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I have to talk to you about Steve Austin.




What's he like as a guy?


Beer drinking, SOB, country boy. That's what I said, that's why we get along so well. It's just because we're just we're Rednecks and I'm proud of it.


Have you ever seen him showing the finger.


To anyone? Oh, yeah, he's done it to me many times.


Man, I can't imagine what it's like being shown a finger by Stonecoat. It probably.


Feels nice.


It does.


It's warm and it's almost.


Like a hug. Thank you for validating my childhood, Steve.


When he comes around, he commands attention because you can't deny, he's one of the greatest to ever do it. And his mind is so amazing for the business to be able to sit down and pick his brain. And so as I said, any time I have the opportunity to sit around and listen and pick his brain to learn more about this business, it's an unbelievable opportunity.