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Hi, I'm Stacey Abrams. Let's face it, sometimes the world feels broken. The Supreme Court hands down horrible decisions and cynical reactionaries celebrate. Senseless tragedies break our hearts. Good people stumble, so we lose confidence in the system and each other. And it's so frustrating because we can see what the world should look like. Yet more and more, it feels like the bad guys are winning. Let me tell you something. They're not. They're just hoping we stop fighting. I've lived my life with three objectives: be curious, solve problems, and do good. In the worst moments, they've helped me focus on the work to be done and to bounce back when others thought, I should be shattered.


Now is a time to defend our values and protect the vulnerable, to stand in the gap and to lead the way. A time to know that this democracy only works when we work for it.


That's why I'm doing this podcast. I know that one piece isn't going to solve the whole puzzle, but we have to put the different parts together. We'll break down complex subjects into digestible items. We'll crowdsource solutions and share stories of actions. On occasion, we'll intentionally explore another point of view, which is also a step in the right direction. We can't fix everything everywhere all at once, but we can each do something somewhere soon. It took at least 10 years to change the trajectory of Georgia, and that's just when I got started. It might take a little longer for other challenges that we face, but we're not in this alone. I'm here to introduce us to our fellow Warriors for Good and to strategize. Success will be incremental, but I promise it'll be worth it because if we want better, if we want more, then there's some assembly required. Join me for Assembly Required with Stacey Abrams from Crooked Media starting August 15th. Episodes are available wherever you get your podcast..