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All right, let's go to my counseling session. Okay. I'm so glad that Joe Burrow is joining me here. It's true, the numbers aren't pretty. Out of 45 quarterbacks over the last few years, in those weeks one and two, you are 39th out of 45, Joe. I want to bring up something sensitive, but you pay me a lot of money. I'm worth it. I'm going to give it to you straight. You looked a little afraid to play aggressive, Joe. I think that's natural. You're coming off a wrist surgery. This is not the Joe we know. The Joe we know doesn't check down. The Joe we know was there at training camp. We saw it. We saw in the preseason that he was ripping it. It's not about your wrist, Joe. You just have to get used to it. I have a theory. Sometimes it's just tough to feel like weeks one and two really matter. That's why I'm here to tell you, Joe, don't listen to anyone out there. Weeks one and two do matter.