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Now, rain and cooler temperatures have brought some relief for firefighters battling wildfires in the historic canadian town of Jasper. Entire streets have been affected by the blaze, with homes turned to rubble. Officials say the full extent of the damage is not yet known. No deaths or injuries have been reported. Our correspondent will Vernon has more far back.


As you can see, in the town of Jaspereze, entire streets have been consumed by fire. Homes, businesses reduced to smoldering ruins. Officials say around a third of the town has been destroyed. This is an area famous for its tourism, visited by millions of people each year.


We share this sense of loss with all of those who live in the town, who care for it and who have helped build it.


Emergency services evacuated the town quickly, which officials say saved lives. 20,000 tourists and 5000 residents sought refuge in neighboring areas.


I'm kind of frustrated for sure by lack of communication or the communication that we did get not being accurate, but I don't know, I'm just trying not to stress.


Fires also burned in nearby British Columbia. In this footage filmed earlier in the week, you can see the scale of the inferno. Tens of thousands of acres of land destroyed in an area renowned for its natural beauty. Back in Jasper, rain and cooler temperatures over the past 24 hours have helped firefighters battle the flames. But the fire is still burning and it's not yet safe for people to return to the area. Will Vernon, BBC News.