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We'll let her start the show. Go ahead, Rudy. Start the show.


Hello, everyone.. Hi. Yeah.


Talk to the audience.


How are you guys? I'm Jules or Rudy, or whatever you want to call me. And this is Tito Bobby. This is Tito Andrew. And over there, we have Carlos, Andres, and Michal.


They know the show.


What we want is go into our biography, so just where he was born, and family, and then me, too.


Okay, we'll start with Tito Andrew. Tito Andrew is from Irish, Ireland.




He's 38 years old. Sure. They moved to the US when he was eight years old. What city? In Ireland?


Yeah. Where's my family from in Ireland?




Chicago, Ireland. That's right.


Chicago Island, where the bear is.


Yeah, where the bear is. The bear is.


The football team.


No. She's talking about my mom. Oh, wait.


Andres, congrats on España.


No, boo. I don't want to even-We're not doing that. We're not doing that.


Let's go back to the bihacker.


Tito Andrew has a cute dog. He does. What's What's his name? Name is...


You got it.


Name is Curlytops.


Curlytops? Curlytops. I love Curlytops. Curlytops is the name.


Okay, let's go over to Tito Bobby. Tito Bobby is from North Korea. Yes, that's true.




He moved to the US when he was 10 years old. 11. Oh, 11 years old. 11 years old. With his brother and his- Say it. Abusive father.


Abusive father.


I like the fist. That was nice.


Then he got famous over a video where he got a down syndrome boy. That's right.


You think that's where my finger went? Isn't that funny? That is how he got famous.


Well, that's what TikTok.


Or TikTok.


Yeah, TikTok. That is true.


They should call TikTok Facts. The Facts channel or whatever.TikFax.Yeah.


Tiktfax.quick facts on TiktFax. Yeah. How about Carlos? Where's he from?


Mexico. Mexico.


Yeah, that's right. What city in Mexico do you know?


Mexico City.


Mexico City, Mexico. Yeah.


I don't know how he's that white, Yeah, whitewashing.


You know what Michael Jackson did at the end? That's what he's been doing. He's been bleaching his skin, which is not okay. We can say it. This podcast will come out significantly afterwards, but congratulations to España in the Euro Cup. It pissed me off. It really pissed me off so much. It pissed me off. You weren't the British to win? No way. I did because they have a once in the '60s. More than Spain. You guys always win. Everybody wanted England to win that game.. Spain wanted England to win. No.