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Welcome to NFL Daily, where we're always trying to get Rod Tidwell paid. It's 2024. Show me the money. Still alive. And so is Patrick Claibon. So lucky to be joined by him today from a hotel room in Cincinnati where he covered the Bengals and he's running all over the country. Patrick, excited for this show this weekend. Like, I've been prepping all weekend to give the listeners as many winners and losers as possible. I've been reading way too many camp reports, watching way too much ITC, so I hope you're ready.


I love that you try to pawn it off as like, hey, this is, this is a rarity. I'm not 100% plugged into all this stuff anyway, and I'm doing this. This is just, this is just Greg. This is Greg and his natural habitat. I love it.


Fair. But we, you know, we haven't always had these Sunday night shows. And it, it reminded me I used to do these articles, like, 64 things, you know, we learned from training camp over the last week or whatever. And so that's how I'm viewing these Sunday night shows, kind of catching up on everything that's been going on while everyone else is paying attention to the Olympics and you don't have time to check out, you know, what pewter is saying about the bucks or I, some radio stations saying about the Steelers. So we hope to get you covered with all the news, big and small, the winners and the losers and, but before that, I just want to get to one health note, which the Patriots announced Sunday evening that Christian Barmore, who I believe is their best player right now, overall best defensive player, is not with the team right now suffering with blood clots. He is out indefinitely. So I just want to wish him, you know, a speedy recovery. And they didn't say anything about his timeline, but just they, they hope that he's back. It's obviously very serious issue and glad that they caught it.


So hope he is. Well, let's get to the winners and the losers, Patrick. And since we last taped, Tua Tunga Vaila's contract got done, which I was excited about, and Tua was also excited about while talking to dolphins crowd on Sunday.


I tell you what, show me the money.


Patrick's got his hands over.


His secondhand embarrassment is really something. And I know it was a dare for Tua to say that, but still, that is so not him. Right? Like, whatever, whatever you think. And to people who don't know. Cause like you mentioned rod tipple, and yet I don't even know the math on how long ago Jerry Maguire was. We're. Are we in the.


It was 1996, so, yeah, I don't think Tua was alive, or he was maybe just born, but that's how it.


Used to be before meme culture. Like, we would have a movie, and then there would be a line from the movie, and we would just repeat it for years and years. And that was the one from. From the movie. And, um. Yeah, like, good for Tua. We were talking about it last time we were in the studio, right, when we're, you know, talking about this hypothetical show, and I got a microphone and everything. Everything's great here in Cincinnati. But that was my questiondefense right now, everybody.Okay, maybe year. He had a great end of the year his rookie year last season. So just seeing the way that they are going to design the offense and all the different options that they have, it's going to be amazing.Yeah. I will never forget standing on the sidelines, which we, we are lucky enough to do when we do the London games for, for Sky Sports. And it was Titans Ravens last year. And so we're, we're standing, like, right at the the goal line, and it just seems crazy that anyone can ever tackle that dude, and they, and they did. There was a big goal line stand in the game where, like, it was like a car crash and you're just kind of amazed that anyone can ever tackle him. And, yeah, I read that article about his diet, how he doesn't eat in the season until four or 05:00 p.m. and then eat again at 08:00 p.m. sounds insane. How could you, how could you operate like that, Zachary?That's kind of crazy. I'm like, oh, is this safe? Like, can we get a nutritionist? But he. I guess because the Titans used to practice, like, early so he wouldn't need it right away. But I think with the Ravens, they start practice at, like, one. He's having to eat something before, so he was telling us that he's eating these avocado spinach smoothies. He doesn't eat chicken wings or anything anymore. And off camera, I was asking him about it and he's like, do you want to try one? I was like, yeah, he never brought it over, unfortunately. But he was like, honestly, I hate avocado. Like, I have to drink that smoothie and, like, chase it with water. And I was like, if that is not dedication, like, he. He's doing everything he can to help this team.Yeah. I don't care how good a job you're doing interviewing me. I'm not sharing my. My smoothie with you or with anyone that just doesn't think that you share. I guess you could, like, pour it into another cup.Hold on, hold on. He wasn't going to share his. He was going to have, like, the trainers make us our own. Okay.Okay. Okay. I would feel. Yeah. Embarrassed for that, too. But, uh, that's nice of him. He is. He's known as nice guy. Let's move on to Cincinnati where you were today. I know, I know. It was hot down there. Like, how did this offense look? I know Jamar Chase hasn't been out on the field. Uh, how did it look without him?Okay, so he's still at practice. I don't know, um, how much you saw online or whatever. So he actually was throwing passes with Baldy. It was hilarious. He. Baldy was like, hey, Jamar, throw me a pass. Baldy dropped it. Baldi was like, it was my finger. I was like, you can't use that as. As an excuse, baldy, um, but he's like, in every rep, right? Like, he might not be playing on the field, but he's there right next to the coaches, talking to the players. He's very much still involved. Like, that leadership role is there. Joe Burrow looks phenomenal. I was watching him today and I was like, this guy had wristT. Higgins said earlier this week that Joe Burrow looks like he did the offseason going into that Super bowl run. So take that for what it is. I think it's so important, and I don't know if we're talking about it enough that he's out there during preseason. I mean, his rookie year, no preseason because of COVID And then he was coming back from an ACL, he had the appendectomy, he had a calf injury. He's never completed a preseason pass. And, you know, of course, people say preseason, whatever, but the Bengals have struggled the past three years to start the season. They've been five and four. They've had to get themselves out of these holes in like November, December. They've been able to go on runs, but imagine if they can start the season eight and oh nine and oh, what? What is.I'm almost afraid to talk about it because I'm with you. It's so huge and less about the preseason games and more just these practices and stacking one after another. And I mentioned early in the show we did winners and losers, and my losers are just like NFL offenses around the league are just usually struggling at this time of year. So I do note when some players coming off, some struggles come out like a house on fire. And the two names probably that have stuck out the most to me of just everyone that's been there's fine. I, it's fine to get excited. It's fine to get overly excited at this time of year. Like, you haven't had a build up like this, so that would be huge for them. And the lack of chase gives, gives Andre Yoshivas, who's the number three receiver right now, and Jermaine Burton, who might be the number three receiver eventually. Like more, more time with Burrow, which isn't the worst thing.Yeah. Trent Irwin to make it some place. So it'll be interesting to see because they're trying to work a couple of different guys into that slot with obviously Tyler Boyd gone, they need to figure out who's going to be that number three. So that's, that's really important this time of year.I don't know. I'm tempted. I'm, I do think maybe it's the, it's a year for one of the other AFC teams, but the one, one of them that last year was, I'm debating, but no, I was high on the Chiefs. I had them going to the Super bowl going into last year, but this year I think bills or Bengals? I'm, I'm debating.See, I, I'm obviously just coming from Baltimore and I'm like, nobody can stop these guys.Yeah, one of the, those are the, those are the four heavyweights, although we know one of those four and it's probably not going to be the Chiefs will disappoint because that's just like, that's how the NFL works. You never disappoint, though. Bridget, thank you for joining me and thanks. We're going to try to get you in the show when you're back in the studio, but enjoy the rest of inside training camp. I know you will be on the road the next week and a half. Like most of NFL Network, we will be on the road on Monday, but just down the road in El Segundo talking to the Chargers. Until then, have fun. NFL daily. We'll see you next time.


defense right now, everybody.


Okay, maybe year. He had a great end of the year his rookie year last season. So just seeing the way that they are going to design the offense and all the different options that they have, it's going to be amazing.Yeah. I will never forget standing on the sidelines, which we, we are lucky enough to do when we do the London games for, for Sky Sports. And it was Titans Ravens last year. And so we're, we're standing, like, right at the the goal line, and it just seems crazy that anyone can ever tackle that dude, and they, and they did. There was a big goal line stand in the game where, like, it was like a car crash and you're just kind of amazed that anyone can ever tackle him. And, yeah, I read that article about his diet, how he doesn't eat in the season until four or 05:00 p.m. and then eat again at 08:00 p.m. sounds insane. How could you, how could you operate like that, Zachary?That's kind of crazy. I'm like, oh, is this safe? Like, can we get a nutritionist? But he. I guess because the Titans used to practice, like, early so he wouldn't need it right away. But I think with the Ravens, they start practice at, like, one. He's having to eat something before, so he was telling us that he's eating these avocado spinach smoothies. He doesn't eat chicken wings or anything anymore. And off camera, I was asking him about it and he's like, do you want to try one? I was like, yeah, he never brought it over, unfortunately. But he was like, honestly, I hate avocado. Like, I have to drink that smoothie and, like, chase it with water. And I was like, if that is not dedication, like, he. He's doing everything he can to help this team.Yeah. I don't care how good a job you're doing interviewing me. I'm not sharing my. My smoothie with you or with anyone that just doesn't think that you share. I guess you could, like, pour it into another cup.Hold on, hold on. He wasn't going to share his. He was going to have, like, the trainers make us our own. Okay.Okay. Okay. I would feel. Yeah. Embarrassed for that, too. But, uh, that's nice of him. He is. He's known as nice guy. Let's move on to Cincinnati where you were today. I know, I know. It was hot down there. Like, how did this offense look? I know Jamar Chase hasn't been out on the field. Uh, how did it look without him?Okay, so he's still at practice. I don't know, um, how much you saw online or whatever. So he actually was throwing passes with Baldy. It was hilarious. He. Baldy was like, hey, Jamar, throw me a pass. Baldy dropped it. Baldi was like, it was my finger. I was like, you can't use that as. As an excuse, baldy, um, but he's like, in every rep, right? Like, he might not be playing on the field, but he's there right next to the coaches, talking to the players. He's very much still involved. Like, that leadership role is there. Joe Burrow looks phenomenal. I was watching him today and I was like, this guy had wristT. Higgins said earlier this week that Joe Burrow looks like he did the offseason going into that Super bowl run. So take that for what it is. I think it's so important, and I don't know if we're talking about it enough that he's out there during preseason. I mean, his rookie year, no preseason because of COVID And then he was coming back from an ACL, he had the appendectomy, he had a calf injury. He's never completed a preseason pass. And, you know, of course, people say preseason, whatever, but the Bengals have struggled the past three years to start the season. They've been five and four. They've had to get themselves out of these holes in like November, December. They've been able to go on runs, but imagine if they can start the season eight and oh nine and oh, what? What is.I'm almost afraid to talk about it because I'm with you. It's so huge and less about the preseason games and more just these practices and stacking one after another. And I mentioned early in the show we did winners and losers, and my losers are just like NFL offenses around the league are just usually struggling at this time of year. So I do note when some players coming off, some struggles come out like a house on fire. And the two names probably that have stuck out the most to me of just everyone that's been there's fine. I, it's fine to get excited. It's fine to get overly excited at this time of year. Like, you haven't had a build up like this, so that would be huge for them. And the lack of chase gives, gives Andre Yoshivas, who's the number three receiver right now, and Jermaine Burton, who might be the number three receiver eventually. Like more, more time with Burrow, which isn't the worst thing.Yeah. Trent Irwin to make it some place. So it'll be interesting to see because they're trying to work a couple of different guys into that slot with obviously Tyler Boyd gone, they need to figure out who's going to be that number three. So that's, that's really important this time of year.I don't know. I'm tempted. I'm, I do think maybe it's the, it's a year for one of the other AFC teams, but the one, one of them that last year was, I'm debating, but no, I was high on the Chiefs. I had them going to the Super bowl going into last year, but this year I think bills or Bengals? I'm, I'm debating.See, I, I'm obviously just coming from Baltimore and I'm like, nobody can stop these guys.Yeah, one of the, those are the, those are the four heavyweights, although we know one of those four and it's probably not going to be the Chiefs will disappoint because that's just like, that's how the NFL works. You never disappoint, though. Bridget, thank you for joining me and thanks. We're going to try to get you in the show when you're back in the studio, but enjoy the rest of inside training camp. I know you will be on the road the next week and a half. Like most of NFL Network, we will be on the road on Monday, but just down the road in El Segundo talking to the Chargers. Until then, have fun. NFL daily. We'll see you next time.


year. He had a great end of the year his rookie year last season. So just seeing the way that they are going to design the offense and all the different options that they have, it's going to be amazing.


Yeah. I will never forget standing on the sidelines, which we, we are lucky enough to do when we do the London games for, for Sky Sports. And it was Titans Ravens last year. And so we're, we're standing, like, right at the the goal line, and it just seems crazy that anyone can ever tackle that dude, and they, and they did. There was a big goal line stand in the game where, like, it was like a car crash and you're just kind of amazed that anyone can ever tackle him. And, yeah, I read that article about his diet, how he doesn't eat in the season until four or 05:00 p.m. and then eat again at 08:00 p.m. sounds insane. How could you, how could you operate like that, Zachary?


That's kind of crazy. I'm like, oh, is this safe? Like, can we get a nutritionist? But he. I guess because the Titans used to practice, like, early so he wouldn't need it right away. But I think with the Ravens, they start practice at, like, one. He's having to eat something before, so he was telling us that he's eating these avocado spinach smoothies. He doesn't eat chicken wings or anything anymore. And off camera, I was asking him about it and he's like, do you want to try one? I was like, yeah, he never brought it over, unfortunately. But he was like, honestly, I hate avocado. Like, I have to drink that smoothie and, like, chase it with water. And I was like, if that is not dedication, like, he. He's doing everything he can to help this team.


Yeah. I don't care how good a job you're doing interviewing me. I'm not sharing my. My smoothie with you or with anyone that just doesn't think that you share. I guess you could, like, pour it into another cup.


Hold on, hold on. He wasn't going to share his. He was going to have, like, the trainers make us our own. Okay.


Okay. Okay. I would feel. Yeah. Embarrassed for that, too. But, uh, that's nice of him. He is. He's known as nice guy. Let's move on to Cincinnati where you were today. I know, I know. It was hot down there. Like, how did this offense look? I know Jamar Chase hasn't been out on the field. Uh, how did it look without him?


Okay, so he's still at practice. I don't know, um, how much you saw online or whatever. So he actually was throwing passes with Baldy. It was hilarious. He. Baldy was like, hey, Jamar, throw me a pass. Baldy dropped it. Baldi was like, it was my finger. I was like, you can't use that as. As an excuse, baldy, um, but he's like, in every rep, right? Like, he might not be playing on the field, but he's there right next to the coaches, talking to the players. He's very much still involved. Like, that leadership role is there. Joe Burrow looks phenomenal. I was watching him today and I was like, this guy had wristT. Higgins said earlier this week that Joe Burrow looks like he did the offseason going into that Super bowl run. So take that for what it is. I think it's so important, and I don't know if we're talking about it enough that he's out there during preseason. I mean, his rookie year, no preseason because of COVID And then he was coming back from an ACL, he had the appendectomy, he had a calf injury. He's never completed a preseason pass. And, you know, of course, people say preseason, whatever, but the Bengals have struggled the past three years to start the season. They've been five and four. They've had to get themselves out of these holes in like November, December. They've been able to go on runs, but imagine if they can start the season eight and oh nine and oh, what? What is.I'm almost afraid to talk about it because I'm with you. It's so huge and less about the preseason games and more just these practices and stacking one after another. And I mentioned early in the show we did winners and losers, and my losers are just like NFL offenses around the league are just usually struggling at this time of year. So I do note when some players coming off, some struggles come out like a house on fire. And the two names probably that have stuck out the most to me of just everyone that's been there's fine. I, it's fine to get excited. It's fine to get overly excited at this time of year. Like, you haven't had a build up like this, so that would be huge for them. And the lack of chase gives, gives Andre Yoshivas, who's the number three receiver right now, and Jermaine Burton, who might be the number three receiver eventually. Like more, more time with Burrow, which isn't the worst thing.Yeah. Trent Irwin to make it some place. So it'll be interesting to see because they're trying to work a couple of different guys into that slot with obviously Tyler Boyd gone, they need to figure out who's going to be that number three. So that's, that's really important this time of year.I don't know. I'm tempted. I'm, I do think maybe it's the, it's a year for one of the other AFC teams, but the one, one of them that last year was, I'm debating, but no, I was high on the Chiefs. I had them going to the Super bowl going into last year, but this year I think bills or Bengals? I'm, I'm debating.See, I, I'm obviously just coming from Baltimore and I'm like, nobody can stop these guys.Yeah, one of the, those are the, those are the four heavyweights, although we know one of those four and it's probably not going to be the Chiefs will disappoint because that's just like, that's how the NFL works. You never disappoint, though. Bridget, thank you for joining me and thanks. We're going to try to get you in the show when you're back in the studio, but enjoy the rest of inside training camp. I know you will be on the road the next week and a half. Like most of NFL Network, we will be on the road on Monday, but just down the road in El Segundo talking to the Chargers. Until then, have fun. NFL daily. We'll see you next time.


T. Higgins said earlier this week that Joe Burrow looks like he did the offseason going into that Super bowl run. So take that for what it is. I think it's so important, and I don't know if we're talking about it enough that he's out there during preseason. I mean, his rookie year, no preseason because of COVID And then he was coming back from an ACL, he had the appendectomy, he had a calf injury. He's never completed a preseason pass. And, you know, of course, people say preseason, whatever, but the Bengals have struggled the past three years to start the season. They've been five and four. They've had to get themselves out of these holes in like November, December. They've been able to go on runs, but imagine if they can start the season eight and oh nine and oh, what? What is.


I'm almost afraid to talk about it because I'm with you. It's so huge and less about the preseason games and more just these practices and stacking one after another. And I mentioned early in the show we did winners and losers, and my losers are just like NFL offenses around the league are just usually struggling at this time of year. So I do note when some players coming off, some struggles come out like a house on fire. And the two names probably that have stuck out the most to me of just everyone that's been there's fine. I, it's fine to get excited. It's fine to get overly excited at this time of year. Like, you haven't had a build up like this, so that would be huge for them. And the lack of chase gives, gives Andre Yoshivas, who's the number three receiver right now, and Jermaine Burton, who might be the number three receiver eventually. Like more, more time with Burrow, which isn't the worst thing.


Yeah. Trent Irwin to make it some place. So it'll be interesting to see because they're trying to work a couple of different guys into that slot with obviously Tyler Boyd gone, they need to figure out who's going to be that number three. So that's, that's really important this time of year.


I don't know. I'm tempted. I'm, I do think maybe it's the, it's a year for one of the other AFC teams, but the one, one of them that last year was, I'm debating, but no, I was high on the Chiefs. I had them going to the Super bowl going into last year, but this year I think bills or Bengals? I'm, I'm debating.


See, I, I'm obviously just coming from Baltimore and I'm like, nobody can stop these guys.


Yeah, one of the, those are the, those are the four heavyweights, although we know one of those four and it's probably not going to be the Chiefs will disappoint because that's just like, that's how the NFL works. You never disappoint, though. Bridget, thank you for joining me and thanks. We're going to try to get you in the show when you're back in the studio, but enjoy the rest of inside training camp. I know you will be on the road the next week and a half. Like most of NFL Network, we will be on the road on Monday, but just down the road in El Segundo talking to the Chargers. Until then, have fun. NFL daily. We'll see you next time.