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I, David Flux, being the returning officer for the election of a member of parliament to Southwest Norfolk, do hereby give notice that the number of votes for each candidate is as follows. Bag, James. Independent, 6,282. Conway, Gary Daniel Dominic. Heritage Party, Freedom Family Nation, 160. Dufalipali Palavi, Green Party, 1,838. Douglas Lorraine, Communist Party, University of Britain, 77. Jeremy Terry, Labor Party, 11,847. Mackenzie Tobias, Reform UK, 9,958. Of East Anglia, Earl Elvis, official Monster Raving Looney Party, 338. Rathcliff, Josie, Liberal Democrats, 2,618. Trust, Liz, the conservative Party candidate, 11,217. The number of ballot papers rejected was 139, and I do hereby declare that Jeremy Terry is duly elected.


It was a close-rung thing in the end, but remember, she was defending a majority of 26,000, over 26,000, and it has been completely squashed. The former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has lost her seat, and this caps an appalling night for the Conservatives. Let's just hear the victory speech here.


Liz Trust has lost with a majority for labor of 630 votes, so hardly anything in it, but no avoiding a genuine humiliation for Trust, who has lost her seating Southwest Norfolk. As Clive was saying, it's an absolutely massive majority that she had previously has been absolutely overturned. Let's.