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Have you ever faced any bad aspects of being a woman? I mean, sexism.


It's just almost so casual that sometimes you catch it and you're like, Oh, God, that was very sexist. I think mostly about people's opinions about my body, and I am sure a lot of other girls. They're like, Oh, you should fix this, you should fix that. What? Like, get a boob job or change something by their face.


People will just come up and say...


You don't just put on a little more wave, just fill up a little more.


How do you feel about that when someone tells you these things?


It's hurtful. Is that what I'm reduced to? There's nothing else about me paramount my waist size or my chest size. I feel like the worst thing you can do to someone is make them feel bad about their body because bodies are supposed to be different. That's what makes everyone unique and beautiful in that way. I'm not trying to sound like some motivation speaker, but I actually think so.


You're perfect the way you are, Nania. I'm you. It's just an absolute... Yeah, you're perfect.