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Intense fighting continues in Gaza, with the battles most intense in three places, in Jabalia and Shejaya in the north, and Kanyunis, Gaza's second largest city to the south. Today, Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, described the moment as the beginning of the end for Hamas, designated a terror organization by the uk government. Our international editor, Jeremy Bowen, assesses what Israel's strategy may be and its chances.


Of success taking cover on the road to Tel Aviv from rockets out of Gaza, air raid sirens and the activation of Israel's Iron Dome antimissile system. Most of the time, life looks pretty normal here in central Israel. But everything changed with the 7 October attacks. Their fear shows the depth of the collective trauma Hamas inflicted on Israelis. Iron Dome took care of most of the rockets, but one man nearby was hurt. The fact that Hamas can still attack means that it is not beaten. We were going to Tel Aviv to see the man on the left, Amos Yadlin, a veteran fighter pilot, air force general and former head of israeli military intelligence who still advises his successors. He insists Israel doesn't kill Palestinians indiscriminately and says the US and UK killed more civilians in Iraq and Syria.


Israel is having a better ratio of terrorists to collateral damage than the Americans and the Brits has in Mussoul and Raqqa.


What about the civilians?


So when I say collateral damage, I'm speaking about the civilians. There are more civilians for terrorists killed in Mussolin and Raqqa than in Gaza. Please go and check the numbers.


Why is it that the Americans, your most significant ally, are saying that Israel is killing too many palestinian civilians?


They want it to be done without any collateral damage, without any humanitarian crisis. If they have the formula how to do it, please help us to have it. This formula is not exist.


Will this lead to a lengthy israeli occupation of Gaza?


No. We don't want to occupy Gaza. We don't want Hamas to be in Gaza. We don't want to occupy Gaza. One reservation. There will not be a military power that can repeat the seven of October attack on Israel.


And the future for wounded civilians in Gaza's last few overcrowded hospitals may be amputations or death, as they're not getting the follow up treatment they need. Rafique, aged 14, thought he'd die when he was hit in an airstrike in a district Israel said was safe. He has shrapnel in his body and he can't get life saving stomach surgery here. Rafiq often vomits and he can't feel his legs. The love of his family might not be enough to save him. Alas, Sube has just been wounded for the second time. She says they cut my hand. My grandpa was killed, my dad was shot, and my brother Beso is dead. She's asked what she wants, a new hand. Jeremy Bowen, BBC News, Jerusalem.