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You two are bad friends.


Who are these two idiots? A white dude and an Asian dude. You two are disgusting. You two are something. We're bad friends. How do I not get a call from any of you saying, Hey, we are doing a show. It's official. Because we're scared.


What do you mean? Oh, the cartoon? Yeah. Because it's 30 years away.


We tell the people in our ecosystem first, and then we go outside of that like a mailman.


Then after those guys, then you hear. Yeah, then you hear. You hear about third.


Mailman, third cousins, right? I've never heard it. I got a student of mine to text me. Hey, I saw this in the press.


Congratulations on the show. Well, let me tell you something. We didn't know that they were going to put a release out that day. They were asking us about it, called Bobby six times, wouldn't answer the phone. I said, Where were you all day?


And then he goes-Stardew Valley, Farmingdon.Un Unbelievable.Farming?


Farming. There's a picture of the kids right there. There's us three.


How funny is my insert?


I got to tell you, it actually looks nice.


You're not in? That's your real, right? Yeah, that's your real, but I'm not in the actual photo. Yeah, but that's because-Oh, they put you in there. The photoshoot. Oh, I see.


That's because of what's going on overseas right now. Yeah. We can't have a photo of you.


I know you're pro-Israel, but... Don't read the comments.


Don't read the comments. Yeah, don't read the comments about it.


Let me ask... God damn it.


Go ahead, buddy. The Roly Poly farms a lot in the show. Yeah, that's all he does.


By the way-Well, you just call me Roly Poly? You are a Roly Poly. I just read it. Yeah, in the show, not in real life. I'm saying-Oh, in the farm? Oh, yeah.


But-i know.


Yeah. You're right. Let's hear the question. Yeah, let's hear it.


Get to it.


Sorry. What was it?


What's the question?


Well, I could talk last night. Nick Crease. Crease. Crease. Crease? Yeah.


Don't worry about it. Until we get the show off the ground, it's Crease.


Yeah, I went for me. Nick Crease. I've been calling you Crease for years. For 15 years. And you've never corrected me. No. I hate when that happens.


That's your fault. You've definitely been corrected. You just don't absorb it.


Hey, Billy, it's Billy. I've been calling you Billy for 15 You know what I mean? I don't like that.


You call Billy Smiley? Billy? Yeah. That's insane.


All right. Nick and I were talking last night. Can I ask you a question? When I talked to you on the phone, you seem like you want to get off real quick. No, I'm worried about the same thing with you.


Yeah, you do want to get off the phone.


I'm a moment guy. Everyone knows that.


Yeah, you're on the phone for a moment, and then you want to hang up.


No, I live in the moment. Yeah, I'm present. I live in the moment and listen to everything you're saying. But you're like, All right, come on, hurry up. I I don't like that. That's projection. It is projection. Yeah, you're right. Dude, you're so smart.


Why we got him?


Christ. I love it. There he is.


That's when I did At Midnight, the original At Midnight. I did it, too. You did? Yeah. How many times did you do it?


Three or four times.


Did you win ever? Never. Yeah, never won. I don't think I won.


Family Feud.


With Tim Simons. Yeah.


And Arden. He's tall, right? Look how cool I am.


Anyway-look at how short you are. You're shorter than Arden fucking Mirren. Shut the fuck up, dude. She's like 4'2. She's so tiny. That's insane to be tiny. All right, guys. Look, Tim Simons is 6'6. Yeah, he's tall. But still, You are smaller than Arden, who is a tiny, tiny person. Move on. Let's move on from that. No problem.


Your problem.


No, this is... You know what your problem is? What's my problem? I'll tell you what my problem is. When the movers unscrewed the TV stand-Oh, here we go. They lost the screws. So now I have a TV on the floor and I sit on the floor.


That's when you call Geek Squad, dude.


Oh, you mean the- Best Buy. Best Buy guys? No, not calling Geek Squad. No, I just can't get screws right that fit. That's me, with a case of natty light, no furniture.


Imagine you lived in that apartment. Oh, my God. That was what used to be my life.


But I got a word to the whys. Whys to the word. If you got extra trash, don't call Got Junk. Call Los Angeles Sanitation Department. All All I have to do is put in a request and they'll pick it up.


I just paid gut travel.


You don't even have to pay for that. They'll just pick it up. You just have to let them know you have more shit. I was like, That's all I have to do all these years?


You know who I call? Cricor. He eats it.


I'm hungry. Oh, I got a question. I posted on Instagram this morning. This is a real poll. I haven't thought about this in a long time, but I had a cup of coffee, and I know mid-cup, I'm going to poop. It's about half a cup and I have to poop. What's your number? How much of a cup of coffee do you have to poop?


If I have Buffalo mozzarella. Buffalo.


With a cup of coffee?


With a cup of coffee, dude. Bro, it's what you went through last week. It's instantaneous.


Because the poll is in right now, So far, we've got 41% of people have to say that before they finish a cup of coffee, they have to shit. 36% say within an hour.




Do you go?


Right away.


Well, that's IBS stuff.


Ibs. I don't mean to brak. I have IBS. You have Crohn's disease? No, I wish. What's IBS?


Ibs, irritable bowel syndrome. He's Jewish. You know when you guys are born? Easy. You know how we all get vaccinations and all that stuff for tetanism? Do they give Jewish kids IBS? Ibs. They give it to them in the hospital.


It's a requirement. You can't leave without it.


Can't leave without it.


I did my 23 and me, and I'm 100% IBS.


I'm serious about the coffee thing. What is it? I can't finish a cup. I got to go. Sometimes I bring the cup in the bathroom. Which is still Red Bull.


That's what I do.


What is Red Bull, bud? Do you even know what it is? It's battery acid. It's bullshit. It's fucking trash. It's not good. It's so bad for your body. Oh, fuck, man.


Oh, no. You're just finding this out?


Water sugar, glucose, citric acid, tourine. What is tourine?


Tourine is the best.


Yeah, what is it?


From the plant, Turine. Turine is a la baganda.


It's an essential amino acid for babies. That's exactly-Adults can make their own tourine, but their high amounts of it-Watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, I got Google. You are a big baby.


I got Google. Can I ask? Tori makes me do that. Can I ask my question now? Because you're going on a shit rant. Go ahead.


I'll get off of it.


All right, so I called you last night. How many dates do go on before the kiss happens?


If you're good, you probably get it on the first date.


All right, so I've been dating this girl. This is two dates already.


Hey, girl. Go ahead. Bathhouse, bathhouse, bathhouse, bathhouse.


Bathhouse, bathhouse, bathhouse, bathhouse.


You want to get out of here? All All right. You went on a date, a couple of dates with this girl.


Why do you do that?


It gets the whole room in a vibe.


I get into it, and then I lose my train of thought. Bathhouse. Bathhouse.


Bathhouse, Bathhouse, Bathhouse, Bathhouse. All right, two dates or three dates?


Tonight, I'm going on the third date.


Where to? This is important because if you're not getting the kiss, it's because where you take it.


I've taken her to nice restaurants. What are you talking about? Like? Thank you. Oh, fuck. The first time we went out was... I don't want to say it.


You can because it's over.


I know, but... You don't want to seem rich.


What is it? Arbies. We got the meats.


That's my go-to spot with every day. I don't want all the girls that I've on this-That's fine. And go, and they go, That's why he took me.


There's no way We think girls don't know that you're taking them out to the same places. Of course you are. We're creatures of habit. You go to six places. All of us go to six places.


Yeah, Pache.


For me, it's Chipotle, California Pizza Kitchen. No, be real. The Vons in the Valley. I'm dead serious. It's the same six places. All right. But I don't-I don't stray.


The six places, if you were going on a date with, what are they? I have mine.


You got your six. I I'm fucking married. We don't go on dates.


I know, but just hypothetically, if you were single, where would you go? Where would I take them?


Probably to East Side shit. East Side shit's hip shit. That's where he lives.




No, Pache is not. No, Pache is over by us.


Little Doms.


Little Doms is great. That's good. Yeah, Little Doms. People like Bestia. Yeah.


I went to Mother Wolf.


I like Mother Wolf. Mother Wolf's fun. And Funk. That's him. Same guy.


Fun. I go to Damian.


Yeah, Barflero's. Yeah. Damian's great. We talk about Damian all the time.Damian is great.


Then Bastia across the street from there.Hippo.That's.


Right.hippo is good.What'd you call me? That's his nickname.


He was talking about his mom.


What's that about?


He thought we'd move past that. What is that? You're right.


What were you doing right there? I was being aggressive. What is that right there that you think you were doing?


What do you think you were doing?


I was being aggressive again. I'm so sorry. You think that was a good idea? That wasn't a good idea. I don't think it was a good idea. You let that one go. I think that one's going to sit with me for a minute.


Will you please let that one go? I don't know. Ask the question. I already did. How many do you think? Tonight's the third date.


She better kiss you on the third date. That's crazy. Third date? You don't even get a peck? Friends zone after that. Yeah, that's... Oh, wow. The Spanish has spoken.


The way you said it with an accent. Amigozone.


Yeah, Amigozone.


That fucking burned me, dude. That hurt. Have you been friendzoned?


Oh my... Everybody in their fuck, everyone in this room. Everyone.


Everyone's been No one is immune to the friendzone. You've been friendzone? Of course.


Oh, thank the Lord. Dude, I got friendzone one time so hard in college. I went over to this fucking girls dorm who I crushed, crushed, crushed on, was putting in all the work, trying to do the right thing. She's like, Come on over and hang out. I was like, Fuck, yeah, maybe this is it. I go to her fucking dorm. I'm kicking it, taking it easy, not trying to be aggressive, no moves, nothing. Great song about the eagles. We're hanging out. Take it easy. Take it easy.


Bathhouse. Bathhouse. Bathhouse.


Bathhouse. Bathhouse. Bathhouse. Bathhouse. Bathhouse. I'm sitting on one of those... What were those called? The big bean bags? Lovesack. Remember those?


You know what I call them? What? Your mom.


You, motherfucker. I'm sitting on a love sack on her dorm room floor and in walks the guy that she's fucking.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Do you want to hang out and finish?


We were watching. Do you want to finish this? We're going to go grab something to eat. I was like, I'll just hang out. I just hung out in the dorm by myself.


That guy now, this is what he does for a living.


That guy now- Wait, hold on. Let me guess. Keep going.


That's not a bad line.


Wait, wait, wait. That's not a bad line. No, my man. I want to see. Maybe I can guess what it is. Oh, you want to guess it? All right. Let's see. Do it again. Digging Graves. No. Digging Graves? Is that what you guessed? Keep doing it. Let me see if I can…


Keep doing it. Hot playing high lie.


Keep doing it.


Keep doing it. Yeah, you're never going to get it.


I was just trying to get you some exercise. What does he do? What? I was just trying to get you some exercise. He pulls rope. Oh, he's a rope roller.He's.


A rope competition. I'm the caboose.


You really are.


And I do it this way. It's like this, all right? And then what What's this?


Nailing Jesus to the cross. Yeah. Dude. Yeah. Yes. The only thing I can do.


Bro, that's so good.


That guy did a great job. He hung up there for a while. Third date, you got to get a kiss.


I think if you don't, then you know it's amigos.


You're amigos.


But can I say this?


And by the way, we're not advocating. You don't have to kiss anybody. But if by the third date, you're not romantically interested in someone, ladies, tell him.


But with Kalaila, back in the day, it took me eight dates.


Really? Yeah. To open up those floodgates? Yeah. I'm shocked.


It took me eight. I thought she were-I hung in there. She didn't like the restaurants.




You son of a business.


Yeah, Larchmont wine and cheese didn't cut it.


That's interesting. That changes things. Eight days? Yeah, because sometimes when- Maybe she was fighting off an infection.


It could have been a couple of days.


Like Mad cow or something?


No, like a UTI. Maybe she had something she didn't want to let you in.


Eight? Do you mean eight?


Maybe at the beginning, she was fighting off something. She was on their period or you never know. That's a possibility.


It seems like a life view. No, I was in competition.


You were competing against other guys with She was single.


There was other options.


She wanted to see if you were worthwhile.


I think more time plays well for you, though, Bobby. Why?


Interesting argument, Kyle. People get to know you, and you can't help her fall in love with Bobby. I guess that's true.


But not love at first sight.


You are definitely not love at first sight unless it's-I think he can be love at first sight.


It might love at second sight?


I mean, your love is blind.


Love is blind, right? For sure. Yeah. Sometimes I do my personality. I can get in there, but it just takes so much effort.


The reason this is bothering you, he doesn't know, is last week we talked about he went in for a smooch and he got cheeked.


That's the same girl.


I know. I got to tell you. You didn't tell me that.


I told you last time about the cheek.


Yeah, he got cheek.


She got out of the car real quick.


This is why I think this is not... This girl doesn't want to be... She wants to be a homie. She likes you as a human.


It makes me so sad.


I'm like, I'm-Just text her, kiss or not.


No. Just send a poll.


Yeah. Do an Instagram poll. Will this chick kiss me tonight? She'll see it. This is what I'm going to do.


You want to hear my fucking thing? Are you being real?


Yeah. Okay.


If it doesn't happen, I don't I wanted it to happen.


You pull a gun out and kill yourself right in front of her.


Yeah. This is your fault. Yeah. Then I like moving on.


You never talk to her again. Because I'll tell you something that happened.


I want to tell you something that to me. I wasn't ever going to talk about this. But right when Kalal and I broke up back in the day, I went on a date with the girl. Same thing, two or three days, nothing. Then she was at the Comedy Store.




Yeah, I hadn't seen her since then. We hooked up that night.


At the Comedy Store?


I hadn't seen her in over a year and a half. That's hot. My point is that sometimes you plant the seed, we plant the seed, and it will grow.


Those bonsai trees grow real slow, but they do grow at some point. It's a long game. It's a 100-year game. You're playing the 100-year game.


When Mr. Miyagi was cutting the bonsai tree in the original Karate K.


Yeah, best movie.


It's a great movie.


So good.


What's the point, guy?


See, you missed it.


When I was watching in the theater, I'm like, That's what you do?


No, you missed it completely. Like the Benny Jezerit. It's patience. It's meditation.


But he doesn't even sell it on eBay. He just has them?


Well, he had a Pinterest for a while. I think Mr. Miyagi-he did?


Yeah. Yeah, look at him. No pussy.


That was his OnlyFans back then. That's what OnlyFans was, trimming bonsai trees. Yeah.


Look at Ralph Macho. He's like, Are you fucking loser?


Dude, by the way, Ralph Macho, same age today that he was then. You see a photo of this guy?


I've met him.


What baby blood is he drinking that he looks that good?


He is also-Look at how handsome that guy is. The nicest guy you will ever fucking I'm not surprised.


Great actor, seems like a good dude.


Great guy.


Give me the age of this gentleman now.


He's 62.


Shut the fuck up. That guy's 62 years old? Mm-hmm. That guy's 62.


How did I fucking know that, dude? That was good. That was good, right? That was good, right? Wow. One of the nicest guys in the world, dude.


I love that guy. So fucking handsome. How did you know that?


What? How did you know he was 62?


He doing them late night googling.


I think because the night I met him, I was hosting this thing called the Asian Excellence Awards.


Sorry. Welcome back to the Asian Excellence Awards. Why would they use a word like excellence with Asians? The Excellence Awards.


Of all words to use. Yeah. Then. The Asian Excellence Award.


Hosted by J. C. Billy.


Oh, shit, dude. It burns a bit. I like it. All right.


Times have changed. Times have changed. All right, so you're hosting. This is back in the day. Yeah. You're hosting the Asian- Believe it or not. I believe it. Trust me, I see it. The Asian excellent- Tarantino did it. Is he Asian? No, but he likes Asian shit.


Because I think Kill Bill and stuff. He was on the show. I have a photo on Instagram where I met, and we have a photo together. That's when I met him. Danny DeVito. Then Ralph Maltzsche was there, too.


None of these guys are fucking Asian. Ralph Maltzsche did an Asian- I'm trying to find a through line. He did Karate Kid. Danny DeVito, why the fuck was he there? Because he's short like you guys. Short like an Asian.


If you don't look his eyes, he could be Asian. I mean, think about that.


From the back, I'm like, Look at that little Korean guy running away. Yeah.


Ralph Maltzsche was there, and I remember… I mean, not that the other people there were rude. It's just he was more available.


He was just nice.


He's a moment guy like you. He's a moment guy. He was just like, talking to me. My brother, when he was drinking, was there.


That's when he was still using.


What? That's when he was using. My brother was so… Danny DeVito, Tarantino, and Ralph Macho, they were sitting backstage on these couches. My brother was on the outskirts drinking, completely drunk. He kept walking up to Ralph Macho. I swear to God, I'm going, How did he get dead? Then backing He's not wrong, though. I remember going, Steve, stop. He's like, Dude, grotty cat, dude. You know what I mean? Like a Stoney drunk.


I love your brother. He's a shit man. I love your brother. Yeah. He didn't know anybody. By the way, those three guys, Fuck Mary Kill. Danny DeVito, Ralph Maccio, and-Fuck, Mary Kill, Asian. And Tarantino. Yeah, Fuck Mary kill.


All right, so who would I?


Tarantino, Danny DeVito, and Ralph Machio. Fuck Mary.


Mary Ralph Maccio.




Yeah. I mean, it probably kill Danny DeVito.


You'd have to kill Tarantino because the name of the sake of his sake of his films, Kill Bill, Kill Quentin.


That's true. But then you'd have to fuck Danny DeVito, though.


How fun to toss that guy around.


That's easy. That's the easy part.


He's a spinner.


Yeah, maybe. Okay.


You fucking connect them.


He's the same size as me.


It's perfect.


You, too. Because '69, it would be like...


Just like two strawberries rolling around in the... Like a Yin and Yang.


Because usually when I '69, I have to... I have to reach. A jumping '69. Yeah.


But you know what, you guys, because you're both like little rotund bellies, it's like two magnets on the same side. You They just can't connect. They just can't touch.


I had a girl once say that, I like that you have a belly because it rubs against my clit and I can come quicker. Really? Yeah, I was like, it does that?


Your belly goes down that far?


Yeah, I guess it does that.


My God.


Anyway, That's a tip for guys out there. Yeah, it's a tip for guys. Anyway, so Ralph Macho is a great guy.


Ralph Macho is the guy that we would marry.


Can I ask you another question? This is something I came in with.Floor's yours.Okay. Sorry, I'm You're the captain.


You better believe it. Toot-toot.


I'm Spock, though.




Yeah, you're Kirk. I'm Spock.


By the way, put me on a boat and I get so gay. Put me on a fucking boat and I get gay.


Check off. You're a check off. Okay, that's fine. Anyway. That's right. Yeah, I'm good with that. Let me ask you something. What I want to say is I was thinking about last night, I lay in bed. Can I show you what my room looks like now?


This is your new interior designed room? Yeah.


This is just one part of it.


Wow. That looks beautiful. It's beautiful. I hope so for the money.


Yeah, I love being in there. Anyway, I was laying in bed in my beautiful new room listening to some tunes.


What do you listen to?


I was listening to Sarah Mulglocklin's Ice Cream. Really? Mm-hmm. That's cool. I saw an ice cream.


I like that. Okay.


Your love is better than ice cream.


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You know when you get cornered by at a family gathering and you feel like you have to bend the truth.


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Fucking is better than ice cream.


Ice cream is better than fucking. Fucking ice cream.


Salt and straw, you're right.


Yeah, dude. Salt and straw, you're right. Mcdonald's? Yeah. Go give me some of that Santa Barba jam.


3-1 flavors, though. Baskin Robbins?


I take head over that.


Yeah, okay.


Oberweisses? Oberweisses. That's a Midwest thing. Oberweisses Dairy. So fucking good. My God. Those cows, they look like something happened. When you see those farm cows, dude, they're like, 900 fucking pounds, and you're like, Holy shit, this poor thing. They've just inflated it, dude. So it's just piss and milk. I saw a fucking TikTok the other day about a woman who's-What did they put in there, the cows? Hormones. They juiced these motherfuckers up.


So your mom got it done? I'm sorry.


That's the last one. Sit down.


Let me ask you something.


There's Bobby. There I am. There's Bobby amongst of other comics. That's a green room.


That was so good, dude. Thank you. I love you.


I'm telling you, if you don't get a fucking kiss from... Not a kiss. I'm sorry. I don't want... This sounds aggressive. If this girl doesn't make it obvious tonight that it's not It's not happening?


Well, no. Shame. Nick told me to just ask.


You got to be straight up.


At the end of the thing, if I feel like, Can I just talk to you for a second? I just feel friends on you. Would you agree? I'm fine with it, but something like that. Get clarity.


Don't give her the ammunition. Don't say this feel. Just go, Hey, I just wanted clarity. Do you want to be more than friends? That's too direct. No, because if you give her the bait to go, This feels friend zoning, then she's going to go, I guess maybe it is. You're telling her how you feel.


You might be right there.


Ask her. Ask what she wants. Do you want to just be friends? Which is fine. That's great. I just need to know if you just want to be friends.


I'll do it in my own wording. Because we're going to go to a different restaurant.


Do it in your own words.


Dude, that's so true.


Do it in yourDo it in your words. I'll do it in my words. That'll be your own words. You got to get the Spaniard on it. Anyway. You shot at me fucking three times with my mom. So what? Don't get mad that I shoot back.


I'm not doing anything. All right.


Anyways, good. I'm accepting. Also, as fucking your best boy, I want you to win. You know I want you to win. Yeah, I didn't do it. But this kid's the real Casanova over there. He really is. Our entire life. Here's my jelly. My entire friendship.


You're closer to him than you are to me. No. It's a longer friendship.


I've known him for so long. It's a longer friendship. He's my oldest friend in Los Angeles.


We're all about to be best friends forever.


Forever. Bff. Okay.


Can I ask? Now, I was listening to Ice Cream by Sarah McLachlin.


Can we go back to that? Yeah, Ice Cream is better than sex.


I remember there are people in my life that were in it for a brief period, and then they just disappeared, and I just never saw them Because they're dead? No, I don't know if they are now. Hopefully, yeah. But they were so influential in my voyage or my journey to here.


What's taking you away from reaching out to them?


I don't know how to even get a hold of anybody. I don't even know last names, really.


How influential could they have been? You don't even know their fucking last names.


Pretty influential. So may I- Give us an example. I'm going to give you two examples, if I may. Please may.




The first example is, I remember I met a guy. His name was Randy. He was Jewish Okay. I'm out. He looked like Stanley Tucci. I'm back in. Yeah.


At the time- Somehow.


At the time, he was a little older than me, maybe by 10, 15 years. I think that he had a weird... He It was like that. He had a job. Love the Tucci. Maybe he was a lawyer or he was going to law school or something.


How did you meet him?


I met him in an improv class.


I'm out again. Yeah, I'm out. I was out, I was in, I'm out.


I remember back in the day, I met him in improv class, and he remember We were together and he goes, Hey, man, I was wondering, I think I was going to do stand-up. I'm going to do stand-up. I go, Okay. He goes, We've talked about it before. We should do it together. I'm too scared. I remember we went to a place called Thomas Payne Coffee Shop, and there was an open mic, and he said, Come and support me because I'm going to go up for the first time. I went there and then the host went up and he goes, All right, this next comic is Bobby Lee. He put your name on. He put my name in the thing.


Fucking Randy.


Right, Randy? I remember just going up. I wouldn't say that was my first time doing standard because I didn't really say anything.


You were just fucking around. I just went up there.


I didn't really sign up. Randy did this, and I just got off. But it got me on stage.


God bless Randy.


Thank you, Randy. Then I started doing it a lot.


So we know who to blame.


Right. Then I never saw him again. Yeah?


How old was this man? He was a lawyer?


He must have been 10 or 15 years older than me at the time.


Did you say he was an attorney?


Yeah, maybe.


This was just for fun?


Yeah, I was 23, so he must have been 33, maybe.


Randy, if you're out there listening, you might be in your 60s by now.


Yeah, it's just somebody that I just want to say thank you to.


That's a beautiful story. That's really nice. Yeah, that's very pretty.


There's another guy.


I'm glad you kept in touch with that guy.


You know how it's just people just disappear? Also, can I just say my- Well, no, you just kept going. But also, there was The first of the thing as cell phones then.


You could have sent a carrier pigeon to him or something.


I know. But my point is, it's easier now. Way easier. Back then, there was no cell phone. You're right.


There's people that I remember from the beginning that I don't know, that we used to hang out with back in the day. I have no fucking idea where they are. We have no clue.


The second guy was when I became a comic at the La Hoya Comedy Store, I moved in with the manager and the assistant manager of the Comedy Store, who both passed. Jesus. It was a Frank. It was Ron... Fuck.


First name's okay.


Then Fred Burns. There was another guy living there who was super... Those two were hostile. They gave me everything, this manager, this system manager. But the comic that lived there, Frank Monzano, was a Mexican guy, just a weird performer. He was so kind to me and very supportive. You know what I mean? I haven't seen him. I don't know where he is. Anyway, do you Were there anybody in your life like that or no? That disappeared? Yeah, lots.


I've had lots of people that have quit or moved. I've spoken about friends on this show, that guys that I started with who I thought were fucking so good, and they quit for-Jonathan Gotsick. I remember him. Wait, I know who he is. You said his name.


Yeah. Then also there's another one, Dave Pierre, both very funny guy. Great name. He was so funny. I don't know what happened. I think he's teaching.


Well, I know there's a lot guys that I used to do bar shows with, and I know I've run into them in the aftermath or had a friend of a friend. But a lot of them are out. A lot of them fucking grew up. They got pregnant, had kids, got jobs, and they were like, I can't play this fucking bullshit game.


Or they move out. They move out of LA.


Well, a lot of guys left LA.


They quit the dream. It's a brutal business. I get it.


I don't even know if it's a dream. They just quit this fucking rat race. They quit this bullshit game.


What is it about us that we hung in and suffered? We're sick. Immature trauma addiction. Really?




I think that's what it is. There's something about my-We're sick. It's not resilience. I guess that is a word that we could use, but it's like a normal person wouldn't suffer that long.


But then people with a little bit of intellect understand that suffering usually can yield something good if you really want it.


So lack of talent in anything else. He's right. You fucking. You fucking something.


You fucking dirty little bitch.


It's so funny. It's fun. I'm grateful to meet you, people like you. It's fun, it's grateful, and I'm in complete gratitude.


I had a daydream today, this morning in the shower. Can I share this? You may think I'm stupid. There used to be downtown Los Angeles, I believe, in the old brewery building. Maybe the old Paps building.


The word, I can't.


Brewery? I know it's tough for you guys. Yeah. That's like library for black guys. There's something about... We'll be right back. That's so good. Well, it's not a library.


What do they say?


Library. Every black friend I have says library. But listen, the Paps Brewery, the old building downtown, used to be an artist living quarters, I think, if I'm not mistaken. Then what they did was they had the rent was subsidized so that artists could live there for a nominal fee. Yeah, the Brewery Arts has been called the largest live and work artist colony in the world, 16 acre compound. Right. Okay.


Dude- Hold on. Let me look at that. Bro.


What? Bro.


After you say this, I'm going to tell you I've been there.


To the brewery? To the artist complex? Yes. You hooked up with someone there? No. Okay, hold on. We'll get to it. What I was going to do... I was driving on the freeway and I saw the old brewery, Smokestack, and it made me think, I wish you, me, a couple of other named comedians, could buy a building or buy a warehouse space and subsidize the rent for young up and coming comedians. To live. So we do a nonprofit where we wouldn't make a dime, but we would just make It would make enough money so it could sustain to have security, upkeep, and everything. We would make no money. House rules.


You need some house rules. I would be the house rules guy.


You would not live there.


No, I know, but I would have to have on the wall things you I cannot do.


No, it would be run properly like a fucking- Just house rules.


I don't care what you're saying.


Well, what are the house rules? Yeah, what are they?


No fucking other comics.


That's what I'm building this whole thing for, is for them to all fuck each other. That's the whole point. That's the ulterior motive. This is like the Olympic village.


This is his Hitler youth.


Yeah, 100%. I want to indoctrinate these people. Okay, all right, move on. I know what you're saying. No fucking other.


I just would want a safe space for everyone. That's all. Go ahead. Yeah, of course.


Okay. All I'm saying I'm done. All I'm saying is, do you think this is a crazy idea?


It's a great idea, dude.


I really want to do it. I want to buy a building.


We're never going to do it.


Why not?


It's so expensive.


Yeah, not with that. It's not just you and I. It's a bunch of other comics. Imagine if we got Burr, Sebastian, Dylan, guys who have a couple of bucks in their pocket who could buy a building and subsidize it for young comedians.


That'd be great. Number one- Because I have the resources to start a nonprofit.


I know how to do all this stuff. We can do it. Let's fucking do it then. You'll do it? I will do it. I swear to God, I want to do it.


But this is a big one for me.


House Rule?


No. It's even bigger. What? I think you'd have to showcase to get in there.


Oh, you can't be shit. You can't be shit to get a room. That changes everything. Interesting. That's interesting. We can't have crap. We have a little stage, and you have to showcase for the current residence to see if you get a room. Now, do you have to keep showcasing as you look there?


No, they showcase for us.


Just you and I sitting in a chair?


No, we'll get a bunch of comics. We do it once a year.


You know what I mean? It's like getting passed.




You get passed to live there. You get passed to live there. But then every year, you have to re-audition because we got to know that you're writing and working and you're not slipping.




Tell me about the brewery. Now that we know that that's a thing I'm proposing to- What are you calling this thing?


When you How would you open it?


Funny Bone. Okay. Just name it after another comedy Club. We need to workshop it more.


We got it.


I think it should be called- I think Haven. You know what I mean? We'll call it the Comedy mothership.


I like that.


It's We'll call it...


The Compound.


Comedy Compound? Comedy Compound. How about Chuggle Chambers?Chuggle Chambers.Chuggle Chambers. That's great. You want to go live in Chuggle Chambers?


How many people can live there?


I think it's got to have 10 apartments. Ten. Ten at a time. We can't afford that big of a building with you and me and a bunch of other comics. We can try our best.


Well, then the future has to live there.


I know. You said they have to showcase.


Yeah. We There's no…


I'm telling you, in the shower this morning, I thought, This is a great idea. It's a way we don't earn a dime on this. We'll probably lose a little bit of money, but it'd be great.


Also, you can't. I know what's going to happen. Other open mic is going to go, Can I stay there overnight on the couch or whatever?


No. No crashing. No, it's time out. We crashed. We crashed. It's a part of the culture.


How long can you crash?


One week. Only one week crash. You're not allowed to crash for a week, then go to another apartment. You get one week of crash in the… What did I call it?


A year or how long? What was it called?


The Chuckle.


Chuckle Compound? No.


Chuckle Compound. The Chuckle what? He just trying to tighten it up. What did I call it? The Chuckle… I don't even know. Chuckle. Seconds ago. Okay, no. You get one week of crashing because crashing is a part of our culture. Okay. We crashed, I crashed, you crashed a lot.


All right.


You get one week of crashing inside the building.


There's got to be a guy that lives there who's the manager, the guy that- Guam. He can force... Dude.


Guam is going to be in security. He'll fuck out. He'll beat the shit out of people if they don't obey. He has to enforce the rules. He will.


He lives there for free. Imagine if that- Everyone does, right? Everyone lives for free?


No. You have to pay. It's subsidized. You're paying a certain amount of money because it keep the thing going. Cost. Yeah, cost at level. Listen, instead of paying what is an apartment now? Fucking thousands of dollars. $2,500. $2,500.


A minimum.


Yeah, you pay $800, $600, $800, but that just goes for your internet, your water and power, and general living so we can-Free WiFi. Free WiFi. Free WiFi, if you have 15 minutes. If you have under 15, you got to pay.


I'd love to get behind it.


A Comedy Comp.


Five guys, five girls. Five Girls.


Five Guys, Five Girls?


Or maybe one trans, one gay.


Smart. See, now we're getting into equity, diversity, and inclusion.


And that's good. Can't avoid it.


Well, then nobody needs to be the same.


You're right. We can't do that. We need a black guy and an Asian. You know what I mean? We can't do that.


I'd rather have two black guys than one Asian for sure. It's just for trading. Oh, really? Well, for trading.


You don't want things to efficiently fucking- Whoa, I'm talking about comedy-wise.


There's almost none of you that are good. There's so many black comics that are good. How many funny Asians are there? Six?


Jason Cheney, Leslie Lowe, Andrea Jinn. I mean, I got the list goes on. That's six.


You just named the six. That's it.


There's so many, dude.


Are you remembering? How many funny black comics are there? A thousand.


They've been doing it longer.


That has nothing to do with it. They have? Yeah. What are you talking about?


Dude, okay, you know who Flip Wilson is?


Of course, we know who Flip Wilson.


But my point being is that comedy has been, in terms of the Black community, a part of it since we started in the new modern version of stand-up in the '50s and '60s.


Yeah, because they're funnier than Asians.


No, it wasn't, dude, because we're- Are you trying to say that Asians are funnier than Black comics? What I'm saying is- Whoa, that's a tough claim. I didn't fucking say that.


You just said Bobby Lee, you heard of here, said Asians are funnier than Blacks. I didn't say that.


That's what he said. I didn't say that. What I'm just saying is that since Margaret, I think- Chris Rock Wanda Sykes, Dave Chappelle, Cedric, Kevin Hart, Whoopy Goldberg, Richard Pryer, Bernie Mac, Eddie Murphy, Monique, Red Fox, Martin Lawrence, Chris Tucker, Tiffany Hadish, Catwood, Dilo Hulu, James Fox, Tracy Morgan. Don't look up Asian comments. I'm afraid that I'm not going to be on the list. You got to be on that list. I'm not even on the list. Yeah, right. Asian comments. Here we go.


Tough. They're six. Oh, my God.


They're six. I'm not even on it.


Oh, that says China. In China.


Is it Jimmy O'Yag is the first one?


Jimmy That's China. I looked up Asian Comedia, though. That's just what it says. There's six.


I don't know what else to look up. Asian Comedia. Put an S on it. Asian-american comedians.


There's six.


There's five.


There's five.


You got to put a plural. Put the S on the end.


By the way, they threw in Cal Penn, too, to make you guys. Koreans over 50 comedians.


Oh, fuck.


The point is, hey, Google's proving my point. Leave it alone. Google's proving my point. An endless list of great black comics. I think I'm Asian.


I think you're Asian excellent. That's so funny.


You are Asian excellent. You're excellent. Just saying.


Let's move on from it.


Truly, though. Tell me the story about the brewery. How did you end up there?


In the '90s, there was a fucking cattle call for a sitcom.


Do you remember what it was called?


No. Cattle call. But I remember going there and waiting in line for about seven hours.


Just chilling outside?


It was like one line. Gross. Right? Sounds like last comment. I remember going in there and being thrown on a chair saying one thing. I forgot what it was. And there, go, go, go. I remember walking out of that building going, Oh, I'm never going to make it.


You thought that was how it always was. I thought that's how it all works.


This just fucking one in a million. You know what I mean? Waiting in line for that long. It's like the Laugh Factory line.


The open mic line, yeah. It's around the corner.


People will wait there from 10 AM.


I think it's open at noon or whatever.


Noon until the show. Oh, yeah. And they might not get on. Most don't. Yeah, they're just getting their name into the fucking bucket. I mean, how fucking crazy is that?


That's awesome. Did you ever do that? Of course I did. What do you mean? I waited in every line. I waited the factory.


I never waited at the Laugh Factory.


I waited at the store. You did? The improv didn't have a line. They didn't have that thing. They didn't have that thing. I waited at the factory multiple times.


Yeah, and when you're waiting in a line that long and you don't even get on, you're like, Oh, this is almost impossible.


Me and my buddy, Kenner Shah, drove to fucking San San Francisco for last comic standing to sleep outside of Cubs on the street.


To audition?


God, do you know how far this is? I sold out six shows three months in advance at Cobbs, and that's how far I've come. Thank you. That means a lot. That actually feels a lot in my heart. I slept on that street outside of Cobbs on fucking I'm not kidding. We drove to San Francisco. I slept outside on the concrete in a fucking sleeping bag, only to almost not get to audition, go inside, tell a half a joke, and they were like, No, thank you. I had to get right back in our car and drive down back from San I remember. I slept outside of the Improv for Last Comic Standing, too. I slept outside of Fred Siegel on Melrose. No. Yeah, slept on Melrose. Oh, my God. I remember there was a young girl. There was a comic out there. You know who she is, I think. Tracy McDonald. Do you know who that is? I know her, yeah. Tracy was in line with us. Tracy, I'll never forget, there was a moment where Tracy said she was a Canadian comic. Tracy said, What if... This was so creepy. It had to have been three or four in the morning.


She was in the camp next to me. What a nice girl. Yeah, she was great. Tracy Tracy said, Hey, what if one day... This is a four in the morning thought. What if one day we're not funny anymore? And I was like, What do you mean? And she's like, What if we just stop being funny or thinking of funny stuff? I was like, That's impossible. What do you mean? It's in your soul. You like humor. She's like, No, because sometimes I feel like I might lose it and it'll never come back. And I was like, Shut up. I went to lay down and my brain was like, What if? What What if we can never write a funny joke ever again? What if I never think of anything funny again? What if I never say anything? What if I don't know what funny is anymore? It spun me out for six hours. So thank you, Tracy McDonald. That actually helped. Thank you, Tracy. No, but she was right, though. She had this moment of clarity of like, Man, what are we doing? We're sleeping on fucking Melrose. Is this worth it? Do we want to do this?


It was. It was worth it. It was fun. I tried.


I think the difference is that... Honestly, I think that a lot A lot of people could make it. You know what I mean? I don't care where you come from. You don't even have to be naturally funny. I just think that people can make it, but we can hit the ball when necessary.


When the time is right.When.


The time is right. I just remember different moments in my life. I remember thinking to myself, I have to hit this ball.


Yeah, you don't have a choice.


Because so and so is in the audience, and I have to fucking hit a home run here. And you do. I'm going to tell you, I can't say his I remember there was a TV show that did stand up, and I had already done it a couple of times. The third year, they were like, Can you do it again? I go, You know what? I'll do it if you brought my friend on it.


You got to tell me the TV show, like a Craig Kilbourn or something?


No, I can't tell you because my friend will cry if I say the story.


Okay. I need to. He's already crying. We'll blank it out.


It was called K-Loco.


Oh, K-Loco. It was called K-Loco.


Yeah, I remember K-Loco. On Telemundo or whatever. But And they go, Well, who's your friend? I don't care. You know what I mean? You're not going to watch him. He's going to do it.


You're like, You're giving me a spot, and he has to get a spot.


One of my best friends gets a spot.


That's really nice.


And he used to do well on stage, regular at the store. So I remember we're at the taping now. This is so fucking crazy. And I'm sitting next to Joey Diaz. Hey,. So my friend's going up. And he's super nervous, which is understandable. Sure, it's TV. I'm in the green room watching the monitor. I'm like, Oh, yeah, finally. They bring him up and he comes up and he goes, Nothing comes out. No. Then he does this. This is where I was like, Uh-oh. He looks on the ground and he goes… And he starts mumbling.No.Yeah..


No, buddy.


He literally starts mumbling to himself.


Oh, fuck.


This is a TV. There's cameras on. Then I remember, he's maybe a minute or two in. He starts getting the nerve to tell a joke. But at this point, he lost the room. It's gone. It's gone. He starts really bombing. I had already gone up.


You already did great. Yeah, I killed. You're good.


I killed, right? I left him there.


You piece of shit.


Okay, not only did I leave him there, I was so embarrassed.


Would you get in the car and just go home?


Yeah, I go, Fuck this guy.


No, you I got the car.


Here's the two things.


No wonder why people from your past have just been here.


Yeah, I was going to say. This is one of these guys you never spoke to. When you go to Bat for somebody.


When you go to Bat for somebody- He had an off day. Huge.


His first I'm going to give him a compliment, but this is a perfect day. I leave. Then Joey Dias drove him home. But here's the sad part.


Joey Dias on 500,000 milligrams. I'll drive you a cocksucker.


Flip this fucking car. You You do five. They take five or six shows in one night. At the end of each show, the booker gives you a check. He waited at the end. He never got a check. Not only did he not do well, he got an He got out of the show, obviously. Oh, my God. He got driven home, right?


Well, give him the money.


That's a triple crowd. But here's how he wins. I still was friends with him.


Bitcoin. He bought a A bunch of Bitcoin, 92.


A year later, I was watching Comedy Central just randomly, and he had done Premium blend.Well.


That was huge.Heage, right?


And he destroyed.Oh.


So he's fine.He destroyed.Is he still working today?


Yeah. He destroyed. But I just remember, some people can't hit the ball the first time, is my point of view.


But he got redemption, which is good.


He did. He always had it. He had the looks. He had the skill. It's just, and you know, the very first TV spot you do as a standup is petrifying.


That's the scariest thing in the world.


It's probably one of the scariest things in the world. I remember when I did Lena. I had never been more scared. But I just remember walking out and looking at the thing and going, You have to kill.


You have to kill. You have to kill. Because Jay's right there. Yeah, you got a little Chinese guy.


That's me on Lena. Is that your first time? Yeah. Wow.


I remember how nervous I was to do Konan. I was there. It was probably the most I was there. I was nervous I've ever been, man.


You were?


I was chased. Just because I loved Konan so much, and it was a big deal for me when they... You know what's so funny is I submitted a year before, and the Booker, who obviously not there, is gone now, who's become a friend, was like, I don't like this spot. I don't like this set. And I was like, Fuck. And then called and was like, I saw you do a spot. Do that five. I was like, Oh, really? Really? I can't do that five. Fuck, do that. The other one, don't submit. Do this. Just take out the two cuss parts that have sweat. That was it. But then when I got there, I was fucking so nervous. It's a good set. It's just hard. It's such a hard thing. I'll never forget that.


People just get so-We were dying laughing on the way to that.


People get so fucking judgy about it, but you feel the stress of that is so weird because it's live.


I could see it in your eyes. I know you. There's something in your eyes.


I was So nervous. Yeah. You're fine.


You can see all the stuff, but there's a focus in your eyes. I can tell.


And my fuck, that sweater was awful. It's like, what a terrible fucking choice. You know, by the way, I remember buying that sweater, scrounging the money together to buy that sweater. It was out of my price range. It was probably like a $125 sweater. You know what I mean? I remember it was like a $100 sweater, and I was like, This is insane that I'm buying this fucking sweater. I thought when I put it on, You look great. And less than a month later, I was like, You look fucking ridiculous. That is a stupid fucking... No matter what you wear on TV-What was I wearing on my Tonight show? You look like a fucking idiot. You always look dumb on these tapings. You think they look good. That actually looks nice. That's good. Black and white pants. Because black is safe. Black and green pants. It's classic.


How old are you there, Bobby? I was probably 2002. 2002. Oh, 2002?


22 years ago today. April 26, 2002. Wow, just passed. 22 years ago. You were 30 years old?


Yeah. What People don't realize.


You were 30, right? That's a 30-year-old man. It looks like a 16-year-old boy. That's good. That's a good thing. That looks like a high school kid.


Move over, Ralph Machio. Yeah. Well. There's a new 62-year-old.


It's good. You age like a mushroom. But back then- What people don't realize, too, is they're so word for word.


They come out so many times to see you, and they give you so many notes. Oh, my God. So everything is like, you have to say it.


Did you have Q cards?




So they offer you. If you may slip up, they may have Q cards. And I said, no, I don't want them because that will fuck me up worse. I'll look at a word and be like, any God, it's 10. I know exactly what I would do. I would see a word and go, fucking, that's it. That would kill me. That would fucking ruin. I was like, please no cue cards. Same thing with specials. Comedy Central, Half hour, most people used bullet points. I was like, please God, don't do that. You have memorized. But some people get nervous, like your boy who just gets paused out.


Oh, my God. Just even Luke thinking about that. His face. This is great.


That was fun. That half hour was fun. I told the story about this, sorry. I cried the moment I got off stage.


I asked my-You cried?


I asked my- That was such a bad moment.


You were there?


No, I just remember the moment. I asked Well, he's in it, though. I talk about him in this special. My childhood best friend, Sean Castello, was there and he was backstage, and he was in the green room with a few people. I walked into the green room after I got off stage and I said, Hey, man, can you give me two seconds? He was like, Yeah. Everyone's like, Yeah. I was so excited. Can you give me two minutes? He was like, Yeah. I was like, I'm just overwhelmed. The moment he left the green room, I was like, I was fucking bawling. Just because it was all this energy and nerves and It was an anxiety, and it was Comedy Central. It was a half hour. It was so important. I was like, I ate shit. It was bad. I was bawling. You didn't think it was good? I thought I tanked. I was spinning.


I thought you were like, I killed it. No. No, I was spinning.


I was I chugged a bottle of fucking whiskey. I just sat in a chair just bawling. I'm like, They're never going to air it. They won't even air it. That's what I kept saying. Yeah. No, but it was good. It turned out great. I liked it a lot. The pressure was so- But it's also not club laughs. No, it's different out there.


It's a different set of laughs. So you think you're bombing because you're not at the Icehouse main room. Correct.


And also people don't know, these are tapings. I had zero Fame, acknowledgement, whatever. This was me, Norman, Soda. We were all the same within the year of each other's tapings. Nobody knew who the fuck we were. These are paid audience members.


Yeah. These people have sat through six other comedians.


You're the fucking fifth on the list of the night of three hours of standup, they're tired. Dude, imagine. They don't want to look at your dumb ass.


Imagine me in a road comic, Andrew, and you have no name. You're just doing the road. You're one of those acts that people go, Hey, honey, what do you want to do tonight? Well, let's just go to the club, see who's there.


We were those guys. I was that guy.


I know, but how much easier is it now?


That we have fans? No, it's not that. God bless the fucking fan.


It's just that it takes that component out of it of like- I'm going to kill myself in this month.


Yeah, if I'm going to bash my head through the- The kill yourself component. The Pepsi machine outside my window going…


That some guy gets a soda at 4:00 in the fucking morning.


I remember that outside of my bedroom window. The hum of a vending machine.


Oh, No.


Then a guy just… 2:30 in the fucking morning. Hey, you hear that in the fucking hotel? Dude, motels, the amount of motels I've stayed in. Like the scene in Big when he's clutching the pillow and there's bullets outside raining through New York.


I had to do a call.


I did the- I got bed bugs one time, by the way, from a motel. Go ahead, I'll tell you the story.


I did those college gigs. You know what I mean? Back in the day when you're a nobody, they got, Well, you're going to go to Munsey, but then you have a You get a day off here, and then you have to take a bus. You're a greyhound.


Got to catch a greyhound.


To this place.


Three bucks.


But in between, we know this old family in this town who they like to bring in comics.


You can stay at their house. You can stay at their house.


This is a nightmare. Eighty-year-old white people. Lites out at 10:00, sir. No way. There's no internet then.


It's get out. This was the original get out.


Hold as fuck.


Oh, dude.


I have a blanket, one of those woolly… They smell like mothballs. The pillow is made out of hay.


It's a hay pillow.


It's a hay pillow, dude. The matrix is that thing that when William Wallace dies in the end of Braveheart, that concrete… Yeah, It's a slab.


It's a slab.


They chopped his nuts off.


The bed that Lincoln died in was more comfortable than- I remember just laying there cold.


It's 10:30. I'm not going to be up. You know what I mean? No. Belly full of their leftovers. At 6:00 in the morning, you get a knock. I was like, coffee is ready.


Come on down for breakfast.


It's a nightmare.


That's when you start spinning the chamber of the gun.


I did that for years.


Hated it. God bless the fans. Thank you so much. My God. Thank you so much. More than anything.


But then also, it's like, Don't go. Why does that guy get this?


Because I've been to Helen Bad. And again, and again. And again. And again. And again. And you know what you still have to deal with? Little rats like this guy. Little fucking rat-brats.


You think- Rats. You think you can get away from rats.


Well, you let them in.


But the rats are always there.


They find a way.


Don't the rats- The rats are the friends you make along with.


They find a way.


I just want a little reprieve from hostility.


All right, let's chat about some poon. What's a poon? Let go up. This is a history lesson. Look at this. In 1942, Chinese... Okay, here's why I'm pitching this to you. I read this article, and you want to do a movie, and you want to star in a film. You and I are going to make a movie together that Nicki and I wrote. But I said, Bobby needs his own solo project, his own vehicle. In 1942, Chinese sailor Poon Lim, what a name, was aboard the SS Ben Le Monde when it was torpedoed by a German U 172, causing the vessel to sink. They should just say Poon. Poon found himself alone on a life wrap without any means of propulsion. Drifting aimlessly at sea, he sustained himself by fishing, drinking bird blood, and even managed to kill a shark using only a jug of water. Bro, that's fucking- Look at the last line. Miraculously, Poon survived for 133 days sea before being rescued. Look at Poon's little boat that he made.


Dude, look at that boat. Wow. Life of Poon.


The Life of Poon.


Dude, what an intricate boat.


Now, what does this say about Poon in general?


Asians or survivors.


What does this say about Poon in general? Poon is the best. Yeah, that's what it means. You're not getting better than Poon, are you? Poon is what drives this world. Dude, Poon. Poon. Yeah.


Top shit. I get what you're saying.


I love Poon.


Poon's the top.


Is there anything than Poon?


Poon for Prez.


Poon for Prez. This guy's the fucking man. He killed a shark with a jug of water. How did he do that? I want you to play this movie, and Nicki's going to write Poon, the story of Poon. I'll order the Ozempic. You know what the movie's called?Oh.


Wait, stop.What did you just say? You got to stop.


What did he just say? I might walk off. Did you say, I'll order the Ozempic?


If we want him to play Poon.


Jiminy Christmas, Heaven's the Betsey's. That's great. That is funny shit. It's not a fat poon, it's a tight poon. Whoa, this is a tight poon. This is a tight That's like Mark Norman.


He's not on fire.


Hey, tight poon. Hey, you got a tight poon? The movie is called Let's Get Some Poon. That's so good. Let's Get Poon.


Let's Get Poon. Drowning in Poon.


Well, what is it? You know like Get Shorty? Get Poon.


Drowning in Poon is so good.


Drowning with Poon. No, because he doesn't drown. He survived. I like something with Poon.


Yeah, it's not good, Mccone.


Let's Get Poon.


I won't do an Asian accent.


Please. You have to. You have to. He's Chinese. It's 1942.


What do you think? I'm going to write in an Asian accent. Give me a line then.


You know on final draft, you can actually write with an accent now.


Open on.


I'll tell you. Open on.


Interior. Exterior.


Yeah. What's the line?


In the perroro universe. Give me some lines.


Well, he's talking to nobody but himself. This has to be like a Tom Hanks' Castaway. It's all you. It's an internal dialog.


I smell Oscar for Bobby Lee.


This is great. On the boat, you talk like a Chinese guy, but out sea, you sound like Bobby Lee. That's great. Because you've been putting it on the whole time for these fucking people on the boat. How about this? I'm going to start going to America. But then out there, you're like, How do I get fucking water?


Thank God, I'm finally alone. My internal thoughts are in my voice.




God damn, motherfucking shit. What are you doing? But out there, I'm like, Oh, my God, so hungry.


That's what I just said. But I just pissed you. All right, so-133 days. I'm a hero, the shark. How do you kill the shark with the jug?


I'm in the bad part, okay? Well, let's fuck out. Just do the accent.




Do it live. I'm so hungry. No water, even though the water all around me, but it's salt.


We're paying for more day. Smart writing itself.


Smart, right?


This is good, Poon. But I have a joke.


What do I do with this? Jam it in my butt hole? No. For some real pleasure? No.




No. There's an opening here, right?


No, Poon, no.


Oh, no.


Or I could kill a shark. How the fuck this guy kill a shark? With a jug of-A jug.


It's easy. What you do is this. You nick yourself. This is what I would do. Nick myself a little. Bleed. Bleed into the water. As soon as that head comes out, bang.


With a jug of water, you're going to kill a shark? How the fuck did he do it then? I don't know. Poon is magical. We know that.


How big of a shark was it? Maybe it's a little baby type. How do you get bird blood?


I I'm going to send to you, birds who are flying over the ocean oftentimes settle on boats in motion. They would probably settle on this little raft, and he would cover him up and grab him and break him and eat him.


Yeah, but is that a good substitute for water, bird blood?


I mean, it sounds like Poon did it. Yeah. He sustained himself by drinking bird blood. You would think, maybe. What? Bloody Poon. Bloody Poon. That's the name of the film. But this is what's strange. They're 133 days without water. I thought you can only go a certain amount of days without water. Three. But he must be getting enough water from the bird blood?


Yeah, the bird blood, I think, is the key.


Or he had just a little bit of a jug of water and took a sip every fucking day.


Can you drink blood instead of water or something? Can you drink blood instead of- I feel like we know the answer to that.


Yeah, we're in Hollywood. Yeah.


I'm not talking about baby blood.


Blood and necessity for human life is ironically poisonous the drink. Ironically? No, it seems right on the money.


Why does it say ironically?


Do bird blood. What does that say? So medical experts warn you get very sick from drinking it every day and fight a number of infections. One reason blood is dangerous. Yeah, bird blood, though. Bird blood. I want to know about bird blood. Yeah, if you're starving or dehydrated, holy shit.


No, what does it say?


People have drunk turtle blood in order to survive the blood of a snake. There's a risk of pathogen. Animal blood is not going to prolong your life. Extremely high in iron. It'll poison you at some point. Well, Poon lasted 133 days. Wow. Amazing.


But how did he know that?


No, I think this was just him guessing. He was trial and error. All right. 100%. Poonlim, there he is. Zoom in. Does it say anything else? He holds the Guinness Book of World Records for longest time adrift at sea alone.


That's incredible. He used a water jug as a club to subdue the thrashing shark.


No, he hit it hard. He was a 25-year-old seaman from the south Coast. A Poon and seaman. It's perfect. South Coast of China, when he hopped on a British merchant ship, Cape Town, South Africa, they left, and German U-boat sunk that motherfucker. That, wow. You know how crazy is it? This is the only guy that lived. And he died in Brooklyn. Go down. Zoom in. Poon passed away. Yeah, we did lose Poon. He stepped foot in Brooklyn. We all lost. We lost Poon at some point. Poon passed away in Brooklyn in '91 at the age of 72. Wow. That's pretty young for a guy that fucking lived out at sea for 133. I bet you he partied like an animal when he got home. Is that him? Yeah, there's Poon right there. That's perfect. That's you. He looks like me. That's what I'm saying. That's amazing. That's Poon, my dog. That's you. You're Poon. By the way, the fact that he could fashion a boat. Yeah, that's you. Oh, Poon. Wow. Poonlim. Poonlim.


Poonlim, dude. Wow. Poonlives.


Will you let us write this story with you?


Yeah, I'd love to do it.


Because I think you could play… I mean, think of how much comedy you could put in this and contain comedy.


Can there be another boat?


We have to insert something else. Because even cast away packages were getting-Margot Robbie's on the other boat.


No. I'm just pitching for that. Yeah, we could… Let's just think about it. Let me think about who. She's German.


Whoopie Goldberg. Whoopie Goldberg is in the other boat. Whoopie Goldberg is German.


Can we compromise? No. It's got to be Whoopie. It's Whoopie or Noble. Not on this.


Well, there's Poon Limans. Did Poon compromise?


Yeah, look at him.


Yeah, Poon does not compromise.


But how can I... Okay. Who saved him?


A boat finally came along, I'm sure. After a boat is attacked, he was nearing land as the color of the sea was no longer deep.


It depends on who, though. It's like if it's Germany-On April fifth.


They're like, Fuck. April fifth, three Brazilian fishermen found him nine miles off the Coast of- I love Brazil.


They're so nice. They're so nice. They're so nice, Brazilians.


Oh, he loses weight during the...


It could be like a transformation thing. At the beginning-We You won't let it go. You look like you do now. You won't let it go. Then by the end, it could help visually show the audience your transformation.


From a directorial standpoint, it does make sense. He lost 20 pounds.


It's not that much. He's going to need to lose a little bit. That's what Tom Hanks did. He waited a year or something. He shot one part for Castaway.


You're talking about Philadelphia.Different movie.Yeah..


Same themes.


Yeah, same idea. Poon and AIDS just don't mix. No, they don't. We don't want to insert that in this movie. Enough of your jokes, man. Killing it.


I'm literally tired of them. That's the last one. You're a little sly. I don't like it.


It took him two weeks in a Brazilian hospital. So maybe we rescue you halfway through the film.


Maybe the nurses have bubble butts.


Well, they're in Brazil.


Okay, good. Yeah, I love that.


Okay, good. By the way, maybe the movie is this. At a ceremony at the Siemens Church Institute of New York and New Jersey, his citation said that, Poon limb displayed exceptional courage and fortitude.


What if they nursed him back to health with tang?


Yeah, Yes. With Tang, yeah. That's the only way to get Poon back in it with a bunch of-How long were you thinking about that, Joe?


Was it two minutes? I wrote it before I came here.


I sent him this article already.


Oh, yeah.


I was I said, Step up, dude. That's really good. And honestly, no one had ever survived that long. It's seen not even close, and no one will ever break the record, obviously. But think about that. Oh, the writer stated in Limbs or Deal, was using the novel My Star's Destination. Yeah, but we still could- Intellectual property. Three Mexican sailors floated for 10 months from '05 to '06, the Pacific Ocean on a disabled fishing boat. Mexicans are the most resilient people on Earth. They're amazing. You know what happened with Spanish people? You guys would have sunk. You would have fucked each other and sunk. You would have conquistado each other. Yeah, you'd have conquistado each other. We just gave them some mirrors, and they gave us the country. Oh, my God. This guy's un fucking.


So arrogant.


I hate it. A fisherman from El Salvador was apparently lost for 439 days floating from Mexico to the Marshall Islands. The on a raft. That's the craziest shit when they just get on a raft and hope it goes the right way. That's crazy. Can you imagine? I can't. Jose Salvador Alvarina, a fisherman who found... Right, this is the guy that went to the Marshall Islands. He survived on a diet of raw fish, turtle, small bird, sharks, and rainwater. This makes sense.


Yeah, that I got. Or people, the constellation, like native, look at the sky to see where they are.


I mean, we still do that today.


We do? Well, I don't. I don't think you do. No.


We use star mapping. We still do star mapping.


Yeah, but you don't. It's personally.


How do you think I get around? Oh, really? Do you think I use Google fucking maps? I don't trust that shit.


It's a little toe kill. You look up or you're looking around.


I'm looking up the whole time. The cop's like, Were you on your phone? I was like, Look at us, scaring up. Staring up the whole fucking time. That's why they have moonroofs.


Oh, I see.


Left on La Brea. Yeah.


Thank you for being a bad friend. Thank you.


So good.