Transcribe your podcast

You've been speaking on mental health since before it was cool. 28 years of being a psychiatrist, what have you learned about in human society?


Please take ownership of what you say to people who have mental illness. It is not a matter of choice. It's a medical illness.


What's the bare minimum situation in a human beings life for them to think that, okay, I need to go for some therapy?


Imagine, sadness, 24/7, without even an apparent reason. How tough would that be?


With adult ADHD, how does it impair the nature of your life?


You may struggle in your relationships. Why?


Is there a very significant childhood experience that affects a lot of adults in urban environments today?


Experience of being in childhood can lead to significant mental health issues as adults.


The most common problem you hear about is anxiety.


There is a 25% increase in depression and anxiety. I feel very bad for this generation.