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Have you seen any of our Beher Baisers memes? I actually do. Play this one. How are you?.


What age pressure has been put on you in your life? 99% men telling this woman that, how dare you not have a child? What is this arrogance that you have in yourself to not have a child? Literally no one is obligated to love you. It hurts very hard.


What do girls go to gynecologist for in the early '20s? And there are people who've frozen there. Sperm freezing is so much more different.


Sperm freezing, I guess, is fun for you guys.


Do you think Instagram triggers too much, for lack of a better word, horniness in people? I see that with a lot of guy friends of mine. You see something on Instagram, and either they use Porn or they use dating apps to cope. Welcome to the world of men. With this whole young heart attack, young cancer situation, in the coming decade, we're probably going to lose friends.