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You two are bad friends.


Who are these two idiots?


White dude and an Asian dude. You two are disgusting.


You two are something.


We're bad friends.


First of all, I have to say some great things have happened in the last week. Wow. And what I want to say is, what's happened? Congress is back in session.




They've been in session.




It's great when.


They are never.


It's great when they are because I want them to keep going.


Why? Are you doing political?


No, I'm just telling you the good things are happening this last week.


What's good about that? Who cares?


I couldn't think of something good, so I said that.


Yeah. The Lizard people were back. Yeah. The lizard people are back licking each other. Over what strike?


Weren't we in one?


The actor strike. Yeah. It's over.


It's over, man.


I've been out there every day. I know, dude. You're by yourself, and I should have said something. I drove by you there today.


You're by yourself.


I've been sitting out there at Paramount. It's so sad.


What does your sign say?




I mooned, like, four executives today. Yeah. What does my sign say? Bring back two and a half Men. It also says.


Red lives Matter. I don't even know what that means.


I said red life matters.


Oh, red life matters.


I was attacked by a security guard outside of Warner Brothers. Anyway, it was racially charged. Yeah. There's no doubt in my mind.