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We begin in the Middle east, where Gaza's health ministry says at least 30 people have been killed in an israeli strike on a school which was sheltering displaced Palestinians. Israeli missiles hit the Khadija school compound in Deir al Bala in the center of Gaza. It has been housing Palestinians who've been forced to flee their homes since the war began. The israeli army says the strike was targeting a Hamas command and control center which was inside the school. Ambulances brought those killed and injured, including children, to a nearby hospital in the area. Let's hear from Palestinians who were caught up in that strike.


In an instant, rockets dropped on us and we are already wounded. It's only been a couple of months since I came back from Egypt with my daughter, and now my daughter is wounded and was taken to the hospital.


I was sitting in the tent at our neighbors. I heard heavy strikes. I started running. My daughter was in one place and I was in another. I saw people running towards the place that was struck. The people sheltering in Khadija school are all wounded and they are innocent, and this should not have happened to them.


Voices on the ground in Deir al Bala, well, further south in the Gaza Strip, the israeli armies ordered an evacuation of southern parts of Khan Yunis, which had previously been designated a humanitarian zone. This is a map of where Palestinians have been ordered to move. Now, the military says the evacuation was in response to rocket fire. Our correspondent Mark Lohan has been monitoring developments from Jerusalem.


Yeah, these were israeli missiles that fell on that school compound in central Gaza this morning. Ragini and the BBC has verified footage from the aftermath of the attack that shows that some of the victims were children. I've watched other footage as well that show women and children bloodied being rushed in ambulances to the nearby hospital. Now, the gazan health ministry has said that at least 30 people have been killed in that attack. The israeli defense forces, as you say, said that it was an attack based on precise intelligence that showed that, in their words, Hamas command and control center was established and embedded within that school compound from which Hamas was launching attacks on israeli soldiers and also stockpiling large quantities of weapons, and that every attempt was made to reduce the number of civilian casualties. But along with the other attacks that have happened around Khan Yunis in southern Gaza today, it's taken the death toll or the number of those killed today so far in those attacks to more than 55.


And, Mark, you mentioned Han Yunis. We also mentioned in my introduction about how the israeli army has an evacuation order for southern areas of Han Yunus these are move that area. It's the second time in a week, Ragini, that the israeli defense forces have adjusted the boundaries of that humanitarian zone. Last week they did so just before an operation by IDF soldiers there in order to retrieve the bodies of five israeli hostages seized by Hamas on the 7 October.We don't know what kind of operation would be launched now, but the Israelis say that they are preparing for what they call a forceful operation and an intervention in that area.


move that area. It's the second time in a week, Ragini, that the israeli defense forces have adjusted the boundaries of that humanitarian zone. Last week they did so just before an operation by IDF soldiers there in order to retrieve the bodies of five israeli hostages seized by Hamas on the 7 October.


We don't know what kind of operation would be launched now, but the Israelis say that they are preparing for what they call a forceful operation and an intervention in that area.