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Twelve of the NFL's finest quarterbacks have left the comfort of their stadiums and luxury suites for the adventure of a lifetime. Get the shit. These gridiron heroes are used to leading their teams on the field, but can they outplay, outlast, and outgrow each other in the ultimate survival challenge? You leave everything you have for the guy beside you. We find a way to win the game no matter what. Let's go, baby. The stakes are high and the competition is fierce. Only one can claim the title of the ultimate survivor ever. Who will rise to the top and who will be sacked? They wrote me off.


I ain't right back, though.


That's the problem. I ain't right back. Let's go. This is quarterback Island.


That's right. Welcome to quarterback Island, a magical place where only your imagination and your ability to read a cover to defense while being a killer on in the field and a politician in front of the microphone can stop you. Yes, this is it. Your vision, Jordan Rodriegue. Steve Weiss with us, too. We're wearing tropical shirts, and we're going to decide what quarterbacks in 2024 deserve to start the season on the island. This is a big moment for you, specifically, Jordan.


I'm so happy right now. When I first heard that, Randy, let's shout out. That was some excellent work on the intro there.


All on his own. No direction. He just did it.


Love it. You guys are on theme. We have props, by the way. These are going to be really important. If you're watching on YouTube, we each have a yes sign and a no sign. Very beautifully done by ETP behind the glass. This is quarterback Island, shall I explain?


Yes. And welcome, Steve, from your travels all around training camp.


Steve's like, What the hell?


It's like, Oh, getting to know all the Hall of Famers. That's great. This is the real stuff That's the real deal.


But I will say this, I am disappointed in that some of the sound we didn't use did not include Jameis Winston because his hype speech. The week one, preseason was almost as good as eating the W.


Okay. He's the chair of the redemption house for those who watch Reality.


Hey, as we explain with quarterback Island, there's no rules that Jameis Winston can't emerge and find a spot on quarterback Island by the end of the season. He's not eligible right now. He's not a starting quarterback, and that's the first thing. But do you want to explain, Jordan, how a guy gets on quarterback Island?


Yes. So quarterback Island, magical place, by the way. High honor. We're calibrating quarterback Island right now. We're going to cut it at 12. So 12 quarterbacks will be voted onto the island. We will do the voting, majority vote. There's three of us. For those who are watching on YouTube, you can see this. But if you're not, if you're listening, there are three of us here in the studio. Two very lovely Hawaiian shirts.Nice pattern.


Filling the Aloha. Yeah.


We're going to go around the divisions, and we're going to talk through different quarterbacks, and we're going to vote about whether or not they are allowed on quarterback Island. We're going to do this throughout the season. We also can vote people off the island. There's going to be some politicking involved. There's going to be some high stakes backstabbing involved down the line. I'm already trying to buy Steve's votes, so great. You better watch your back, man.


We're on the island.


You're just survivor-taught.


Yeah, we are there. I look at it, and you can tell me if I'm wrong, what 12 quarterbacks as we enter the season, it's not just who's the best. I don't know if vague is the right word. It's a little nebulous. What quarterbacks define the position right now? What quarterbacks do you want on that island? Who are the best, but also who are the best long term? Who are the short term?


That's going to be the fun part is debating over things. But there are two rules that we are starting out with, Greg. I'm looking directly at you, Greg, right now. I'm not worried about Steve. I'm looking directly at currently injured quarterbacks do not qualify. Justin Herbert, who would be on quarterback Island currently dealing with plantar fasciitis. Situation is they hope to have a resolution of this, but situation currently has less of a conclusion than we'd like this time of year.


We don't want to start quarterback Island with a guy who might not suit up for week one. We're going to reconvene. It might be as early as week one, week two, once we see some data, and then Justin Herbert could get out.


Yes. Justin Herbert could end up kicking someone else off the island, which is this is where the stakes come in. But also no rookies.


Okay, we'll revisit that.


We will not revisit. No rookies until the season starts because Caleb Williams could come in and kick someone off. Jaden Daniels, JJ McCarthy, your guy. I saw you tweeting about him.


I was very impressed.


Oh, fanboy.


I like it. They could come in. But Steve and I are going to gang up on you here because they got to play some real football first, Greg.


We'll get to it when we get to the NFC North. But let's start-He's ready to fire himself. Nfc East. Because look, maybe we all have different visions of what quarterback Island should be. But to me, I think we start with the NFC East and the Dallas Cowboys and Dak Prescott. It's easy to forget Lamar Jackson last year, unanimous MVP, but there was a second place in terms of MVP votes, and he was the Dallas Cowboys' quarterback. To me, this is one I don't think there needs to be a ton of discussion about. I think Doc Prescott's a pretty logical choice. I vote yes.


Yes is around. My question is, what if we don't even get halfway through this? Are we voting people off?Yes.Okay..


So Dak is also yes. If we get 12 people on, and Eric, keep us honest, because I think that's the best way to do it. If we happen to get 12 people on and we get to the last division yet, then we'll have to kick some people off. But Dak is definitely on. I think we can say Daniel Jones of the New York Giants is not a tough one here. He is definitely a no across the board.


I hope he has his floaties.


Even at his peak two years ago, I don't think he ever would have gotten onto quarterback Island. Would he have been a top 12 quarterback at some point in the '22 season? Maybe, but I don't.


Yeah, he might have been on the quarterback raft back then.


He was one of the eight remaining quarterbacks of the 2022 players. We don't need to spend too much time on the guys who are obvious. Jaden Daniels, you mentioned, is just eliminated. We don't even have to vote. He's not applicable. He's not a guy. Jalen Hertz. I'm curious if we need to vote at all or talk about or if we're in unison here that we all have him on the island. Yeses all around.


But let's talk about it for a minute because I- Welcome, Jalen.


Welcome, Jalen, the second person on- He would be good vibes, by the way, I think.


Quarterback Island.


It's a handsome man adding to that.


It's pretty privileged Island. That was a great Mina Kheim's reference there on that show. I think with Jalen Hertz, I really cannot wait to see what this offense looks like. I can't wait what it will look like with more motion that actually means something, not just motion for the sake of motion. The motion, right. Icandy that actually changes gaps, that actually realigns formations in space. I can't ever discount what Jalen Hertz can with that dual threat ability, especially when he's going to have a really good running back with him in Saquon. But at the same time, the dude can throw the hell out of the ball as well. And he has played at a very high level. A quarterback, some deep, deep, deep playoff team, Super Bowl loss, obviously. But teams that even when the defense was doing nothing to help him, Jalen Hertz belongs on quarterback Island. Now, if this offense comes out and just craps the bed, then we'll revisit the conversation. But he is an outstanding quarterback. He's on quarterback Island.


Yeah, he got three awesome targets, too. I mean, Dallas Goddard, A. J.


Brown, and Zbaut Smith. But do we take that into account, Jordan, with quarterback Island? You almost have to-I'm going to take that into account with some of the arguments I'm going to make. Well, here's the thing with Hertz. I saw that ESPN, Jeremy Fowler executive poll, they had him 13th. They also thought that Josh Allen was overrated. Well, no, but that was one guy thought that. People like to pull, but he was second on that list. They had him 13th. I saw our guy, Steven Ruiz, my guy. I'm not going to give him to you guys. I don't even know if you know Steven Ruiz. I love Steven Ruiz. He had him 13th in his quarterback rankings, too. I do think there's an underappreciation of how much Jalen Hertz can do just as a physical threat. I was really excited that when he got to camp, everyone said after it was a little rocky picking up the Kelenmore offense in the offseason, night and day, and the ball hasn't been on the ground that much at camp. To me, he's a no-brainer. People are too quick to put some of these other guys we'll get to above Jalen Hertz, so I'm glad he's on.


That's the NFC East. We have two on from the NFC East.


Ten spots to go. The stakes are rising here on quarterback Island.


Let's go to NFC North. Jared Goff is an interesting one. Let's talk about him before we do any voting because I feel like he could be right there at the border. At least he's in that area for me. Let's be real. When we made our list, you guys tell me if you're different. There was about six or seven are like, Okay, that seems pretty… He's on for sure. There's about 10 that are definitely not on. Then there's about 10 to 12 that I think we got to talk about. I think Goff is one of those Guys, does anyone want to make a case for or against Jared Goff?


I'll make the case for Jared. Okay. I mean, one, he's a damn good player. Two, he's got arguably, I'm going to put one of the top three play designers, Ben Johnson scheme his stuff up for him. Great offensive line. They paid four of their starting five offensive linemen this year. They have invested heavily in the O-line, and he's got just studs everywhere you look to throw it to. I mean, so besides Having a good player, having a great play designer, great offensive line, we're going to get into some debate, and I'm not saying he's being carried here because I think he's a proper-well, it is the first thing you brought up, though. To me-I said he was a great player.


We all I'm going to agree maybe on what it takes to be on quarterback. To me, the teammates don't matter that much because I'm thinking he's on an island. I want the 12 guys who define the position right now. To play in any scheme. Who are playing the best right now. And yes, you're right. If they have great people around them, then we'll look smarter because he's going to have a good season. But I'm more thinking about the guy I want a little bit in a vacuum. And so I think Goff maybe struggles in that front.


You know what, though? I'm okay with Jared Goff in a vacuum. I'm less okay with Jared Goff against some of these crazy pressure defenses. But in a vacuum, to your point, Greg, just in a vacuum, I don't think Jared Goff is out here lowering any floors for teammates. He is doing what he's asked to do. But he is also, at this point in his career, far less so than perhaps in previous years, elevating along with a group that is peaking at the right time. I talk about this all the time. I think pace is one of the the sneaky most important things for a quarterback to have along with his organization, not to outgrow the pace of the organization, not to undergo the pace of the organization, but to match it along with those playmakers, along with the collaborators that are helping this thing go. I'm not saying that Jared Goff can lift the chief's receiver that we've seen over the past couple. I'm not saying that at all. That's a whole other conversation. I'm just saying he has the right pace. I do think he belongs on quarterback Island. I will also say, though, that I flip-floped a lot of times with a lot of guys in that middle tier to the point where it was like a dunk tank situation.


It was like, you're in the water, you're out of the water, you're in the water, you're out of the water.


I'll try to convince you out of it because I'm voting no. I'm voting no for Jared Goff. I want to see what you guys are voting.


He's on, but he might be the first guy to get pulled off the plane.


I agree with Steve. I'm voting yes, but he might just keep one pinky toe dipped in the water. Okay.


Well, I'm trying to avoid an embarrassing situation. If you guys say you Like Jared Goff as much as you do, maybe save him the embarrassment of him being on the island and thinking he's all good. This is like when he was on Ram's Island and they booted him off because they wanted a shinier model later. What if he gets kicked off for Matthew Stafford in a little bit?


Jared Goff tied for sixth in EPA per play, 0.11 EPA per pass play with C. J. Stroud and Matthew Stafford. And yes, a lot of factors go into that. It's not going to be the sexy brand of throwing the ball that we see from other quarterbacks, but it's getting the job done.


I'm just saying on this island, things can get bumpy. You have hurricanes. You need food. You were worried about him handling a pressure defense. How about a pressure front coming in? You might not be able to handle it.


Listen, when you're on an island, you just need one person who you can outrun when the bear's coming. All right? Okay.


Wow, we're talking squals already?


We're getting Lord of the Flies is coming.


I don't know if Jared Goff might be the slowest guy on this island when we get to the end of it. He might be the guy people are out running. All right, let's stay in the division. Let's go to the packers. Jordan Love. Do we want to talk about it or do we want to vote right off the bat? He's an interesting case because people that thought he got paid too early, I disagree with that because they saw enough, I think, to know. They've seen enough in their building to know what they want for the next 4-5 years. It's not just about those nine games. Now, putting him on the quarterback island of 12 defining quarterbacks in the league, he's going up against some other players eventually that have shown it over a longer period of time. But to me, I'm going to vote yes right off the bat because of the talent is just outrageous.


Jordan, what do you vote? I'm voting yes for a lot of the reasons you said, but also because we're going to talk about some guy Steve's going to have a chance to rebut here. We're talking about a lot of guys who are either peaking or potentially on the brink of descending a little bit. There's a lot of guys that we're going to get to that are in that category. I think he is a ascending along with a really exciting core group of skill players, of talent, a coordinator that gets him, and vice versa in the head coach. I think he's ascending at the right time. That's why I vote yes.


I agree with all that. I'm just looking at the other list.


It's a tiny island. You've already got your fall guy.


It's a tiny island. Yeah. It's a tiny island.


You're going to be Sean McVay. You've got your fall guy.


To me, I'm thinking about this island, not just of who's the best. Who Who explains the quarterback position? Who defines it in the year 2024? To me, when I'm looking at who's playing on Sunday or it's Friday night to start the season, Jordan Love is right near the very top of the list of guys I want to see. In that offense, which just a great young… I just feel like that's more sizzled. That's more Qby Island to me than Jaredie Island to me than Jared Goff, so I'm voting yes.I.


Will rebut you in one small point.He's on. You can still vote no if You are so unmoved by this passionate speech here. But I think that Jordan Love, if we're talking about embodies quarterbacking, I think he embodies it in so many ways in terms of, specifically, the conversation about development, about pace, like I mentioned, about what it really takes to eventually put all the pieces together as a player and to keep growing and to continue to push and ascend, even when all of the millions and millions of things that come upon these players in the course of a career could break them. Adversity and all those things, problem solving, developing, and getting better. That is one of the key elements that every great quarterback, eventual great quarterback has, and he's already showing very small signs of being able to do that.


I agree with all that. I'm just playing Island GM here. Okay. He's doing Island back. We only have 53 spots on the island. I know that. I'm just playing Island GM. Yes. I can't keep everybody.


That's smart. I hear you.


We're early in this. If we're taking two by division-Well, that would be 16.


That's correct. So far, we're taking two by division. I just say that that Jordan love man can throw the ball really far, and it's really exciting. All right, let's go to the Vikings, JJ McCarthy and/or Sam Darnold. That's obviously a no if we're counting Darnold. And then the bears. Eligible. I guess the rules are saying that Caleb Williams is ineligible. I just got to say, why not get ahead of things? Again, if you're talking about defining the position, I've seen enough. It's not just the preseason. It's Caleb Williams as a prospect. Caleb Williams, again, bringing the juice, bringing the talent. He is going to be such a big part, I believe, of all of our lives for the next 10 or 15 years. He is going to be building a high rise on quarterback Island. He's going to be there. We might as well just put him there now because who's more important to the quarterback position in the coming year? Jared Goff or Caleb I would just put Caleb Williams. You can't get a degree without going to school first, bro. To what? He plays one or two games when we put him on?


Yes, we have that power. We so have that power and authority as the lords of quarterback.


No hate for Caleb here. He's going to be fantastic.


Because I agree with you. I do think in terms of the zeitgeist of what football is and what quarterbacking is, yes, of course, Caleb Williams.


But I think he's going to be that good right off the bat. If C. J. Stroud can be that good right off the bat, then why can't Caleb Williams?


You build a foundation on concrete, not Don't make that man build a foundation for a skyscraper on a sandy island, Greg. Give him the tools to build a foundation on concrete, then we'll put it over on the island.


You got to hit him with the sun on the end.


You got to sun him right there.


Look at that metaphor, girl. That hurt.




I got to give it to you. All right. You're looking a little...


I will vote. That's some pink things. Get some sunscreen on there.


I feel chasened is what I feel. Let's go to the NFC South. I don't think we're going to fight in two quarterbacks there. No. Dericar of the Saints.


I have my no sign. No. No.


You need a guy who can withstand pressure, not just literal pass rush. He, I think he struggled. Was that?


Yeah, we don't even have much of a conversation here. No.


But also, you got to withstand it from the media, too, a little bit. I feel like sometimes he gets a little sensitive. I want a guy who's strong, who can stand.


I love Derek, but no. Now we're talking top 12.


Bryce Young is a no all around. We all I hope the best for Bryce. Baker Mayfield. Nice turnaround. Did anyone think about Baker Mayfield? I did not think about Baker.


No. He's a no.


Respectfully, no.


Limitations. And yet, the closer I've gotten to the season, I've convinced myself that this Bucks team who I'm going to pick to win this division-Yeah, they're the team to beat.are a little more frisky and deeper in terms of their talent than people realize. I think he might be set up for more success than people realize.


That's all. I agree. We're talking He's in the top 12 here. He may have to fight his way on.


Okay. The final quarterback in the division is Kirk Cousins, probably the most interesting one to talk about. Do you want to make a case for or against to start off, Jordan?


I am not putting Kirk Cousins on quarterback Island. I had some thought about this. I had a real good think on this particular argument because I am willing. I know we'll get to him in a minute. I am willing to put Aaron Rodgers on quarterback Island. And both coming off of... Well, we'll see because we're getting tight on the numbers here as Steve pointed out. We got three on. The streakiness, you and Ollie Connolly had a great show episode just talking about Kirk's streakiness. He's going to I believe in Zack Robinson, but Zack Robinson is going to have to learn. He's got a really steep learning curve, almost similar to that of what a young quarterback would have, and Kirk will help him with that. But I just think year one of this, I know everyone looked at the Falcons as like, Okay, they're ready to win now. They're ready to win now. But I tend to think that they might stall a little because there is relative inexperience on certain things, and I think they're going to get scored on a lot.


Prove it to me, Kirk Cousins. Look, if you had said yes, I would have gotten no just because of your reasoning, and I'm spiteful of like, he's almost a little like...


The game is bringing the best out of Greg.


He's a little like Kael Williams to me. It's like a new team. You're coming off an Achilles injury. You're 36 years old, and let's It's not going to be real. For the majority of your career, you've been about QB 13, QB 12 anyway. Why am I, even though you're always in the news, giving you the benefit of the doubt, You're not getting on the island, Kirk.


Kirk O'Chains is not... He can wear the chain. We all say no. Herco Chains can wear the chains on the plane, but I'm with you. He's not...


That's the first surprise to me. I thought for some reason I would be on an island.


I consider, but there's a couple of other guys.


Greg Island. Greg Island would be sneaky fun.


It'd be lawful, but it'd be sneaky fun.


God, it would just be constant noise.


It would be annoying. Definition of lawful. I don't know. I just wanted to make sure. Islands have been getting a bad rap lately, so it's all kosher there on Greggy Island. Great food, by the way. Let's take a quick break, and then we will come back and go through the rest of the divisions and determine who is making it to QB Island to start this. Oh, yeah. We're back on quarterback Island.


Man, what in the name of Leatu Latte was going on with the drums.


Lords of quarterback Island. I feel power.


There's so much power. I am having so much fun, but I'm having even more fun seeing how much fun Jordan is having. I do want to apologize to anyone that knows Derek Carr or in the Carr family who heard a sound effect that sounded like a man drowning. That was a sound effect we weren't expecting to use. We had decided against it. It was a little too hard. Let's actually hear it again now that I've brought it up. Okay, it's too far. First of all, it was never on. Okay, we're not going to do that again. But it did make me laugh that you hit it by a mistake.And you called it back.I'm uncomfortable.


And you called I just wanted to explain it to the listeners.


My shoulders have tensed up.


That was a little much. It was a little much. Nfc West, Matthew Stafford. A couple of years ago, I would have thought he would have taken a discussion. Did you say yes, Steve?


Yes, slam dunk. Matthew Stafford over the back half of the season was one of the best top two quarterbacks in the NFL last year. We know how good he is. He's got Cooper Cup. Over the back half of the season last year? Yeah. With with Pukin N'Kuwa and Cooper Cup. Now, tight-end situation is going to be interesting.


He looks a little thinner this year.Skinny.




It looks a little different. Moves so well. I don't get it. When I was at the practice, I was like, I don't remember. I know he moved well last year, but it looks like he's even better. How is he getting even better? He'd be 12.


They're saying it's the tennis, actually. They're saying it's all the tennis he's playing in the off seat.


I didn't know he was playing.


That's really good for an elbow.


Yeah, maybe he's going lefty. I Got an elbow injury. Well, that also tells you how good that elbow feels, I think, because you know how hyper fixated he is on any little thing that might be possibly wrong with the arm. I don't think he's old enough yet for pickle.


No, we're not into pickleball on on QBI Island or in the Chris Wesleyan podcast.


Real sports only on Cuby Island.


That's right. I do love that Drew Bries and Matthew Stafford were both big-time tennis players, but it explains what's happened to American tennis. We lose a lot of the good athletes. To the bigger sports. Disappointed. Stafford is on. What a career arc.


Firmly on.


Because honestly, for most of his career, he was bouncing around that number 12, 13 spot, and yet I'm with you. No brainer. Kyler Murray. Does anyone want to make a case that he belongs? I am a big Kyler Murray fan. Steve says yes. Yes. Wow.


Yes. I'm going to argue this to the Crows come home. I think he's a dynamic player. When he's on the field, they win. When you look at the losses, Kyler Murray has been off the field or D-Hop or James Connor. They haven't had anybody else since. I think Kyler Murray is a top 12 quarterback in the NFL. They've got them some weapons. They've tightened up the offensive line a little bit. I'm not saying Arizona is going to be a playoff team, but I think we're going to see Kyler Murray be able to play his best football. He's not going to be escaping the free rusher that came with the old head coaches blocking schemes. He's going to be able to do his thing. We know he's got the bazooka of an arm. We know he's a dual threat. You guys talked about defining the position in 2004. He's the archetype.


Now, Jordan, as someone who came up with QBI to begin with, do you see any projection in our ability as voters? Because he played the second half of last season, and I feel like I'm about as high on Kyler Murray this season as I could be. I had him as a no, and yet I think for the first time, Steve has convinced me that anyone has convinced me of anything. So good job, Steve.


This is a really big day.


It's That also helps if we didn't take any quarterback from the NFC South.


That's true. We got five guys so far. Now that we have Stafford, we have Dak, Jalen Hertz, Goff, Jordan Love, and Stafford. We have five on, but I think you just swung me because I guess I'm viewing it. Maybe we should have a little bit of a projection that I think he's to be there in the end, so why not put him there right now? He gets me juiced up. I'm saying, yes, he's on.


My problem with this, and I have my no sign up, my only issue with this, because I am fully willing and ready to vote him on to quarterback Island by week three, because I think he's going to have an outstanding year. It is inarguable what he accomplished last year, but I am doing the math, and I've got my names written out here. I'm doing the math.


You took Caleb away from me. Kirk was on the borderline, so now I'm ready to go.


But quarterback Island is not about retaliation, Greg. It's about quarterbacks.


It's about getting the boat.


We're on the slippery slope here. Yeah.


I got to say, I will say, and I'm going to put my... I'm not a mom, but I got my mom voice here, Greg. If we're not arguing projection with anyone else, We can't just change that for one person. I will tell you, I'm fully ready by week three or four to watch him play his way onto the island. I think he has the gifts, the skills to do it. Short king. We love that. But also, if we're not arguing If we're not allowing arguing of projection as a fundamental principle of the previous, what, six people we just voted on the island, then we can't just arc the rule a little bit for one person.


He's right on that border line.


I'm looking at the numbers. He may be coming off the plane as well.


It's tough. I think just for the show entertainment, it'd be fun to kick some people off, too. I don't appreciate you saying a guy that's 511 is short because I love it.


Who's 511?


Kyler Murray.


Since when?




I'm going to push-Breaking news here.


I'm going to push back on that one. All right. I love that.


I love it. Could we go across the board? How many do we have left? Nfc West. We have two more quarterbacks in the NFC West.


No, I mean, how many spots do we have left?


Because we just voted Kyler on. So that's six, right? That's six.


That's what I'm saying. He's coming off. There's no way.


So should I change? You did change my mind a little bit with the whole projection idea. So we got to save him the embarrassment. You have to pull him off. Okay.


He's now enough. So Wait, was I the second person to ever change?


You now have changed my mind back. Kyler is now.


This is a big day for us.


On the same QB. Who knew?


Steve and I, this is a big day.


And that's because I want to make the case for Gino Smith. I think he is right around that 12th quarterback mark over the last two seasons combined. So to me, that's a nice track record. Steve lifts up a sign that says no. Jordan lifts up a sign that says no.


Like Kyler, I am ready to watch him play his way onto the island. But he played it.


He watched the 2023 season. He watched the 2022 season.


I did. I did. And I heard every minute of you honking about Gino Smith.


When he threw her 4,400.


When he was top five EPA in the league on first and second down, and they can't protect him on third down, it all falls apart.


This is all numbers. This is all numbers to me, too, in terms of the math that we're doing here on quarterback Island and the predetermined spots available on quarterback Island. Like Kyler, my no is not It's not a firm no. It's a bit of a wobbly no in that I am fully ready to watch Gino Smith play his way onto quarterback Island and get one of these 12 spots.


Is that just what you're going to say to let people down gently when you're arguing?


No, because I believe in Gino Smith. I think he's outstanding.


Well, because I'm annoyed by this, I'm now putting Kyler back on as a yes. I don't know if you were finished as a yes or no.


He's off. I'm looking at the numbers. We haven't got to the AFC yet. We haven't got to the AFC yet.


The AFC is the majority role. Get Judge If I wasn't Gino on, I would have pushed harder.


Get Judge Connie here.


Well, let's get to the next guy.


Okay, Brock Purdy. See, I truly do believe Gino has been a top 12 quarterback over the last two years. Make the case. Purdy was one where I didn't have a yes or no. I just wanted to listen to what you guys said.


I am, first of all, not going to give Brock Purdy negative marks for his own success and for his own development over the last couple of years. I think he takes more risks than people think he takes. Agreed. No doubt. And I also am I'm not going to... We've argued from the start here, this has been the parameter I've judged through. Now, it's okay if not everyone judges through that parameter. But through what I've judged through, I am not going to punish a quarterback for accentuating the system around him and vice versa. Like I said, I don't think he's dropping anyone's floor. I think the pace of this offense is that it all raises together.


Is he better than Kyler?


I think that they're both going to be on quarterback island.


I think it had to be measured differently. Yeah.


Better than Gino?




Okay, Steve, go.


My thing, first I was talking about Kyler. You talk about all the athletic things, so that's Kyler. But you talk about somebody who not only runs this offense, You watch Brock Purdy. I watch every one of their games. He is a killer. He has got that Joe Burrow final two minutes, I'm taking your teeth out, approach to him. I am a huge Brock Purdy guy because At the end of games, at the end of moments, he elevates people. One of the hardest things to do when you have a superstar lineup is to get all of these guys rocking and rolling consistently at the biggest moments. I am team Brock Pro to you all day.


I will also tell you, Steve spent a lot of time up there. I've spent a little bit of time up there as well in previous seasons as he was still developing. And this is not a quarterback who simply does what Kyle Shanahan tells him to do. Maybe he started that way, and That's what helped him really see football in that way and really develop in a very specific way. Very specific, by the way, to all of the little micro details of that ecosystem. That is how they developed him, is like, you are basically the AI program of what Kyle what Shana Hans wants to do. That's fine. But I don't think he just simply throws points where Kyle points, throws ball where Kyle wants ball thrown. I think there's a legitimate collaboration starting to develop there.


I'm with you, and he's an improving player. The reason I vote yes in the end, too, is you're great.


You had us in the first half. I'm not going to lie.


I wasn't sure. He was up in the air. But to me, it's more important that if we're talking about the position in 24, defining the position, I think he really makes it on that count, too. When you said about killer at the end of the game, I just started to think about it. I just double-checked it. I mean, they needed a shutdown at the end of the divisional round, or they would have faced an absolutely terrible upset. They get the touch down. They needed a touch down and/or a field goal, five straight drives against the Lions, or else they wouldn't have... He struggled. He set them up for that deficit. But he gets it. Even in the Super Bowl, where their defense played great through three quarters, he needs a touch down and a field goal to get them two overtime and a field goal in overtime, which it shouldn't be dismissed. He gets them all. That is pretty-He's a killer. He's amazing if you think about it.


Let me be very clear. We're not saying that because he's on quarterback Island, that he's sitting in the throne on quarterback Island, which I've just developed and built in my mind, which that's a whole other show. I'm saying he is on quarterback Island. He could be off quarterback Island if he plays poorly or someone plays better.


Okay. We have gotten through the NFC.


So we're six on.


We've done it nice and evenly, but I don't know if that's how it should work because the AFC is deeper in quarterback.


Somebody's coming off.


Let's go to the AFC East. I don't think Josh Allen needs any discussion. We are all giving him a yes. He's on. He has earned his right, whether he's QB2, QB3, who knows? He's up there. Tua Tungavailoa, to me, is one of the more fascinating ones we can talk about. Steve, let's just talk about him before we vote at all. You've had a lot of time around Tua. You saw him get paid. What are your thoughts?


I saw him play a full season last year and light it up. I saw a dude whose teammates roll with him. This is a guy, let's not forget, he came in his rookie year with a head coach who didn't want him, overcoming an injury. Fully healthy the next year, head coach who didn't want him has to change OCs, still puts up numbers. Now he comes in with a head coach who says, Okay, I got a guy who can run my system. I got a guy who's good. We got him some players around, and he lights it up. This is an ascending player. He is a top 10-12 quarterback in the NFL. I mean, you could sit to say, Oh, he's not this, or he doesn't have the strongest. There's a lot of teams that would like to a tongue of my load. There's a reason why they paid him, because if they didn't, he went elsewhere. There'd be someone else who paid him. That's another barometer here. We're on the island. We're not going to put the Samoan dude on the island.


That's fair. I'm a little confused now because we've put Jared Goff on the island who I didn't-He's on the potentially-I didn't want.


He's got one foot in the water.


I actually had two above Jared Goff, but probably below the cutoff line for the island.


I do want to say-So now that you guys have forced Goff on me, that makes me less likely-Oh, am I the swing vote?to.


Vote for Tua. I will listen to you.


We can't have six NFC dudes on. Now that I'm looking at this.


We'll see. I don't think we will.




When I was going back and forth, he was one of the people who I flip-floped on so many times thinking about this, and I interchanged him with Jared, and also even with Brock Purdy, I interchanged them together, certainly with Kyler, a little bit with Gino as well. But with Tua, Steve, I know you know this because you spend so much time out there. If you ever are lucky and you get to stand behind the way that they run that offensive operation in a live best on best ones, period, and you hear all One of the things that Tua does before the snap in terms of orchestrating all of the moving pieces of that offense, he's being asked to do more pre-snap than almost any other quarterback in the league, first of all. Second of all, what a lot of people don't understand about motion is that, first of all, there are a million different types of motion, most of which we never even talk about. They all are timed off of the quarterback's cadence, the spacing in between certain words, the way that they manipulate calls calls to send a signal to the offense that we're going to run this motion, even though it sounds the defense like this motion, timing it with the exact snap the quarterback, building that rapport and trust with the receiver, changing gaps in the quarterback, understanding which way the defense is going to move.


Because like I said before with Jalen Hertz in that previous eagles's offense, it's not just moving a guy just to move him. It is picking up a gap, putting it under your arm and running with it to another place and moving a defender. And then so understanding the way that the defense is and the voids, especially in zoning defenses, change at that point, the space underneath the shell of the zone defense. And so with Tua Tuna Baylo, I flip flop so much because I do think that he is being asked to do more than most to your backs.


To what's your answer?


My answer is yes, and I know I'm going to kick someone off. But I also have him, like I said, I also have him right on the fringe because you're looking at the record, the struggles late down the stretch of the collective.


Andy hasn't shown consistently, and I do think that should matter somewhat, that he can survive a season and play at a similar level throughout. That's the next level. You got to play an entire season and be consistent year after year, and he hasn't quite done that. That's why he was right on the-I'm on the borderline. On one hand, I want to avoid all the Dolphins fans seeing a list where there's only two and on is real. On the other hand, I want you to come after me. I want to kick him off just to hear about it because it makes me feel good.


Don't tag the rest of us. Just tag Greg.


The hate fills me. Okay, so let me just put this out there.


He's on. You guys voted him on.


Let me just put this out there just because we think some of these guys in the NFC are in shallow water. If you put two on Detroit or put two with the packers, is he putting up same or better numbers than those other guys?


I think he's putting up similar numbers. Yes, I agree.


So two is on.


That's a good way to put it.


But I will tell you vice versa.


Jordan Love would be more esthetically pleasing. Everything you're saying reminds me of Kurt Warner. Kurt Warner always is a to a defender, I believe, because to win that way pre-snap and then with touch timing, anticipation. I mean, so many of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of the game have won that way. Joe Montana, half his career, people were like, How is he getting this done? I'm not saying two is at that level, but that type of player sometimes does get a little undervalued by jokers like me who just look at the physical traits.


I want to say, and I'm honking now, I understand that. Thank you for being such a great mentor to me, Greg. But it goes even beyond all of the different… It's a conductor of an orchestra. You're hitting the timpani in one part, and you're doing a little pinky point at someone else that's getting the violin, and you've got the clarinet going off and doing some crazy shit. It's just like, you have to know what all of the pieces are going to do and how the defense is going to react. But then you have a second play. So You get them to react to the first play, and then you reorchestrate the entire thing.


Did you go can-can right there?


I'm like, wild.


Did you go can-can? Did you hit the second play?


Can-can, water-water. Go back to the first one. Oh, my gosh, there we go. Here's the thing, though. It's also about all of the different ways he could throw the ball. I know we talk ad nauseam about the arm strength with Tua, but the way that they're able to do some of the no-hitch throws because of the speed they have at skill players. Again, parameters that I'm using here is I'm not punishing a guy for the skill players here. All of the speed, they can go no hitch. You're not hitching in your throw. If you're through YouTube, you can watch me awkwardly do that. You're not hitching with your throw. You're going quick game, but you're actually going intermediate and deeper routes because you have that speed. You still can hit that even though all of it, all of that orchestration that I just talked about is happening in half the time. That's Millicent.


He's fast. He's on the island.


Fast release, not quick release.


You convinced me. Impressive honking. Drake May, not eligible. Jacobi Berset is a no. No. Whichever. Aaron Rodgers is a weird one. I actually thought Aaron Rodgers would be a relatively easy no at this point because he's at a prove it season for me, not just because he's coming off of such a serious injury, although that's into it, but because he didn't play that well the last season that he was healthy. I'm not just rubber-stamping Aaron Rodgers onto this island. When I've seen guys like Gino Smith and Kirk Cousins outplay him the last couple of years, and they didn't make it on the island, so he's a big fat no.


He's a big fat yes. You are seriously telling me you're taking Gino Smith over Aaron Rodgers right now?


For who would deserve to be on this island? Yeah. Show it to me. Everyone's excited because he's winning in practice and everything. He struggled in 2022.


He's the first ballot Hall of Famer who got hurt.


I get it, but he played through the injury in 2022, and he played worse than Gino Smith that year. That was the last time they were both on the field together. I don't want to make it about Gino. What I mean is, I think if you really look at his 2022 season, he would not have been one of the top 12 quarterbacks. He wasn't top 12 in any possible metric that you could use, whether it was PFF, whether if it was QBR, DVOA, in my eyeballs. He was good that year, but not great. My eyeballs, all right.The.


Greg Rosenfall eyeball match.


So he's got to prove it. No, you're the deciding vote here, Jordan.


I know, and I got to I'll tell you, I had him as a yes, but, Greg, I think you convinced me on a no. There we go. But Steve, I'm giving you... Do we have time, Steve, for one more? Could you pull me back to your side here? Is there any...


I love being wooed. My whole thing is very simple. I mean, last year, what? They won seven games with Joe Donut and Jack Rabbit playing quarterback, right? If Aaron Rodgers was healthy, they're going to the playoffs in a very tough AFC. But Greg is thinking now that Aaron is going to come in there and have a one-to-one. No, I think it'll be fine.


I think it'll be fine. I mean, I don't think it's...


I mean, I'm just sitting here.


I can see Greg starting to...


Maybe I'd be dazzled by my Hall of...


I mean, I don't think it's cool that you just called Tim Boyle, Joe Donut, or Trevor Simeon? Yes.


I have.


Tim Horton, am I right? Oh, Donut Joke.


Yeah, no. I have no. Come on.


The only reason I would put him on right now is because he'd be a fun guy to kick off later. But that's a good reason. What is up?


You're such a Patriest fan.


No, I'm just having fun.


All right, I'm putting him on. What? Yes.


Thank you.


I might kick him off later, but I'm putting him on.


All right. We just put three in from that division. That means we have nine. It's going to get real crowded. Lamar Jackson is on. Yes, on. Joe Burrow is on. Yes, on. Okay. Now we're up. All right. Suddenly, we're up to 11. We have only one spot left because you just- Between two guys. No, between two divisions and two guys. The Steelers don't have an option between Justin Fields and Russell Wilson. We can all say no, right? No.


I think that was the-No.


Wasn't that he's on? Well, either way, that's a no.


You know what, though? When we hold up upside down, it does say on. I'm good for the first couple I did go fast.


I'm catching up on bells here. Okay, thank you. Eric's in the studio.


We're just getting really heat. We're starting to...


We got to pick it up. Here's a bow. I don't know who that bow is for, but there's one for you.


Stealers is a no. There you go.


Stealers is absolutely no. Deshawn Watson, does he deserve any conversation?


Negative. No. He's not on. No quarterback or no player coming into 2024 has more of a spotlight on him than Deshawn Watson. We could talk about Aaron Rodgers or anything else. The fact that the Houston-Texas have gotten fat off of the draft picks they got from the Deshaun Watson trade and the fact that the Cleveland Browns, albeit them a playoff team, have got no ROI. Number 4, the Islandless, the Mainland, Deshaun Watson is under pressure. He's not on the island.


It is just crazy. All the Browns fans and Watson, everyone's like, Why are you so tough on Watson? You're just a hater. It's like...


That's a real split audience up there because a whole bunch of folks up there are going to love it.


I'm just saying, at what point Have you seen anyone resembling the quarterback he was in Houston? Because as much as I don't like it, if you saw that quarterback for about three straight weeks, everyone like me would shut up. They would have to. They wouldn't like it, but they would have to. But that quarterback hasn't been there. So we don't need to talk about it. C. J. Stroud, does he take any conversation or is he already just obviously on there?


I think-Yeah, he is, but we're going to have to now kick someone off. Yeah, he's on.


No, we're up to 12.


Well, we haven't got...


Have we?Oh, wait.We're at 12. So he's the last one.


I didn't circle the first one. I panicked for a second.


Cj should be number 12 on my camera. Thank you. So we're up to CJ. And that was part of the reason I did not want to put Rogers on was because I knew the numbers are getting there.


Okay, so right now we basically have...


We have 12 guys.


Three candidates, possibly four, who are on the inflatable slide on the aircraft.


Okay, so let's go through the teams that are remaining. The Tennessee Titans have Will Levis. No. Stopped taking hits on the goal line. That's a no across the board, obviously. Trevor Lawrence is an interesting no to me.


Yeah, I love him, though. I think he's going to be a hell of a player.


I wish he...


But he's not there.


It's a disappointment.


I'd love to see him on a different team, throwing that out there.I would, too.Really? Yeah.


I would, too.


I'm not putting it all on the team.


I'm not putting it all on the team either. I think a change would be at some point fine for all parties involved, team, quarterback. Just get a different system, get some different juice, get just different-A little quiet Doug Peterson heat I'm picking up from Jordan without her saying it.


That's interesting. I just think it's crazy that we all agree that Trevor Lawrence entering yearWhat is this? He's going to fifth year. Five is not top 12 to us.


Show me something.


He showed something. He's above the Dalton line.


He's not on the island. He's in a special-He is above the Dalton line. There's no argument about that. The Dalton line is like the safe little raft zone. If you're off the island-It's like the Bermuda triangle that's between the Dalton line and not on the island.


It's this weird zone where him and Kirk Cousins are hanging out.


It's not a place where you disappear, though. It's a safe area. It's like a redemption house, You're not on the island, but you are ahead of the Daltun Line. That's where we pull from to get. Okay.


Anthony Richardson is a no right now just because we got to see it. The Raiders clearly don't... We're going to go to the AFC East, and I'm The FC West to wrap up. The Raiders clearly don't have a quarterback, whether it's Minchu or O'Neill. You eliminated Justin Herbert. Yeah. He'll be working his way on here.


I don't like the accusation in your voice.


I wasn't sure about that executive decision, rookies and injuries.


Let's just wait for this injury to play out. Glad McConkey is going to have 100.


I think Caleb Williams deserves to be on this island.


I think he and Justin Herbert will be on this island.


You keep saying all these people will be on these. Well, they can't all be on the island.


The island is an exclusive place. Some of these guys are going to...


We will be removing people.


Okay, Bo Nicks or Jared Stidham is not an option. So we're really just down in Mahomes.We.


Have my guy, Jack Wilson.


Yeah, that was going down. I'm kicking your Jack Wilson take on this show from four weeks ago off the island.


Yeah, let's change. Can we punt it into space?


It's gone. Yeah, we got Mahomes, and he's definitely going on. You're right, I guess we only got to 13. Now, the listeners are out there, and they know that on my island... Gino's on my island. Caleb's on my island.


Okay, so are we safe to make the argument that the Slippery Slope guys-Okay, so we only have to kick one guy off. Jared Goff, Jordan Love.


I don't think Jordan. Tua. Yeah. Or... Purdy.


Come on.




Brock can't be on the fence like that.


I don't think Jordan Love is on the fence to me. I don't think Jordan Love is on the fence. Okay. Because just the physical skillset is too overwhelming.


Also, it's such a great name.


Too overwhelming. Mahomes is on. We now have 13 guys on, and I hate to do this for the first time in the history of QBI. This will be the first time and the only time ever that we populate it scratch. From now on, they're hanging out there.They're having big no night.And.


Tell them, until they're not.


Yeah, they're having the night where they get to... What do they say when you bring in your wife? Conjugal visits. In jail, they bring on the significant others come onto the island.


Waterback Island is a wonderful place. Yeah. Open to all.


No, I know, but one guy has to get kicked off.


So we're playing White Lotus here?


Everything's fine until it's super not. Okay.


So I'm going to say Purdy has to stay on.He's.


Got to stay on.What.


Do you think?


I think Purdy has to stay on.


It's down to Rogers, Tua, and Jared Goff. Can we agree? At least those are the three guys that are candidates.


I agree with that. To me, I'm going to go ahead and just Jared Goff of those guys would be the guy I have to pull.


Why is that?


I'm not pulling Tua. I'm not pulling Aaron Rodgers. When you look at this list as a right now, he's the only... Well, him and Mahomes is the first bout Hall of Famer.


It's not about the Hall of Fame, though.


It's not about the Hall of Fame.


It's about your... You said it at the top of the show. What is it to be a quarterback right now?


Yeah, who defines the position.


Okay, so let me throw this out there. If you're looking at Who are candidates on there, who is the most likely of these guys are not likely to not win an MVP or at least be in the MVP conversation?


This year?


Well, let's say with Jerry Goff, two are Aaron Rodgers. Which One of those three is most likely to not be an MVP competition.


That's a tough question.


I don't know if I have an obvious answer. I feel like we have to eliminate Rodgers versus one of those guys makes It makes sense, but someone... We should decide between Tua and Goff who's safe because to me, they're in the same category. I think that's the first thing.


Tua was in that conversation for 12 weeks last year. Jared Goff was in it for maybe one or two. This is last year solely. Again, this is painful because I love Jared, but I'm just saying...


I think we got to decide before we decide between the three. We have to decide between Tua and Goff who's safe, because to me, those two are in the same category. The system and what their ceiling has been. I think we have to say one of those two is safe and then just decide between them and Rogers who is getting kicked off. I don't have a strong take. I lean towards Tua because if I was starting a team, I feel like I love watching Jared Goff spin the ball, and I actually think I would prefer to have Goff. I just feel a little more comfortable with Jared Goff than Tua, but I could be convinced. What do you think?


Oh, man, this is tough. The inventor of the game suddenly finds Sophie's choice. Oh, my God. I got to say, if I'm building an offense, I would really want to build it the way the Lions have their team. I love all the speed that Miami has. I stand by my take. Look at Steve's face.


No, I'm listening. I'm interested in this because I know. I feel like myself shaking in my chest. No, I'm reading.


I'm building the alliance.


Let's go. Here's how Jordan is thinking, Okay, 22 offense, you run too tight, two tailbacks, and they're going to throw a go pattern to Amand Reyes, St. Brown, out of a run formation. That's how she's thinking right now.


That's what that literally is what my brain was doing. You're the best, Steve. I am. If it comes down to me over, I have to think about the durability factor. I love for Tua that he is healthy. I love for Tua that he came back from some horrible stuff, mentally and physically. I love that for him. Jared Goff came back from some horribly mental stuff as well. Jared Goff has improved over time, particularly when he has been at the correct pace with the team growing around him, with the OC, with the protection. I'm not going to punish either of these guys for succeeding with the players around them and also everyone lifting each other in many ways. Jared Goff with the durability, I think I got to lean toward Jared Goff staying because of that durability.


Okay, good argument. I'm out. So two is off, but I'm keeping Tua on because if two got to play 13 games in domes, which Jared Goff gets to do this.


I love it.


Tua is doing for 5,000.


Okay, so I think we've determined, and I didn't feel that I'm strong about this.I'd.


Rather have two of us.I.


Think you'd rather have two of us.


Guys, let me... Greg's face. I said over time, I'd rather have...


Who's on Cuby Island, Jordan?


I already said, Jared's on Cuby Island.


Yeah, you guys got Goff, two of us.


But two is on That's what we've determined.


I'm on Cuby Island is my heart. What we've determined, Jared Goff is on Cuby Island. He's staying on Cuby Island. To find out who does get thrown off the island, come back right after the break. We are back on QB Island. Frankly, we had to get back quickly before Steve made any more politic theme and trading votes and feelings are getting hurt.


The capital, it's called Whipping Votes, man.


We've determined Jared Goff, I believe, is safe. He's in. Jared Goff is safe on the island. It's down to Aaron Rodgers and to Atenga Vilá. Before, we do determine who's getting kicked off and who gets to start the season on Cuby Island. This is going to be something we revisit often during the season. We're going to talk on the show. I think Tuesdays would be a great day for it. Well, maybe not every Tuesday, but pretty semi-regularly. We'll revisit who deserves to come onto the island, who deserves to get kicked off the island. It'll be our way of talking about the quarterback position.I have a question about Cuby Island.Yes. We're going to Windle this down at all. There's going to be less spots on. We can't have 12 the whole season, right?


So We can't give away any. We can have 12 spots the whole season because we will be adding rookies at some point.


True. But I'm just saying at some point-When you get to the play-off, you got to take it down. You need to crown somebody a winner, right? I don't know if it's a winner. I do think you've hit upon possible twists that we can we had during the season. At some point, we need to kick off some people.


This is like the NCAA playoff. We're starting at 12. That's fun. We're willing it down like the NCAA playoff.


I don't think we're going to whittle it to one or anything, but I do think it doesn't have to stay 12 forever. The key is we have to surprise Jordan and not tell her about it. Make it harder.


I love how this is fun on me.


Greg cannot wait till Gino Smith makes this list.


Yeah, we're expanding. Greg's building Gino Island.


We're expanding the list. He'll earn his spot. Aaron Rodgers, Tua Tunga-Vilo. I guess there's only room for one right now. And shout out to Jared Goff just for making it. This is a nice career achievement.


Been through a lot. He has been through a lot.


I don't have a hot take here because I wasn't really in favor initially of either of these guys making. I had a couple of people ahead of them. I had Caleb ahead of them. I had Gino ahead of them. I had Kirk case here. Jordan.


I know I argued for this earlier. As we kept talking, though, I just kept going back to Kirk's streakiness and the Achilles together were the reason why I did not put him on quarterback column plus the age. The Achilles, if I used it, I'm almost like, Is it not fair if I used it for one to reason with one Older quarterback, and they're not in the same category of talent. They're not. Steve's got that face again.


No, I'm listening.


They're not in the same caliber of talent, Kirk and Aaron. But if I was going to argue an Achilles recovery and return, for one, then it's almost unfair for me.


You won't even let poor Justin Herbert get on.


Yeah, he's just out a couple of weeks. I feel like I'm trying to create rules for quarterback Island when it's going to devolve into pure nebulosity. Is that a word? It is now.


Pure chaos. Look, Steve, Axel, nice. He is nice. But to me, my What do you know is his tua. So he's just sticking up for his guy. To me, Rodgers defines a position where if I had to choose, I'd probably keep Rogers. Yeah.


To me, if it's between those two, I'm keeping Aaron Rogers. The guy's got how many MVPs? Got a Super Bowl Championship. Now, I know you made the durability argument against Tua. Well, he's been healthier than Aaron Rodgers the past week. But at the same time, I would have Tua on instead of Jared Goff, but I can't put Tua ahead of Aaron Rodgers.


I cannot do I think that's a well reason. That's rational. I would probably say I'll go with Steve on this, Aaron Rodgers over Tua.


But again-Oh, I thought we were getting Goff off the island.


If you want to reopen it.


We don't have time. This is the initial. This is the initial 12.


Look, there's only three of us. We're the only voters. Who are you voting off the island? Tua, Goff, or Aaron Rodgers? Goff.


I already told you I got voted down.


I thought I had created an alliance that was unstoppable.


You go first, Greg.


Well, now I'm confused. I'm voting 2 off.


I'll vote Tua off as well.


All good.


But 2 will be back on. I guarantee it.


You've said that about four different- She's got four people coming on, so this is the list.


Kyla Murray is going to be on, Jordan.


I said I'm excited for him to play his way on.


Justin Herbert is going to be on.


I I don't think Rodgers stays there the whole year.


Okay, real quick. I'm changing my vote.


I'm going back to my list. I'm voting Rodgers off out of those three.


Now we're stalemated.


We're stalemated. Only 11.


Let's go back to where We're now Tua and Rodgers.


I'm going to flip flop like a freaking fish right now.


Don't you do it.


I'll vote Rodgers off.


Get rid of them.


Tua can come on.




I'm porposing.


I clearly would be terrible on survivor. I don't know how to play this game whatsoever. Okay, real quick.


I lost the plot. I don't really know what's going on.


Of the borderline people we said could work their way back on. Kyla Marie, Kirek Cousins, Trevor Lawrence.




Rogers. Who's going to be the first one to work his way on?


Between Rogers and Kyler.




We're putting them in the safe raft.


What about with Kirek Cousins in there, too?


I think Caleb's going to have a chance. I think Gina is going to have a chance. It's almost harder to get on the island to start with than it will be to kick out because it's going to be hard once we get there to kick it off.


I think Kirek Cousins will be on.It.


Was a big moment for...


I think Kirk Cousins. He's got a better team than those other guys. Well, Gino's got a good team.


What a first episode of QBR. Do you feel satisfied? I know we got a little confused there at the end.


I feel scared.


Jordan is not right now. She's thinking about 22 personnel. She's thinking about everything going on. She's in that right now.


The final list of the players.


Turns out quarterback Island is my personal hell.


On quarterback Island, Dak Prescott, Jalen Hertz, Jared Goff, Jordan Love, Matthew Stafford, Brock Purdy, Josh Allen, Tua Tunga-Viloa, Lamar Jackson, Joe Burrow, C. J. Stroud, and Patrick Mahomes.


Oh, my gosh. That's a hell of a list. That's a freaking good list.


It's a hell of a list that we're leaving Justin Herber and Aaron Rodgers off, but I'm looking forward to discussing Justin Herber's not on it because he has a nebulous injury, Greg.


Stop sending people after me.


It's not a ranking. Jordan wanted to be sure. This is not a ranking. We're not ranking them. She doesn't like rankings, but this was a fun other way. I appreciate you guys for being here in the Chris Wesling podcast studio. Got a message from one of Chris's great friends, Rosie Laney today. It was 14 years ago today, she had put on her Facebook, congratulating Chris Wesling for getting a promotion at Rota World, which I remember. He was elevated to Senior Editor, and their dynasty football expert. She sent that right before we came into the Chris Wessling podcast today. So just thinking of Chris Wessling today and thinking about quarterback Island. It's a lot like Taibie Island.


A lot like Taibi Island.


They got huck-a-poos. Yes, Yes to quarterback Island. We will see you next time on NFL Daily.