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Now to Ukraine. A Ukrainian missile has damaged a Russian warship in the Black Sea. The Norvache cask was hit in an attack on a port in Russian-occupied Crimea. Ukraine says it destroyed the vessel. Local officials say at least one person was killed. James Waterhouse reports.


Ukraine has done this before. It took out a major Russian warship called the last year in a missile strike, and overnight, it seems that a Russian landing vessel has been targeted to through an air strike. We've had Ukraine make that claim, and then it's subsequently been confirmed by the Kremlin. The landing ship was in the port town of Fiatosia, but we don't know what the military significance of that might be yet. I think Russia's naval dominance, certainly around the Crimea Peninsula, an area it has occupied since 2014, as well as neighboring Black Sea and Khrivov, Russia's dominance has been slightly weakened over the past few months when we've seen successful Ukrainian missile strikes. But whether this alters the overall course of the battle in the near term, I think that's less likely because in this part of the world, on the North, Eastern, and Eastern front lines, it is Russia mounting attack after attack. We've seen Russian forces claiming to have taken the city of Marinka in the east, which, like so many places, has been reduced to rubble. Ukraine disputes that. But I think what that shows is a direction of the tide here, where it is Russia, for now, mounting attack after attack, and it is not Ukraine realizing its ambition of liberating all of its territory.


James Waterhouse reporting. Russian opposition leader, Alexey Navalny, has been transferred to a penal colony north of the Arctic Circle. Navalny posted an update on X, formerly known as Twitter, after disappearing for more than two weeks. He said he had seen his lawyer and was in good spirits. Navalny, considered one of Vladimir Putin's leading critics, has been in prison since 2021 after surviving an attempt to assassinate him by poisoning.