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Rescue workers in India have temporarily suspended their efforts to reach 40 construction workers trapped in a collapsed tunnel after their drilling machine hit a boulder. These are rescuers in the Northern state of Uttarakhand who say they've drilled less than halfway through the debris. They've managed to establish contact with the workers who have been trapped for a week now, but it's not clear how much longer it will be before they're freed. Temperatures as well are dropping. That's a real concern, just how cold it's getting there now at the moment too. Our reporter, Andrew Clarence, is there.


Down that tunnel, around 200 to 210 meters inside, is a wall of debris. That wall of debris is around 40 to 50 meters thick, and behind that are trapped 40 men. It's been over 120 hours now that they have been trapped in there. Rescue operations are continuing. Today is the sixth day of rescue operations. Officials say the men are fine, they're communicating with them, they have oxygen, food, and water. But on the ground here, friends and family of the workers trapped in there are growing anxious. Officials say earlier today, they told us that new machinery was being flown in to be assembled here as a backup for the machinery that is already part of the drilling process. Now, what officials hope to do is to push enough pipes in through the debris till it reaches the workers so they are able to crawl through to safety. But on the ground, as friends and families wait and they are sticked by anxieties are growing.


That was Andrew Clarence there outside the tunnel, just keeping us up to date with what is happening there in Northern India.