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Today are the first images we've seen of 41 construction workers who have been trapped in a collapsed road tunnel in India for ten days now. Rescuers did manage to feed a camera into the tunnel in Utarakan state. This video was filmed using an endoscopic camera that was slipped inside a new pipe drilled into the tunnel on Monday. Now the workers have been stuck since there was a landslide on the 12 November but they're being supplied with food, water and medicine through the same pipe. Faisal Muhammad Ali is in Delhi for us and he gave me the latest developments.


They have been talking to the authorities.


And their family members on the phone.


So far but this is the first.


Time that they have been seen on the camera.


So of course there's relief all around and the hope has gone up that they will be rescued very soon.


Tell us more about the rescue effort and where it's at. What they're doing right now they are.


Trying to drill vertically but there has not started. The machine has arrived but they have to take it to the top of the hill and then also make it much more stable because it's a hilly area, the earth is a bit soft. They're also trying to have a parallel tunnel and the last one is that which they have been trying to do.


Since twelve, like for the last nine.


Days or ten days that they have been trying to bore one hole inside the debris which has fallen from the top of the tunnel and reach those trapped inside. So these three are going but at the moment these are still because the drilling which was done inside the tunnel.


There was some crackling sound and it.


Had to be stopped because there was fear that the debris will start falling.


On those trap inside.


So any update on that? Rescue it, we will bring it to.