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Look, Colleen, we could use a Colleen around our house to do some electric work, to do some building. We have a stool for you. The only notable skill I have in the world is making absolutely correct football prediction. Over and over and over, picking the games, picking what's going to happen, picking when things are going to be good, picking when things are going to be bad. And this year, it's going to be really bad for the Dallas Cowboys. We've danced around this, but I do want to put to this down for posterity. They are going to collapse this year. This is the year it all goes bad.Let's just look at the roster.


Greg, you've never sounded better.Let's.


Look at the roster.You're not so tall. I know. You know what's funny is at first, I had a really lame one where it was either the Eagles or the Cowboys. No. If you're going to stand on the table, you got to make a decision. It's going to be the Cowboys. All right, first of all, let's just quickly go through the roster. Running back, major questions.


Offensive line with a bunch of new rookies, major questions.


Wide receiver is after CeeDee Liam, major questions. The linebackers, what's got him killed last year? Still major questions. Oh, yeah, Eric Hendrix is going to save you. When has that worked? Then let's go talk about the coaching staff and everything else going on. Okay, Dak Prescott, we know that's a strange situation. Mike McCarthy, playing out a contract here. That's a strange situation. You know what put me over the top was this bizarre Mike Zimmer profile in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, which I signed up for a one-day subscription for, just to read. Great job by the reporter there. Mike Zimmer, who I understand has gone through a lot personally, has gone through a lot of personal tragedies, I feel for him as a person, as a man.


But the way he talked about the Minnesota Vikings when he left there with Absolutely no accountability, burying a bunch of his old players and making fun of them and taking no responsibility for what he did. I'm just like, that part of Mike Zimmer to me is a sad way to live.


And are we sure that Mike Zimmer is going to be good at this?


Because here's how I would describe the Minnesota Vikings the last couple of years when he was their coach: ineffective on defense. He's a defensive coach. They were below average back-to-back years. They were 25th one year in DVOA on defense. And here's what the Dallas Cowboys were at the end of last season on defense. Ineffective. They gave up 35 to the Seahawks. They gave up a ton to the packers.


They were not playing well. I don't think the personnel is there.


I think all the storm building around them is going to collapse in on them, and Dak is going to be like, Deuces, and so long.


I was thinking when I read that, that that's the... And it was really a well done interview and story by the reporter. That's the interview you do when you just go all in on the record like that, when you know that you've got a free space this year because nothing is certain after this year for the Cowboys. So you're... Normally, a defensive coordinator is not going to sit there and draw that attention to himself. But if you understand, Hey, this This is a year, and who knows what's going to happen? It won't be my fault.


Yeah, but he's trying to rebuild his career.


Is he? Or is he just like, You know what? I don't know what's going to happen this year. I don't know what's going to go on with this team either. Hey, I have an opportunity right now to take down some people on the way out. Why not?


The weirdest thing he said in that entire, and he said a lot of weird things. I'm still on the table. He said a lot of weird things, but the number one weird thing was when he talked about the playoff win that they had in 2019, which if our My listeners don't remember, I didn't either. All those Viking seasons blend in. That was a down year for the Vikings, but they snuck into the playoffs and they were heavy underdogs. And Kirk Cousins won his only playoff game in a really desultory game in New Orleans. They were huge underdogs in that game, and that saved Zimmer's job. And Zimmer said, I love Zimmer, for this. He was like, Yeah, I messed around and won that game. He's like, Because if I didn't, he was probably going to get fired, and he was going to get the cowboy's job because Jerry Jones wanted Mike Zimmer.


And so Zimmer said, That probably didn't work out for me in the long run because I didn't get the job that went to Mike McCarthy, who I'm now working for. That's just a mess. They hinted there were reports that Jerry Jones wanted Mike Zimmer, but McCarthy didn't.


It's just a lot. It's happening. I'm off the tiny table.


As you're saying this, it's reminding me of what's happening in Philadelphia with nick Seriani and Helen Morphe. They're very similar. They really are.


Do you want the table first? Meering each other.


No, you're up next.


Don't try and off the table on me. I'm going to break some things first.


This is looking a little bent here now.


That felt good. I have to break it to tuck it. That felt good.