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Well, let's turn now to a developing story out of Kenya, where almost 300 people have been injured in the capital, Nairobi, after a lorry carrying gas exploded. Now, these are pictures from Nairobi, where you can see the destruction caused. Two people have been confirmed dead. A government spokesperson said gas cylinders were being refilled when the fire broke out just before midnight on Thursday. It happened in a residential area, and firefighters and and emergency services have been on the scene. The witnesses have been describing what happened.




I got burnt by an exploding gas cylinder as I was trying to escape. It exploded right in front of me, and the impact knocked me down and the flames engulfed me. I am lucky that I was strong enough to get away.


Well, let's get more on this in Cros Live. Now to our Africa correspondent, Anne Soy. Who is just near to the scene. And Anne, we've been hearing over the last few hours, the number of those injured has been rising. What is the very latest now?


Well, we understand that more than 200 people have been moved.


Well, it does look like our feed there from Anne Soy has broken up there. We will try and get Anne back. But Let's just take a look at those live pictures there coming out of Nairobi. That is the aftermath of that fire. As you can see there, there's workers still on the scene assessing the damage, as we're hearing, Hundreds of people there have been injured. So far, we're hearing two people have been killed, as we still try to find out exactly what happened here. Well, let's go live now back to Anne. Hopefully, we can get a good connection now. Anne, if you can hear us, can you just bring us the very latest on what we know?


Well, there's a lot of activity around me. You can hear the banging and the moving of the iron sheet. These are some of the structures that were destroyed in that fire. The residential houses around have been evacuated. They have seen some damage in some of the apartment blocks. Now, this incident happened in a residential area, densely populated one, just before midnight, when families were inside their homes, and therefore it has left the community here shaken, and they're asking questions about what exactly happened. There were reports earlier that this happened at a gas filling company, and people are asking, why was it in a residential area? However, a statement from the government spokesperson that came later said that it involved a truck that was carrying LPG gas.


And Anne, we are still in the very early stages at the moment, and like you said, we can still see live pictures coming in now. People very much on the scene just trying to assess that damage. But do we know exactly why this that has happened?


Well, we do not know that. I have seen the damage to the truck, to the lorry that we are told was carrying that LPG gas. It has been completely burned, and therefore, we will be piecing together the information from the eyewitnesses and also asking the authorities and the police, specifically, what they have found in their investigations.


Okay, our Africa correspondent, Ansoy, there just at the scene of that explosion, and we'll be bringing you more on that as we get it.