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With global attention turned to the middle east, russia has launched a new ground offensive in eastern Ukraine. This couple have endured almost two years of full scale fighting. But this new assault is the final straw. They're leaving. Others are less keen to go.


These evacuations are taking place around abdivka, an industrial hub that has become a symbol of Ukrainian resistance. Six months ago, news night reported from inside this bombed out Ukrainian town traveling in with igor, a local man, as he ran in aid supplies for the civilian population. It was early summer. Ukraine's counter offensive was imminent. Hopes were high. Six months on, that picture is very different. A stalling Ukrainian campaign. The world's gaze turned to the middle east and a new Russian assault aimed at finally encircling abdivka, a defensive stronghold and gateway to the occupied east. Eagles had a ringside seat. This Russian kamikaze drone had him in its sights.


And that's eagle's van down below metricania pravoist Dipna some global warhol cabala patrol is a bet and trokinorm no maximal abystro de la miesta but yeah but yeah suka who yeah wash a clip.


The attack on igor last month came as Moscow launched its new offensive against avdifka. Russian tanks and waves of troops were deployed to surround the town. Airstrikes and artillery pounded already devastated residential areas, where some one and a half thousand civilians still remain Henadi the policeman see at all. So far, the Ukrainians have repelled these assaults inflicting huge losses on Russia's soldiers. Almost 7000 killed or wounded claims Ukraine's military, whatever the figure. And that one is unverified. The UK's ministry of defense says these are among russia's biggest casualty rates of the war.


The Russians only managed to advance the north flank a little bit above 1.5 tremendous expense of manpowered vehicles. I suspect that the Ukrainians will be able to hold out and continue to bleed Russian forces.


Moscow's campaign to capture Avdivka may be less about battlefield strategy and more about securing a propaganda prize back in Russia. Russia's forces have been on avdivka's doorstep for almost a decade, since first taking over nearby territory in 2014. Since then, Ukraine's long standing fortifications have so far held back a total Russian breakthrough. But a new wave of ground assaults appears imminent, with reports of 40,000 Russian soldiers masked on three sides of the town. And this threatens to turn abdivka into another bakmoot. That nearby city turned battleground bombarded into oblivion. More battle hardened soldier than bureaucrat, this is the town's mayor, vitali Barabash prostate to break the deadlock. Barabash is among many who want more firepower from the west. Until then, Ukrainians like igor will continue to feel the brunt of Russia's onslaught. Meanwhile, emergency workers like gennady deal with their own private tragedies. Last year, his young daughter passed away.


Jinko is party franco and prestools yeah mostly were blue yeah chohashi you.


That horror shows no sign of abating. And with the world focused on the middle east, the question now is, how long can Ukraine hold the line? And how long can it depend on the West?