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Our biggest threat to the white life as human being. If they want to put something and they want to get money, they can do anything to get what they wanted. The purpose of the black members is to save the wildlife for our future generation. Most of the people poaching here in South Africa is because here in South Africa there is unemployment. So most of the people, they don't wake, but they keep on poaching those animals.


We are deterring poachers by doing visual policing.


We are doing our fence patrol where we check any suspicious things that can show that there's been poachers inside the reserve. We are checking the tracks if the animal has been out or inside. We're also checking the hole under the fence. Our role is to deter poachers away from the reserve as we are protecting our animals in this reserve.


Since I've been joining the black members, the number of poaching has been decreased. Those people know that the members are here. We're doing our job.


It today we're doing our sness snare sweep is where we go into the.


Bush and look for the wires which.


Most of the poachers use to catch the animals. When we find some snakes and remove it is where we can call ourselves job well done because we save some life of animals.


You as a black community when you grew up a woman were used to stay at home and give birth keys, taking care of the house. They were not allowed to go and work. Only men were allowed to work. So as a black members we know how to take care of ourselves and empower more human. I grew up in a community where our gradies used to tell us how dangerous the wildlife is. So first time when I want to join the black members, I remember I told my grandmother and my mother, they told me that I was playing with my life. But for nine years now I proved them wrong.


Growing up there were a lot of rhino poaching and the rhinos were nearly extinct. So I wanted to protect the white life. The black mambas inspired many women to become rangers. It is also inspired me too. I liked how they were doing things because it is a women based wag. That's what it made me be interested in. It because women were always being criticized by men that they can do such jobs. It's a man's job. But now as women we are doing it and we are doing it better than mental.


Most of the people who are working as antipoching, they can learn the black mamas that we can't fight this.




They just know that the other animals are dangerous and they see other animals as food. But if we educate them and they know more about the animals and how important it is to keep and protect them, I think that's what will make the potion decrease.


I have a pride of being called the black mambas. And as a mother, I'm very proud of taking care of those animals so that my kids can see those animals in the bush, not on the catalog or on the TV. It's our heritage.


It makes me feel proud of myself because it means that I'm also decreasing the number of poachers. My heart is here and I love it. Whole artificial.