But I do know.


Or you could bleep it out. You know what it is?


I know what it is.


I wish you would have come to my wedding.


I would have loved to come.


Yeah. I don't know if we were that. Hold on.


You'll never get it. No, I do know.


I wish you did. I do know. Have you said it?


Because if I said it right now, you'd lose your shit.


I'd probably rip my dick off.


Get ready, Whisky Ginger listeners. Patreon. For the first time. I don't know what I would do.


I probably wouldn't be the same person after that. That'd be my life before you guessed it and my life after you guessed it.


I really wonder because I got it. At least give me the decade.


It's old. '70s.


Oh, not that old. I went to '50s in my mind. I went to my girl type of- No. No. No, I know. I know. '70s. Hold on.


Well, that one, I'll give it to you off. Okay, give it to me off. I'll give it to you right now. Just don't put it in.


No, we don't need to make the work. Just we'll start off there.


I would love to see what you think about it. So don't make the work.


Yeah, they'll bleep it out. Joe will bleep it out. Okay. I wish we could just leave it and let people know what it is. It's so beautiful. Did you use it?


That That we chose that. I'm really glad I did because it's timeless. But it was between that and one of his songs.


What was the song of his?


Can you pull up his second album?


This is how unimportant it was. It didn't stick.


No, I know it. It's just right now in my head.


Because you're in the- Beyond. Beyond. Yeah, it's got to be. I could have guessed it without just the title.


It's a beautiful song.


Imagine if it was Bad, Bad News. We like what he's saying. We don't like the title.


It's a beautiful song, man. It resonated with me the same way the other one did. Sure. I'm about to leave and I was like, maybe I'm a huge fan, but maybe it'd be cool for him to know that I didn't tell him it was between two.


By the way, that's a beautiful tidbit to go, I just want to let you know. We were thinking about using your song for our wedding we're getting married soon. I just want to let you know. As an artist, you Come on. You'd be like, That's amazing.


I'm so nervous that he would see because I talked about it one other time. I'm nervous he might, for some reason, see it and then hate my guts. I'm not painting him as a bad guy. I put it on myself.


You sure did.


Because he was I was literally doing the hustle. I was like, he's clearly open to whatever. There's only 30 people. Right before we left, I got up and I said, I'm going to go tell him. Why not? Because I'm telling you, man, I was playing this guy's albums all day long for six months, seeing him in concert and all that stuff. I go up and as I'm walking, I pass one of his friends and his friend looks at me. He's like, whatever, no recognition, didn't know who I was or anything. He's dancing. As I come up to him, he's by the DJ booth and I Again, his friends, they are him and the DJ, and that's it. I'm right in front of him and I'm like, the music was loud and he was dancing. I just was like... He looked at me for a second. He was dancing. He didn't stop dancing. He didn't really like... He actually looked at me a little bit like, what do you want? What are you about to say? What is this about? Which is fine. Then he leaned in and he goes, Hey, I don't want to bother you.


It's so funny because here I am saying the things that people- Bother you. No, they don't bother me, but I get it, and I don't do this a lot. I said, she was standing 10 feet behind me. I go, We're just huge fans. He's like, and I said, Seen you in concert? Like, five times? We've seen you in concert a bunch. He goes, Yeah, I'm going to go in. Just figured I'd let you know we're going to get married and we wanted to use your song as our wedding song. He was still dancing and still furrowed. It didn't really He bought madder, really, in a way, a little bit. Then he just went, That's what's up. Then he just turned and fucking did another move.


But that is what's up.


I was just like, stand there and I was like, and I was just turned and just You know when Homer goes into the bushes? I just did that. Look, he wasn't mean, he wasn't really warm or receptive, but I approached him in the middle of him having a good time at a party. I probably said something to him that he's heard a hundred million times. In my head, I was thinking it's going to be special, but his music is so good that I'm sure he's fucking heard. I'm sure he's been hired to sing at a goddamn wedding. I just was like, I bother. I did that thing where I couldn't just let it lie. I couldn't just let this guy be here and be cool in his big hat and his platforms doing the hustle. I had to go up to him and tell him, I'm using your in my weddings.


It was fine, honestly. But he also responded fine. I'm on his side a little bit, too, because I would have been like, if I could say that to people, if I had the- That's what's up. That's what's up is the dopest First line. If somebody's like, dude, your comedy, love your comedy. If I could get away with that's what's up without someone being like, what? Without laughing in my face.


I've said that's what's up.


I can't do that.


I've said it.


If a fan is like, dude, I love your stuff.


Get yourself a pair of Can't do it. And walk around that whole day saying, that's what's up. Can't do it.


Here's how I respond to that. Say, hey, man, love your stuff.


Hey, man, love your stuff.


Thank you, man. That's it. I can't.


No, I don't. I mean, that's what's up is not at the ready for me.


It's so cool. It's a cool line.


Well, he's very cool. But it wasn't like, that's what's up.


I know. You wanted this, that's what's up. You wanted, that's what's up. Mike, this dude and him, his wife are going to use their... Yeah, and get to you up and go and then tussle your hair and go, I love you, kid, and throw his jersey to you.


Yeah, but it was like, what do you want? And then, okay, that's fine.


Which is funny because you got a nice face. You're not a guy that I would go, what's this guy up to?


I feel like I have a gentle way.


No, you do. And you do. Your approach, your gate is nice. You don't have a lumbarous like, who am I? Where I for that?


You don't have that at all. I'm not a bull in a China.


No, you're not one of those goons.


I wasn't charging towards him.


That's right. No, I understand. I had a moment. You said that when you said first album, second album, Anderson Puck made Malibu. Malibu was the name, right? It just came out and it was a banger. I loved it. He got on a flight next to me with a crew. Maybe this is my stupid little ego, but I thought, he looked at me and was like, What up? That could have been just a human what up. But then I was like, oh, does he maybe know who I am? That would be fucking rad. Probably not. But he acknowledged me very… Then he looks up at the bin. This is just a funny moment. Nothing negative. But he looks up at the overhead and he starts moving some of the backpacks. I was like, oh- The backpacks. The backpacks, sorry. He's moving the backpacks. First of all, he's right because backpacks are supposed to go underneath. Those are for overhead bags. He should listen to the announcement. That's what I would say. If you're not going to pay attention, then why are you on the plane in the first place? You can tell he's moving the backpacks to the side because he's making room.


I was like, thank God mine's not up there because I didn't want to be the guy to go, oh, that's mine. Then I was waiting for the guy to go, sir, can you not move that? My laptop is in. I was waiting for that guy. It didn't happen because I think people were nervous to say anything because he's a big personality. Again, he's dressed dope.


You could tell when someone's a star.


Yeah, he looks cool. He looks important. You get on the plane and they're like, is that that guy from the bullshit thing that I don't like? And we're like, it is. And he's moving the box, and his friend is right behind him as he moves it. And then he turns around because I see no luggage in this man's hand. I think, what is that for? And he turns around. His friend is behind him and he grabs. I mean, dude, thank God I've been in comedy. I would have lost it laughing if I did. Have you ever seen those big boombox speaker boxes? They're fucking this big. They're they're hilarious large. I'm not kidding. It's like three and a half feet, and it's huge. The circumference is massive. It's like a He grabs from his boy. He has a shoulder strap. That's how big that fucking thing is. You've seen this before. He takes him away. He goes, I got it. And he turns and he puts that in the overhead. And no luggage. It was no luggage. It was so funny. And he closed it really slow and then sat down and put on headphones.


And I was like, I love this guy.


He travels with the essentials.


I love this guy. No bag. That was his travel. But I remember thinking I had the moment where I was like, should I? I want to. And I didn't take it. I didn't take it. And only because he looked like we were just touring. I'm tired. I'm going home. Oh, yeah, for sure. The flight was going back to LA. He was going back to LA. Anytime I see the guys going back to LA that I'm like, oh, dude, I'm always like, leave him alone. He did a thing, and then he's got to go home. I know this is home, and he's going to be like, hey, man, I just did seven. I'm tired.


Please go. That's what I didn't do. This guy was dancing for two hours.


You'd figured by that time he had himself, and you're like, maybe he needs a compliment.


He needs a compliment on his dancing.


He's still dancing right now at the Dime Motel.


I walked away and I did that thing where I was like, when you're like, I'm a stupid idiot. You're not. I had a bad experience connected to the song. I said, I don't want to have that experience connected to this song. And so we chose the other one, which it was a real tough call because one is a contemporary and one is 40 years old. I was leaning the other way, maybe anyway, because it It was already timeless to me. I'm glad that I did it just because I realized now that that song, it just really, really resonates with me. You know what I'm saying? It was different. When we dance to and everything, everybody was like, oh, my God, this song. It was nice.


Our first dance song was Eric Clapton, Cocaine. By the way, what an awesome... If you did come out...


That's so funny.


Cocaine. It would be such a great song. To slow dance to cocaine would be such a fucking...


Or even just like any time, like just the Venetian hour even. You know what I mean? It's just a special time.


But it is funny that wedding songs, it is to see what people choose. That is such a vulnerable. Everyone's like, what is it going to be? Is it going to be something I like that I know?


Most of them suck, dude.


Most of them are pretty predictable.


Most of them are pretty predictable. I mean, I've been to 10 weddings with the same one. And it's also the one that's just had too much airplay. And it just, not to take away from it, but it's like, let's peel the onion a little. Yeah.


And we're not going to say any songs because I know there's someone at home whose it was. You're going to be that guy. They know. Yeah, they know. Well, yeah. Someone will get too much play. I think it's, but it is tough. Ours was so small in Costa Rica with just our family. So it wasn't as formal. We didn't have any of that. It was a party with my parents. It was no fanfare. We jumped in the pool after. That's great. It was just a party. I love that. Yeah. And oh, you brought me back real fast, though. The one time I remember a semi-embarrassing moment, my dad and I were at an airport. Maybe we were at O'Hare in Chicago. I don't even remember. But Tom Selleck was across the way. Big boy, by the way. Do you know Tom Selleck? He was a shouldered man. He's got some half-tons. Yeah. How tall? Look at Tom Selleck. I don't know how tall he was. And I also... Here I was eight, nine, whatever. 6'4. 6'4. Big boy. Big shouldered man, though. Broad. Broad man. I said to my dad, I go, That's Tom Selleck.


That's Tom Selleck.


You said that as an eight-year-old.


I must have been 11. Let's say 11.


That was the eye as we got it.


I said, That's Tom Selleck. My dad goes, That is Tom Selleck. Loud enough for Tom Selleck to hear it.


Purposedly or not?


I don't think so. Maybe joking a little bit. I turned and I shut down because he turned and I was like, What will they do to us? Like a celebrity, it's like, Can he have us killed? It's Tom Selleck, Dad. Don't say that so loud. Nowadays, that's... Come on, no rules apply.


You're going to punch right in the chop. You would have toggled in his mustache. He's like, Tommy.


In here, we pour whiskey.


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I like ginger.


Now, someone would have run up to me like, Hey, man, what do you do for a living? How do you have this car? What do you do for a living?


Who has that car right now?


Have you Have you seen? He probably has it. He does. Celik? Yeah, for sure. Have you seen this guy? I don't know how TikToky you are or how looped in the- I'm not too TikToky.


I'm deep as they go.


I can't get enough. It gives me so much joy in comedy. There's so much funny shit on there.


It's endless. It's almost- You get into these holes.


I'm in them. When I'm on the toilet, I'm in them. And I go too far. And then there's a couple of guys now. It used to be what do you do for a living guy. Then it was, But then there was a guy that was like at night, a guy would go and there'd be women out and they'd be like, what do you rate this girl on one? You've done this thing. And then this new one, I saw this one guy straight. He goes, how much is in your bank account? And he's like, are you willing to pull it up? People pull it up to this guy. How far in society are we going? Wow. That it's like, well, dude, you've seen the videos where it's like, can you give me a tour of your apartment? That guy's in New York. Yeah. And it's been crazy to me. People are like, come on in. No, fucking get out of here.


Insane. Get out of here. I fantasize about it.


That people can want to take a tour of your place?


Yeah, because I'm a big fan of Architectural Digest open door series.


That's different. That's like a pop. That is a verified. Right. This started and this guy is popular now. Well, of course they're faked. But the O. G. Ones was like, can I see your apartment? And people would be like, that's wild. Yeah.




Well, now it's architectural digest that he's copying what they did, which was take us inside your home. But this kid, the O. G. Stuff was just people. It just was, he'd be like, hey, what are you doing? Some guys, I'm in finance. He's like, take me up to your place. And the guy's like, yeah, I guess. Yeah. Now it's famous people. But when it was old school, it was funny because it was weird. It was weird as shit. And you got this weird insight. But I thought I would never, never, never, never.


As a As a kid, as a kid, and even late to life, one of the things I always daydreamed about and wished I could do was see inside any home that I wanted. Oh, I want to walk in. You drive to the neighborhood and there's always those houses that you would pass along and be like, Wow, look at that. Who lives there? Yeah. Look at the lawn, look at the columns or whatever the fuck. You know what I mean? I wonder, or it would be quirky or whatever. You're like, I wonder what it looks like inside there. I grew up in an apartment. I just was like, I wonder if... The sky There's always a limit in a kid's imagination. And now with Zillow, forget a TikTok. I'm on Zillow. Zillow is your TikTok. Zillow is my TikTok. I'm like, What city am I? I'm putting in a filter. I'm like, X to X. You know what I mean?


And you go to Other and you go on the waterfront, when you really want to get spicy, let me look at a Lakehouse for a little while.


You know what I did? I went back to all the addresses from childhood.


Oh my God.


And like 80% of them were on there and I got to see in these homes. I felt like a superpower.


I remember how important that was. I think I said in a show and tell moment in school, my mother told me this, I don't remember, but they said, What's your goals? What's your dreams? What do you want to do? Who do you want to be when you grow up? I said, One day I want a house on the ground. That was a big thing. One day I want a house on the ground. On the ground? Yeah, because we were in an apartment. We were in a high rise. I don't remember saying it, but I do remember thinking house on the ground, a home, a house was so cool. I was like, That is the coolest thing. Meanwhile, the world fantasizes about high rise. You know what I mean? Moving on up. The irony is staggering of kids in the city wish they were suburban. Suburban kids wish they were in the city. And I got to touch both worlds. We moved to the suburbs. But it was so funny that I remember as a kid, remember going to family, friends' houses and being like, you don't have to take an elevator to get to your fucking room?


This is so Cool.


I used to be like, sometimes I used to be a little bit embarrassed to bring people because we lived in a small... Yeah.


Oh, not me. We lived in a five bed. No. What do you mean? What the fuck?


But yeah, I was always like, imagine being able to put the TV as loud as you want.


And no one can hear. No one will knock on the wall.




That's so funny. That's such a funny bit. That is so funny to be able to as loud as you. And by the way, I do do that. I did that this morning. My audio guy, Slim. This is my dog, bro. This guy's the funniest, coolest dude. He's a perfectionist. And I got him to install the TV to connect all the things. And he was like, I could get you a different range of speaker. And I was like, well, I want a good one, but I don't want to pay something crazy. And he's like, yeah, invest in you. I was like, oh, my God. He bullied me. That's so funny. And so, of course, I got-Invest in your Sonic. He's like, yeah, invest in yourself. This is your life. But I get a shitty speaker. I love that. So he bullied me in to it. So I got the good one. And as he's doing it, he turns it super, super fucking loud. My wife is downstairs and she looks like, she's like, guys, what the fuck is that? Come on. Super loud. He looks over at me and I thought, like a child, I'm like, I can do this.


This is my house. I can do whatever I want. No one can tell me I can't do this. That is what it felt like.


Forget when she's not home.


Oh, my God.


You should test the limits. You should test the limits and just walk around like a free man. That's freedom. That's freedom. When you can get really good speakers or any speaker and do it to 11 and just leave it there and walk around. Walk around. Yeah.


Get some water. You can't hear anything. It's so loud. It's deafening. And the dog keeps going like this. When I turn it too loud, she looks up like, fucking fuck, don't.


When is the... Do you turn music up? Because I don't. And every once in a blue moon, when I do, I'm like, oh, shit. This is a different experience.


I turn it up. Yeah, I turn it up. I like it. In the car, you do it? Oh, my God.


You don't have stuff in the trunk that goes boom, boom, boom.


I'm not a boom, boom guy, but I do like it loud. I like music loud. I've always been that way.


Windows down, don't matter?


It depends on the song. If it has a lot of N-words in it, Windows up. Okay. Windows down, if it's just a rock song. Rapsong, Windows up.


But you'll go a red light, Windows down, and it's strength over it.


Rock song, yes. Okay. Rapsong, Windows up. Or Rapsong, Windows down, get to a red light, windows up. I got to close it. I don't want someone to see me Me in my car listening to hip hop loud and look over and be like, I saw Santino's dork ass. Because I'm not a dork, but my appearance is dorkity. If I'm a... You see- Agree to disagree. I just think me in a car, if someone saw me listening to a hardcore hip hop song, they'd be like, nerd.


Dude, I used to deliver pizza in college.


For a chain or a Mom and Pop?


Mom and Pop. Love. Can we name it? Can we name it?


Because I love Mom and Pop.


It's gone now, but classic pizza. Yeah. Yeah. Rest in peace. I was five minutes away from Park Hill, where the Wuteng was from. And when I'm in college, let's see, I started college in 94. So it was like they came in, I think it was 93. 93, yeah. I used to... Oh, yeah. Hell, yeah, dude.


That's signed by Method Man, by the way. Yes. That was a gift, right? Somebody gave that to us.


That was awesome. Oh, man. He's the best, dude. Method? Yeah. I've met him over the years, and now we became the Buds, and he was on my show. Really? Dude, I I smoked with him.


Can we do a thing when I come back to New York and you see me because I do it.


You got to smoke a blunt with the man.


I don't know if I can. Okay. With him? Yeah. How can I function with him? I'd already be a little bit enamored, and then I'd get high, and then I'd be afraid I'm going to say something So dumb.


I understand that. So dumb.


Sober, fine. But fucked up.


He's disarming. He's so cool.


You know what I mean? I'll meet anybody sober. I don't care. I smoke a blunt with Method Man. I know I'm going to say some weird ass dumb shit. I'm going to say a thing. I'm going to be like, What haven't that guy to cut his penis off in the group?


I'm going to say I did Rogan last week for the first time, and he lit something and smoked it past it. I was like, I can't do a drill. I have to like, I can't. This is my first time.


I can't do it. The first time I ever did that show and I got stoned with him, panic, panic, panic, panic, It's beyond it. I left going like this. I understand. Is that okay to say? I was thinking, overthinking all of it.


But-so go back.


Where was I? With the album that just come out. Deliver Pizza. Yeah, Deliver Pizza.


So I delivered. They had their music studio. I delivered to them sometimes. Wow. Not as like they weren't all together, but like...


How full circle, though.


How full circle, right? But so I used to deliver in that hood, which is that hood is called the kill of Hills. And the surrounding hoods like Stapleton and New Brighton and things like that, they're not the best, safest neighborhoods. Sure. But I did my thing. I had a red Chevy Cabriolet station wagon. Yes. Pimp it. Yes, that my friends actually detailed and they put racing stripes on it. On the window, they wrote D's Nuts. No. I swear to God. With decals? They did white masking tape, but they did it really good. I had a lightning bolt on the side, the '01 for the General Lee. There was the front quarter panel said, Fear me. D's Nuts, the back said, Caught you looking. No, bro. We did this as a goof, and then I kept it on. Then people celebrated it. People were beeping like, Yeah, and they liked it. I guess they understood the irony of it.


But that's America, dude. Yes. You know the Calvin Pissant on the Ford symbol. That's America. You are. That is. I kept it.


I was delivering pizza with that stuff in these neighborhoods. A lot of times my friends, they would come hang out with me for the whole shift, and they'd come on the ride, the drives. Two of my buddies, Mike and Joe in my car, and I pull up to projects. There's ground level floors or whatever it was. Actually, it was project, but right across the street. There was these townhouses right across the street from it. But I'm parked right there and there's all people I knock on the door and these fucks, they go to 1067 Light FM. They turn it up as high as it can go and they put their seats all the way back. All four of my windows were open and it was The Lean Dion, I'm your lady. The guy opened the door and he was having... It was all people in there and everything. It was a young guy. It was like they were smoking. This thing was just emanating I'm going through the streets. And then the guy just taken it. And I was at the door for a minute. So it was a good verse or two. And I'm like, red-face.


I'm dying laughing inside. I got back to the car, man. They were like purple. They had tears pouring down the picture. They were leaning back. They were like laying down together just punching each other. But yeah. Those are real friends. So I pump music.


That's a real friend. If someone can embarrass you like that, then you can take the hit.


It's so I mean, to this day, it's like, come on.


How amazing is that? One of the best pumps that I've ever heard.


The car says, caught you looking at the same time.


D's nuts. D's nuts and caught you looking. Fear Me, though, really sticks out. Because Fear Me is like either a big, big joke or that guy is dead fucking serious. Do you know what I mean? Absolutely. The guy who has fear me on a thing.


It's one of the other way.


There is no like, it means something. I never had the balls to do that.


I got I'll send them to you. Drop it in. Will you do that? Yeah, I have them.


Of the car? Yeah. Oh, please. I have a whole bunch of them. We'll have to put it in so people can take a look.


I can text you before we leave. I have them on my phone.


I love this.


You mentioned before, did you mention a show and tell? Would you say about school?


Yeah, I was doing the show and tell, the thing when I said I wanted to live on the ground. I had said that when my mom was dating my stepdad, I didn't know what he did. He worked for turtle wax. You remember the car company, this car wash company? Sure, of course. But don't buy them. Don't buy them. Don't We don't like them. They fired my dad after like fucking 30-some-odd years of work. No way.


So wax off.


Wax off. Go to Maguiers. Go get any other brand. Well, he serviced these people. He dedicated his life to them. He was so loyal. Then they boned him. And that's also, by the way, not to be that guy, but that's also why my father was proud of me trying to do this world on my own. He was like, Don't work for someone. Just go try. Just go try. Go fucking try. Who cares?


Come out of your shell.


I could keep dropping things like this the whole time.


Little Bon Mott.


I did. Slowly come out of your shell. You remind me of a-No, he said, Oh, and I said, Show and tell. When I said show and tell. So no, show and tell or whatever. I said, and they asked, What is your mother and dad? What does your mom do? What does your dad do? Who are you? Tell me all of your stuff. And I said, my mom works in buildings and my dad washes cars. And he didn't wash fucking cars, but I thought he was a car wash. Sure. I had no idea what he did. He sold it. But I was like, my dad watches cars. My mom works in buildings. And then the teacher was like, is this kid going to be okay? What if she works in buildings? What does that mean? Is she an escort? In buildings as well. I didn't understand. I had no idea what she did. She worked in property management. She was in the office. We lived in the building she worked in.


Oh, no shit.


That was part of the reason we got to live in there.


That's funny because my dad, he had a bunch of jobs. He was a sanitation worker for the city, but he also was the superintendent of our building. We lived in garden apartments and we got free rent because he was the super. He was the Yeah, it was funny.


That was our getaway scheme because we got subsidized rent because my mother lived there. So we were able to... She worked downstairs and we got to live upstairs. Yeah, absolutely. It was a cool little moment. I didn't really I realized how. It's pretty neat, right? Well, it's cool that she was when she was a single mother, was like, figured this out, was like, all right, I need to figure the best way to put him in an area where he can go to a good school and I can get a job. And how can I make because that shit's got to be agonizing. I mean, we live in a totally different world at a different time. And back then, I don't know, that must have been a nightmare for her. So shout out to my mom. Shout out Mom. Shout out to Mom's Forever. Yeah.


My parents split when I was four.


My parents split before I was one. So don't even try it. Okay? Don't even try. There you go. Don't even try it. My dad went to prison. Don't try it. You know what I mean? Don't try it.


My dad should have gone. Okay.


Well, they got my guy. No, no. They got mine. Please, for all my fans, fans and friends, my friends out there, please go watch a special right now. It's on YouTube. We'll put the link in the description down below. I love you.


Tour on sale right now.


Tour is on sale right now. It's- SalvocanoComedy. Com. It's not just Salvocano.


Now, everything's fine. Tour is 100% new material.


Please I'm going to watch the tour. Go see him live. He's coming to a ton of cities. He's going to be in your city. Salvocanocomedy. Com. Watch the special. Tell a friend. We end the show the same way. Look at that camera. You say one word or one phrase. Whenever you're ready, I'll be here.


One word or one phrase. You did this to me last time when I got caught off guard.


Yeah, and you should have known. Okay.


Right down the line.


In here, we pour whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey. You were that creature in the ginger field. Sturdy and ginger.


Like their house, the ginger gene is a curse. Gingers are beautiful. You owe me $5 for the whiskey and $75 for the horse.


Gingers, oh, hell no.


This whiskey is excellent.


Ginger. I like gingers.