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Adult ADHD, especially, how does it impair the nature of your life? It will affect the quality of your work for sure. You will be performing below par or below your ability. You will also take a lot more time and energy to be able to function at the level which is expected as compared to others. You may struggle in your relationships because of ADHD as well. Why? The attention deficit component affecting your communication. At times, the hyperactive impulsive component bringing out more outbursts. And you're always so under pressure and drained because the basic aspects of life that you need to be doing and you are doing are taking so much out of you. Physically and mentally tiring. Yes, it is. It is tiring. And that's the unseen. Most people who have a mental illness, you don't see it. So you just end up giving them gyan that, go run, go jog, go do this, do that. It's not... That's the problem.