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The former South African Paralympic sprinter, Oscar Pestores, will find out today if he'll be granted early release from his prison sentence for killing his girlfriend, Reaver, Steencamp, 10 years ago. Pestores, who was known by the nickname the Blade Runner, shot and killed Reiver on Valentine's Day in 2013. He was originally jailed for five years, but that sentence was eventually increased to more than 13 years. He was turned down for parole last March after the board ruled that he had not yet completed the minimum amount of time in detention to be considered for release. Let's speak now to our correspondent, Daniel de Simón, who's at a Ridgeville prison where Oscar Pistorius is being held. Daniel, I wonder if you could just let us know what we can expect today. I mean, how long is this process expected to take?


Well, the hearing is expected to get underway in the prison behind me, Attridgeville Prison here just outside and it's expect to get underway in the next hour. We've been told to expect the hearing might last two or three hours. We don't absolutely know that there will then be a decision today. It is possible they take a bit more time. But once a decision is made and if Osgfistories was granted parole, he would then have to be released within 30 days. We've seen some arrivals here. We know that Reaverstein Camp's mother is not going to be at the hearing today. She has a family friend representing her. There will also be a lawyer representing her. We understand that a victim impact statement from her will be read, but she is not opposing parole. Reaver's father, Barry Stein Camp, died in September this year, meaning he sadly will not be present. Osgpetaurus tried to get parole earlier this year in March, but the hearing collapsed. There was really no proper hearing that took place because the authorities decided they had incorrectly assessed the amount of time he had served. They decided that he hadn't served enough time to be eligible for parole.


Last month, the constitutional court in South Africa ruled that was a mistake, which paved the way for the hearing today.


Hedani, I wonder if you could just remind viewers, it has been, well, some 10 years, who Oscar Pistorius was and South African reaction to the murder of Reaver Steencamp.


Well, Oscar Pistorius was a global sporting superstar. He won multiple Paralympic golds. He then was able to compete against non-disabled athletes at the London 2012 Olympics. Then a year later, well, less than a year later, in February 2013, on Valentine's Day, he shot and killed his girlfriend, Rever, Steencamp, a law graduate and successful model. They were a very glamorous, well-known couple here in South Africa. That actually was a shocking event for the world and produced headlines around the world. He was then charged with murder, went on trial for murder. His account was that he thought Reaver Steencamp was still in bed and that there was an intruder in the house, and that when he shot four times through a toilet door that he didn't think he was shooting Reaver Steencamp. He was convicted at trial of a lesser offense than murder, an offense of culpable homicide, effectively equivalent of manslaughter. But then the Supreme Court of appeal here in South Africa convicted him of murder in 2015 and cast doubt on him as a witness and said it was exactly why he'd shot her was very unclear. That's led to today. He has now served half his sentence, and he's making this parole bid this morning.