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Unidentifiable creature who was in the news. I mean, this is the stuff that I'm like, The end is near. Why-look at that thing. Yeah. That's literally a picture of my penis. Look at how pale that thing is. That is genuinely a picture.


It's pale and sad. Yeah. That is a picture of my penis. That's insane.


I mean, we're finding these things still now in this day and age. This doesn't creep you out. To go down, what does that say right there? Thousands of new species are found each year. That's incredible. Every year, we find thousands of these things in the ocean. Why are we not digging down more?


Because we've never been to the bottom. It's impossible.


We got to go down there.


What would we find? What happened last time?


What happened last time we went down there?


The last time we went down there?


That stuff. Titanic.




What is that? It's a new spider they found in-A new spider? We're good. We're all full. Tell the spider maker we're full.


Yeah, get out of here. Wow.