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Well, Elon Musk, who is certainly feeling the heat tonight from advertisers over at X, the site formerly known as Twitter, after he endorsed a tweet that Jewish communities this was the tweet that Jewish communities push the same hatred they want people to stop using against them. And to that message, Elon Musk said, you have said the actual truth. Interesting that when you try to open the account from that tweet came x hides it with a health warning. The computing giant IBM has since suspended its advertising on the platform after its ads were placed next to similar antisemitic posts. In fact, one of them, we're told, that mentioned Adolf Hitler. X said it does not intentionally place brands next to this kind of content. But we are told other ad buyers are also considering their position. In fact, in the last few hours, we see more companies pulling out Apple and the movie producer Lionsgate, who released their new Hunger Games film earlier today. So, Mick, some context to this. The original post was perceived by the White House and the US media as a reference to this longtime trope that somehow Jews have this secret plan to bring in illegal migrants to weaken white majorities.


That's what it's about. The White House said today, we condemn this abhorrent promotion of anti Semitic and racist hate in the strongest terms. We all have a responsibility to bring people together. And they are saying that this is the sort of trope that was behind the attack on the synagogue in Pittsburgh. And here we have Elon Musk promoting it.


Elon Musk is very rapidly running out of friends all over the place. There's very few people right now, christian in Washington, DC. Who don't have any friends. It's pretty much the Chinese big tech writ large. And right now, Elon Musk, you don't see anybody coming to his defense. You can't blame IBM for doing this. And the excuse they gave is completely irresponsible and not believable. This is a tech firm. They line up ads with posts. That's what they do. There's part of their algorithms. So for them to say they have no control or they have no input as to where their ads fall, based on that statement alone that we can't put control where your ads are, IBM should pull out, but then you add to it the anti Semitism. Listen, this is a big problem. He's paid $40 billion for this company. It's worth less than 20 the last time it was valued. Even for the richest man in the world, that's a big deal. He is running out of friends in Washington. That's really hard to do.


You work in political consulting. I mean, he's in a hole right now that's three big companies, IBM, Apple, Lionsgate, who've all pulled out. And you know what it's like. You get a sort of knock on effect. And all the others start, well, why are we advertising on Twitter? This could be cataclysmic for Twitter.


I still tweet, right? At least as of the last 24 hours. I have politician friends who do it. I know all of us are talking about, do we still need to be on this platform? Are the only people there the people who support those types of things? And you don't need to talk to those people. Don't want to talk to those sorts of people. So he is quickly moving himself to the fringe and out of the mainstream of business in addition to politics.