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I want to ask you questions related to the cyber security when you're dealing with deep fakes. How do you combat yourself starring in a porno?


Deep fakes will only keep getting better.


That's just the nature of the beast.


Yeah. Forensically, are there tools to go ahead and detect certain types of things which are happening? The answer is yes, there are. But as you said, if your face is used in a movie which you don't like, what do you do about that? If you look at a deep fake at half the speed, you will see a lot of frames have not been filled in. That a normal movie that is being shot, it will flow naturally. Legally in India, there is no law for deep frame, but there is the Indian IT Act under which if somebody is impersonating you, you can totally be booked under that section.


But this thing about jittery videos is probably also going to get solved. Because jittery videos basically means lesser frames per second. I'm sure a computer will be able to do over time. Absolutely.


That's very normal.