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India, it's massive.


So it's not surprising that it has the biggest election in the world. Voting kicked off on the 19th of April, and results are going to be announced on the fourth of June. So in case you missed all of the drama, politics and action, here are five things you want to know about the election, the good, the bad, and the ugly. So I've been coming to India for over 20 years, and I covered the 2014 election. That was when this man got elected. He's been the Prime Minister ever since.


Narendra Dhamodas Modi.


His supporters say he's brought positive changes to the country. But on this campaign trail, people have accused him of using Islamophobic language. He denies it.




So in a country of over a billion people, you would expect some big numbers. But the statistics around this election are actually quite staggering. Well, you have a billion. Of course. Why not? So there are 969 million eligible voters, of which 18 million are first-time voters. And get this, there's 15 million security staff and polling officials. So with all those people out and about, you'd hope It's never nice weather. Well, it's actually been incredibly hot. Today alone is nearly 40 degrees celsius, and the team and I are really struggling.


But for some voters and politicians outside for hours on end, it proved too much.


Garminia coffee.


Experts say excessive heat has affected voter turnout in certain areas.


India is an incredibly modern country, so it was no surprise that we saw artificial intelligence, including deep fakes, play a huge role in this election. Amongst other things, we saw dead politicians campaigning. What raised many eyebrows was when Modi's chief minister was arrested on corruption charges soon after election dates were announced. He's actually the leader of an opposition party and has blamed Prime Minister Modi for being behind his arrest. But India's top court did give him bail for two weeks so that he could keep campaigning..


All eyes will now be on the upcoming results because the outcome doesn't just matter here. Its impact is worldwide. After all, India is the world's most populous country and the fifth largest economy.


Whatever happens, these elections have been incredible to experience. I need a cup of tea to relax.