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Hey, everybody. You guys. You know, I was very highly influenced by nevermind, Nirvana's album, the very first. No, second album. Bleach was the first one. Right? But anyway, I was very highly influenced by this and I love the album cover. And now you can get one with my little baby body in it.


And you don't have to have the shirt if you don't want it. You can get it as a poster. That's just as cool too. Go to I'm on tour in the fall gearing up to shoot my hour. I'm gonna be in Frank, California, Indianapolis, Charlotte, Waukee, Omaha, Kansas City, Cleveland, St. Louis, Grand Rapids, Detroit, New Orleans, San Antonio, Chicago, Durham, Atlanta, Charleston, Philly, New York, Phoenix, San Francisco, San Diego, Boston and Minneapolis. Go to for those tickets.


You two are bad friends. Who are these two idiots? White dude. I'm an asian dude. You two are disgusting. You two are something. We're bad friends. Yip yapping away.


Yip yapping away.


Yip yapping all day.


Yip yapping away.




Yes, I am. Wait, or no, I'm.


No, you are. No, McCone.


Yes, you are.


You are.


All right, let's start the show.


And then I just. And then. Did you know that Delaney has a prison tattoo on her finger?


What? Delaney? You went to prison?


She's a prison tattoo on her finger.


Let me see. What does it say?


No, it's just. It's a stick and poke.


Stick and poke?




So that's what Bobby calls his sex life. Stick and poke. Because every girl. Ow ow ow. Asian. Have a sharp penis.


Let's not go into negative. Let's go into positive.


Did something happen, though?


I can't. Yeah. No, nothing. Well, I have to go to Winnipeg. I'm thinking. Bummed about that.


Wait, what?




For Tom's thing.


One show. Atom. Yeah, Winnipeg.


Do you know where that is on a map don't have to swing. You mean sometimes they let the ball pass. They let the ball pass? All right, let the ball pass a couple times. I mean, don't go. Hot, hot. You know what I mean? That's what you did.Let's try it again.Let's try it again, Dan.So this girl. This girl, she did a. Get ready with me to go to Auschwitz. And this is her outfit she wore?Yeah. It's just a black dress and sneakers.Now, is that disrespectful? What is the appropriate thing to wear to Auschwitz?I gotta say, it's probably that, but probably not.Well, we have a resident jewish kid here. Nick, what's the appropriate thing to wear to Auschwitz?Something understated.Understated? Solemn. Something drab and quiet. Not loud. Imagine doing. Get ready with me to only go to tragic sites.Right.Get ready with me to go to Hiroshima. Yeah, get ready with me. Get ready with me to go to Chernobyl. Today we're gonna be visiting one of the most tragic, weird, fucked up sites you've ever seen.Yeah.Get ready with me now. I'm doing a blush that's very, like, blow you away blush.Get ready with me to go to Ed Gein's. House. We're in Wisconsin. We're at the farmhouse. Okay. And this is the lamp. See this lamp? This lamp is made out of human skin. All right? And I know I'm wearing Gucci right now, and. Oh, my God.And this kind of looks like skin. I mean, that's, I think, what Prada was trying to say. So that's why we're here.Yeah.Get ready with me to go to Epstein's island. What's up? I'm here. It's desolate and quiet.Yeah.Seems like all the kids asleep. I mean, how could. It is funny. Look, I'm sure she didn't do it disrespectfully. She just planned to go to Auschwitz for the day, which millions of people do. And she was like, here's what I wear. Is this what she does on the Internet? She shows people her day?Yeah. She posted this as a part of her schedule. Auschwitz in the AM and.Well, yeah, you got it. Morning. You can't go to Auschwitz at night. That's.Fuck, if you had a daughter. And that's what she was, a social media person. And you're in the house and you're carving wood. I don't know what men do, carving wood.I'm just making a canoe.Yeah, you're making a canoe. Right, right. And she's constantly, get ready with me. Get ready with me and let me. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Look at that. Look at that. Would you snap?No. No. Cause she's probably.I'm like, shut up.I bet she's making a good living.You wouldn't snap, Nick. Yeah, I would. Go crazy.That's the funniest part. The best packing hack for going to Auschwitz.No.Make sure you pack food. There is not a snack bar.Yeah. Wow.Visiting tragic locations and doing a get ready with me for them is very funny to me. Rocket money.Hey, do you find any subscriptions, Andrew, you forgot about or anything you paid twice for and didn't realize it?Yeah. The amount of subscriptions I've subscribed to right now is embarrassing. And thanks to Rocket money, they took care of that for me. Most Americans think they're spending around $62 a month on subscriptions. Uh, that's not true. The real number is closer to $300 a month on subscriptions. Too much money waste too much. They find so many subscriptions that you forget about. Rocket money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and helps lower your bills so that you can grow your savings with rocket money. You got full control over your subscriptions and a clear view of all your expenses. They break everything down for you right in front of your face.Rocket money will even try to negotiate lower bills for you by up to 20%. All you have to do is submit a picture of your bill and Rocket money will takes care of that. They deal with customer service for you.You don't even have to. Rocket money has over 5 million users and has saved a total of 500 million in canceled subscriptions. That's so much money. Saving members up to $740 a year when using all of the apps features. You must try this because I know you've got subscriptions. We all do. Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to badfriends.That's badfriends. badfanshe back. Set him right. And then I'm literally walking the stage. While I'm on stage, he's walking in with his entourage.So cool.Yeah. And, you know, your mind, you're. It's also was like 80 people. You know how sometimes main room. No. Or.Oh, okay.How the or is sometimes light on a Sunday?Yeah, sometimes.Yeah, yeah.But, you know, you still did good. You did good.I survived.You did good.Thank you, daddy. I love you.Okay, kiddos. And then what happened?I know. I just. I end, as I'm walking off stage, he gets up to meet me in the back so that we get in the hallway and he goes, hey, man. I go, yeah. You know what I mean? I don't even know what I'm saying. But, you know, we worked. I go, yeah, we work. You know, Pepsi. Yeah.Oh, yeah.And I go, let's go in the back and talk about it. Right?You drag him to take up.Drag him to zeros, higher ground.You get to be on that. That's your territory.Thank you.Vulnerable in the hallway, in the back.In the back. This is my.You regained power.My den.Yeah. That's your den.Yeah.So you sit the bay down.So. How funny, Nick. Okay. I sit the bay down, and now I'm like, how do I. You know, man? I gotta figure.Mm hmm.So immediate, like. Like a coward. I go, well, you know, sometimes in podcasts. No, I swear to God, you know, sometimes in podcasts, you know, like, I experience a story, and then when I say, it's like, you know, I had to make it. Entertain it for the people. Whatever. Whatever. Create conflict. You know what I mean?Yeah.And he's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you talking. What? And I go, yeah. And he goes, no, Mike. You know, just the girl I'm seeing. Right. Is. She said that you mentioned it, but I never heard it.Do you think he had to have heard it?No.Really?No. Because it turned out she. She is the fan.Oh, so she's a. She's a Bobby Lee fan. She said, I think Bobby Lee talked about you in a podcast.Yes.Okay.Right. Then we just start talking for, like, 45 minutes away. And it was great Hollywood stuff. He was super not. I couldn't believe how, like, reachable he was, you know, being. And. Is that a right word?I mean, reachable for relatable. Relatable.Relatables? What? Yeah, reachable. But what the fuck you're talking about?Um, I mean, you did reach him.I did reach him. No, and he was, like, so, like, super open and nice, and we talked about a variety of things.And did it end well?Yeah, really good.Was it like, hey, no, he was.Just kind of like, you know, I mean, I really want to do something with you or something like that.A little Bay movie, huh?I don't know.Little baby.Things like that are sad. And I just take it, you know, men with whatever it is, right. You know, chalk it up. Sometimes they forget.But my point is, you won't forget.It was a positive thing. They apparently hung up there all night, and, like, Jason Collins and some comics were like, he's still here. We're hanging out. He's so cool. You know what I mean?So he watched more shows.Yeah, he stayed there. I laughed, and he stayed there all night. Everyone's saying that he's the nicest. He's such a nice guy. And it was a fun night.I want to be like you when I grow up.You are. Because guys like the bay, you actually go golfing with and go to, like, Oregon and some of these mensa, like, I don't know, these deep states. These mensa, deep state, like, private fucking mansion party.You mean.I'm sure you go in there too.And on. Yeah, yeah, we go to.Yeah, but there's something going on with you. I'm not. I'm not in the party. I'm adjacent.It's funny the way that he can say this. And the Internet will be like, what is going on, man? What do parties does he get to go to? None. Sit at my house all day.He does. He sits around.No, I actually do shit all fucking day.He does.I do shit all day. You know what I did today? I washed my car. And it's my favorite thing in the world to hand wash my car. And I went to a little shop in Burbank and I bought all my little supplies. And it was really nice because the girl didn't know me, which is always nice. And she spoke to me like a car guy. And it was like, it. I like that. Like I'm a nobody because I am a nobody. But it was nice. She didn't, like, split.You're like a car guy. You're a pet boy.We were talking cars. We talked sh. We talked about stuff. We like. We talked about certain waxes and soaps that we prefer.Can you improvise that stuff or not? Even if you don't know, if you.Don'T know what you're talking about?Yeah, I think I can do it.Okay, you try it. Oh. Have you ever tried this carnauba wax?Oh, yeah. What?The Carmel carnauba charnuba.Well, that's what it was originally called.What did you say?1972. Right. Carnauba racks no.Carnuba.Yeah, but they used to call it Carnubu.Carnubu, yeah. It waxed like nobu owned it.Yeah, exactly.Carnoba.Yeah.1972 sushi off of hood of car.I don't know why you're doing asian accents, sir. I'm just here at the car manufacturer.I'm sorry about that.It's a little.I see you and I think. I don't know. Sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.You know, I'm gonna leave.No, no, I'm.Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.Wait a minute. Am I the customer?Yeah, you're the. You work there?I work here, yeah. Holy fuck. I'm fired.How offensive I mean, I wonder, if you did that, would. They would leave, right?A hundred percent.Unless they're from Japan.Then they'd love it.I don't know. They might not know what was going on. Excuse me. You have a Konubo box?Uh, yeah, we. Yeah, we have it up there, but it's on the top shelf and it's, uh, pretty expensive.Oh, are you from Tokyo, too? Maybe they would do that. Oh, I remember you. What's true? Mitsubishi Avenue.Think Bonsai. Bonsai way.Oh, next to the McDonald's? Yeah. Wow.No, I talked car stuff and it just felt nice to be like a human with someone instead of.But let me. Can I ask you about the wax?Yeah, what about? Oh, I love it.I know, but what? Because I've never had wax on my car.I know, I can tell.Yeah, yeah, I'm waxless.You're waxless.And people seem to like it still.Who likes your car?People go, no, that's right. Except when they see the other side.It's a piece of shit. It's smashed to shit.I don't know. You're right. But, um, I like. What does the wax do, my friend?It protects the, uh. It protects the paint, it protects the.Doesn't get skin cancer. What are you talking about?Yeah, SPF 35 is on there. It's in the sun all day. That poor?Oh, yeah, yeah.So, uh, the paint, it keeps it shiny and fresh and glossy and more than anything, if you watched karate kidde, you would learn wax on, wax off. It's more about patience. It's more about life lessons. It's deeper than just getting dirt off a car. It's about connecting to these roots of, like, I purchased a thing, I want to take care of it. I want it to look nice. It's work. You sweat, it feels good. You get meticulous. It shows a lot of different things in life. So Mister Miyagi was teaching him.I love that scene. Do you remember? It probably doesn't make any sense, but.What do you mean? It makes perfect sense.Oh, so he's waxing cars, he's painting fences. And then one day, you know me, Mister Miyagi does that. It does this. Like, if he's painting, if it doesn't.Make any sense, it taught him patience and time.Oh, that's true. Okay.And he had to do his chores. Someone had to do all that shit.But what a cool scene.I mean, one of the best movies of all time.I think so.Daniel's son.That's right.Daniel's son. It's a metaphor.Whoa.Daniel's son.That was a great movie.Phenomenal.I love that movie.I mean, I honestly. I could watch it right now. Can we put it on?No. No. Yeah.Can we throw it on, please?But, um. Okay.I dreamed about going to do crane kicks at the beach, standing on one of those old wooden things. I thought about that all the time.Yeah, but here's the thing. You. There's things that you like. Like you have little things, like, you know, you go. You can go to a golf store and look at the little, like, you know, the little.What am I looking at?I'll tell you what you're looking at. You're looking at the little jackets that go over the, like, little. You know what I mean? This part.The little jackets.What? You know, like, you know how, like, the one next to Andrew.Yeah.Right there. I call those a little jacket.Oh, a little club jacket.A little club jacket.This is a little club jacket.Yeah. Yeah.And I'm gonna call that from now on.Okay, good.I go, can you get my club jacket, please?And then you probably look at pharmacist is still alive.No, they're gone.Oh, good. He's in heaven, right?Yeah, he's in heaven.So fuck. I would go, you know, like, drugstore cowboy. I've always. That's my one of fantasies, Dilaudid. You know me. I would just go try to find all the shit, right? Get all the doll and then you. What I would do, I fantasize. I fantasize about this all the time, dude. I can't wait. Right? Then I'm gonna go to San Marcos. Why San Marcos, California? You know why?Why?That's where the real doll factory is, right? So I go to the pharmacist, right? Probably nine pharmacists, get all the drop, relapse. I don't give a fuck. Oh, fuck. I don't get. I'm so excited. So I'll relapse, right? So then I'm gonna. Cars probably still work.Yeah, cars work. Everything works until it stops working. Yeah, but you can't get them fixed.That's right. But you assume that for the next 20 years, you'll be fine. Cars, you'll be fine.You just keep getting in, get rich cars. Yeah.Go to San Marcos. Right. And I would go to. I don't know how, but they have, like, pre belt, you know, set. I get 20 of them. Don't you think?I think you just go in and use it when you're done. You'd leave?No, because I don't want. I don't want to live in San Marco, I think.Where do you want to live? Everyone's gone. I would.I would go to. Back to Malibu or something. Like a nice beach property.Okay. Then get yourself an 18 wheeler truck and load that bitch up with sex doll toys and bring it up to a house in Malibu.Yeah. Yeah.Bring it to Spielberg's house and pack that thing with real dolls.Yeah. I would love to have sex with a real doll. On Dilaudid. Right. With a fucking Amistad poster. That's like fantasy. A mass in doubt. Right. So, um.And you're talking to her. You're like, you know, I directed that movie.Yeah.She is all over her face.Yeah. I. So I have all these fantasies what I would do.The real doll factory is where you'd go. I'm trying to genuinely think if that happened.And a bookstore. Probably.A bookstore?Yeah, because I. Because I need to be doing something. And so I was like, I'm gonna read.You're not.Yes, I am. No. Yes, I am.You don't read now. What's the difference?I would learn to. I'd be so bored. You can't just fuck a real doll all day long on allotted.Try me.Yeah. Yeah. Eventually you're like, oh, Hemingway. Yeah. Sun also rises.I don't even know what I would do. I can't even imagine what I would do if, like. So how many people are gone? Of the population? It's like, almost everybody. Only a few people.No, half the population is probably.Oh, well, that's a lot of people still left.Okay. But I have scenarios in my brain. When I go to bed, I think of these things. What? Imagine if there's only 50 people.Whoa.On planet Earth, you'll never run into anybody. So what would you do?You're never gonna. So you're alone.Basis the scenario? Yeah, what know you have cancer? I'll go to the scripts. There's no one there. I don't even. I press a button. I don't know what to do.You just sit in the machines by yourself. Boo doo.Yeah. Yeah.You print it out. I can't read this.Yeah.And you leave a.That'd be a second key.Mm.And she goes, so it's somewhere in your house.You don't know.I can't. Cannot tell you.Yeah. And I'm telling you this. Without find my. I would have no fucking devices.Oh, my God. Thank God for find my dude.Without find my. No devices.Isn't that a cousin of yours? Find my.Yeah,thing.Yeah, but.But it's. He's not. It's not like.Mmm.You know, I mean.No.Like, I was. I'm a sucker.Yes.I felt bad, but it's like, I.Feel bad for burn victims.We see them all the time, and they burn victims. You'd see them a lot.Yeah.Was that something you saw? Burn victim prompt Pahrump, Nevada.Yeah.That's where they keep them.Yeah. Yeah. I saw one burn victim in prom.You go to Pahrump?Yeah. Yeah.You know what I almost did yesterday?There you go.On the way to the store, I almost went to Carnie's, and it's been years since I've had a hot dog at Carney's, love.At that place.I know. I should go. I don't know. When's last time you had a hot dog?Yeah.When's last time you had a hot dog?Three days ago from dog house.You eat hot dogs?I don't love hot. Dude, let me say something about hot dogs.What? You eat hot dogs?Do I do, bro. That's why I always purposely go to Chicago airport for the hot dogs, because I need a Chicago dog.Me, too. But it's all. It's a very special occasion. You're eating a midweek.Mmm.You're eating, like, a hot dog on a Wednesday.Yeah.That's insane.I love them hot dogs. And I've been really getting into smash burgers as of late. But I love dog house. That's nice. But always something bad happens at dog House. You know why? You know why?Why?Because doghouse is where I found out that my dad was dying.Are you serious?Yeah.And you still go back?Yeah, I was in the Burbank doghouse. I remember sitting there. I didn't even eat my meal.You left the dog?Yeah, I left two dogs. Tater tots.I got it.Yeah, yeah. And I'm, you know. And I go, yeah, Daddy. I go, oh, fuck. Every time I go to a dog house, something bad kind of happens.Ever since then, you think about your dad?Yeah. Maybe that's what it is.It's so sad.It's very sad. We should go make it a happy.We should go to doghouse and do something for your dad.And you want to do that?I would love to do that.Why have his ashes. Maybe sprinkle some on there.On a dog?Yeah. Yeah.I usually just do mustard, but I can.Yeah, see if he's there.We should bring the spirit radio to the doghouse, see if we can contact your father. Through dog. Through hot dog?Yeah, please.Did your dad like hot dogs?Hated them.That's why.Fucking hate. Yeah, maybe they hated him.Right.You know, I was. This lady goes, I saw the Rolling Stones last weekend and they were great. And that. She showed me a video. What the fuck?How the stones?Yeah.How are they still doing it?Yeah. Mick Jagger just going out still. I mean, how's he doing it?He's probably the bestwith his fucking Hollywood friends at the golf studio, blank off, do couple. Couple teas. Right?Everything I need or 19. Everything I named, I did.I did the same thing.You didn't do shit. You woke up and you didn't do shit.No, I did.Fuck you. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. I'm tired. Suck my fucking dick. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit. Shut the fuck up. Okay, back to the old days. We're going back to the beginning of bad. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit.You know what?Sleep all.Fuck. I'll tell you this, then.You contribute your goose. Goose egg.Your lips are so dry and blending into your face that I can't even tell that there is lips. Okay, get your shit together. Get some lips.Yeah, that's. That's good.Yeah.Yeah.And your cute little bucket coming out, dude.You're a beaver. You're hitting it hard.You're a beaver, dude. Dude, you know, you want some wood? Make a dam, whatever they do, you know, clog it up, dude. Clog up the river, dude.This is good.You piece of. Hey, what? Cut? What? What do you wear? Oh, yeah, after the murder at public, remember?Shut the fuck up.Get your foot together, dude.What's wrong with it?Oh, my God, your legs do. Anyway, it's out of control. Dude. Don't fuck around, dude.You ready to get started? Don't fuck. Shut the fuck up. Tell me what's to you?See, this is what I know when he's not good.Fat fuck.Oh, because I'm morbidly obese. I put my. I put my fucking weight and my height in a fucking app thing and said I was morbidly obese. You're gonna tease me like that? Whoo. Yeah.


don't have to swing. You mean sometimes they let the ball pass. They let the ball pass? All right, let the ball pass a couple times. I mean, don't go. Hot, hot. You know what I mean? That's what you did.


Let's try it again.


Let's try it again, Dan.


So this girl. This girl, she did a. Get ready with me to go to Auschwitz. And this is her outfit she wore?


Yeah. It's just a black dress and sneakers.


Now, is that disrespectful? What is the appropriate thing to wear to Auschwitz?


I gotta say, it's probably that, but probably not.


Well, we have a resident jewish kid here. Nick, what's the appropriate thing to wear to Auschwitz?


Something understated.


Understated? Solemn. Something drab and quiet. Not loud. Imagine doing. Get ready with me to only go to tragic sites.




Get ready with me to go to Hiroshima. Yeah, get ready with me. Get ready with me to go to Chernobyl. Today we're gonna be visiting one of the most tragic, weird, fucked up sites you've ever seen.




Get ready with me now. I'm doing a blush that's very, like, blow you away blush.


Get ready with me to go to Ed Gein's. House. We're in Wisconsin. We're at the farmhouse. Okay. And this is the lamp. See this lamp? This lamp is made out of human skin. All right? And I know I'm wearing Gucci right now, and. Oh, my God.


And this kind of looks like skin. I mean, that's, I think, what Prada was trying to say. So that's why we're here.




Get ready with me to go to Epstein's island. What's up? I'm here. It's desolate and quiet.




Seems like all the kids asleep. I mean, how could. It is funny. Look, I'm sure she didn't do it disrespectfully. She just planned to go to Auschwitz for the day, which millions of people do. And she was like, here's what I wear. Is this what she does on the Internet? She shows people her day?


Yeah. She posted this as a part of her schedule. Auschwitz in the AM and.


Well, yeah, you got it. Morning. You can't go to Auschwitz at night. That's.


Fuck, if you had a daughter. And that's what she was, a social media person. And you're in the house and you're carving wood. I don't know what men do, carving wood.


I'm just making a canoe.


Yeah, you're making a canoe. Right, right. And she's constantly, get ready with me. Get ready with me and let me. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Look at that. Look at that. Would you snap?


No. No. Cause she's probably.


I'm like, shut up.


I bet she's making a good living.


You wouldn't snap, Nick. Yeah, I would. Go crazy.


That's the funniest part. The best packing hack for going to Auschwitz.




Make sure you pack food. There is not a snack bar.


Yeah. Wow.


Visiting tragic locations and doing a get ready with me for them is very funny to me. Rocket money.


Hey, do you find any subscriptions, Andrew, you forgot about or anything you paid twice for and didn't realize it?


Yeah. The amount of subscriptions I've subscribed to right now is embarrassing. And thanks to Rocket money, they took care of that for me. Most Americans think they're spending around $62 a month on subscriptions. Uh, that's not true. The real number is closer to $300 a month on subscriptions. Too much money waste too much. They find so many subscriptions that you forget about. Rocket money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and helps lower your bills so that you can grow your savings with rocket money. You got full control over your subscriptions and a clear view of all your expenses. They break everything down for you right in front of your face.


Rocket money will even try to negotiate lower bills for you by up to 20%. All you have to do is submit a picture of your bill and Rocket money will takes care of that. They deal with customer service for you.


You don't even have to. Rocket money has over 5 million users and has saved a total of 500 million in canceled subscriptions. That's so much money. Saving members up to $740 a year when using all of the apps features. You must try this because I know you've got subscriptions. We all do. Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to badfriends.


That's badfriends. badfanshe back. Set him right. And then I'm literally walking the stage. While I'm on stage, he's walking in with his entourage.So cool.Yeah. And, you know, your mind, you're. It's also was like 80 people. You know how sometimes main room. No. Or.Oh, okay.How the or is sometimes light on a Sunday?Yeah, sometimes.Yeah, yeah.But, you know, you still did good. You did good.I survived.You did good.Thank you, daddy. I love you.Okay, kiddos. And then what happened?I know. I just. I end, as I'm walking off stage, he gets up to meet me in the back so that we get in the hallway and he goes, hey, man. I go, yeah. You know what I mean? I don't even know what I'm saying. But, you know, we worked. I go, yeah, we work. You know, Pepsi. Yeah.Oh, yeah.And I go, let's go in the back and talk about it. Right?You drag him to take up.Drag him to zeros, higher ground.You get to be on that. That's your territory.Thank you.Vulnerable in the hallway, in the back.In the back. This is my.You regained power.My den.Yeah. That's your den.Yeah.So you sit the bay down.So. How funny, Nick. Okay. I sit the bay down, and now I'm like, how do I. You know, man? I gotta figure.Mm hmm.So immediate, like. Like a coward. I go, well, you know, sometimes in podcasts. No, I swear to God, you know, sometimes in podcasts, you know, like, I experience a story, and then when I say, it's like, you know, I had to make it. Entertain it for the people. Whatever. Whatever. Create conflict. You know what I mean?Yeah.And he's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you talking. What? And I go, yeah. And he goes, no, Mike. You know, just the girl I'm seeing. Right. Is. She said that you mentioned it, but I never heard it.Do you think he had to have heard it?No.Really?No. Because it turned out she. She is the fan.Oh, so she's a. She's a Bobby Lee fan. She said, I think Bobby Lee talked about you in a podcast.Yes.Okay.Right. Then we just start talking for, like, 45 minutes away. And it was great Hollywood stuff. He was super not. I couldn't believe how, like, reachable he was, you know, being. And. Is that a right word?I mean, reachable for relatable. Relatable.Relatables? What? Yeah, reachable. But what the fuck you're talking about?Um, I mean, you did reach him.I did reach him. No, and he was, like, so, like, super open and nice, and we talked about a variety of things.And did it end well?Yeah, really good.Was it like, hey, no, he was.Just kind of like, you know, I mean, I really want to do something with you or something like that.A little Bay movie, huh?I don't know.Little baby.Things like that are sad. And I just take it, you know, men with whatever it is, right. You know, chalk it up. Sometimes they forget.But my point is, you won't forget.It was a positive thing. They apparently hung up there all night, and, like, Jason Collins and some comics were like, he's still here. We're hanging out. He's so cool. You know what I mean?So he watched more shows.Yeah, he stayed there. I laughed, and he stayed there all night. Everyone's saying that he's the nicest. He's such a nice guy. And it was a fun night.I want to be like you when I grow up.You are. Because guys like the bay, you actually go golfing with and go to, like, Oregon and some of these mensa, like, I don't know, these deep states. These mensa, deep state, like, private fucking mansion party.You mean.I'm sure you go in there too.And on. Yeah, yeah, we go to.Yeah, but there's something going on with you. I'm not. I'm not in the party. I'm adjacent.It's funny the way that he can say this. And the Internet will be like, what is going on, man? What do parties does he get to go to? None. Sit at my house all day.He does. He sits around.No, I actually do shit all fucking day.He does.I do shit all day. You know what I did today? I washed my car. And it's my favorite thing in the world to hand wash my car. And I went to a little shop in Burbank and I bought all my little supplies. And it was really nice because the girl didn't know me, which is always nice. And she spoke to me like a car guy. And it was like, it. I like that. Like I'm a nobody because I am a nobody. But it was nice. She didn't, like, split.You're like a car guy. You're a pet boy.We were talking cars. We talked sh. We talked about stuff. We like. We talked about certain waxes and soaps that we prefer.Can you improvise that stuff or not? Even if you don't know, if you.Don'T know what you're talking about?Yeah, I think I can do it.Okay, you try it. Oh. Have you ever tried this carnauba wax?Oh, yeah. What?The Carmel carnauba charnuba.Well, that's what it was originally called.What did you say?1972. Right. Carnauba racks no.Carnuba.Yeah, but they used to call it Carnubu.Carnubu, yeah. It waxed like nobu owned it.Yeah, exactly.Carnoba.Yeah.1972 sushi off of hood of car.I don't know why you're doing asian accents, sir. I'm just here at the car manufacturer.I'm sorry about that.It's a little.I see you and I think. I don't know. Sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.You know, I'm gonna leave.No, no, I'm.Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.Wait a minute. Am I the customer?Yeah, you're the. You work there?I work here, yeah. Holy fuck. I'm fired.How offensive I mean, I wonder, if you did that, would. They would leave, right?A hundred percent.Unless they're from Japan.Then they'd love it.I don't know. They might not know what was going on. Excuse me. You have a Konubo box?Uh, yeah, we. Yeah, we have it up there, but it's on the top shelf and it's, uh, pretty expensive.Oh, are you from Tokyo, too? Maybe they would do that. Oh, I remember you. What's true? Mitsubishi Avenue.Think Bonsai. Bonsai way.Oh, next to the McDonald's? Yeah. Wow.No, I talked car stuff and it just felt nice to be like a human with someone instead of.But let me. Can I ask you about the wax?Yeah, what about? Oh, I love it.I know, but what? Because I've never had wax on my car.I know, I can tell.Yeah, yeah, I'm waxless.You're waxless.And people seem to like it still.Who likes your car?People go, no, that's right. Except when they see the other side.It's a piece of shit. It's smashed to shit.I don't know. You're right. But, um, I like. What does the wax do, my friend?It protects the, uh. It protects the paint, it protects the.Doesn't get skin cancer. What are you talking about?Yeah, SPF 35 is on there. It's in the sun all day. That poor?Oh, yeah, yeah.So, uh, the paint, it keeps it shiny and fresh and glossy and more than anything, if you watched karate kidde, you would learn wax on, wax off. It's more about patience. It's more about life lessons. It's deeper than just getting dirt off a car. It's about connecting to these roots of, like, I purchased a thing, I want to take care of it. I want it to look nice. It's work. You sweat, it feels good. You get meticulous. It shows a lot of different things in life. So Mister Miyagi was teaching him.I love that scene. Do you remember? It probably doesn't make any sense, but.What do you mean? It makes perfect sense.Oh, so he's waxing cars, he's painting fences. And then one day, you know me, Mister Miyagi does that. It does this. Like, if he's painting, if it doesn't.Make any sense, it taught him patience and time.Oh, that's true. Okay.And he had to do his chores. Someone had to do all that shit.But what a cool scene.I mean, one of the best movies of all time.I think so.Daniel's son.That's right.Daniel's son. It's a metaphor.Whoa.Daniel's son.That was a great movie.Phenomenal.I love that movie.I mean, I honestly. I could watch it right now. Can we put it on?No. No. Yeah.Can we throw it on, please?But, um. Okay.I dreamed about going to do crane kicks at the beach, standing on one of those old wooden things. I thought about that all the time.Yeah, but here's the thing. You. There's things that you like. Like you have little things, like, you know, you go. You can go to a golf store and look at the little, like, you know, the little.What am I looking at?I'll tell you what you're looking at. You're looking at the little jackets that go over the, like, little. You know what I mean? This part.The little jackets.What? You know, like, you know how, like, the one next to Andrew.Yeah.Right there. I call those a little jacket.Oh, a little club jacket.A little club jacket.This is a little club jacket.Yeah. Yeah.And I'm gonna call that from now on.Okay, good.I go, can you get my club jacket, please?And then you probably look at pharmacist is still alive.No, they're gone.Oh, good. He's in heaven, right?Yeah, he's in heaven.So fuck. I would go, you know, like, drugstore cowboy. I've always. That's my one of fantasies, Dilaudid. You know me. I would just go try to find all the shit, right? Get all the doll and then you. What I would do, I fantasize. I fantasize about this all the time, dude. I can't wait. Right? Then I'm gonna go to San Marcos. Why San Marcos, California? You know why?Why?That's where the real doll factory is, right? So I go to the pharmacist, right? Probably nine pharmacists, get all the drop, relapse. I don't give a fuck. Oh, fuck. I don't get. I'm so excited. So I'll relapse, right? So then I'm gonna. Cars probably still work.Yeah, cars work. Everything works until it stops working. Yeah, but you can't get them fixed.That's right. But you assume that for the next 20 years, you'll be fine. Cars, you'll be fine.You just keep getting in, get rich cars. Yeah.Go to San Marcos. Right. And I would go to. I don't know how, but they have, like, pre belt, you know, set. I get 20 of them. Don't you think?I think you just go in and use it when you're done. You'd leave?No, because I don't want. I don't want to live in San Marco, I think.Where do you want to live? Everyone's gone. I would.I would go to. Back to Malibu or something. Like a nice beach property.Okay. Then get yourself an 18 wheeler truck and load that bitch up with sex doll toys and bring it up to a house in Malibu.Yeah. Yeah.Bring it to Spielberg's house and pack that thing with real dolls.Yeah. I would love to have sex with a real doll. On Dilaudid. Right. With a fucking Amistad poster. That's like fantasy. A mass in doubt. Right. So, um.And you're talking to her. You're like, you know, I directed that movie.Yeah.She is all over her face.Yeah. I. So I have all these fantasies what I would do.The real doll factory is where you'd go. I'm trying to genuinely think if that happened.And a bookstore. Probably.A bookstore?Yeah, because I. Because I need to be doing something. And so I was like, I'm gonna read.You're not.Yes, I am. No. Yes, I am.You don't read now. What's the difference?I would learn to. I'd be so bored. You can't just fuck a real doll all day long on allotted.Try me.Yeah. Yeah. Eventually you're like, oh, Hemingway. Yeah. Sun also rises.I don't even know what I would do. I can't even imagine what I would do if, like. So how many people are gone? Of the population? It's like, almost everybody. Only a few people.No, half the population is probably.Oh, well, that's a lot of people still left.Okay. But I have scenarios in my brain. When I go to bed, I think of these things. What? Imagine if there's only 50 people.Whoa.On planet Earth, you'll never run into anybody. So what would you do?You're never gonna. So you're alone.Basis the scenario? Yeah, what know you have cancer? I'll go to the scripts. There's no one there. I don't even. I press a button. I don't know what to do.You just sit in the machines by yourself. Boo doo.Yeah. Yeah.You print it out. I can't read this.Yeah.And you leave a.That'd be a second key.Mm.And she goes, so it's somewhere in your house.You don't know.I can't. Cannot tell you.Yeah. And I'm telling you this. Without find my. I would have no fucking devices.Oh, my God. Thank God for find my dude.Without find my. No devices.Isn't that a cousin of yours? Find my.Yeah,thing.Yeah, but.But it's. He's not. It's not like.Mmm.You know, I mean.No.Like, I was. I'm a sucker.Yes.I felt bad, but it's like, I.Feel bad for burn victims.We see them all the time, and they burn victims. You'd see them a lot.Yeah.Was that something you saw? Burn victim prompt Pahrump, Nevada.Yeah.That's where they keep them.Yeah. Yeah. I saw one burn victim in prom.You go to Pahrump?Yeah. Yeah.You know what I almost did yesterday?There you go.On the way to the store, I almost went to Carnie's, and it's been years since I've had a hot dog at Carney's, love.At that place.I know. I should go. I don't know. When's last time you had a hot dog?Yeah.When's last time you had a hot dog?Three days ago from dog house.You eat hot dogs?I don't love hot. Dude, let me say something about hot dogs.What? You eat hot dogs?Do I do, bro. That's why I always purposely go to Chicago airport for the hot dogs, because I need a Chicago dog.Me, too. But it's all. It's a very special occasion. You're eating a midweek.Mmm.You're eating, like, a hot dog on a Wednesday.Yeah.That's insane.I love them hot dogs. And I've been really getting into smash burgers as of late. But I love dog house. That's nice. But always something bad happens at dog House. You know why? You know why?Why?Because doghouse is where I found out that my dad was dying.Are you serious?Yeah.And you still go back?Yeah, I was in the Burbank doghouse. I remember sitting there. I didn't even eat my meal.You left the dog?Yeah, I left two dogs. Tater tots.I got it.Yeah, yeah. And I'm, you know. And I go, yeah, Daddy. I go, oh, fuck. Every time I go to a dog house, something bad kind of happens.Ever since then, you think about your dad?Yeah. Maybe that's what it is.It's so sad.It's very sad. We should go make it a happy.We should go to doghouse and do something for your dad.And you want to do that?I would love to do that.Why have his ashes. Maybe sprinkle some on there.On a dog?Yeah. Yeah.I usually just do mustard, but I can.Yeah, see if he's there.We should bring the spirit radio to the doghouse, see if we can contact your father. Through dog. Through hot dog?Yeah, please.Did your dad like hot dogs?Hated them.That's why.Fucking hate. Yeah, maybe they hated him.Right.You know, I was. This lady goes, I saw the Rolling Stones last weekend and they were great. And that. She showed me a video. What the fuck?How the stones?Yeah.How are they still doing it?Yeah. Mick Jagger just going out still. I mean, how's he doing it?He's probably the bestwith his fucking Hollywood friends at the golf studio, blank off, do couple. Couple teas. Right?Everything I need or 19. Everything I named, I did.I did the same thing.You didn't do shit. You woke up and you didn't do shit.No, I did.Fuck you. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. I'm tired. Suck my fucking dick. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit. Shut the fuck up. Okay, back to the old days. We're going back to the beginning of bad. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit.You know what?Sleep all.Fuck. I'll tell you this, then.You contribute your goose. Goose egg.Your lips are so dry and blending into your face that I can't even tell that there is lips. Okay, get your shit together. Get some lips.Yeah, that's. That's good.Yeah.Yeah.And your cute little bucket coming out, dude.You're a beaver. You're hitting it hard.You're a beaver, dude. Dude, you know, you want some wood? Make a dam, whatever they do, you know, clog it up, dude. Clog up the river, dude.This is good.You piece of. Hey, what? Cut? What? What do you wear? Oh, yeah, after the murder at public, remember?Shut the fuck up.Get your foot together, dude.What's wrong with it?Oh, my God, your legs do. Anyway, it's out of control. Dude. Don't fuck around, dude.You ready to get started? Don't fuck. Shut the fuck up. Tell me what's to you?See, this is what I know when he's not good.Fat fuck.Oh, because I'm morbidly obese. I put my. I put my fucking weight and my height in a fucking app thing and said I was morbidly obese. You're gonna tease me like that? Whoo. Yeah.


back. Set him right. And then I'm literally walking the stage. While I'm on stage, he's walking in with his entourage.


So cool.


Yeah. And, you know, your mind, you're. It's also was like 80 people. You know how sometimes main room. No. Or.


Oh, okay.


How the or is sometimes light on a Sunday?


Yeah, sometimes.


Yeah, yeah.


But, you know, you still did good. You did good.


I survived.


You did good.


Thank you, daddy. I love you.


Okay, kiddos. And then what happened?


I know. I just. I end, as I'm walking off stage, he gets up to meet me in the back so that we get in the hallway and he goes, hey, man. I go, yeah. You know what I mean? I don't even know what I'm saying. But, you know, we worked. I go, yeah, we work. You know, Pepsi. Yeah.


Oh, yeah.


And I go, let's go in the back and talk about it. Right?


You drag him to take up.


Drag him to zeros, higher ground.


You get to be on that. That's your territory.


Thank you.


Vulnerable in the hallway, in the back.


In the back. This is my.


You regained power.


My den.


Yeah. That's your den.




So you sit the bay down.


So. How funny, Nick. Okay. I sit the bay down, and now I'm like, how do I. You know, man? I gotta figure.


Mm hmm.


So immediate, like. Like a coward. I go, well, you know, sometimes in podcasts. No, I swear to God, you know, sometimes in podcasts, you know, like, I experience a story, and then when I say, it's like, you know, I had to make it. Entertain it for the people. Whatever. Whatever. Create conflict. You know what I mean?




And he's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you talking. What? And I go, yeah. And he goes, no, Mike. You know, just the girl I'm seeing. Right. Is. She said that you mentioned it, but I never heard it.


Do you think he had to have heard it?






No. Because it turned out she. She is the fan.


Oh, so she's a. She's a Bobby Lee fan. She said, I think Bobby Lee talked about you in a podcast.






Right. Then we just start talking for, like, 45 minutes away. And it was great Hollywood stuff. He was super not. I couldn't believe how, like, reachable he was, you know, being. And. Is that a right word?


I mean, reachable for relatable. Relatable.


Relatables? What? Yeah, reachable. But what the fuck you're talking about?


Um, I mean, you did reach him.


I did reach him. No, and he was, like, so, like, super open and nice, and we talked about a variety of things.


And did it end well?


Yeah, really good.


Was it like, hey, no, he was.


Just kind of like, you know, I mean, I really want to do something with you or something like that.


A little Bay movie, huh?


I don't know.


Little baby.


Things like that are sad. And I just take it, you know, men with whatever it is, right. You know, chalk it up. Sometimes they forget.


But my point is, you won't forget.


It was a positive thing. They apparently hung up there all night, and, like, Jason Collins and some comics were like, he's still here. We're hanging out. He's so cool. You know what I mean?


So he watched more shows.


Yeah, he stayed there. I laughed, and he stayed there all night. Everyone's saying that he's the nicest. He's such a nice guy. And it was a fun night.


I want to be like you when I grow up.


You are. Because guys like the bay, you actually go golfing with and go to, like, Oregon and some of these mensa, like, I don't know, these deep states. These mensa, deep state, like, private fucking mansion party.


You mean.


I'm sure you go in there too.


And on. Yeah, yeah, we go to.


Yeah, but there's something going on with you. I'm not. I'm not in the party. I'm adjacent.


It's funny the way that he can say this. And the Internet will be like, what is going on, man? What do parties does he get to go to? None. Sit at my house all day.


He does. He sits around.


No, I actually do shit all fucking day.


He does.


I do shit all day. You know what I did today? I washed my car. And it's my favorite thing in the world to hand wash my car. And I went to a little shop in Burbank and I bought all my little supplies. And it was really nice because the girl didn't know me, which is always nice. And she spoke to me like a car guy. And it was like, it. I like that. Like I'm a nobody because I am a nobody. But it was nice. She didn't, like, split.


You're like a car guy. You're a pet boy.


We were talking cars. We talked sh. We talked about stuff. We like. We talked about certain waxes and soaps that we prefer.


Can you improvise that stuff or not? Even if you don't know, if you.


Don'T know what you're talking about?


Yeah, I think I can do it.


Okay, you try it. Oh. Have you ever tried this carnauba wax?


Oh, yeah. What?


The Carmel carnauba charnuba.


Well, that's what it was originally called.


What did you say?


1972. Right. Carnauba racks no.




Yeah, but they used to call it Carnubu.


Carnubu, yeah. It waxed like nobu owned it.


Yeah, exactly.






1972 sushi off of hood of car.


I don't know why you're doing asian accents, sir. I'm just here at the car manufacturer.


I'm sorry about that.


It's a little.


I see you and I think. I don't know. Sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.


You know, I'm gonna leave.


No, no, I'm.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Wait a minute. Am I the customer?


Yeah, you're the. You work there?


I work here, yeah. Holy fuck. I'm fired.


How offensive I mean, I wonder, if you did that, would. They would leave, right?


A hundred percent.


Unless they're from Japan.


Then they'd love it.


I don't know. They might not know what was going on. Excuse me. You have a Konubo box?


Uh, yeah, we. Yeah, we have it up there, but it's on the top shelf and it's, uh, pretty expensive.


Oh, are you from Tokyo, too? Maybe they would do that. Oh, I remember you. What's true? Mitsubishi Avenue.


Think Bonsai. Bonsai way.


Oh, next to the McDonald's? Yeah. Wow.


No, I talked car stuff and it just felt nice to be like a human with someone instead of.


But let me. Can I ask you about the wax?


Yeah, what about? Oh, I love it.


I know, but what? Because I've never had wax on my car.


I know, I can tell.


Yeah, yeah, I'm waxless.


You're waxless.


And people seem to like it still.


Who likes your car?


People go, no, that's right. Except when they see the other side.


It's a piece of shit. It's smashed to shit.


I don't know. You're right. But, um, I like. What does the wax do, my friend?


It protects the, uh. It protects the paint, it protects the.


Doesn't get skin cancer. What are you talking about?


Yeah, SPF 35 is on there. It's in the sun all day. That poor?


Oh, yeah, yeah.


So, uh, the paint, it keeps it shiny and fresh and glossy and more than anything, if you watched karate kidde, you would learn wax on, wax off. It's more about patience. It's more about life lessons. It's deeper than just getting dirt off a car. It's about connecting to these roots of, like, I purchased a thing, I want to take care of it. I want it to look nice. It's work. You sweat, it feels good. You get meticulous. It shows a lot of different things in life. So Mister Miyagi was teaching him.


I love that scene. Do you remember? It probably doesn't make any sense, but.


What do you mean? It makes perfect sense.


Oh, so he's waxing cars, he's painting fences. And then one day, you know me, Mister Miyagi does that. It does this. Like, if he's painting, if it doesn't.


Make any sense, it taught him patience and time.


Oh, that's true. Okay.


And he had to do his chores. Someone had to do all that shit.


But what a cool scene.


I mean, one of the best movies of all time.


I think so.


Daniel's son.


That's right.


Daniel's son. It's a metaphor.




Daniel's son.


That was a great movie.




I love that movie.


I mean, I honestly. I could watch it right now. Can we put it on?


No. No. Yeah.


Can we throw it on, please?


But, um. Okay.


I dreamed about going to do crane kicks at the beach, standing on one of those old wooden things. I thought about that all the time.


Yeah, but here's the thing. You. There's things that you like. Like you have little things, like, you know, you go. You can go to a golf store and look at the little, like, you know, the little.


What am I looking at?


I'll tell you what you're looking at. You're looking at the little jackets that go over the, like, little. You know what I mean? This part.


The little jackets.


What? You know, like, you know how, like, the one next to Andrew.




Right there. I call those a little jacket.


Oh, a little club jacket.


A little club jacket.


This is a little club jacket.


Yeah. Yeah.


And I'm gonna call that from now on.


Okay, good.


I go, can you get my club jacket, please?


And then you probably look at pharmacist is still alive.No, they're gone.Oh, good. He's in heaven, right?Yeah, he's in heaven.So fuck. I would go, you know, like, drugstore cowboy. I've always. That's my one of fantasies, Dilaudid. You know me. I would just go try to find all the shit, right? Get all the doll and then you. What I would do, I fantasize. I fantasize about this all the time, dude. I can't wait. Right? Then I'm gonna go to San Marcos. Why San Marcos, California? You know why?Why?That's where the real doll factory is, right? So I go to the pharmacist, right? Probably nine pharmacists, get all the drop, relapse. I don't give a fuck. Oh, fuck. I don't get. I'm so excited. So I'll relapse, right? So then I'm gonna. Cars probably still work.Yeah, cars work. Everything works until it stops working. Yeah, but you can't get them fixed.That's right. But you assume that for the next 20 years, you'll be fine. Cars, you'll be fine.You just keep getting in, get rich cars. Yeah.Go to San Marcos. Right. And I would go to. I don't know how, but they have, like, pre belt, you know, set. I get 20 of them. Don't you think?I think you just go in and use it when you're done. You'd leave?No, because I don't want. I don't want to live in San Marco, I think.Where do you want to live? Everyone's gone. I would.I would go to. Back to Malibu or something. Like a nice beach property.Okay. Then get yourself an 18 wheeler truck and load that bitch up with sex doll toys and bring it up to a house in Malibu.Yeah. Yeah.Bring it to Spielberg's house and pack that thing with real dolls.Yeah. I would love to have sex with a real doll. On Dilaudid. Right. With a fucking Amistad poster. That's like fantasy. A mass in doubt. Right. So, um.And you're talking to her. You're like, you know, I directed that movie.Yeah.She is all over her face.Yeah. I. So I have all these fantasies what I would do.The real doll factory is where you'd go. I'm trying to genuinely think if that happened.And a bookstore. Probably.A bookstore?Yeah, because I. Because I need to be doing something. And so I was like, I'm gonna read.You're not.Yes, I am. No. Yes, I am.You don't read now. What's the difference?I would learn to. I'd be so bored. You can't just fuck a real doll all day long on allotted.Try me.Yeah. Yeah. Eventually you're like, oh, Hemingway. Yeah. Sun also rises.I don't even know what I would do. I can't even imagine what I would do if, like. So how many people are gone? Of the population? It's like, almost everybody. Only a few people.No, half the population is probably.Oh, well, that's a lot of people still left.Okay. But I have scenarios in my brain. When I go to bed, I think of these things. What? Imagine if there's only 50 people.Whoa.On planet Earth, you'll never run into anybody. So what would you do?You're never gonna. So you're alone.Basis the scenario? Yeah, what know you have cancer? I'll go to the scripts. There's no one there. I don't even. I press a button. I don't know what to do.You just sit in the machines by yourself. Boo doo.Yeah. Yeah.You print it out. I can't read this.Yeah.And you leave a.That'd be a second key.Mm.And she goes, so it's somewhere in your house.You don't know.I can't. Cannot tell you.Yeah. And I'm telling you this. Without find my. I would have no fucking devices.Oh, my God. Thank God for find my dude.Without find my. No devices.Isn't that a cousin of yours? Find my.Yeah,thing.Yeah, but.But it's. He's not. It's not like.Mmm.You know, I mean.No.Like, I was. I'm a sucker.Yes.I felt bad, but it's like, I.Feel bad for burn victims.We see them all the time, and they burn victims. You'd see them a lot.Yeah.Was that something you saw? Burn victim prompt Pahrump, Nevada.Yeah.That's where they keep them.Yeah. Yeah. I saw one burn victim in prom.You go to Pahrump?Yeah. Yeah.You know what I almost did yesterday?There you go.On the way to the store, I almost went to Carnie's, and it's been years since I've had a hot dog at Carney's, love.At that place.I know. I should go. I don't know. When's last time you had a hot dog?Yeah.When's last time you had a hot dog?Three days ago from dog house.You eat hot dogs?I don't love hot. Dude, let me say something about hot dogs.What? You eat hot dogs?Do I do, bro. That's why I always purposely go to Chicago airport for the hot dogs, because I need a Chicago dog.Me, too. But it's all. It's a very special occasion. You're eating a midweek.Mmm.You're eating, like, a hot dog on a Wednesday.Yeah.That's insane.I love them hot dogs. And I've been really getting into smash burgers as of late. But I love dog house. That's nice. But always something bad happens at dog House. You know why? You know why?Why?Because doghouse is where I found out that my dad was dying.Are you serious?Yeah.And you still go back?Yeah, I was in the Burbank doghouse. I remember sitting there. I didn't even eat my meal.You left the dog?Yeah, I left two dogs. Tater tots.I got it.Yeah, yeah. And I'm, you know. And I go, yeah, Daddy. I go, oh, fuck. Every time I go to a dog house, something bad kind of happens.Ever since then, you think about your dad?Yeah. Maybe that's what it is.It's so sad.It's very sad. We should go make it a happy.We should go to doghouse and do something for your dad.And you want to do that?I would love to do that.Why have his ashes. Maybe sprinkle some on there.On a dog?Yeah. Yeah.I usually just do mustard, but I can.Yeah, see if he's there.We should bring the spirit radio to the doghouse, see if we can contact your father. Through dog. Through hot dog?Yeah, please.Did your dad like hot dogs?Hated them.That's why.Fucking hate. Yeah, maybe they hated him.Right.You know, I was. This lady goes, I saw the Rolling Stones last weekend and they were great. And that. She showed me a video. What the fuck?How the stones?Yeah.How are they still doing it?Yeah. Mick Jagger just going out still. I mean, how's he doing it?He's probably the bestwith his fucking Hollywood friends at the golf studio, blank off, do couple. Couple teas. Right?Everything I need or 19. Everything I named, I did.I did the same thing.You didn't do shit. You woke up and you didn't do shit.No, I did.Fuck you. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. I'm tired. Suck my fucking dick. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit. Shut the fuck up. Okay, back to the old days. We're going back to the beginning of bad. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit.You know what?Sleep all.Fuck. I'll tell you this, then.You contribute your goose. Goose egg.Your lips are so dry and blending into your face that I can't even tell that there is lips. Okay, get your shit together. Get some lips.Yeah, that's. That's good.Yeah.Yeah.And your cute little bucket coming out, dude.You're a beaver. You're hitting it hard.You're a beaver, dude. Dude, you know, you want some wood? Make a dam, whatever they do, you know, clog it up, dude. Clog up the river, dude.This is good.You piece of. Hey, what? Cut? What? What do you wear? Oh, yeah, after the murder at public, remember?Shut the fuck up.Get your foot together, dude.What's wrong with it?Oh, my God, your legs do. Anyway, it's out of control. Dude. Don't fuck around, dude.You ready to get started? Don't fuck. Shut the fuck up. Tell me what's to you?See, this is what I know when he's not good.Fat fuck.Oh, because I'm morbidly obese. I put my. I put my fucking weight and my height in a fucking app thing and said I was morbidly obese. You're gonna tease me like that? Whoo. Yeah.


pharmacist is still alive.


No, they're gone.


Oh, good. He's in heaven, right?


Yeah, he's in heaven.


So fuck. I would go, you know, like, drugstore cowboy. I've always. That's my one of fantasies, Dilaudid. You know me. I would just go try to find all the shit, right? Get all the doll and then you. What I would do, I fantasize. I fantasize about this all the time, dude. I can't wait. Right? Then I'm gonna go to San Marcos. Why San Marcos, California? You know why?




That's where the real doll factory is, right? So I go to the pharmacist, right? Probably nine pharmacists, get all the drop, relapse. I don't give a fuck. Oh, fuck. I don't get. I'm so excited. So I'll relapse, right? So then I'm gonna. Cars probably still work.


Yeah, cars work. Everything works until it stops working. Yeah, but you can't get them fixed.


That's right. But you assume that for the next 20 years, you'll be fine. Cars, you'll be fine.


You just keep getting in, get rich cars. Yeah.


Go to San Marcos. Right. And I would go to. I don't know how, but they have, like, pre belt, you know, set. I get 20 of them. Don't you think?


I think you just go in and use it when you're done. You'd leave?


No, because I don't want. I don't want to live in San Marco, I think.


Where do you want to live? Everyone's gone. I would.


I would go to. Back to Malibu or something. Like a nice beach property.


Okay. Then get yourself an 18 wheeler truck and load that bitch up with sex doll toys and bring it up to a house in Malibu.


Yeah. Yeah.


Bring it to Spielberg's house and pack that thing with real dolls.


Yeah. I would love to have sex with a real doll. On Dilaudid. Right. With a fucking Amistad poster. That's like fantasy. A mass in doubt. Right. So, um.


And you're talking to her. You're like, you know, I directed that movie.




She is all over her face.


Yeah. I. So I have all these fantasies what I would do.


The real doll factory is where you'd go. I'm trying to genuinely think if that happened.


And a bookstore. Probably.


A bookstore?


Yeah, because I. Because I need to be doing something. And so I was like, I'm gonna read.


You're not.


Yes, I am. No. Yes, I am.


You don't read now. What's the difference?


I would learn to. I'd be so bored. You can't just fuck a real doll all day long on allotted.


Try me.


Yeah. Yeah. Eventually you're like, oh, Hemingway. Yeah. Sun also rises.


I don't even know what I would do. I can't even imagine what I would do if, like. So how many people are gone? Of the population? It's like, almost everybody. Only a few people.


No, half the population is probably.


Oh, well, that's a lot of people still left.


Okay. But I have scenarios in my brain. When I go to bed, I think of these things. What? Imagine if there's only 50 people.




On planet Earth, you'll never run into anybody. So what would you do?


You're never gonna. So you're alone.


Basis the scenario? Yeah, what know you have cancer? I'll go to the scripts. There's no one there. I don't even. I press a button. I don't know what to do.You just sit in the machines by yourself. Boo doo.Yeah. Yeah.You print it out. I can't read this.Yeah.And you leave a.That'd be a second key.Mm.And she goes, so it's somewhere in your house.You don't know.I can't. Cannot tell you.Yeah. And I'm telling you this. Without find my. I would have no fucking devices.Oh, my God. Thank God for find my dude.Without find my. No devices.Isn't that a cousin of yours? Find my.Yeah,thing.Yeah, but.But it's. He's not. It's not like.Mmm.You know, I mean.No.Like, I was. I'm a sucker.Yes.I felt bad, but it's like, I.Feel bad for burn victims.We see them all the time, and they burn victims. You'd see them a lot.Yeah.Was that something you saw? Burn victim prompt Pahrump, Nevada.Yeah.That's where they keep them.Yeah. Yeah. I saw one burn victim in prom.You go to Pahrump?Yeah. Yeah.You know what I almost did yesterday?There you go.On the way to the store, I almost went to Carnie's, and it's been years since I've had a hot dog at Carney's, love.At that place.I know. I should go. I don't know. When's last time you had a hot dog?Yeah.When's last time you had a hot dog?Three days ago from dog house.You eat hot dogs?I don't love hot. Dude, let me say something about hot dogs.What? You eat hot dogs?Do I do, bro. That's why I always purposely go to Chicago airport for the hot dogs, because I need a Chicago dog.Me, too. But it's all. It's a very special occasion. You're eating a midweek.Mmm.You're eating, like, a hot dog on a Wednesday.Yeah.That's insane.I love them hot dogs. And I've been really getting into smash burgers as of late. But I love dog house. That's nice. But always something bad happens at dog House. You know why? You know why?Why?Because doghouse is where I found out that my dad was dying.Are you serious?Yeah.And you still go back?Yeah, I was in the Burbank doghouse. I remember sitting there. I didn't even eat my meal.You left the dog?Yeah, I left two dogs. Tater tots.I got it.Yeah, yeah. And I'm, you know. And I go, yeah, Daddy. I go, oh, fuck. Every time I go to a dog house, something bad kind of happens.Ever since then, you think about your dad?Yeah. Maybe that's what it is.It's so sad.It's very sad. We should go make it a happy.We should go to doghouse and do something for your dad.And you want to do that?I would love to do that.Why have his ashes. Maybe sprinkle some on there.On a dog?Yeah. Yeah.I usually just do mustard, but I can.Yeah, see if he's there.We should bring the spirit radio to the doghouse, see if we can contact your father. Through dog. Through hot dog?Yeah, please.Did your dad like hot dogs?Hated them.That's why.Fucking hate. Yeah, maybe they hated him.Right.You know, I was. This lady goes, I saw the Rolling Stones last weekend and they were great. And that. She showed me a video. What the fuck?How the stones?Yeah.How are they still doing it?Yeah. Mick Jagger just going out still. I mean, how's he doing it?He's probably the bestwith his fucking Hollywood friends at the golf studio, blank off, do couple. Couple teas. Right?Everything I need or 19. Everything I named, I did.I did the same thing.You didn't do shit. You woke up and you didn't do shit.No, I did.Fuck you. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. I'm tired. Suck my fucking dick. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit. Shut the fuck up. Okay, back to the old days. We're going back to the beginning of bad. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit.You know what?Sleep all.Fuck. I'll tell you this, then.You contribute your goose. Goose egg.Your lips are so dry and blending into your face that I can't even tell that there is lips. Okay, get your shit together. Get some lips.Yeah, that's. That's good.Yeah.Yeah.And your cute little bucket coming out, dude.You're a beaver. You're hitting it hard.You're a beaver, dude. Dude, you know, you want some wood? Make a dam, whatever they do, you know, clog it up, dude. Clog up the river, dude.This is good.You piece of. Hey, what? Cut? What? What do you wear? Oh, yeah, after the murder at public, remember?Shut the fuck up.Get your foot together, dude.What's wrong with it?Oh, my God, your legs do. Anyway, it's out of control. Dude. Don't fuck around, dude.You ready to get started? Don't fuck. Shut the fuck up. Tell me what's to you?See, this is what I know when he's not good.Fat fuck.Oh, because I'm morbidly obese. I put my. I put my fucking weight and my height in a fucking app thing and said I was morbidly obese. You're gonna tease me like that? Whoo. Yeah.


know you have cancer? I'll go to the scripts. There's no one there. I don't even. I press a button. I don't know what to do.


You just sit in the machines by yourself. Boo doo.


Yeah. Yeah.


You print it out. I can't read this.




And you leave a.


That'd be a second key.Mm.And she goes, so it's somewhere in your house.You don't know.I can't. Cannot tell you.Yeah. And I'm telling you this. Without find my. I would have no fucking devices.Oh, my God. Thank God for find my dude.Without find my. No devices.Isn't that a cousin of yours? Find my.Yeah,thing.Yeah, but.But it's. He's not. It's not like.Mmm.You know, I mean.No.Like, I was. I'm a sucker.Yes.I felt bad, but it's like, I.Feel bad for burn victims.We see them all the time, and they burn victims. You'd see them a lot.Yeah.Was that something you saw? Burn victim prompt Pahrump, Nevada.Yeah.That's where they keep them.Yeah. Yeah. I saw one burn victim in prom.You go to Pahrump?Yeah. Yeah.You know what I almost did yesterday?There you go.On the way to the store, I almost went to Carnie's, and it's been years since I've had a hot dog at Carney's, love.At that place.I know. I should go. I don't know. When's last time you had a hot dog?Yeah.When's last time you had a hot dog?Three days ago from dog house.You eat hot dogs?I don't love hot. Dude, let me say something about hot dogs.What? You eat hot dogs?Do I do, bro. That's why I always purposely go to Chicago airport for the hot dogs, because I need a Chicago dog.Me, too. But it's all. It's a very special occasion. You're eating a midweek.Mmm.You're eating, like, a hot dog on a Wednesday.Yeah.That's insane.I love them hot dogs. And I've been really getting into smash burgers as of late. But I love dog house. That's nice. But always something bad happens at dog House. You know why? You know why?Why?Because doghouse is where I found out that my dad was dying.Are you serious?Yeah.And you still go back?Yeah, I was in the Burbank doghouse. I remember sitting there. I didn't even eat my meal.You left the dog?Yeah, I left two dogs. Tater tots.I got it.Yeah, yeah. And I'm, you know. And I go, yeah, Daddy. I go, oh, fuck. Every time I go to a dog house, something bad kind of happens.Ever since then, you think about your dad?Yeah. Maybe that's what it is.It's so sad.It's very sad. We should go make it a happy.We should go to doghouse and do something for your dad.And you want to do that?I would love to do that.Why have his ashes. Maybe sprinkle some on there.On a dog?Yeah. Yeah.I usually just do mustard, but I can.Yeah, see if he's there.We should bring the spirit radio to the doghouse, see if we can contact your father. Through dog. Through hot dog?Yeah, please.Did your dad like hot dogs?Hated them.That's why.Fucking hate. Yeah, maybe they hated him.Right.You know, I was. This lady goes, I saw the Rolling Stones last weekend and they were great. And that. She showed me a video. What the fuck?How the stones?Yeah.How are they still doing it?Yeah. Mick Jagger just going out still. I mean, how's he doing it?He's probably the bestwith his fucking Hollywood friends at the golf studio, blank off, do couple. Couple teas. Right?Everything I need or 19. Everything I named, I did.I did the same thing.You didn't do shit. You woke up and you didn't do shit.No, I did.Fuck you. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. I'm tired. Suck my fucking dick. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit. Shut the fuck up. Okay, back to the old days. We're going back to the beginning of bad. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit.You know what?Sleep all.Fuck. I'll tell you this, then.You contribute your goose. Goose egg.Your lips are so dry and blending into your face that I can't even tell that there is lips. Okay, get your shit together. Get some lips.Yeah, that's. That's good.Yeah.Yeah.And your cute little bucket coming out, dude.You're a beaver. You're hitting it hard.You're a beaver, dude. Dude, you know, you want some wood? Make a dam, whatever they do, you know, clog it up, dude. Clog up the river, dude.This is good.You piece of. Hey, what? Cut? What? What do you wear? Oh, yeah, after the murder at public, remember?Shut the fuck up.Get your foot together, dude.What's wrong with it?Oh, my God, your legs do. Anyway, it's out of control. Dude. Don't fuck around, dude.You ready to get started? Don't fuck. Shut the fuck up. Tell me what's to you?See, this is what I know when he's not good.Fat fuck.Oh, because I'm morbidly obese. I put my. I put my fucking weight and my height in a fucking app thing and said I was morbidly obese. You're gonna tease me like that? Whoo. Yeah.


second key.




And she goes, so it's somewhere in your house.


You don't know.


I can't. Cannot tell you.


Yeah. And I'm telling you this. Without find my. I would have no fucking devices.


Oh, my God. Thank God for find my dude.


Without find my. No devices.


Isn't that a cousin of yours? Find my.


Yeah,thing.Yeah, but.But it's. He's not. It's not like.Mmm.You know, I mean.No.Like, I was. I'm a sucker.Yes.I felt bad, but it's like, I.Feel bad for burn victims.We see them all the time, and they burn victims. You'd see them a lot.Yeah.Was that something you saw? Burn victim prompt Pahrump, Nevada.Yeah.That's where they keep them.Yeah. Yeah. I saw one burn victim in prom.You go to Pahrump?Yeah. Yeah.You know what I almost did yesterday?There you go.On the way to the store, I almost went to Carnie's, and it's been years since I've had a hot dog at Carney's, love.At that place.I know. I should go. I don't know. When's last time you had a hot dog?Yeah.When's last time you had a hot dog?Three days ago from dog house.You eat hot dogs?I don't love hot. Dude, let me say something about hot dogs.What? You eat hot dogs?Do I do, bro. That's why I always purposely go to Chicago airport for the hot dogs, because I need a Chicago dog.Me, too. But it's all. It's a very special occasion. You're eating a midweek.Mmm.You're eating, like, a hot dog on a Wednesday.Yeah.That's insane.I love them hot dogs. And I've been really getting into smash burgers as of late. But I love dog house. That's nice. But always something bad happens at dog House. You know why? You know why?Why?Because doghouse is where I found out that my dad was dying.Are you serious?Yeah.And you still go back?Yeah, I was in the Burbank doghouse. I remember sitting there. I didn't even eat my meal.You left the dog?Yeah, I left two dogs. Tater tots.I got it.Yeah, yeah. And I'm, you know. And I go, yeah, Daddy. I go, oh, fuck. Every time I go to a dog house, something bad kind of happens.Ever since then, you think about your dad?Yeah. Maybe that's what it is.It's so sad.It's very sad. We should go make it a happy.We should go to doghouse and do something for your dad.And you want to do that?I would love to do that.Why have his ashes. Maybe sprinkle some on there.On a dog?Yeah. Yeah.I usually just do mustard, but I can.Yeah, see if he's there.We should bring the spirit radio to the doghouse, see if we can contact your father. Through dog. Through hot dog?Yeah, please.Did your dad like hot dogs?Hated them.That's why.Fucking hate. Yeah, maybe they hated him.Right.You know, I was. This lady goes, I saw the Rolling Stones last weekend and they were great. And that. She showed me a video. What the fuck?How the stones?Yeah.How are they still doing it?Yeah. Mick Jagger just going out still. I mean, how's he doing it?He's probably the bestwith his fucking Hollywood friends at the golf studio, blank off, do couple. Couple teas. Right?Everything I need or 19. Everything I named, I did.I did the same thing.You didn't do shit. You woke up and you didn't do shit.No, I did.Fuck you. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. I'm tired. Suck my fucking dick. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit. Shut the fuck up. Okay, back to the old days. We're going back to the beginning of bad. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit.You know what?Sleep all.Fuck. I'll tell you this, then.You contribute your goose. Goose egg.Your lips are so dry and blending into your face that I can't even tell that there is lips. Okay, get your shit together. Get some lips.Yeah, that's. That's good.Yeah.Yeah.And your cute little bucket coming out, dude.You're a beaver. You're hitting it hard.You're a beaver, dude. Dude, you know, you want some wood? Make a dam, whatever they do, you know, clog it up, dude. Clog up the river, dude.This is good.You piece of. Hey, what? Cut? What? What do you wear? Oh, yeah, after the murder at public, remember?Shut the fuck up.Get your foot together, dude.What's wrong with it?Oh, my God, your legs do. Anyway, it's out of control. Dude. Don't fuck around, dude.You ready to get started? Don't fuck. Shut the fuck up. Tell me what's to you?See, this is what I know when he's not good.Fat fuck.Oh, because I'm morbidly obese. I put my. I put my fucking weight and my height in a fucking app thing and said I was morbidly obese. You're gonna tease me like that? Whoo. Yeah.




Yeah, but.


But it's. He's not. It's not like.




You know, I mean.




Like, I was. I'm a sucker.




I felt bad, but it's like, I.


Feel bad for burn victims.


We see them all the time, and they burn victims. You'd see them a lot.




Was that something you saw? Burn victim prompt Pahrump, Nevada.




That's where they keep them.


Yeah. Yeah. I saw one burn victim in prom.


You go to Pahrump?


Yeah. Yeah.


You know what I almost did yesterday?


There you go.


On the way to the store, I almost went to Carnie's, and it's been years since I've had a hot dog at Carney's, love.


At that place.


I know. I should go. I don't know. When's last time you had a hot dog?




When's last time you had a hot dog?


Three days ago from dog house.


You eat hot dogs?


I don't love hot. Dude, let me say something about hot dogs.


What? You eat hot dogs?


Do I do, bro. That's why I always purposely go to Chicago airport for the hot dogs, because I need a Chicago dog.


Me, too. But it's all. It's a very special occasion. You're eating a midweek.




You're eating, like, a hot dog on a Wednesday.




That's insane.


I love them hot dogs. And I've been really getting into smash burgers as of late. But I love dog house. That's nice. But always something bad happens at dog House. You know why? You know why?




Because doghouse is where I found out that my dad was dying.


Are you serious?




And you still go back?


Yeah, I was in the Burbank doghouse. I remember sitting there. I didn't even eat my meal.


You left the dog?


Yeah, I left two dogs. Tater tots.


I got it.


Yeah, yeah. And I'm, you know. And I go, yeah, Daddy. I go, oh, fuck. Every time I go to a dog house, something bad kind of happens.


Ever since then, you think about your dad?


Yeah. Maybe that's what it is.


It's so sad.


It's very sad. We should go make it a happy.


We should go to doghouse and do something for your dad.


And you want to do that?


I would love to do that.


Why have his ashes. Maybe sprinkle some on there.


On a dog?


Yeah. Yeah.


I usually just do mustard, but I can.


Yeah, see if he's there.


We should bring the spirit radio to the doghouse, see if we can contact your father. Through dog. Through hot dog?


Yeah, please.


Did your dad like hot dogs?


Hated them.


That's why.


Fucking hate. Yeah, maybe they hated him.




You know, I was. This lady goes, I saw the Rolling Stones last weekend and they were great. And that. She showed me a video. What the fuck?


How the stones?




How are they still doing it?


Yeah. Mick Jagger just going out still. I mean, how's he doing it?


He's probably the bestwith his fucking Hollywood friends at the golf studio, blank off, do couple. Couple teas. Right?Everything I need or 19. Everything I named, I did.I did the same thing.You didn't do shit. You woke up and you didn't do shit.No, I did.Fuck you. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. I'm tired. Suck my fucking dick. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit. Shut the fuck up. Okay, back to the old days. We're going back to the beginning of bad. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit.You know what?Sleep all.Fuck. I'll tell you this, then.You contribute your goose. Goose egg.Your lips are so dry and blending into your face that I can't even tell that there is lips. Okay, get your shit together. Get some lips.Yeah, that's. That's good.Yeah.Yeah.And your cute little bucket coming out, dude.You're a beaver. You're hitting it hard.You're a beaver, dude. Dude, you know, you want some wood? Make a dam, whatever they do, you know, clog it up, dude. Clog up the river, dude.This is good.You piece of. Hey, what? Cut? What? What do you wear? Oh, yeah, after the murder at public, remember?Shut the fuck up.Get your foot together, dude.What's wrong with it?Oh, my God, your legs do. Anyway, it's out of control. Dude. Don't fuck around, dude.You ready to get started? Don't fuck. Shut the fuck up. Tell me what's to you?See, this is what I know when he's not good.Fat fuck.Oh, because I'm morbidly obese. I put my. I put my fucking weight and my height in a fucking app thing and said I was morbidly obese. You're gonna tease me like that? Whoo. Yeah.


with his fucking Hollywood friends at the golf studio, blank off, do couple. Couple teas. Right?


Everything I need or 19. Everything I named, I did.


I did the same thing.


You didn't do shit. You woke up and you didn't do shit.


No, I did.


Fuck you. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. I'm tired. Suck my fucking dick. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit. Shut the fuck up. Okay, back to the old days. We're going back to the beginning of bad. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You don't do shit.


You know what?


Sleep all.


Fuck. I'll tell you this, then.


You contribute your goose. Goose egg.


Your lips are so dry and blending into your face that I can't even tell that there is lips. Okay, get your shit together. Get some lips.


Yeah, that's. That's good.






And your cute little bucket coming out, dude.


You're a beaver. You're hitting it hard.


You're a beaver, dude. Dude, you know, you want some wood? Make a dam, whatever they do, you know, clog it up, dude. Clog up the river, dude.


This is good.


You piece of. Hey, what? Cut? What? What do you wear? Oh, yeah, after the murder at public, remember?


Shut the fuck up.


Get your foot together, dude.


What's wrong with it?


Oh, my God, your legs do. Anyway, it's out of control. Dude. Don't fuck around, dude.


You ready to get started? Don't fuck. Shut the fuck up. Tell me what's to you?


See, this is what I know when he's not good.


Fat fuck.


Oh, because I'm morbidly obese. I put my. I put my fucking weight and my height in a fucking app thing and said I was morbidly obese. You're gonna tease me like that? Whoo. Yeah.