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Why do you say Hari om Tatsat? Hari om Tatsat. You say it at the end of all your reels. All are reels. Hariyom Tatsat is something very beautiful, because every text that you read, it ends with aum Tatsat. And when we live in Rishikesh, we address everyone with Hari om Tatsat. That is to make you realize that pure consciousness is the same everywhere. Hari is Vishnu, Vishnu is the one who's sustaining in everything.


Om is a naa.


Like you know how to chant Om?


This is. You chant Om from the navel. When the sound comes from that, that is the naat. You know, at times when you are very quiet, I knew you a sound will come all of a sudden. It is the sound of the planets and such higher sounds. It's called Naad. The highest sound is Om Hari Om. That's it. So aum, when we chant, it's I'm chanting from the navel, so that now there's the highest experience.


That is where the formless has taken the first form, that is Shiv, Jamdu and Tatt sat is that vedantic statement, where that reality which never changes.