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Israel's truops are continuing their operation inside the territory's largest hospital, Al-Shifah. Israel's Prime Minister says that Hamas leaders fled the hospital before Israeli troops arrived. Speaking to CBS News in America, Mr. Netanyahu said that there was no firefight inside the hospital because Hamas leaders had already fled. Israel insists there's a Hamas command center at the site but hasn't yet provided conclusive evidence. Benjamin Netanyahur, who also said hostages could have been moved from the hospital. Our Middle East correspondent Yoland Nel, reports from Jerusalem.


The first evidence of a tunnel at Schiffer Hospital, Israel's army says, but not the vast underground Hamas Command Center, which it had said was hidden under the building. Hamas and medics deny that's here. An Israeli soldier also shows a hall of weapons said to have been found in the compound. We can't independently verify this footage. Hundreds of Palestinians, including newborn babies, remain trapped at the hospital without power. Meanwhile, the body of Yehud, Weyce, was found in a house nearby, Israel's military says. She was one of about 240 hostages snatched by Hamas on the seventh of October. They'd believed more were here.


We had strong indications that they were held in the Shifah Hospital, which is one of the reasons we entered the hospital. If they were, they were taken out. We have intelligence about the hostages.


Meanwhile, in Southern in Qatar, where most of the Strip's population was told by Israel to take refuge, conditions are increasingly dire. Israel's told tens of thousands more people to move from their homes and shelters as it looks to expand its offensive here.


. You want me to introduce myself? I have nothing to say. I'm a citizen like other citizens who fled south. They asked us, the citizens of Qatar, to go to the south. We went to the south. Now they're asking us to leave. Where do we go? We want to understand where exactly we should go.


For the first time in the war, this week, Israel allowed a small amount of fuel into Gaza for UN vehicles, but not for telecoms, firms, hospitals, or water and sewage pumping. Un officials warn they can't work.


If the fuel does not come in, people will start to die because of the lack of fuel. Now, exactly as from when? I don't know, but it will be rather soon than later.


The UN says that from today, no humanitarian aid will be able to enter Gaza from the Rafa crossing because of the lack of fuel. Six weeks into this brutal war, there's no end in sight, and the humanitarian catastrophe is deepening. Yolantinel, BBC News, Jerusalem.