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It's a very unusual career path when you say, I'm going to play video games for my job. I started the YouTube channel at university and as it got more popular, more people started watching it and you start to earn money on there from the adverts that you see on YouTube. Suddenly, this became an idea that I could do this as a job one day. Once I finished university, I started working at the local council. Once I got to a point where I was earning more money from YouTube than I was for the council, it made a lot more sense to ditch the council and then go on to be a full-time YouTuber instead. In terms of the money I make now, it's double what I was earning in my full-time job before I did YouTube. I can easily spend 50, 60 hours a week playing football manager, which may sound like it drives some people crazy, but it's a dream for me in that regard.