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Well, you're live with BBC News. Let's return to that breaking story coming out of Dublin that three young children have been taken to hospital. Irish police said there'd been a serious public order incident in the city center which local media is saying is a multiple stabbing. The injuries to one of the children and a woman are described as quote, serious. A witness spoke to reporters at the scene. Let's just have a quick listen.


It I looked across the road and I seen a man in a stabbing motion where a load of children. So I flew across the road and the man was after stabbing two children, as far as I could make out and we got the children up to the left with the women that was there, and the teachers, I presume. And then there was a bit of a hub of beloved, if you want to call it, for the man. People were trying to attack the man. So me and a non American lady, we formed a ring around the man just to say that we're not savages in this country, that we let the guard to do their duty. And then about three minutes later, the ambulance came for the children and then another ambulance and fire officers came for the man on the ground.


Well, let's go to our island correspondent, Chris Page. And Chris, tell us more as you.


Heard there, just how distressing it was for anybody caught up in the incident in Dublin city center this afternoon. We know that five people are being treated in hospital. A man, a woman and three children, and according to the Irish police called the Gardashia Khana, the woman and one child, a girl, are seriously injured. The man and two other children less seriously injured. The police have said they're not looking for anybody else in connection with this at this time. They've indicated they don't believe this was terrorist related in any way and my colleagues at the Irish national broadcaster RTE have been saying that it's understood a man attacked a woman. He is now being treated in hospital, he was injured himself and police are waiting to talk to him. So police say they are following a definite line of inquiry for the moment. The scene in the city center, Parnell Square East, remains cordoned off. There's a school nearby and some parents have been allowed to go through the cordon to pick up their children. Understandably many people are extremely alarmed and the police say they have been in touch with the parents of the three children who have been injured.


The Irish Prime Minister, the T shirk, Leo Vradkar, has said that his thoughts and prayers are with everybody affected, that he's being kept up to date on what's happening. And he's praised the emergency services who he said were on the scene very quickly indeed. The Irish Justice Minister, Helen McIntyre, has said the attack was shocking and appalling and her thoughts also within particular the three innocent children who have been injured. So a great deal of shock, as you would expect, in Ireland's capital city, Dublin, this afternoon. The police continuing their investigation. Some disruption to traffic in the city center. The incident happening at a place where a lot of public transport routes converge and also close to one Dublin's main shopping streets, O'Connell Street. But the police say they're not looking for anybody else. They have ruled out terrorism and we're expecting further updates.


Chris Page. Thanks very much. Thank you.