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Welcome to NFL Daily, where the two lane Green wave are a burgeoning college football dynasty. I'm Greg Rosenthal and beyond lucky today to be joined by Nick Shook, the other kid from Akron. And yes, I know Nick. You have been playing EA college football with the Green Wave as your team. How are you doing?


Yeah, baby. Well, Greg, you know, not to spoil the surprise, but the two lane Green wave are the 2024 national champions, my friend.


Let's go. I mean, two lane over indexes in coolness factor because of that. Those uniforms. Oh, wow. Yeah. If you, if you check us out on YouTube, you can see Nick has been doing it big. Not surprised. Nick is a budding gamer. We're going to talk about that later in the show. He's been doing it for a while. He's got a twitch stream. And we're going to get Nick Shook's three minute review on EA college football 25. That is what we're wrapping the show with. I don't know why we're rapping because usually you just bring the best stuff right off the top and that's going to be the best stuff we hear all day. Nick.


Yeah. I mean, obviously, how can you not be on board with two lane as your national champs? Green wave.


Hey, they were close to it. They won a, what do they call it? Power six, you know, bowl six, gate. What do they call that?


The new year six game?


A new year six game a couple of years ago over Caleb freaking Williams. That was amazing. Also coming up in the show, and is amazing is Ian Rapaport. So, yeah, we're having our insider weekly segment every week. It'll be ten to 15 minutes with Ian or Mike Garofolo. They have a rivalry, so they don't just want one guy to get all the shine. But this week it's going to be Ian again. But before we do that, Nick, we are going to do our segment today and it's going to be simple. We're going to throw seg ideas back and forth. Overrated or underrated players. And it's as simple as it gets. It could be teams, actually doesn't have be players, could be coaches, could be units. It's whatever you think is overrated or underrated going into the 2024 season. I'm going to get started by asking you to go. I want you to start and give me, give me something underrated. Let's, let's be positive.


Yeah. Way to pass it down. You know, Greg, I want to expand the boundaries of this exercise real quick. Not only could it be teams, players, coaches, whatever. I want it to be like theories, like, just ideas, general trends that could also be overrated. Underrated. And for me, I'm going to start underrated. The Rams 2024 draft. And the reason that I say this is, look, we all know what Kobe Turner did on the defensive line last year in Los Angeles. He was a not a name that anybody was really paying attention to. And some people might have wondered, how did he play? You know, was it part of playing next to Aaron Donald? No, the kids a stud. Well, then they just went and reinvested in the defensive line again. Twice. They go get Jared verse, one of my favorite players in the draft. They go get his Florida State teammate Braden Fisk in the second round. And then on the offensive side, they went and got Blake Coram, a running back at Michigan who did a lot in his time with the Wolverines. Just savvy moves and, and coming off of a draft the year prior in which they snagged Puka Nakua and turned him into a phenomenal receiver, I think that lesson needs two for two, and we're all going to see it happen here this season.


Wow. I'm surprised. Not that that's not a good draft, but didn't get a ton of attention. If anything, I think they got more attention for the guys they didn't get. Cause it kind of came out that they, they wanted to get Bowers at tight end. They were trying to trade up, which would have been really intriguing on that offense, which is already loaded enough, but the Raiders took them before they could do that. And then they also wanted Byron Murphy, the defensive tackle. I think that the Seahawks got it, but sometimes that's how drafts work. You don't get the players you want, and it works out better. I'm going to stay in that front office tree and go to Detroit and talk about what they've been doing as a front office and go with the Lions offseason as my first underrated option. I just feel like everyone has been sleeping on the fact that this is an organization that has done everything wrong for decades and now they're doing everything right. And yeah, you can get it right hiring the right coach and the right GM, but are you going to make the right personnel decisions and step up when it's time from an ownership level?


And I think they have, like, on the defensive line, I like the Marcus Davenport move. You don't sign him when he's expensive in free agency, you sign him when he's cheap. You might get a really good pass rush to Marcus Davenport. DJ Reader also I think was a smart signing. Might not be a big factor until later, but the defensive line bulks up. But the bigger thing was that they signed everybody like all their foundational guys, Amon Ross, St. Brown, Pane Sewell to get them done along with Jared Goff. A contract I think worked for them but also can work for the team. And oh, by the way, they had a secondary problem all last season and you trade very little to get Carlton Davis, who to me is a plus starter at cornerback, just very difficult to get. And you draft Terry and Arnold, they attack their weaknesses aggressively. I just think they had one of the best offseasons of any team out there and everyone's just a little tired of the Lions at this point that they were kind of the story of last year, but I think they've set the foundation shooky to get better than they even were last year when they built on their success from 2022.


Yeah, Greg, I don't know if you know this, but I'm a football cynic and I always try to poke holes and things because I want to see where, when is the other shoe going to drop? You know, when am I going to get disappointed? We actually discussed this on, you know, shameless plug, my podcast, the Gridiron podcast, a couple nights ago. And in discussing this with my friend Carmen Vitaly from Fox Sports, who covers the NFC north, I'm thinking, I don't know what to tell you. This roster looks better than it was last year. Like, they addressed their weaknesses. They went and got Terry and Arnold. Their, their secondary was probably the worst part of their defense and they got better and they got deeper on that side of the ball, this is a team that I think is built for a deep run. So as much as, because every year this happens, we get a team or two that was great the previous year that should be good and then falls off. We have, you know, we, we know the turnover numbers from year to year and playoff appearances.


I thought the Lions might be that team last year, that they were getting too much going into the year, and.


Instead this is a team that I feel fully confident. I'm not saying they win the Super bowl, I'm not going that far yet, but I feel fully confident in them. I think they did a great job continuing to build this roster. And those contracts, both those con, all three of those contracts, not team friendly necessarily, but I mean, make complete sense. You're getting key players locked up. So I love it.


Right. And their defensive line to me was a little disappointing. I thought it was promising going into last year. It's deep. They still have a lot of gut. The guys they drafted Ali McNeil on, Lou Zurich, a Josh Pascal, like these guys, John Kaminsky, who came in, who they want to get better, but even if they don't, all the people that they've brought in from the outside I think are going to set them up well. I'm going to go overrated. It is hard to do overrated in the middle of July and hope season.


No, it's not.


But I'm going to pull your takes out. I'm going to start with your browns. Then I just want to go hard and just push against you and just say the Browns defense maybe a little overrated. And here's why. I think that when a new coordinator shows up like like happened for Jim Schwartz a year ago and he immediately improves them, like by so much, you usually expect a little bit of a decline the following year. They had an easy schedule last year, but they went from 16th in the to first by a long shot. One of the best defenses we've seen in a long time. Shook. And you look at where they're spending money. Warren Sharpe put it out there today, 190 million on their offense, the most expensive offense in the league. Not like I see a ton of holes in their defense, but I think it's natural that the schematic advantages that Schwartz brought last year aren't going to necessarily carry over. You see this with defensive coaches a lot into year two. Who knows, maybe it started to show up in that playoff game when they got smoked by the Texans.


Yeah, and that's partially because the bar was so low going into last season with what Joe woods have left behind. The former defensive coordinator just playing guys out of position. Guys didn't know what they were doing deep into week 15, 1617 of the season. So Schwartz coming in was not necessarily a calming presence, but an organizing presence and an aggressive presence, which boded well for their talent. But I totally agree. In fact, that's one of the things I included in the, back and just chucking it to Mike Evans and hoping it worked out so.Which isn't a bad plan for errors.Slimmer than we think.Right. He. He still is not going to be a guy who is able to create enough. His arms, his arm is great if he's protected well, if they have a great offensive line, then all look stupid. But I think Canalis was really important in making him read the game, and maybe that's a skill set that's just going to stick with him now. But he got rid of the ball quicker, which to me is, is everything for Baker Mayfield. All right, give me something underrated. Shook.All right, underrated. Let's go with a full season with Kyler Murray in Arizona. I feel like we're not paying attention, not that we necessarily need to pay a lot of attention to the Cardinals, but the Cardinals were an afterthought from week one last year because they did not have Kyler Murray in the fold. If you watch them, once he came back, they became kind of a fun watch. That game they played against Pittsburgh with like 3 hours worth of delays was a fun watch. If you, you know, got the short and condensed version and didn't have to sit through the live broadcast. That's the type of. Of team that I find interest in, not because they're going to win a lot of games, but just because nobody's talking about them. And I think Carter with a full season in Arizona now. Jonathan Gans second season as a head coach. Drew pets in second season as the offensive coordinator. I'm curious to see what step they take forward. Cause they don't have a big excuse anymore, which last year was, we don't have Kyler. We have Josh Dobbs and Clayton tune and whoever else you got Kyler.Now let's see what you can do now.This is going to be a recurring theme on this show until we get the game started. Like, I am very high on, on Kyler this year and the development that he showed as a quarterback, he's still so young. He is that guy that you're like, I can't believe he's still only 27 years old. I like Michael Wilson as a two and he showed something as a rookie. I obviously love Marvin Harrison, junior Trey McBride. We had it in the top five of the entire league right now as a tight end, so I think they're going to be fun to watch. That, to me, is the most compelling division to watch sticking in the west. I'm going to go Chargers offensive line as underrated. Just weirdly, like the Jim Harbaugh Chargers haven't gotten a ton of pop this offseason and to, to get Joe all like in the first round of that draft and put him at one tackle and Rashaun Slater at the other. And I know you lost Corey Lindsley, who retired, but they did get ready for that with the signing Bradley Bozeman, we'll, we'll see how that works out. But I think they like Trey Pickens.That guard like that is a nasty tackle combination and I think they're going to get really creative in the running game and those two tackles especially are going to be able to play football, I think, the way Jim Harbaugh wants.Yeah, you know, I think the Chargers are getting nearly enough attention, enough press, and maybe it's just the anti Harbaugh situation where everybody's tired of hearing from Jim. I get it. I understand he's an abrasive figure. But we should be paying more attention to the Chargers because of all the changes they've undergone this offseason since moving on for Brandon Staley and hiring Jim Harbaugh and, and remaking their front office and everything else there. It's oftentimes you hear people that are, you know, reporting on teams, covering teams or following teams, talk about bookend tackles. We got bookend tackles. Bookend tackles only matter and only have significance on paper unless they are actually playing like bookend tackles. And this is the first tackle tandem I can think of in, in quite some time where I look at it on paper before they even go out and produce and think, yeah, those guys are going to be there for the next 510 years. Like, this is rock solid and exactly what Justin Herbert needs considering how much he got beat up last year. If those guys are healthy, he's going to stay healthy and they're going to flourish.Yeah, I. I'm totally with you all. Felt like a weird, a weirdly safe pick. And I know we say that sometimes about tackles and it doesn't work out, but also steal with it. With a steal. Yeah. An incredible ceiling. I'm looking forward that they got the training camp. It's just starting. Like, it's just happening. Just, just on Thursday, Nick, like, I listened to a practice report from an actual training camp practice. Tank Dell was supposedly beating Kwame lassiter, the Texans second round pick, pretty significantly. I would expect tank tell to beat basically any cornerback in a non padded situation. So I wouldn't get too carried up about that way with that. But I just. I felt. I felt alive again that we're actually getting these reports now. All right, give me overrated. Underrated, whatever you want. We're going to run out of time soon. Give me your best.Okay? Overrated. I'm going to be drawing a lot of heat for this, and I'll take it where JJ McCarthy was drafted. Not that he's overrated overall because he's got a great coach in Kevin O'Connell, which I tagged this with, but underrated Kevin O'Connell because he's the guy to help develop him. But my God, I know he won a ton of games at Michigan, and that was a fantastic program that Jim Harbaugh had built. They were a machine, especially defensively, and he was a winner. But when we are scouting for more than, it feels like a Baker Mayfield comparison to me, where it's like that guy's a winner. He's won in Oklahoma. His teammates loved him. The whole John Dorsey. I watched Baker walk into the pro day and they. He whistled and they all went, who or whatever back to him. That guy's a locker room guy. I got the same vibes surrounding McCarthy.And do you get these vibes because he's a Michigan guy and you're an Ohio state guy?No.No, because I respect the hell out of him and I hated watching him scramble for first down on third and eight repeatedly. And that's what you can do in college, and you can do that in the pros, too. But let's not act like this guy is in the same realm as some of the other top quarterbacks drafted. Give him time is what I'm asking for. Give him time to get ready to play. All right, that's it.Yeah. Physically. Like, he has all the traits. So that got me back on board, but I'm totally with you. It is always a red flag when anyone going near the top of either the NFL or NBA draft starts getting lauded for their intangibles first. Yeah, like, it's like that's. We've, we've been through Tebow. We don't want to hear about the intangibles. I want the tangible. But I think JJ McCarthy has those. He's just so young, doesn't have a lot of experience. My last underrated is going to be just Dmiko Ryan's ability to make players better, make them money like that, to me is the ultimate test of a coach is you take someone that wasn't successful with other coaches and you make them successful. Blake Cashman got rich in Minnesota because he was on D'Amico Ryan's team. Stingley was a much better cornerback in his second year. He's on this top ten cornerbacks list for ESPN because of that. Jonathan Grunard. I think they're believing that D'Amico Ryan's maybe made him better than he really is. Desmond King, Stephen Nelson, all that. Really just guys that I think D'Amico Ryan made better than he is.One last thing, actually. I want to point out on that cornerback list, Nick, I don't know if you saw that the ESPN, the executives rank the top ten cornerbacks. They went through every position. And yes, Stingley was number ten on that mean, it was like a nine month saga, honestly, and I was tracking every bit of it. And, you know, you want to win, you want to break the story. But the 2 hours where I was pretty sure was getting done but couldn't get it 100% confirmed that it was actually done were definitely some of the most painful I've had as a reporter.And then to get it was great. But that's what Mike's talking about, which I think Joe appreciates how absolutely awful it was to wait and make sure that it was done. So that's kind of why he's, that.Just the look of affection to me was, was something. But, like, why do you put yourself through that, Ian? I think, like, in our roles, we all have some sort of emptiness inside of us that we're trying to fill. But, like, why? Why put yourself through that? For what?I like to deliver the people that follow very closely the news as soon as humanly possible. I like to win, and I like to tell people what I know as soon as I can. And when I don't get to do that, it really eats at me. I'm just really just a man of the people, and I want to give them what they want, which is trades and contracts and news.It just seems extremely stressful way to live that you're never off the clock, but that's, that's between you and, you know, your therapist, if you have one, or you and your wife. And you seem like you guys are doing great. You're doing great. You got back to back appearances here on NFL Daily. So I don't know. We might have to go to Garofolo next week because he seems like the insider. Maybe you would resent the most if he got this coveted spot next time around.I mean, Mike got a lot of buzz this week from breaking news on the golf course, so he deserves all the shine he can get.There we go. Thank you, Ian, again. Yeah. We're going to have an insider on every week. Appreciate the insight. We're going to wrap up the show just after this break with Nick shook talking a little EA college football. This is my first year I'm bringing.A tv so I haven't brought a tv ever before, but NCAA came out and I'm gonna have to turn it on. So I brought a TV for NCAA and the Olympics. So that's my first year of doing that.That was Patrick Mahomes, of course, talking about EA Sports college football 25. If you're on the Internet this week or if you played a video game at gotta, you gotta bump it up. You gotta.Yeah, I mean, there's a, there's a few things you gotta fix. The computer defense runs too much press coverage right now. And if you have a fast receiver, it's easy pickings. There's a, an issue with running into the kicker that pops up occasionally for people. I know it has not really happened for me, but my God, the experience, Greg. It's just, it's like they took the last game and they gave ten years of innovation to it and they treated it with the proper love and care that everybody expected. And it's a blast.I love it.I've averaged, I've averaged 4 hours of sleep this week, Greg. Okay.The only complaint I've heard is like the, the defensive backs, their hands are way too good for, for d one athletes or for any defensive backs. Like, you should not be intercepting the ball that much, that easily. That's awesome. I do know.It's like, that's on you for throwing bad passes, by the way. That's an Internet criticism.Passing the blame, it's such a big deal. And I'm excited. My son's been begging me for it and just don't know if I'm in on like getting him two games a year now. So I've held off for now with the college football, but he loves building it. We'll see. You've sold me pretty well. Nick shook. And yeah, that's been our after dinner man today. Just a little something extra with Nick shook in the video game world, it's been a fun second week of NFL daily. I really appreciate everyone who has been listening every day and checking us out on YouTube and giving us feedback. And look, it's, it's been great and it's only going to get better. Training camp is off and running by the time we come back on Monday. Shook. We might even have some news. Some like, training camp flow of like practice, real news. It's all happening and we'll have it covered every day on NFL daily until next week. And yeah, that Monday show is going to be fun. We got Jordan Rodrigue in the mix. We got Patrick Claybon on the Knicks. We'll have Nick schook back next week as well.Until then, talk to you next time.


back and just chucking it to Mike Evans and hoping it worked out so.


Which isn't a bad plan for errors.


Slimmer than we think.


Right. He. He still is not going to be a guy who is able to create enough. His arms, his arm is great if he's protected well, if they have a great offensive line, then all look stupid. But I think Canalis was really important in making him read the game, and maybe that's a skill set that's just going to stick with him now. But he got rid of the ball quicker, which to me is, is everything for Baker Mayfield. All right, give me something underrated. Shook.


All right, underrated. Let's go with a full season with Kyler Murray in Arizona. I feel like we're not paying attention, not that we necessarily need to pay a lot of attention to the Cardinals, but the Cardinals were an afterthought from week one last year because they did not have Kyler Murray in the fold. If you watch them, once he came back, they became kind of a fun watch. That game they played against Pittsburgh with like 3 hours worth of delays was a fun watch. If you, you know, got the short and condensed version and didn't have to sit through the live broadcast. That's the type of. Of team that I find interest in, not because they're going to win a lot of games, but just because nobody's talking about them. And I think Carter with a full season in Arizona now. Jonathan Gans second season as a head coach. Drew pets in second season as the offensive coordinator. I'm curious to see what step they take forward. Cause they don't have a big excuse anymore, which last year was, we don't have Kyler. We have Josh Dobbs and Clayton tune and whoever else you got Kyler.


Now let's see what you can do now.


This is going to be a recurring theme on this show until we get the game started. Like, I am very high on, on Kyler this year and the development that he showed as a quarterback, he's still so young. He is that guy that you're like, I can't believe he's still only 27 years old. I like Michael Wilson as a two and he showed something as a rookie. I obviously love Marvin Harrison, junior Trey McBride. We had it in the top five of the entire league right now as a tight end, so I think they're going to be fun to watch. That, to me, is the most compelling division to watch sticking in the west. I'm going to go Chargers offensive line as underrated. Just weirdly, like the Jim Harbaugh Chargers haven't gotten a ton of pop this offseason and to, to get Joe all like in the first round of that draft and put him at one tackle and Rashaun Slater at the other. And I know you lost Corey Lindsley, who retired, but they did get ready for that with the signing Bradley Bozeman, we'll, we'll see how that works out. But I think they like Trey Pickens.


That guard like that is a nasty tackle combination and I think they're going to get really creative in the running game and those two tackles especially are going to be able to play football, I think, the way Jim Harbaugh wants.


Yeah, you know, I think the Chargers are getting nearly enough attention, enough press, and maybe it's just the anti Harbaugh situation where everybody's tired of hearing from Jim. I get it. I understand he's an abrasive figure. But we should be paying more attention to the Chargers because of all the changes they've undergone this offseason since moving on for Brandon Staley and hiring Jim Harbaugh and, and remaking their front office and everything else there. It's oftentimes you hear people that are, you know, reporting on teams, covering teams or following teams, talk about bookend tackles. We got bookend tackles. Bookend tackles only matter and only have significance on paper unless they are actually playing like bookend tackles. And this is the first tackle tandem I can think of in, in quite some time where I look at it on paper before they even go out and produce and think, yeah, those guys are going to be there for the next 510 years. Like, this is rock solid and exactly what Justin Herbert needs considering how much he got beat up last year. If those guys are healthy, he's going to stay healthy and they're going to flourish.


Yeah, I. I'm totally with you all. Felt like a weird, a weirdly safe pick. And I know we say that sometimes about tackles and it doesn't work out, but also steal with it. With a steal. Yeah. An incredible ceiling. I'm looking forward that they got the training camp. It's just starting. Like, it's just happening. Just, just on Thursday, Nick, like, I listened to a practice report from an actual training camp practice. Tank Dell was supposedly beating Kwame lassiter, the Texans second round pick, pretty significantly. I would expect tank tell to beat basically any cornerback in a non padded situation. So I wouldn't get too carried up about that way with that. But I just. I felt. I felt alive again that we're actually getting these reports now. All right, give me overrated. Underrated, whatever you want. We're going to run out of time soon. Give me your best.


Okay? Overrated. I'm going to be drawing a lot of heat for this, and I'll take it where JJ McCarthy was drafted. Not that he's overrated overall because he's got a great coach in Kevin O'Connell, which I tagged this with, but underrated Kevin O'Connell because he's the guy to help develop him. But my God, I know he won a ton of games at Michigan, and that was a fantastic program that Jim Harbaugh had built. They were a machine, especially defensively, and he was a winner. But when we are scouting for more than, it feels like a Baker Mayfield comparison to me, where it's like that guy's a winner. He's won in Oklahoma. His teammates loved him. The whole John Dorsey. I watched Baker walk into the pro day and they. He whistled and they all went, who or whatever back to him. That guy's a locker room guy. I got the same vibes surrounding McCarthy.


And do you get these vibes because he's a Michigan guy and you're an Ohio state guy?




No, because I respect the hell out of him and I hated watching him scramble for first down on third and eight repeatedly. And that's what you can do in college, and you can do that in the pros, too. But let's not act like this guy is in the same realm as some of the other top quarterbacks drafted. Give him time is what I'm asking for. Give him time to get ready to play. All right, that's it.


Yeah. Physically. Like, he has all the traits. So that got me back on board, but I'm totally with you. It is always a red flag when anyone going near the top of either the NFL or NBA draft starts getting lauded for their intangibles first. Yeah, like, it's like that's. We've, we've been through Tebow. We don't want to hear about the intangibles. I want the tangible. But I think JJ McCarthy has those. He's just so young, doesn't have a lot of experience. My last underrated is going to be just Dmiko Ryan's ability to make players better, make them money like that, to me is the ultimate test of a coach is you take someone that wasn't successful with other coaches and you make them successful. Blake Cashman got rich in Minnesota because he was on D'Amico Ryan's team. Stingley was a much better cornerback in his second year. He's on this top ten cornerbacks list for ESPN because of that. Jonathan Grunard. I think they're believing that D'Amico Ryan's maybe made him better than he really is. Desmond King, Stephen Nelson, all that. Really just guys that I think D'Amico Ryan made better than he is.


One last thing, actually. I want to point out on that cornerback list, Nick, I don't know if you saw that the ESPN, the executives rank the top ten cornerbacks. They went through every position. And yes, Stingley was number ten on that mean, it was like a nine month saga, honestly, and I was tracking every bit of it. And, you know, you want to win, you want to break the story. But the 2 hours where I was pretty sure was getting done but couldn't get it 100% confirmed that it was actually done were definitely some of the most painful I've had as a reporter.And then to get it was great. But that's what Mike's talking about, which I think Joe appreciates how absolutely awful it was to wait and make sure that it was done. So that's kind of why he's, that.Just the look of affection to me was, was something. But, like, why do you put yourself through that, Ian? I think, like, in our roles, we all have some sort of emptiness inside of us that we're trying to fill. But, like, why? Why put yourself through that? For what?I like to deliver the people that follow very closely the news as soon as humanly possible. I like to win, and I like to tell people what I know as soon as I can. And when I don't get to do that, it really eats at me. I'm just really just a man of the people, and I want to give them what they want, which is trades and contracts and news.It just seems extremely stressful way to live that you're never off the clock, but that's, that's between you and, you know, your therapist, if you have one, or you and your wife. And you seem like you guys are doing great. You're doing great. You got back to back appearances here on NFL Daily. So I don't know. We might have to go to Garofolo next week because he seems like the insider. Maybe you would resent the most if he got this coveted spot next time around.I mean, Mike got a lot of buzz this week from breaking news on the golf course, so he deserves all the shine he can get.There we go. Thank you, Ian, again. Yeah. We're going to have an insider on every week. Appreciate the insight. We're going to wrap up the show just after this break with Nick shook talking a little EA college football. This is my first year I'm bringing.A tv so I haven't brought a tv ever before, but NCAA came out and I'm gonna have to turn it on. So I brought a TV for NCAA and the Olympics. So that's my first year of doing that.That was Patrick Mahomes, of course, talking about EA Sports college football 25. If you're on the Internet this week or if you played a video game at gotta, you gotta bump it up. You gotta.Yeah, I mean, there's a, there's a few things you gotta fix. The computer defense runs too much press coverage right now. And if you have a fast receiver, it's easy pickings. There's a, an issue with running into the kicker that pops up occasionally for people. I know it has not really happened for me, but my God, the experience, Greg. It's just, it's like they took the last game and they gave ten years of innovation to it and they treated it with the proper love and care that everybody expected. And it's a blast.I love it.I've averaged, I've averaged 4 hours of sleep this week, Greg. Okay.The only complaint I've heard is like the, the defensive backs, their hands are way too good for, for d one athletes or for any defensive backs. Like, you should not be intercepting the ball that much, that easily. That's awesome. I do know.It's like, that's on you for throwing bad passes, by the way. That's an Internet criticism.Passing the blame, it's such a big deal. And I'm excited. My son's been begging me for it and just don't know if I'm in on like getting him two games a year now. So I've held off for now with the college football, but he loves building it. We'll see. You've sold me pretty well. Nick shook. And yeah, that's been our after dinner man today. Just a little something extra with Nick shook in the video game world, it's been a fun second week of NFL daily. I really appreciate everyone who has been listening every day and checking us out on YouTube and giving us feedback. And look, it's, it's been great and it's only going to get better. Training camp is off and running by the time we come back on Monday. Shook. We might even have some news. Some like, training camp flow of like practice, real news. It's all happening and we'll have it covered every day on NFL daily until next week. And yeah, that Monday show is going to be fun. We got Jordan Rodrigue in the mix. We got Patrick Claybon on the Knicks. We'll have Nick schook back next week as well.Until then, talk to you next time.


mean, it was like a nine month saga, honestly, and I was tracking every bit of it. And, you know, you want to win, you want to break the story. But the 2 hours where I was pretty sure was getting done but couldn't get it 100% confirmed that it was actually done were definitely some of the most painful I've had as a reporter.


And then to get it was great. But that's what Mike's talking about, which I think Joe appreciates how absolutely awful it was to wait and make sure that it was done. So that's kind of why he's, that.


Just the look of affection to me was, was something. But, like, why do you put yourself through that, Ian? I think, like, in our roles, we all have some sort of emptiness inside of us that we're trying to fill. But, like, why? Why put yourself through that? For what?


I like to deliver the people that follow very closely the news as soon as humanly possible. I like to win, and I like to tell people what I know as soon as I can. And when I don't get to do that, it really eats at me. I'm just really just a man of the people, and I want to give them what they want, which is trades and contracts and news.


It just seems extremely stressful way to live that you're never off the clock, but that's, that's between you and, you know, your therapist, if you have one, or you and your wife. And you seem like you guys are doing great. You're doing great. You got back to back appearances here on NFL Daily. So I don't know. We might have to go to Garofolo next week because he seems like the insider. Maybe you would resent the most if he got this coveted spot next time around.


I mean, Mike got a lot of buzz this week from breaking news on the golf course, so he deserves all the shine he can get.


There we go. Thank you, Ian, again. Yeah. We're going to have an insider on every week. Appreciate the insight. We're going to wrap up the show just after this break with Nick shook talking a little EA college football. This is my first year I'm bringing.


A tv so I haven't brought a tv ever before, but NCAA came out and I'm gonna have to turn it on. So I brought a TV for NCAA and the Olympics. So that's my first year of doing that.


That was Patrick Mahomes, of course, talking about EA Sports college football 25. If you're on the Internet this week or if you played a video game at gotta, you gotta bump it up. You gotta.Yeah, I mean, there's a, there's a few things you gotta fix. The computer defense runs too much press coverage right now. And if you have a fast receiver, it's easy pickings. There's a, an issue with running into the kicker that pops up occasionally for people. I know it has not really happened for me, but my God, the experience, Greg. It's just, it's like they took the last game and they gave ten years of innovation to it and they treated it with the proper love and care that everybody expected. And it's a blast.I love it.I've averaged, I've averaged 4 hours of sleep this week, Greg. Okay.The only complaint I've heard is like the, the defensive backs, their hands are way too good for, for d one athletes or for any defensive backs. Like, you should not be intercepting the ball that much, that easily. That's awesome. I do know.It's like, that's on you for throwing bad passes, by the way. That's an Internet criticism.Passing the blame, it's such a big deal. And I'm excited. My son's been begging me for it and just don't know if I'm in on like getting him two games a year now. So I've held off for now with the college football, but he loves building it. We'll see. You've sold me pretty well. Nick shook. And yeah, that's been our after dinner man today. Just a little something extra with Nick shook in the video game world, it's been a fun second week of NFL daily. I really appreciate everyone who has been listening every day and checking us out on YouTube and giving us feedback. And look, it's, it's been great and it's only going to get better. Training camp is off and running by the time we come back on Monday. Shook. We might even have some news. Some like, training camp flow of like practice, real news. It's all happening and we'll have it covered every day on NFL daily until next week. And yeah, that Monday show is going to be fun. We got Jordan Rodrigue in the mix. We got Patrick Claybon on the Knicks. We'll have Nick schook back next week as well.Until then, talk to you next time.


gotta, you gotta bump it up. You gotta.


Yeah, I mean, there's a, there's a few things you gotta fix. The computer defense runs too much press coverage right now. And if you have a fast receiver, it's easy pickings. There's a, an issue with running into the kicker that pops up occasionally for people. I know it has not really happened for me, but my God, the experience, Greg. It's just, it's like they took the last game and they gave ten years of innovation to it and they treated it with the proper love and care that everybody expected. And it's a blast.


I love it.


I've averaged, I've averaged 4 hours of sleep this week, Greg. Okay.


The only complaint I've heard is like the, the defensive backs, their hands are way too good for, for d one athletes or for any defensive backs. Like, you should not be intercepting the ball that much, that easily. That's awesome. I do know.


It's like, that's on you for throwing bad passes, by the way. That's an Internet criticism.


Passing the blame, it's such a big deal. And I'm excited. My son's been begging me for it and just don't know if I'm in on like getting him two games a year now. So I've held off for now with the college football, but he loves building it. We'll see. You've sold me pretty well. Nick shook. And yeah, that's been our after dinner man today. Just a little something extra with Nick shook in the video game world, it's been a fun second week of NFL daily. I really appreciate everyone who has been listening every day and checking us out on YouTube and giving us feedback. And look, it's, it's been great and it's only going to get better. Training camp is off and running by the time we come back on Monday. Shook. We might even have some news. Some like, training camp flow of like practice, real news. It's all happening and we'll have it covered every day on NFL daily until next week. And yeah, that Monday show is going to be fun. We got Jordan Rodrigue in the mix. We got Patrick Claybon on the Knicks. We'll have Nick schook back next week as well.


Until then, talk to you next time.