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You can see that we have a tiny table on our desk. We're going to stand on the tiny table, and we're going to tell you what we feel most strongly.


I am standing on the table for this Houston Texans team, not only to make a deep playoff run, but to be in the Super Bowl this season. They are building around to Abron C. J. Stroud on this cheap rookie deal. They are outstanding and well-coached on both sides of the ball. C. J. Stroud might have three 1,000-yard receivers this year. This team, I'm telling you guys, looked professional. They looked physical. They looked deep. They looked massive. I'm picking the Texans to be in the Super Bowl. I love it.


Yeah, they're at this perfect moment in time right now. They're like Leo and Kate Winslet and Titanic. At what go, Jack.


That's going to be CJ Stroud's receiver catching the ball for him. They're not going to drop that. They're not going to drop the ball.