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You got to drink this. The cops are on the way. You're like, I'm fucking put it down now. It's like, no, you don't have to drink like that.


I have to tell you about this game-changing product I use before a night out of drinking, and it's called pre-alcohol. Zbiotics pre-alcohol probiotic drink is the world's first genetically engineered probiotic. It was invented by PhD scientists to tackle rough mornings after drinking. Here's how it works. When you drink, alcohol gets converted into a toxic bribe product in the gut. It is this bribe product, not dehydration, that is to blame for your rough next day. Pre-alcohol produces an enzyme to break down this byproduct. Just remember to make Zbiotics your first drink of the night. Drink responsibly, and tomorrow you will feel your best. I'm telling you right now, I get great workouts in the mornings, and I like to drink. You guys know that. I'm telling you, these pre-alcohol, they are a game-changer. You wake up feeling good. Let me tell you right now, I kept hearing about pre-alcohol and wondered what it.