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Happy birthday. I'm Zorro. Is his name monkey.


Monkey d luffy.


Monkey what?


Get this on my head.


That's okay, kiddo. Help. Flip the hold on.


I'll maybe over.


No, you're fine.


You do this.


Yeah. There it is. Monkey l monkey luffy Monkey de luffy. Monkey de Lufi. Monkey de luffy.


Monkey de luffy. Monkey de luffy. Monkey de luffy.


Happy birthday. Look at a one piece blanket.


Blanket for you.


Are you excited?


Excited for it's the best. Yeah.


And look at we got you a gift down there.


We have the script for the two piece.




Two piece and three piece. And it's going to be your one.


Piece, two piece, three piece.




Can you guys do your famous?


Yeah. You ready?


You know, I practice.


Practice it right.




To the window, to the walls till.


Zoro's got big balls. All these one piece crawl. That's not it. Carlos. That's what he sent me.


This is what he sent me. I live on the treetops with my Montgomery Ward pass.


Yeah. Is that not it? What's my line?


What's my famous that doesn't make any sense. Montgomery Ward. You betrayed me.


What is the line I'm supposed to say?


Yeah, what's the line?


So you have three swords. You attack with three swords.


Three is unnecessary. Who holds the third one?


My dick mouth.


I hold it in my mouth. I go sing.




How can he say his line with the mouth?


I don't know. Zoro says it.


What? Zoro says it. What does Zorro say?




Santorio. Santorio. What is monkey man?


You say guma. Gumba bazooka.


Doodoodoo. Okay.