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Who won? Let's take a look at what's going on here in the spin room. Over here, Republicans are talking about Donald Trump and declaring victory. If you look over here, people are still waiting for Democratic officials to come out and talk about their candidate. The reason is that Joe Biden came into this debate and he offered a flat performance. It was at times confusing, it was at times unclear. He didn't push Donald Trump on his positions, on areas where Donald Trump misrepresented the facts. Democrats are going to be very concerned about where they go from here. We are almost six months from election day. There's time for the dynamic in this race to change. The Republican Convention is in July. The Democratic Convention is in August, and there's another debate scheduled for September. But at that Democratic Convention in Democratic Convention in August, there may be some real concerns about whether Joe Biden should be their nominee. Joe Biden and his team are going to have to address them on the campaign trail in the days ahead.