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When you're playing the match in that.


Tennis meditation.


Could you describe that a little bit?


Watch the ball, focus on the ball, move your feet. These are the basic fundamentals. The more you can be clear on what you need to focus on, the rest comes through. Right. So the first thing you learn in tennis is the last thing you learn in tennis. That's why I always try to remember if you just control your controllables, you know as much as you can and then focus on the simple things and then let your life experiences play out in a very natural way, it comes together.


So do the basics and stay in the moment. That's probably what I get from your answer.


Yes. The most important point is the next one. It's not the last one and it's not the one that you're imagining, you know, 2 hours from now. It's, it's the one right here. Now.