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Love the ground.


They may have been formed on a TV show, but Girls Aloud revitalize the.


Sound of pop music.


I don't need no good advice now.


After a break of ten years, they're back.


You're back.


We're back.


How does it feel?


Do you know what it actually feels today? Amazing. I think the lead up to it has been a little bit like we've been a bit nervous and we've been, like, anticipating the reaction and then the love that we've actually felt today.




It has been insane.


And how long did you have to keep it a secret?


It felt like we did keep it at a secret. It really wasn't even that long, but it felt like even as far as even this morning, when people are asking questions, you're like, Is this okay? Can we say you're still not quite able to speak freely about it yet?


And when you were on that stage on pop stars The Rivals 21 years ago, could you have imagined never that you'd be doing a 7th tour two decades later?


Any of us thought we would get under the band. I think we were very much like, oh, and we didn't have the biggest personalities. I think all of us were quite reserved on that, so we didn't seem like the natural five to be the band. And then when we wear it's like, oh, my God, host.


Here I am walking through love and when I'm gonna see you again?


Let's talk about Sarah. Obviously, it's a huge loss for all of you and you're going out on stage without her for the first time. How do you think that will affect you on the first night?


To go on stage without Sarah is just something that I just can't imagine it at the minute. Still I'm expecting her to run on. Still we're thinking if we're sitting in a room, that she's just going to know, pop on and just be there.


So one day at a time. It's hard for us to get through this bit and then we'll go to planning the show and we'll obviously have to imagine honoring Sarah in a magical.


Way, like, she was a rock star. She loved being on stage. Did you discuss this plan with her before she passed?




You did, didn't you? Sarah actually mentioned it to me when we first started talking about doing a 20 year reunion of whatever we were going to do. Sarah was included in that conversation. And then we found out she was actually too poorly and the diagnosis was dire. She actually said to me in a quiet moment, I hope you girls do something when I'm not here. And in that time, at that moment, I couldn't take that conversation any further because it's just such a terrible thing to be facing somebody you love actively dying, telling you to make plans without her. I just couldn't continue the conversation, so I kind of brushed it away.


The band say the tour will be a celebration of Sarah's life, but apart from that, they're not giving away too many secrets.


You had some amazing entrances onto stage in the past. How are you going to top it this time?


Well, we're not going to tell you that.


We've done a lot. We've been suspended flying in the air, we've come down from platforms, we've come.


Up on hydraulic lift.


I believe you nearly died once in rehearsals on the floating platform.


We did.


If you ask Nadine or Nicola, that's seconds from death.


We mean actual the thing was hanging.


We were the worst.


No, Kimba, it was you because I.


Was holding on to your hands and our hands were slipping like this.


So nothing aerial this time.


We just kind of have to hope there's better health and safety checks these days.


There have better be.


I mean, I'm terrified of heights and even I'm like, guys, there has to be some sort of fly into the air situation.


And the other big change this time around is that the three of you have kids now. Are they going to come and watch?


Of course, as often as we can get them there.


Are they fans of Girls a lot? Do they know the songs?


They weren't really mind that into the music because they didn't really care what happened before they were born. But since people have started to show an interest, now they're requesting it. And even my two year old the other day that usually asks for like Wheels On The Bus when we get in the car was like, I want girls allowed. So the older two have like, come on, we want to listen to this, like get brushed up.


But there's a whole thing going around about I thought not so long ago about someone thought that Sound of the Underground was a rip off of Wheels On The Bus. Have you not heard that?


Yeah, the babies do love Sound of.


The Sound of the Underground.


The wheels on the bus go round and around. We're really, really not doing ourselves any favors here, then.


Last question. How much are you looking forward to getting out there?


Oh, God. I think the most we ever have, honestly, in terms of being in the moment, being able to enjoy the experience, because there's not all these different pressures from left, right and center. We know it can become a lot, but we've just got the freedom to just fully embrace and enjoy it and each other.