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Welcome to NFL Daily, where we feel guilty that the first PUP designation of the year gave me a little jolt. I'm Greg Rosenthal. And be unlucky today to have a house full of stars, Patrick Claibon, Steve Weish, and for the first time, Coleen Wolf.


I'm back.


Wolfy, you're being in the house. Oh, my God, guys.


Oh, Gosh, I haven't been not a Washington commander uniform, probably a Steeler's uniform.From your lips to God's ears.That's Ryan Clark. They're excited. It's pretty notable that he just threw those names in there. That was not by mistake.And I think in that, and you can hear it, is the building frustration where there is this uncertainty from the standpoint of he knows that the 49ers don't want to make him the deal that he would like. And so then it's, well, these are the teams that might do that, but he's resigned in the fact that his control over this is pretty limited. All you can do at this point is officially request to trade, which like, shout out to Mike, shout out to the guys. I always wonder, does it come on papyrus at a third point? What's the difference between requesting a trade and officially doing it, but it does take it up to the level of, amazing.That is the dream. I'm supposed to be in jury duty right now. Really? We're trying to launch a show here, and I put it off till November. We'll see if that's any better. But Steve, I know you need to leave this courtroom right now. Let's call on Steve right now. We've totally broken broken the fourth wall.I got to go. I'm being paged.This is now a running bin. I got a client. Steve going to NFL Insiders in a big-time interview with a Hall of Famer that you can check out. It's going to be Dwight Frini and Steve.Thank you, Steve.Thank you, Steve.Steve, you're the best. Everybody wants to be working with Steve right now.We are going to take a quick break and come back with a little more. A little news happened while we were in the courtroom. Really? Yeah. Colleen Wolf has just broken a tackle. Spun out of the arms of a safety. She's in the open field.That's it.The Raiders aren't going to catch her. We're back on NFL Daily. That was fun. I want to do that again.Yeah, it's coming back. I have ideas.I have ideas. I had some arguments that were really going to blow people's mind. But we're going to wrap up this show with a little bit of news that happened. Proven. While we were in the courtroom, Caleb Williams, the number one overall pick of the Chicago Bears, officially signed his rookie contract. This was like a thing because people noticed that the rookies are reporting this week. It was just about to happen. He might have missed the day of the rookies reporting. I don't care about the rookies signing. It never matters. Roma Dunesay also signed. There was a little bit more drama to this because Caleb Williams does not have an agent. He had a lawyer working on it for him, but nothing is getting in the way of Caleb Williams being on that first episode of Hard Knocks, carrying his bag in for the Rookies reporting. I, frankly, am excited.No agent to take a cut of this fully guaranteed deal is pretty amazing for him. Yes. Then also for the bears, now they'll have essentially three years with him on a rookie deal to evaluate if he ends up being what everyone thinks he can be, they can build around him on that rookie deal and bring in, pay other players.And I love that we've come a long way in the conversation about players and their representation, because I feel like a few years ago, it was like, Well, Lamar doesn't have-Lamar was the first big name to do that. And it's like, Oh, what's going to happen? Teams, how are they going to contact him on the phone?Oh, my God.Two MVPs later. Now, Caleb Williams goes one overall, and it's an afterthought. I didn't even know because of Caleb had said, Well, somebody else is handling that.He said his lawyer's and his attorney, whereas technically, the NFLPA says he does not have an agent. He's representing himself. But obviously, he has someone helping with the paperwork. So you got to give a little fee there, Connie. Sure. You don't have to give up 5%, 3%.3% to 5% in perpetuity in a game that you don't get to play forever.And it's locked in anyways. Who knows if he'll get one for next time. But that's a great point you make, Coleen, about the three years. It's one of the reasons why teams want to have first-round quarterbacks, because it's not just a four-year contract, it's really a five-year contract with that fifth-year option if you're a first-round pick. You can give Caleb Williams life-changing money, not that this isn't life-changing money, but even more life-changing money next time around after just three years, and save a little bit on the back-end like What they do when you do a contract two years early. That'll be the plan. I have no doubts about this kid.I'm always waiting at the end of the first round to see what teams are going to trade in to take a quarterback just to be in that situation. I love that.That extra little bit of control. It also gives you leeway as the decision maker, where a lot of these GMs and people in the front office, their job is to keep their job.Those teams that are positioned even at the top of the second, it's so good for them. They're in such a great position every year at the draft.I am really looking forward on a show later this week. I'm going to draft quarterbacks just for this season only with the Daniel Jeremiah. I'm curious if I'm the one who ends up with Caleb Williams or if he's the one that ends up with Caleb Williams, because I got to say he's fairly high on my board. After seeing what Stroud and Herbert and some of these rookies do, it's like, Rookies can be great quarterbacks, too. There is just nothing I have seen out of this kid that would lead me to I believe he is not going to come out of the gate swinging and be at least an above average starter. It's just about 2024. We're going to draft it just for one season. Just this season. But even just this season, wouldn't you take him over? Let's get frisky. Aaron Rodgers? I would.I mean, now that I know that...Tua Tunkoff-Ai Lo, like a team independent.I wouldn't take him over to it now that I know that Zack Wilson is going to revolutionize things.Yeah, exactly.Jared Goff.I'm just saying... This is a fun exercise.I like that. I still would take him because I know it's a rookie, so it's a huge risk, and I wouldn't put May quite that high. But he's... Keel Williams is different. All right. Our after dinner minute today. Colleen, we've just been wrapping up the show with something that just leaves a nice taste in the mouth. We had mentioned to the listeners we have an email address out there. It's nfldailypodcast@gmail.Com. Everyone, lock it in your phones right now, which, by the way, I just want to say, too, real quick that I got so many messages, tweets, direct messages on Instagram, on X all over the place from listeners, from ATN. It was really overwhelming because all of the messages were so nice, and I got to a point where I was in such an emotional place that I couldn't even read them all. I was very much there. But I just want to say that how much I appreciate every single person who sent me a message and said something so nice and thoughtful. If I didn't read it yet, I will eventually read it, but it's just hard for me to do it because it's sad, and I don't like sad things. But I don't want you to think that I'm ignoring you or don't have time or the care to respond to you because it's the exact opposite. I have big feelings. My dog has big feelings, and whenever I come home, Dasher has to grab a toy to put in his mouth to parade around because he has such big feelings, and I am basically Dasher.I just want to say how much I appreciate the listeners because they've always been the absolute nicest and sweetest and most respectful out of any show I've ever done. So thank you.Man, double everything. Man, it is good to have Coleen back in the studio. We've been through a lot.Emotions.It's been an off-season, and it's It's been a lot, but everything Coleen said, I echo, too. I get it from the listeners' perspective that it's a lot. It's a lot for us, too, believe me. Everything you said is... I I live that, too. Now is not the time for me to see everything, although I see the nice stuff, and we have seen a lot of really nice emails. Let's throw up actually the tweet first, Randy, if you can. This was from Tom Marshall. Recognize a long-time listener. He said, With the Around the NFL podcast tattooed on my eardrums. I've tried hard not to like the NFL Daily podcast, but my ears don't lie. I really like it. Good luck, Greg. Tom. Got a lot of messages. It's like that where it's mixed feelings. Let's go to another email. This one is from Sid. This is more just factual question. Do you have any plans for fantasy football-related content on the new pod? Nothing crazy like a whole episode. I do think segment here or there wouldn't be a bad idea. Wishing you all well, excited to see where it goes from here. I mean, why not in a whole episode?That's not crazy, Sid.Yeah. Why dismiss it? But I'm glad you mentioned that we are going to do some fantasy, throw some segments in a little more regularly next week. We're definitely going to have a fantasy segment. Heck, maybe the whole show.I don't know. The sky is the limit. We can do whatever we want.Ceilings, the roof.All right, last email. We'll go from Rainier, and he says he's a longtime ATN and JRVP listener. Wow. Shout out to the Justin Licken-Rosenthal Vanity Project. A lifer.I like it. Jrvp.We'll be back, too, by the way, in October. Anthony right now is in Asia. Never emailed before to any podcast. I wanted to reach out and say, Love in the new show, and we'll be a daily listener and download her on Spotify and loves the release schedule. We've heard a lot about that. We're trying to keep it consistent, keep it daily. Also interested in an informative show. They'll give me the news, make me a little smarter. Love the music as well. Although I'm with you, Colleen. I think we can do tweaks.We can do tweaks. Yeah. Maybe Reina-I have notes.I have a lot of notes here. Reina occasionally creeps through a crowded warehouse of bad guys with a crossbow because that's what one of the track sounds like.You're not wrong. You're not wrong.This is why I needed you here, Colleen. I need you here, and now you're here.We're going to have to fix some of this music, not going to lie. If any of the listeners have anything that they would like to submit, I will just throw that out there because I think that there's some really creative people that listen to this show. We've heard it in the past, some of those examples.That is absolutely true.Also, for those of you who are saying that you You've been so used to ATN and our first listener, who was it? It wasn't Tom, who said that he didn't want to like NFL Daily. He wanted to hate it. He wanted to hate it. I just want to let you know that look, flowers, they don't compete with each other. They all bloom and shine together. Different isn't necessarily a bad thing. And there can be many things that you like at once.If your timeline to enjoy things is very limited and you only have an hour a day, I guess that's the case. But I don't know how many people that applies to.I am now at the point where I don't do anything without listening to a podcast while I'm doing...1000%.So I got room for a lot of podcasts. I'm putting them at 1.5 speed for the most part, I got to admit now. I got to catch myself sometimes because I'll be flossing Walker's messed up braces teeth, and I got Zack Lo in my ear or whatever. I'm not really paying attention to the beautiful child in front of me. Sometimes it's too much podcast. That was unnecessary strict.Too much podcast. Maybe that's too much information to share.Never too much.It felt... For those of us who came from the braces community. It's a struggle.It was weird. It was weird because by the age of nine, your kid's on your own. You're not brushing your kid's teeth that you haven't for years. But then the braces are back and they need a little bit of help. I needed a little bit of help getting through this show. So, Connie, you did it. Patrick, you did it. I'm really excited about that quarterback show that we are going to be putting up on Thursday. So that is tomorrow. And so you can look forward to that, the quarterback ranking show with me and Daniel Jeremiah. Patrick's actually sneaking into that one.I can't be stopped.Just for a little-I love it.I don't want to leave because I might not get back here.Wait, I can't believe I'm still here.Until Thursday. See you next time.


not a Washington commander uniform, probably a Steeler's uniform.


From your lips to God's ears.


That's Ryan Clark. They're excited. It's pretty notable that he just threw those names in there. That was not by mistake.


And I think in that, and you can hear it, is the building frustration where there is this uncertainty from the standpoint of he knows that the 49ers don't want to make him the deal that he would like. And so then it's, well, these are the teams that might do that, but he's resigned in the fact that his control over this is pretty limited. All you can do at this point is officially request to trade, which like, shout out to Mike, shout out to the guys. I always wonder, does it come on papyrus at a third point? What's the difference between requesting a trade and officially doing it, but it does take it up to the level of, amazing.That is the dream. I'm supposed to be in jury duty right now. Really? We're trying to launch a show here, and I put it off till November. We'll see if that's any better. But Steve, I know you need to leave this courtroom right now. Let's call on Steve right now. We've totally broken broken the fourth wall.I got to go. I'm being paged.This is now a running bin. I got a client. Steve going to NFL Insiders in a big-time interview with a Hall of Famer that you can check out. It's going to be Dwight Frini and Steve.Thank you, Steve.Thank you, Steve.Steve, you're the best. Everybody wants to be working with Steve right now.We are going to take a quick break and come back with a little more. A little news happened while we were in the courtroom. Really? Yeah. Colleen Wolf has just broken a tackle. Spun out of the arms of a safety. She's in the open field.That's it.The Raiders aren't going to catch her. We're back on NFL Daily. That was fun. I want to do that again.Yeah, it's coming back. I have ideas.I have ideas. I had some arguments that were really going to blow people's mind. But we're going to wrap up this show with a little bit of news that happened. Proven. While we were in the courtroom, Caleb Williams, the number one overall pick of the Chicago Bears, officially signed his rookie contract. This was like a thing because people noticed that the rookies are reporting this week. It was just about to happen. He might have missed the day of the rookies reporting. I don't care about the rookies signing. It never matters. Roma Dunesay also signed. There was a little bit more drama to this because Caleb Williams does not have an agent. He had a lawyer working on it for him, but nothing is getting in the way of Caleb Williams being on that first episode of Hard Knocks, carrying his bag in for the Rookies reporting. I, frankly, am excited.No agent to take a cut of this fully guaranteed deal is pretty amazing for him. Yes. Then also for the bears, now they'll have essentially three years with him on a rookie deal to evaluate if he ends up being what everyone thinks he can be, they can build around him on that rookie deal and bring in, pay other players.And I love that we've come a long way in the conversation about players and their representation, because I feel like a few years ago, it was like, Well, Lamar doesn't have-Lamar was the first big name to do that. And it's like, Oh, what's going to happen? Teams, how are they going to contact him on the phone?Oh, my God.Two MVPs later. Now, Caleb Williams goes one overall, and it's an afterthought. I didn't even know because of Caleb had said, Well, somebody else is handling that.He said his lawyer's and his attorney, whereas technically, the NFLPA says he does not have an agent. He's representing himself. But obviously, he has someone helping with the paperwork. So you got to give a little fee there, Connie. Sure. You don't have to give up 5%, 3%.3% to 5% in perpetuity in a game that you don't get to play forever.And it's locked in anyways. Who knows if he'll get one for next time. But that's a great point you make, Coleen, about the three years. It's one of the reasons why teams want to have first-round quarterbacks, because it's not just a four-year contract, it's really a five-year contract with that fifth-year option if you're a first-round pick. You can give Caleb Williams life-changing money, not that this isn't life-changing money, but even more life-changing money next time around after just three years, and save a little bit on the back-end like What they do when you do a contract two years early. That'll be the plan. I have no doubts about this kid.I'm always waiting at the end of the first round to see what teams are going to trade in to take a quarterback just to be in that situation. I love that.That extra little bit of control. It also gives you leeway as the decision maker, where a lot of these GMs and people in the front office, their job is to keep their job.Those teams that are positioned even at the top of the second, it's so good for them. They're in such a great position every year at the draft.I am really looking forward on a show later this week. I'm going to draft quarterbacks just for this season only with the Daniel Jeremiah. I'm curious if I'm the one who ends up with Caleb Williams or if he's the one that ends up with Caleb Williams, because I got to say he's fairly high on my board. After seeing what Stroud and Herbert and some of these rookies do, it's like, Rookies can be great quarterbacks, too. There is just nothing I have seen out of this kid that would lead me to I believe he is not going to come out of the gate swinging and be at least an above average starter. It's just about 2024. We're going to draft it just for one season. Just this season. But even just this season, wouldn't you take him over? Let's get frisky. Aaron Rodgers? I would.I mean, now that I know that...Tua Tunkoff-Ai Lo, like a team independent.I wouldn't take him over to it now that I know that Zack Wilson is going to revolutionize things.Yeah, exactly.Jared Goff.I'm just saying... This is a fun exercise.I like that. I still would take him because I know it's a rookie, so it's a huge risk, and I wouldn't put May quite that high. But he's... Keel Williams is different. All right. Our after dinner minute today. Colleen, we've just been wrapping up the show with something that just leaves a nice taste in the mouth. We had mentioned to the listeners we have an email address out there. It's nfldailypodcast@gmail.Com. Everyone, lock it in your phones right now, which, by the way, I just want to say, too, real quick that I got so many messages, tweets, direct messages on Instagram, on X all over the place from listeners, from ATN. It was really overwhelming because all of the messages were so nice, and I got to a point where I was in such an emotional place that I couldn't even read them all. I was very much there. But I just want to say that how much I appreciate every single person who sent me a message and said something so nice and thoughtful. If I didn't read it yet, I will eventually read it, but it's just hard for me to do it because it's sad, and I don't like sad things. But I don't want you to think that I'm ignoring you or don't have time or the care to respond to you because it's the exact opposite. I have big feelings. My dog has big feelings, and whenever I come home, Dasher has to grab a toy to put in his mouth to parade around because he has such big feelings, and I am basically Dasher.I just want to say how much I appreciate the listeners because they've always been the absolute nicest and sweetest and most respectful out of any show I've ever done. So thank you.Man, double everything. Man, it is good to have Coleen back in the studio. We've been through a lot.Emotions.It's been an off-season, and it's It's been a lot, but everything Coleen said, I echo, too. I get it from the listeners' perspective that it's a lot. It's a lot for us, too, believe me. Everything you said is... I I live that, too. Now is not the time for me to see everything, although I see the nice stuff, and we have seen a lot of really nice emails. Let's throw up actually the tweet first, Randy, if you can. This was from Tom Marshall. Recognize a long-time listener. He said, With the Around the NFL podcast tattooed on my eardrums. I've tried hard not to like the NFL Daily podcast, but my ears don't lie. I really like it. Good luck, Greg. Tom. Got a lot of messages. It's like that where it's mixed feelings. Let's go to another email. This one is from Sid. This is more just factual question. Do you have any plans for fantasy football-related content on the new pod? Nothing crazy like a whole episode. I do think segment here or there wouldn't be a bad idea. Wishing you all well, excited to see where it goes from here. I mean, why not in a whole episode?That's not crazy, Sid.Yeah. Why dismiss it? But I'm glad you mentioned that we are going to do some fantasy, throw some segments in a little more regularly next week. We're definitely going to have a fantasy segment. Heck, maybe the whole show.I don't know. The sky is the limit. We can do whatever we want.Ceilings, the roof.All right, last email. We'll go from Rainier, and he says he's a longtime ATN and JRVP listener. Wow. Shout out to the Justin Licken-Rosenthal Vanity Project. A lifer.I like it. Jrvp.We'll be back, too, by the way, in October. Anthony right now is in Asia. Never emailed before to any podcast. I wanted to reach out and say, Love in the new show, and we'll be a daily listener and download her on Spotify and loves the release schedule. We've heard a lot about that. We're trying to keep it consistent, keep it daily. Also interested in an informative show. They'll give me the news, make me a little smarter. Love the music as well. Although I'm with you, Colleen. I think we can do tweaks.We can do tweaks. Yeah. Maybe Reina-I have notes.I have a lot of notes here. Reina occasionally creeps through a crowded warehouse of bad guys with a crossbow because that's what one of the track sounds like.You're not wrong. You're not wrong.This is why I needed you here, Colleen. I need you here, and now you're here.We're going to have to fix some of this music, not going to lie. If any of the listeners have anything that they would like to submit, I will just throw that out there because I think that there's some really creative people that listen to this show. We've heard it in the past, some of those examples.That is absolutely true.Also, for those of you who are saying that you You've been so used to ATN and our first listener, who was it? It wasn't Tom, who said that he didn't want to like NFL Daily. He wanted to hate it. He wanted to hate it. I just want to let you know that look, flowers, they don't compete with each other. They all bloom and shine together. Different isn't necessarily a bad thing. And there can be many things that you like at once.If your timeline to enjoy things is very limited and you only have an hour a day, I guess that's the case. But I don't know how many people that applies to.I am now at the point where I don't do anything without listening to a podcast while I'm doing...1000%.So I got room for a lot of podcasts. I'm putting them at 1.5 speed for the most part, I got to admit now. I got to catch myself sometimes because I'll be flossing Walker's messed up braces teeth, and I got Zack Lo in my ear or whatever. I'm not really paying attention to the beautiful child in front of me. Sometimes it's too much podcast. That was unnecessary strict.Too much podcast. Maybe that's too much information to share.Never too much.It felt... For those of us who came from the braces community. It's a struggle.It was weird. It was weird because by the age of nine, your kid's on your own. You're not brushing your kid's teeth that you haven't for years. But then the braces are back and they need a little bit of help. I needed a little bit of help getting through this show. So, Connie, you did it. Patrick, you did it. I'm really excited about that quarterback show that we are going to be putting up on Thursday. So that is tomorrow. And so you can look forward to that, the quarterback ranking show with me and Daniel Jeremiah. Patrick's actually sneaking into that one.I can't be stopped.Just for a little-I love it.I don't want to leave because I might not get back here.Wait, I can't believe I'm still here.Until Thursday. See you next time.




That is the dream. I'm supposed to be in jury duty right now. Really? We're trying to launch a show here, and I put it off till November. We'll see if that's any better. But Steve, I know you need to leave this courtroom right now. Let's call on Steve right now. We've totally broken broken the fourth wall.


I got to go. I'm being paged.


This is now a running bin. I got a client. Steve going to NFL Insiders in a big-time interview with a Hall of Famer that you can check out. It's going to be Dwight Frini and Steve.Thank you, Steve.Thank you, Steve.


Steve, you're the best. Everybody wants to be working with Steve right now.


We are going to take a quick break and come back with a little more. A little news happened while we were in the courtroom. Really? Yeah. Colleen Wolf has just broken a tackle. Spun out of the arms of a safety. She's in the open field.


That's it.


The Raiders aren't going to catch her. We're back on NFL Daily. That was fun. I want to do that again.


Yeah, it's coming back. I have ideas.


I have ideas. I had some arguments that were really going to blow people's mind. But we're going to wrap up this show with a little bit of news that happened. Proven. While we were in the courtroom, Caleb Williams, the number one overall pick of the Chicago Bears, officially signed his rookie contract. This was like a thing because people noticed that the rookies are reporting this week. It was just about to happen. He might have missed the day of the rookies reporting. I don't care about the rookies signing. It never matters. Roma Dunesay also signed. There was a little bit more drama to this because Caleb Williams does not have an agent. He had a lawyer working on it for him, but nothing is getting in the way of Caleb Williams being on that first episode of Hard Knocks, carrying his bag in for the Rookies reporting. I, frankly, am excited.


No agent to take a cut of this fully guaranteed deal is pretty amazing for him. Yes. Then also for the bears, now they'll have essentially three years with him on a rookie deal to evaluate if he ends up being what everyone thinks he can be, they can build around him on that rookie deal and bring in, pay other players.


And I love that we've come a long way in the conversation about players and their representation, because I feel like a few years ago, it was like, Well, Lamar doesn't have-Lamar was the first big name to do that. And it's like, Oh, what's going to happen? Teams, how are they going to contact him on the phone?


Oh, my God.


Two MVPs later. Now, Caleb Williams goes one overall, and it's an afterthought. I didn't even know because of Caleb had said, Well, somebody else is handling that.


He said his lawyer's and his attorney, whereas technically, the NFLPA says he does not have an agent. He's representing himself. But obviously, he has someone helping with the paperwork. So you got to give a little fee there, Connie. Sure. You don't have to give up 5%, 3%.


3% to 5% in perpetuity in a game that you don't get to play forever.


And it's locked in anyways. Who knows if he'll get one for next time. But that's a great point you make, Coleen, about the three years. It's one of the reasons why teams want to have first-round quarterbacks, because it's not just a four-year contract, it's really a five-year contract with that fifth-year option if you're a first-round pick. You can give Caleb Williams life-changing money, not that this isn't life-changing money, but even more life-changing money next time around after just three years, and save a little bit on the back-end like What they do when you do a contract two years early. That'll be the plan. I have no doubts about this kid.


I'm always waiting at the end of the first round to see what teams are going to trade in to take a quarterback just to be in that situation. I love that.


That extra little bit of control. It also gives you leeway as the decision maker, where a lot of these GMs and people in the front office, their job is to keep their job.


Those teams that are positioned even at the top of the second, it's so good for them. They're in such a great position every year at the draft.


I am really looking forward on a show later this week. I'm going to draft quarterbacks just for this season only with the Daniel Jeremiah. I'm curious if I'm the one who ends up with Caleb Williams or if he's the one that ends up with Caleb Williams, because I got to say he's fairly high on my board. After seeing what Stroud and Herbert and some of these rookies do, it's like, Rookies can be great quarterbacks, too. There is just nothing I have seen out of this kid that would lead me to I believe he is not going to come out of the gate swinging and be at least an above average starter. It's just about 2024. We're going to draft it just for one season. Just this season. But even just this season, wouldn't you take him over? Let's get frisky. Aaron Rodgers? I would.


I mean, now that I know that...


Tua Tunkoff-Ai Lo, like a team independent.


I wouldn't take him over to it now that I know that Zack Wilson is going to revolutionize things.


Yeah, exactly.


Jared Goff.


I'm just saying... This is a fun exercise.


I like that. I still would take him because I know it's a rookie, so it's a huge risk, and I wouldn't put May quite that high. But he's... Keel Williams is different. All right. Our after dinner minute today. Colleen, we've just been wrapping up the show with something that just leaves a nice taste in the mouth. We had mentioned to the listeners we have an email address out there. It's nfldailypodcast@gmail.


Com. Everyone, lock it in your phones right now, which, by the way, I just want to say, too, real quick that I got so many messages, tweets, direct messages on Instagram, on X all over the place from listeners, from ATN. It was really overwhelming because all of the messages were so nice, and I got to a point where I was in such an emotional place that I couldn't even read them all. I was very much there. But I just want to say that how much I appreciate every single person who sent me a message and said something so nice and thoughtful. If I didn't read it yet, I will eventually read it, but it's just hard for me to do it because it's sad, and I don't like sad things. But I don't want you to think that I'm ignoring you or don't have time or the care to respond to you because it's the exact opposite. I have big feelings. My dog has big feelings, and whenever I come home, Dasher has to grab a toy to put in his mouth to parade around because he has such big feelings, and I am basically Dasher.


I just want to say how much I appreciate the listeners because they've always been the absolute nicest and sweetest and most respectful out of any show I've ever done. So thank you.


Man, double everything. Man, it is good to have Coleen back in the studio. We've been through a lot.




It's been an off-season, and it's It's been a lot, but everything Coleen said, I echo, too. I get it from the listeners' perspective that it's a lot. It's a lot for us, too, believe me. Everything you said is... I I live that, too. Now is not the time for me to see everything, although I see the nice stuff, and we have seen a lot of really nice emails. Let's throw up actually the tweet first, Randy, if you can. This was from Tom Marshall. Recognize a long-time listener. He said, With the Around the NFL podcast tattooed on my eardrums. I've tried hard not to like the NFL Daily podcast, but my ears don't lie. I really like it. Good luck, Greg. Tom. Got a lot of messages. It's like that where it's mixed feelings. Let's go to another email. This one is from Sid. This is more just factual question. Do you have any plans for fantasy football-related content on the new pod? Nothing crazy like a whole episode. I do think segment here or there wouldn't be a bad idea. Wishing you all well, excited to see where it goes from here. I mean, why not in a whole episode?


That's not crazy, Sid.


Yeah. Why dismiss it? But I'm glad you mentioned that we are going to do some fantasy, throw some segments in a little more regularly next week. We're definitely going to have a fantasy segment. Heck, maybe the whole show.


I don't know. The sky is the limit. We can do whatever we want.


Ceilings, the roof.


All right, last email. We'll go from Rainier, and he says he's a longtime ATN and JRVP listener. Wow. Shout out to the Justin Licken-Rosenthal Vanity Project. A lifer.


I like it. Jrvp.


We'll be back, too, by the way, in October. Anthony right now is in Asia. Never emailed before to any podcast. I wanted to reach out and say, Love in the new show, and we'll be a daily listener and download her on Spotify and loves the release schedule. We've heard a lot about that. We're trying to keep it consistent, keep it daily. Also interested in an informative show. They'll give me the news, make me a little smarter. Love the music as well. Although I'm with you, Colleen. I think we can do tweaks.


We can do tweaks. Yeah. Maybe Reina-I have notes.


I have a lot of notes here. Reina occasionally creeps through a crowded warehouse of bad guys with a crossbow because that's what one of the track sounds like.


You're not wrong. You're not wrong.


This is why I needed you here, Colleen. I need you here, and now you're here.


We're going to have to fix some of this music, not going to lie. If any of the listeners have anything that they would like to submit, I will just throw that out there because I think that there's some really creative people that listen to this show. We've heard it in the past, some of those examples.


That is absolutely true.


Also, for those of you who are saying that you You've been so used to ATN and our first listener, who was it? It wasn't Tom, who said that he didn't want to like NFL Daily. He wanted to hate it. He wanted to hate it. I just want to let you know that look, flowers, they don't compete with each other. They all bloom and shine together. Different isn't necessarily a bad thing. And there can be many things that you like at once.


If your timeline to enjoy things is very limited and you only have an hour a day, I guess that's the case. But I don't know how many people that applies to.


I am now at the point where I don't do anything without listening to a podcast while I'm doing...




So I got room for a lot of podcasts. I'm putting them at 1.5 speed for the most part, I got to admit now. I got to catch myself sometimes because I'll be flossing Walker's messed up braces teeth, and I got Zack Lo in my ear or whatever. I'm not really paying attention to the beautiful child in front of me. Sometimes it's too much podcast. That was unnecessary strict.


Too much podcast. Maybe that's too much information to share.


Never too much.


It felt... For those of us who came from the braces community. It's a struggle.


It was weird. It was weird because by the age of nine, your kid's on your own. You're not brushing your kid's teeth that you haven't for years. But then the braces are back and they need a little bit of help. I needed a little bit of help getting through this show. So, Connie, you did it. Patrick, you did it. I'm really excited about that quarterback show that we are going to be putting up on Thursday. So that is tomorrow. And so you can look forward to that, the quarterback ranking show with me and Daniel Jeremiah. Patrick's actually sneaking into that one.


I can't be stopped.


Just for a little-I love it.


I don't want to leave because I might not get back here.


Wait, I can't believe I'm still here.


Until Thursday. See you next time.